
我们知道,从 9i开始,Shared Pool可以被分割为多个子缓冲池(SubPool)进行管理,以提高并发性,减少竞争。

Shared Pool的每个SubPool可以被看作是一个Mini Shared Pool,拥有自己独立的Free List、内存结构以及LRU List。同时Oracle提供多个Latch对各个子缓冲池进行管理,从而避免单个Latch的竞争(Shared Pool Reserved Area同样进行分割管理)。SubPool最多可以有7个,Shared Pool Latch也从原来的一个增加到现在的7个。如果系统有4个或4个以上的CPU,并且SHARED_POOL_SIZE大于250MB,Oracle可以把Shared Pool分割为多个子缓冲池(SubPool)进行管理,在Oracle 9i中,每个SubPool至少为128MB。


Tue Dec 11 17:14:49 2007

Errors in file /oracle/app/admin/ctais2/udump/ctais2_ora_778732.trc:

ORA-04031: unable to allocate 4216 bytes of shared memory

("shared pool","IDX_DJ_NSRXX_P_NSRMCCTAIS2","sga heap(2,0)","library cache")

ORA-04031: unable to allocate 4216 bytes of shared memory

("shared pool","IDX_DJ_NSRXX_P_NSRMCCTAIS2","sga heap(2,0)","library cache")

Tue Dec 11 17:14:51 2007

Errors in file /oracle/app/admin/ctais2/bdump/ctais2_pmon_393248.trc:

ORA-04031: unable to allocate 4216 bytes of shared memory

("shared pool","unknown object","sga heap(2,0)","library cache")

Oracle 9i中多个子缓冲池的结构如图所示。


子缓冲池的数量受一个新引入的隐含参数_KGHDSIDX_COUNT影响。可以手工调整该参数(仅限于试验环境研究用),观察共享池管理的变化,可以通过如下步骤转储默认情况以及修改后的Shared Pool,再进行观察:

alter session set events 'immediate trace name heapdump level 2';

alter system set "_kghdsidx_count"=2 scope=spfile;

startup force;

alter session set events 'immediate trace name heapdump level 2';

以下是概要输出,注意在前者的跟踪文件中,sga heap(1,0)指共享池只存在一个子缓冲,后者则存在sga heap(1,0)以及sga heap(2,0)两个子缓冲池:

[oracle@jumper udump]$ grep "sga heap" eygle_ora_25766.trc

HEAP DUMP heap name="sga heap"  desc=0x5000002c

HEAP DUMP heap name="sga heap(1,0)"  desc=0x5001ef0c

[oracle@jumper udump]$ grep "sga heap" eygle_ora_25786.trc

HEAP DUMP heap name="sga heap"  desc=0x5000002c

HEAP DUMP heap name="sga heap(1,0)"  desc=0x5001ef0c

HEAP DUMP heap name="sga heap(2,0)"  desc=0x50023c04


l  每个子缓冲池必须满足一定的内存约束条件;

l  每4颗CPU可以分配一个子缓冲池,子缓冲池的数量最多7个。

在Oracle 9i中,每个SubPool容量至少128MB,而在Oracle 10g中,每个子缓冲池至少为256MB。如前所述,SubPool的数量可以通过_kghdsidx_count参数来控制,但是没有参数可以显式地控制SubPool的大小。

根据以上规则,在一个12颗CPU的系统中,如果分配容量为300MB的Shared Pool,Oracle 9i将创建两个SubPool,每个容量大约150MB,如果共享池容量增加到500MB,Oracle将创建3个SubPool,每个大约166MB。

不管Oracle 9i中的128MB以及Oracle10g中的256MB,这样的SubPool在许多复杂的系统中,都可能是过小的,在这些情况下,可能要增大SubPool。可以通过控制Shared Pool大小以及SubPool的数量来改变SubPool的大小。一些Bug以及内部表明500MB的SubPool可能会带来更好的性能,所以从Oracle 11g开始,每个SubPool至少为512MB。

除大小控制之外,在Oracle 10g中,Oracle仍然对共享池的管理做出了进一步改进,那就是对单个子缓冲池进行进一步的细分。现在默认,Oracle 10g会将单个缓冲池分割为4个子分区进行管理(这可能是因为通常4颗CPU才分配一个SubPool),使用类似如上的方法在Oracle 10gR2中进行测试:

alter session set events 'immediate trace name heapdump level 2';

alter system set "_kghdsidx_count"=2 scope=spfile;

startup force;

alter session set events 'immediate trace name heapdump level 2';

分析得到的日志,当仅有一个子缓冲池时,Shared Pool被划分为sga heap(1,0)~sga heap(1,3)共4个子分区:

