I have 2 MySQL servers: one for development, other for production. Both contain same table structure, but different data on tables.
When I have done change on dev server, like add column to table, I have manually made the same change later to production server. But this slow and error prone, especially if there are many changes to be made at once.
Is there better way to do this? I have phpMyAdmin, maybe that has some neat trick?
Also, is there a dedicated term for what this process is called? Searching for 'table update' or similar does not yield results on this topic.
Forgot to mention that I am using Windows.
So apparently I need some kind of diff tool for this. I haven't tested all of these proposed software yet, but so far they seem very useful.
I've used Red Gate's SQL Compare before for SQL Server; this is their MySQL product. I don't have the budget to buy it myself, but if it works anything like SQL Compare did, it'll do exactly what you want it to do.