


"""An SignalAnalyzer class and some helper functions. NOTE:  The ROHDE&SCHWARZ SignalAnalzer's port is 5025, different from Aglinet's port 5023 Only tested on Agilent N9000A CXA Signal Analyzer. Example: >>> from signalanalyzerlib import SA  >>> sa = SA('', 5023) # connect to the signal analyzer, using port 5023 >>> sa.getwelcome() # check if connect success 'Welcome to A-N9000A-10507' >>> sa.set_freq_cent(440, 'M') # set center freq to 440MHz True >>> # call other functions ... >>> sa.close() >>> Note: It's user's responsibility adding delay between calling these helper functions Here is a nice test: python 5023 """ # # Create by zhuzhenyu @ 2012.12.27 # import sys import os try:     import SOCKS; socket = SOCKS; del SOCKS except ImportError:     import socket __all__ = ["SA"] __version__ = '0.1' # Line terminators (we always output CRLF, but accept any of CRLF, CR, LF) CRLF = '\r\n' # The class itself class SA:     '''An Signal Analyzer connection class.     To create a connection, call the class using these arguments:         host, port '''     debugging = 0     host = ''     port = 0      sock = None     file = None     welcome = None     # Initialization method (called by class instantiation).     def __init__(self, host='', port=0):         if host:             self.connect(host, port)          def connect(self, host='', port=0):         '''Connect to host(SA).  Arguments are:         - host: hostname to connect to (string)         - port: port to connect to (integer)'''         if host != '':    = host         if port > 0:             self.port = port         self.sock = socket.create_connection((, self.port))         self.file = self.sock.makefile('rb') #self.welcome = self.getresp() #return self.welcome      def getwelcome(self):         '''Get the welcome messgage from the analyzer.         (this is read and squirreled away by connect())'''         if self.debugging:             print '*welcome*', repr(self.welcome)         return self.welcome     def set_debuglevel(self, level):         '''Set the debugging level.         The required argument level means:         0: no debugging output(default)         1: print commands and responses but not body text etc.         2: also print raw lines read and sent before stripping CR/LF'''         self.debugging = level     debug = set_debuglevel     # Internal: return one line from the analyzer, stripping CRLF.     # Raise EOFError if the connection is closed.     def getline(self):         line = self.file.readline()         if self.debugging > 1:             print '*get*', repr(line)         if not line: raise EOFError         if line[-2:] == CRLF: line = line[:-2]         elif line[-1:] in CRLF: line = line[:-1]         return line     # Internal: get a response from the analyzer, which may possibly     # consist of multiple lines.  Return a single string with no     # trailing CRLF.  If the response consists of multiple lines,     # these are separated by '\n' characters in the string     def getmultiline(self):         line = self.getline()         if '?' in line: # query cmd contains a '?', so does the response             nextline = self.getline()             line = line + ('\n' + nextline)         return line     # Internal: get a response from the analyzer.     def getresp(self):         resp = self.getmultiline()         if self.debugging: print '*resp*', repr(resp)         return resp     # Internal: send one line to the analyzer, appending CRLF     def putline(self, line):         line = line + CRLF         if self.debugging > 1: print '*put*', repr(line)         self.sock.sendall(line)          # Internal: send one command to the analyzer (through putline())     def putcmd(self, line):         if self.debugging: print '*cmd*', repr(line)         self.putline(line)     def sendcmd(self, cmd):         '''Send a command and return the response.'''         self.putcmd(cmd)         return self.getresp()     # Internal: skip 'SCPI>' prompt in the response and strip     def skipprompt(self, s):         if s[:6] == 'SCPI> ' or s[:6] == 'scpi> ':             s = s[6:]         # FIXME: Don't know why such strange bytes always in the first response         if '\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03' == s[:6]:              s = s[6:]         return s.strip()          # Internal: get result from multiline response     def extractresult(self, s):         return s     def voidcmd(self, cmd):         '''Send a command and expect a response equal with the command.'''         self.putcmd(cmd) #self.skipprompt(self.getresp()) == cmd)     def resultcmd(self, cmd):         '''Send a command and expect a response which is a number.'''         self.putcmd(cmd)         return self.extractresult(self.skipprompt(self.getresp()))     def close(self):         '''Close the connection without assuming anything about it.'''         if self.file:             self.file.close()             self.sock.close()             self.file = self.sock = None     # Check "Agilent X-Series Signal Analyzer User's and Programmer's Reference"     # for the details of the following helper functions     def freq_cent(self, freq, unit='M'):         cmd = 'FREQ:CENT ' + str(freq) + unit + 'Hz'         self.voidcmd(cmd)     def freq_span(self, span, unit='M'):         cmd = 'FREQ:SPAN ' + str(span) + unit + 'Hz'         self.voidcmd(cmd)     def disp_wind_trac_y_rlev(self, lev):         cmd = 'DISP:WIND:TRAC:Y:RLEV ' + str(lev) + 'dBm'         self.voidcmd(cmd)     def band(self, width, unit='K'):         cmd = 'BAND ' + str(width) + unit + 'Hz'         self.voidcmd(cmd)     def band_vid(self, width, unit='K'):         cmd = 'BAND:VID ' + str(width) + unit + 'Hz'         self.voidcmd(cmd)          def calc_mark_mode_pos(self):         cmd = 'CALC:MARK:MODE POS'         self.voidcmd(cmd)     def calc_mark_max(self):         cmd = 'CALC:MARK:MAX'         self.voidcmd(cmd)     def set_harm_num(self, num):         cmd = 'CALC:MARK:FUNC:HARM:NHAR ' + str(num)          self.voidcmd(cmd)     def set_harm_on_off(self, switch): if switch == 'ON': cmd = 'CALC:MARK:FUNC:HARM:STAT ' + switch  self.voidcmd(cmd) elif switch == 'OFF': cmd = 'CALC:MARK:FUNC:HARM:STAT ' + switch  self.voidcmd(cmd) else: pass     def read_harm_value(self):         cmd = 'CALC:MARK:FUNC:HARM:LIST?'          return self.resultcmd(cmd)     def calc_mark_x(self):         cmd = 'CALC:MARK:X?'         return self.resultcmd(cmd)     def calc_mark_y(self):         cmd = 'CALC:MARK:Y?'         return self.resultcmd(cmd)          def calc_mark_aoff(self):         cmd = 'CALC:MARK:AOFF'         self.voidcmd(cmd)          # TODO: add other functions here def test():     '''Test program.     Usage: sa [-d] host port      -d debug     This test program will set the analyzer's center freq to 456MHz,     set the freq span to 20MHz...  and output measured freq and power.     '''     import time     if len(sys.argv) < 3:         print test.__doc__         sys.exit(0)     debugging = 0     while sys.argv[1] == '-d':         debugging = debugging + 1         del sys.argv[1]     host = sys.argv[1]     port = sys.argv[2]     sa = SA(host, port)     sa.set_debuglevel(debugging) #print sa.getwelcome()     sa.freq_cent(456, 'M')     sa.freq_span(20, 'M')     sa.disp_wind_trac_y_rlev(20), 'K')     sa.band_vid(10, 'K')     sa.calc_mark_mode_pos()     # must sleep here after calc_mark_mode_pos and calc_mark_max     time.sleep(2)     sa.calc_mark_max()     time.sleep(5)     currentfreq = sa.calc_mark_x()     currentpower = sa.calc_mark_y()     sa.calc_mark_aoff()     sa.close()     print 'Current Freq:', currentfreq     print 'Current Power:', currentpower if __name__ == '__main__':     test()

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