[oracle@eygle udump]$ grep "sga heap" eygle_ora_13577.trc

HEAP DUMP heap name="sga heap"  desc=0x2000002c

HEAP DUMP heap name="sga heap(1,0)"  desc=0x2001b550

HEAP DUMP heap name="sga heap(1,1)"  desc=0x2001c188

HEAP DUMP heap name="sga heap(1,2)"  desc=0x2001cdc0

HEAP DUMP heap name="sga heap(1,3)"  desc=0x2001d9f8

当使用两个子缓冲池时,Shared Pool则被划分为8个子分区进行管理如下:

[oracle@eygle udump]$ grep "sga heap" eygle_ora_13618.trc

HEAP DUMP heap name="sga heap"  desc=0x2000002c

HEAP DUMP heap name="sga heap(1,0)"  desc=0x2001b550

HEAP DUMP heap name="sga heap(1,1)"  desc=0x2001c188

HEAP DUMP heap name="sga heap(1,2)"  desc=0x2001cdc0

HEAP DUMP heap name="sga heap(1,3)"  desc=0x2001d9f8

HEAP DUMP heap name="sga heap(2,0)"  desc=0x20020640

HEAP DUMP heap name="sga heap(2,1)"  desc=0x20021278

HEAP DUMP heap name="sga heap(2,2)"  desc=0x20021eb0

HEAP DUMP heap name="sga heap(2,3)"  desc=0x20022ae8

Oracle 10g中多缓冲池结构如图所示。


通过一个内部表X$KGHLU([K]ernel [G]eneric memory [H]eap manager State of [L]R[U] Of Unpinned Recreatable chunks)可以查询这些子缓冲池的分配:

SQL>select addr,indx,kghluidx,kghludur,kghluops,kghlurcr from x$kghlu;


-------- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

B5F4C5B4    0          2          3      12773        257

B5F4C1AC    1          2          2      43675       1042

B5F4D9C8    2          2          1      18831       1518

B5F4D5C0    3          2          0          0          0

B5F4D1B8    4          1          3     144697        327

B5F4E9E4    5          1          2     483428       1462

B5F4E5DC    6          1          1       6558        982

B5F4E1D4    7          1          0          0          0

8 rows selected.

通过这一系列的算法改进,Oracle中Shared Pool管理得以不断增强,较好地解决了大Shared Pool的性能问题;Oracle 8i中,过大Shared Pool设置可能带来的栓锁争用等性能问题在某种程度上得以解决。从Oracle 10g开始,Oracle开始提供自动共享内存管理,使用该特性,用户可以不必显示设置共享内存参数,Oracle会自动进行分配和调整,虽然Oracle为用户提供了极大的便利,但是了解自动化后面的原理对于理解Oracle的运行机制仍然是十分重要的。


因为子缓冲池存在的种种问题,从Oracle 10g开始,允许内存请求在不同SubPool之间进行切换(Switch),从而提高了请求成功的可能(但是显然切换不可能是无限制的,所以问题仍然可能存在)。


SQL>select * from v$version where rownum <2;



Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

SQL> show parameter cpu_count

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

cpu_count                            integer     48

SQL> select * from v$sga;

NAME                                      VALUE

------------------------------ ----------------

Fixed Size                               762240

Variable Size                        2600468480

Database Buffers                    18975031296

Redo Buffers                            6578176


SQL> select a.ksppinm, b.ksppstvl from   x$ksppi a, x$ksppsv b

where  a.indx = b.indx and a.ksppinm = '_kghdsidx_count';

KSPPINM                                                          KSPPSTVL

---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------

_kghdsidx_count                                                  7


SQL> select child#, gets from v$latch_children

where name = 'shared pool' order by child#;


---------- ----------

1  333403016

2  355720323

3  273944301

4  197980497

5  282347697

6  354398593

7  468809111

看一下具体的子池使用及内存情况,注意到各个Shared Pool子池平均分配了320MB内存左右,共享池合计约2256MB:

SELECT      'shared pool (' || NVL (DECODE (TO_CHAR (ksmdsidx), '0', '0 - Unused', ksmdsidx),'Total') || '):' subpool,

SUM (ksmsslen) BYTES, ROUND (SUM (ksmsslen) / 1048576, 2) mb

FROM x$ksmss WHERE ksmsslen > 0

GROUP BY ROLLUP (ksmdsidx) ORDER BY subpool ASC


SUBPOOL                             BYTES         MB

------------------------------ ---------- ----------

shared pool (1):                352321536        336

shared pool (2):                335544320        320

shared pool (3):                335544320        320

shared pool (4):                335544320        320

shared pool (5):                335544320        320

shared pool (6):                335544320        320

shared pool (7):                335544320        320

shared pool (Total):           2365587456       2256

8 rows selected.


