like roofs shell white_Whileshell-likeroofsunlikeanythingelseintheworldmaketheSydneyOperaHouseanimag...

While shell-like roofs unlike anything else in the world make the Sydney Opera House an image of timeless beauty. It is famous for being a symbol not only of a city but a whole country and condition too.

Its creator Danish architect Jorn Utzon turned 85 last Wednesday. And he was awarded the Prizker Prize known as the Nobel Prize of Architecture on April 6. But Utzon has never seen his Opera House.

The story began in 1957 when Utzon won an international competition to design an opera house in Sydney.

But not everyone was enthusiastic (热心的 ) . Utzon left his Opera project in 1966 after an argument with the local government and a storm of public criticism over the building’s design. It was not completed until seven years later and Utzon has never returned to Australia to see the result of his work.

“Utzon made a building well ahead of its time and he persevered (坚持) through criticism to build a building that changed the image of an entire country ” said Frank Gehry a Pritzer Architecture Prize judge.

Although the Sydney Opera House was Utzon’s masterpiece it damaged his career. Upon his return to Denmark he found work hard to come by so he become a teacher at a university in Hawaii.

Utzon said he once saw posters of the Opera House. The interiors were different from his design. But he said “There is no regret for it gave me such a wonderful experience in Australia and towards which I only have love and appreciation .”

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth opened the Opera House in 1973 and it now holds around 3000 events every year. It is recognized as one of the great symbolic buildings of the 20th century.

1.The Sydney Opera House was completed_____.

A. in 1957 B. in 1906

C. in 1973 D. in 1980

2.Utzon has never seen his Opera House because _______.

A. it has white shell-like roofs unlike anything else in the world

B. its creator is Danish architect who returned to Denmark

C. he was not awarded the Pritzker Prize known as the Nobel Prize of Architecture

D. he argued with the local government and was criticized over his design

3.The underlined word “come by” in Paragraph 6 means ______.

A. find B. pass

C. hire D. Develop

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