模拟器的话 很多都是移植好的真机安装的话只要把库文件直接放到相应的文件夹中 我曾经参考过一篇文章 安装后能用输入法 并且能玩忘仙等游戏 也不会检测到是使用模拟器
So, to summarize, if you want to build your Android x86 distrib with libhoudini support :
■Apply this patch to dalvik
■Put the libhoudini.so to /system/lib/ and the arm libraries to /system/lib/arm/
■Put the libdvm_houdini.so to /system/lib/
■Put the arm libs to /system/lib/arm/
■Add the libnativehelper_GBfake project to your source code and put the libnativehelper_GBfake.so in /system/lib/
■Add the “LD_PRELOAD /system/lib/libnativehelper_GBfake.so” to your init.rc
■Add the “ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi” line to your system.prop
■Build everything and enjoy