SELECT   subpool, NAME, SUM (BYTES), ROUND (SUM (BYTES) / 1048576, 2) mb

FROM (SELECT    'shared pool (' || DECODE (TO_CHAR (ksmdsidx), '0', '0 - Unused', ksmdsidx)

|| '):' subpool, ksmssnam NAME, ksmsslen BYTES

FROM x$ksmss WHERE ksmsslen > 0 AND LOWER (ksmssnam) LIKE LOWER ('%free memory%'))



SUBPOOL                        NAME                           SUM(BYTES)         MB

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ----------

shared pool (1):               free memory                       8158640       7.78

shared pool (2):               free memory                       7414472       7.07

shared pool (3):               free memory                       7831608       7.47

shared pool (4):               free memory                      10690992       10.2

shared pool (5):               free memory                      17201856       16.4

shared pool (6):               free memory                       8239920       7.86

shared pool (7):               free memory                      13925416      13.28


SQL> SELECT   ksmchidx "SubPool", 'sga heap(' || ksmchidx || ',0)' sga_heap,

2           ksmchcom chunkcomment,

3           DECODE (ROUND (ksmchsiz / 1000),

4                   0, '0-1K', 1, '1-2K',2, '2-3K',3, '3-4K',4, '4-5K', 5, '5-6k',

5                   6, '6-7k', 7, '7-8k',8, '8-9k',9, '9-10k', '> 10K'

6                  ) "size",

7           COUNT (*), ksmchcls status, SUM (ksmchsiz) BYTES

8      FROM x$ksmsp WHERE ksmchcom = 'free memory'

9  GROUP BY ksmchidx, ksmchcls, 'sga heap(' || ksmchidx || ',0)',ksmchcom, ksmchcls,

10           DECODE (ROUND (ksmchsiz / 1000),

11                   0, '0-1K', 1, '1-2K',2, '2-3K',3, '3-4K',4, '4-5K', 5, '5-6k',

12                   6, '6-7k', 7, '7-8k',8, '8-9k',9, '9-10k', '> 10K' );


------- ------------------- ---------------- ----- ---------- -------- ----------

1 sga heap(1,0)       free memory      0-1K        5173 free         922568

1 sga heap(1,0)       free memory      1-2K        5422 free        5274920


1 sga heap(1,0)       free memory      6-7k           2 R-free        11968

1 sga heap(1,0)       free memory      7-8k           9 R-free        62096

1 sga heap(1,0)       free memory      8-9k          12 R-free        95480

1 sga heap(1,0)       free memory      9-10k         11 R-free        99192

1 sga heap(1,0)       free memory      > 10K         25 R-free       434272

2 sga heap(2,0)       free memory      0-1K        4919 free         848864


2 sga heap(2,0)       free memory      9-10k          5 R-free        46056

2 sga heap(2,0)       free memory      > 10K         43 R-free       769144

3 sga heap(3,0)       free memory      0-1K        6921 free        1058264


3 sga heap(3,0)       free memory      9-10k          9 R-free        81344

3 sga heap(3,0)       free memory      > 10K         64 R-free      1212424

4 sga heap(4,0)       free memory      0-1K        6430 free         928688


4 sga heap(4,0)       free memory      9-10k          9 R-free        80464

4 sga heap(4,0)       free memory      > 10K         34 R-free       689640

5 sga heap(5,0)       free memory      0-1K        4416 free         779096


5 sga heap(5,0)       free memory      9-10k          4 R-free        36344

5 sga heap(5,0)       free memory      > 10K         40 R-free      1669384

6 sga heap(6,0)       free memory      0-1K        6203 free         863104


6 sga heap(6,0)       free memory      9-10k         11 R-free        99464

6 sga heap(6,0)       free memory      > 10K         56 R-free      1758912

7 sga heap(7,0)       free memory      0-1K        3814 free         607616


7 sga heap(7,0)       free memory      9-10k          6 R-free        54432

7 sga heap(7,0)       free memory      > 10K         52 R-free      2816480

120 rows selected.

针对这种情况,我们可以相应减少Shared Pool子池的数量,以使得每个子池可以有足够的空闲内存可用。在这个客户环境中,首先将_kghdsidx_count调整为3,ORA-04031错误即没有再次出现,调整之后,每个子池的内存扩大到750MB左右:

SUBPOOL                             BYTES         MB

------------------------------ ---------- ----------

shared pool (1):                788529152        752

shared pool (2):                788529192        752

shared pool (3):                771751936        736

shared pool (Total):           2348810280       2240


SUBPOOL                        NAME                       SUM(BYTES)         MB

------------------------------ -------------------------- ---------- ----------

shared pool (1):               free memory                  56014080      53.42

shared pool (2):               free memory                  20292704      19.35

shared pool (3):               free memory                  67884912      64.74



------- ---------------- ---------------- ----- ---------- -------- ----------


1 sga heap(1,0)    free memory      8-9k           6 free          48016

1 sga heap(1,0)    free memory      > 10K          4 free          45448


1 sga heap(1,0)    free memory      9-10k         22 R-free       197536

1 sga heap(1,0)    free memory      > 10K        144 R-free      2606992


2 sga heap(2,0)    free memory      9-10k          8 free          72784

2 sga heap(2,0)    free memory      > 10K         15 free         172616


2 sga heap(2,0)    free memory      9-10k         22 R-free       195280

2 sga heap(2,0)    free memory      > 10K        155 R-free      2839248


3 sga heap(3,0)    free memory      8-9k          14 free         111736

3 sga heap(3,0)    free memory      9-10k          1 free           8808


3 sga heap(3,0)    free memory      9-10k         29 R-free       261272

3 sga heap(3,0)    free memory      > 10K        186 R-free      3434512

客户的系统是一个双节点RAC环境,在运行中,应用设置为只连接其中的一个节点,另外一个空闲节点的Shared Pool使用情况如下,列举供参考:


------- --------------- ---------------- ----- ---------- -------- ----------

1 sga heap(1,0)   free memory      0-1K         373 free          41144

1 sga heap(1,0)   free memory      1-2K           1 free           1488

1 sga heap(1,0)   free memory      2-3K           1 free           1936

1 sga heap(1,0)   free memory      3-4K           1 free           2704

1 sga heap(1,0)   free memory      4-5K           1 free           3776

1 sga heap(1,0)   free memory      9-10k          4 free          34864

1 sga heap(1,0)   free memory      > 10K        157 free      460271664

1 sga heap(1,0)   free memory      > 10K         38 R-free     25520800

2 sga heap(2,0)   free memory      0-1K         357 free          37376

2 sga heap(2,0)   free memory      3-4K           2 free           6152

2 sga heap(2,0)   free memory      4-5K           1 free           3776

2 sga heap(2,0)   free memory      > 10K        130 free      454592888

2 sga heap(2,0)   free memory      > 10K         38 R-free     25520800

3 sga heap(3,0)   free memory      0-1K         425 free          51280

3 sga heap(3,0)   free memory      3-4K           1 free           2704

3 sga heap(3,0)   free memory      7-8k           1 free           6664

3 sga heap(3,0)   free memory      > 10K         44 free      467930312

3 sga heap(3,0)   free memory      > 10K         38 R-free     25520800

ORA-04031出现时,可能共享池没有足够空闲内存,但是Shared Pool保留池(shared_pool_reserved_size)还有一定的内存空闲,所以我们可以释放降低使用保留池的内存大小,在这个案例中,降低_shared_pool_reserved_min_alloc参数设置,也帮助更好地利用了保留内存。

为什么会在一个 subpool中还有4个 sub partition 如:

sga heap(1,0) sga heap(1,1) sga heap(1,2) sga heap(1,3)

这不是因为 cpu的数目 也不是因为_kghdsidx_count, 而是因为 在10g 中AUTO SGA 引入了 shared pool duration的概念,

duration 分成4类:

Session duration

Instance duration (never freed)

Execution duration (freed fastest)

Free memory

引入了 shared pool duration的目的是

在10gR1中Shared Pool的shrink收缩操作存在一些缺陷,造成缺陷的原因是在该版本中Buffer Cache还没有能力共享使用一个granule,这是因为Buffer Cache的granule的尾部由granule header和Metadata(可能是buffer header或者RAC中的Lock Elements)拼接组成,在其尾部不容许存在空洞。另一个原因是当时的shared pool允许不同生命周期duration(以后会介绍)的chunk存放在同一个granule中,这造成共享池无法完全释放granule。到10gR2中通过对Buffer Cache Granule结构的修改允许在granule header和buffer及Metadata(buffer header或LE)存在缝隙,同时shared pool中不同duration的chunk将不在共享同一个granule,通过以上改进buffer cache与shared pool间的内存交换变得可行。此外在10gr2中streams pool也开始支持内存交换(实际根据不同的streams pool duration存在限制)

reference :

How To Determine The Default Number Of Subpools Allocated During Startup (文档 ID 455179.1)

In this Document


Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 9.2 to 11.2] Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document explains the algorithm for determining the default number of subpools allocated during database startup.


The calculation for the # of subpools of which the shared pool is comprised at instance startup is based on 3 items:

the # of CPUs available to Oracle (value A)

the shared pool size used by the instance (value B)

whether a hidden instance parameter forces the use of a fixed # of subpools (value C)

The reference to the values A, B, and C will be used in the section "Number of subpools" when determining the actual # of subpools which will be allocated at instance startup.

The # of CPUs

For every 4 CPUs a subpool will be allocated, with a maximum of 7 subpools. The formula used is:

((CPU_COUNT - 1) >> 2) + 1

which leads to:

1 - 4 CPUs = 1 subpool

5 - 8 CPUs = 2 subpools

9 - 12 CPUs = 3 subpools


The shared pool size

The shared pool size is dependent on whether Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASMM)/Automatic Memory Management (AMM) is used or not.

Manual Memory Mangement

In this case, the following instance parameters are not set, or set explicitly to 0:



When shared memory is managed manually, subpools are configured as follows based on the value of SHARED_POOL_SIZE instance parameter:

Oracle version

Minimum subpool size



10g <

256MB and higher


So if in Oracle11g a shared pool size of 1.4GB is configured, the calculation will result in 2 subpools of 700MB each (as a subpool must be at least 512MB in Oracle11g). On Oracle10g the same shared pool would have resulted in 5 subpools, each of 286MB.

Automatic Shared Memory Management & Automatic Memory Management

In this setup, either SGA_TARGET or MEMORY_TARGET is set to a non-0 value.

Is SHARED_POOL_SIZE explicitly set, then the same calculation will be done as documented in the section "Manual Memory Management".

Is SHARED_POOL_SIZE not set explicitly, then with the size of SGA_TARGET known (either set explicitly, or calculated by the instance as outlined in the aforementioned document), we assume that the maximum initial value to be set for the SHARED_POOL_SIZE will be 50% of the SGA target size.

Number of subpools

The formula used to calculate the # of subpools at startup is:

if C set


subpool_count = C


subpool_count = min(A, B)

So if the hidden parameter _kghdsidx_count is set (value C), then this is chosen to be the # of pools to be used at instance startup. If the parameter is not set, then the minimum of A and B will be used.

Note: as the # of subpools is determined at instance startup, changing the SHARED_POOL_SIZE and CPU_COUNT instance parameters dynamically will have no efect on the # of subpools being used.


The following examples describe some cases how to calculate the # of subpools allocated for the shared pool based on given information such as Oracle release, CPU count, and instance memory parameters being set.

Example 1:

The following setup is used:

Oracle9i is installed

the system has 12 CPUs

SHARED_POOL_SIZE is set to 300MB

The 12 CPUs lead to a possible allocation of 3 subpools (valueA). The 300MB shared pool size leads to a possible allocation of 2 subpools (valueB), each of 150MB in size. The actual # of subpools being allocated at instance startup is min(A, B), so min(3, 2) = 2.

Example 2:

The following setup is used:

Oracle11gR2 is installed

the system has 16 CPUs

MEMORY_TARGET is set to 4.2GB

no SGA_TARGET nor SHARED_POOL_SIZE is explicitly set

The 16 CPUs lead to a possible allocation of 4 subpools (valueA). The 4.2GB MEMORY_TARGET implies a SGA_TARGET of 2.52GB (60% of MEMORY_TARGET, as outlined inDocument:1392549.1), out of which is assumed that the shared pool will be at most 50%: 1.26GB. This leads to a possible allocation of 2 subpools (valueB), each of 630MB. So the actual # of subpools allocated at instance startup is min(A, B), so min(4, 2) = 2.

Example 3:

The following setup is used:

Oracle11gR2 is installed

the system has 16 CPUs

MEMORY_TARGET is set to 96GB

SGA_TARGET is set to 50GB

The 16 CPUs could lead to an allocation of 4 subpools (valueA). As SGA_TARGET is set, and SHARED_POOL_SIZE is not explictly set, the assumption is made that the shared pool size will be at most 25GB (50% of SGA_TARGET). This leads to a possible allocation of 7 subpools (valueB) as at most 7 subpools are allocated at any time and the calculation would lead to 50. So the actual # of subpools allocated at instance startup will be min(A, B), so min(4, 7) = 4.

Example 4:

The following setup is used:

Oracle11gR2 is installed

the system has 16 CPUs

MEMORY_TARGET is set to 60GB

SGA_TARGET is set to 30GB

_kghdsidx_count is set to 4

This automatically implies that 4 subpools will be allocated, as the _kghdsidx_count instance parameter takes precedence over everything else.



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  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


