python panda3d exsample_Python numpy.fromiter() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def make2d(array, cols=None, dtype=None):


Make a 2D array from an array of arrays. The `cols' and `dtype'

arguments can be omitted if the array is not empty.


if (cols is None or dtype is None) and not len(array):

raise RuntimeError("cols and dtype must be specified for empty "


if cols is None:

cols = len(array[0])

if dtype is None:

dtype = array[0].dtype

return _np.fromiter(array, [('_', dtype, (cols,))],


Example 2

def _load_saved_predictions(self, existing_predictions, matrix_store):

index = matrix_store.matrix.index

score_lookup = {}

for prediction in existing_predictions:



)] = prediction.score

if 'as_of_date' in index.names:

score_iterator = (



datetime.strptime(dt, self.expected_matrix_ts_format).date().isoformat()


for (entity_id, dt) in index



as_of_date = matrix_store.metadata['end_time'].date().isoformat()

score_iterator = (score_lookup[(row, as_of_date)] for row in index)

return numpy.fromiter(score_iterator, float)

Example 3

def txt2vec(self, text, vec_type=list):

"""Converts a string to a vector (list of ints).

First runs a sentence tokenizer, then a word tokenizer.

``vec_type`` is the type of the returned vector if the input is a string.


if vec_type == np.ndarray:

res = np.fromiter(

(self[token] for token in self.tokenize(str(text))),


elif vec_type == list or vec_type == tuple or vec_type == set:

res = vec_type((self[token] for token in self.tokenize(str(text))))


raise RuntimeError('Type {} not supported by dict'.format(vec_type))

assert type(res) == vec_type

return res

Example 4

def weighted_avg_and_std(values, weights=None):


Return the weighted average and standard deviation.

`values` - np.ndarray of values to average.

`weights` - Optional np.ndarray of weights. Otherwise all values are assumed

equally weighted.

Note the helpful np.fromiter() function, helpful building arrays.


if not isinstance(values, np.ndarray):

raise TypeError("Values must be an np.array")

if len(values) == 0:

raise ValueError("Can't calculate with no values")

if weights is not None:

if not isinstance(weights, np.ndarray):

raise TypeError("Weights must be None or an np.array")

if len(values) != len(weights):

raise ValueError("Length of values and weights differ")

average = np.average(values, weights=weights)

variance = np.average((values-average)**2, weights=weights) # Fast and numerically precise

return (average, math.sqrt(variance))

Example 5

def draw_links(self,n=1,log_sampling=False):

""" Draw multiple random links. """

urls = []

domain_array = np.array([dmn for dmn in self.domain_links])

domain_count = np.array([len(self.domain_links[domain_array[k]]) for k in range(domain_array.shape[0])])

p = np.array([np.float(c) for c in domain_count])

count_total = p.sum()

if log_sampling: # log-sampling [log(x+1)] to bias lower count domains

p = np.fromiter((np.log1p(x) for x in p), dtype=p.dtype)

if count_total > 0:

p = p/p.sum()

cnts = npr.multinomial(n, pvals=p)

if n > 1:

for k in range(cnts.shape[0]):

domain = domain_array[k]

cnt = min(cnts[k],domain_count[k])

for url in random.sample(self.domain_links[domain],cnt):



k = int(np.nonzero(cnts)[0])

domain = domain_array[k]

url = random.sample(self.domain_links[domain],1)[0]


return urls

Example 6

def __init__(self):


stack = self._stack

# classes

self.classes_ = [0, 1, 2]

self.average_classes = [0, 2]

# data

self.data_dir = 'data/twitter/semeval_2016_submit'

with temp_chdir(self.data_dir):

self.train_objs = JSONDecoder(stack.enter_context(open('train.json')))

self.train_docs = FieldExtractor(self.train_objs, 'text')

self.train_labels = np.fromiter(FieldExtractor(self.train_objs, 'label'), 'int32')

distant_srs = [stack.enter_context(open('../emote/class_{}.txt'.format(i), encoding='utf-8')) for i in [0, 2]]

self.distant_docs = BalancedSlice(distant_srs)

self.distant_labels = BalancedSlice((RepeatSr(0), RepeatSr(2)))

unsup_sr = stack.enter_context(open('../unsup/all.txt', encoding='utf-8'))

self.unsup_docs = BalancedSlice([unsup_sr])

self.val_objs = JSONDecoder(stack.enter_context(open('val.json')))

self.val_docs = FieldExtractor(self.val_objs, 'text')

self.val_labels = FieldExtractor(self.val_objs, 'label')

self.test_objs = JSONDecoder(stack.enter_context(open('test.json')))

self.test_docs = FieldExtractor(self.test_objs, 'text')

self.test_labels = FieldExtractor(self.test_objs, 'label')

Example 7

def __init__(self):


stack = self._stack

# classes

self.classes_ = [0, 1, 2]

self.average_classes = [0, 2]

# data

self.data_dir = 'data/imdb'

with temp_chdir(self.data_dir):

self.train_objs = JSONDecoder(stack.enter_context(open('train.json')))

self.train_docs = FieldExtractor(self.train_objs, 'text')

self.train_labels = np.fromiter(FieldExtractor(self.train_objs, 'label'), 'int32')

unsup_sr = stack.enter_context(open('unsup.json'))

self.unsup_docs = BalancedSlice([FieldExtractor(unsup_sr, 'text')])

self.val_objs = JSONDecoder(stack.enter_context(open('val.json')))

self.val_docs = FieldExtractor(self.val_objs, 'text')

self.val_labels = FieldExtractor(self.val_objs, 'label')

self.test_objs = JSONDecoder(stack.enter_context(open('test.json')))

self.test_docs = FieldExtractor(self.test_objs, 'text')

self.test_labels = FieldExtractor(self.test_objs, 'label')

Example 8

def __init__(self):


stack = self._stack

# classes

self.classes_ = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

self.average_classes = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# data

self.data_dir = 'data/yelp'

with temp_chdir(self.data_dir):

self.train_objs = JSONDecoder(stack.enter_context(open('train.json')))

self.train_docs = FieldExtractor(self.train_objs, 'text')

self.train_labels = np.fromiter(FieldExtractor(self.train_objs, 'stars'), 'int32')

self.val_objs = JSONDecoder(stack.enter_context(open('val.json')))

self.val_docs = FieldExtractor(self.val_objs, 'text')

self.val_labels = FieldExtractor(self.val_objs, 'stars')

self.test_objs = JSONDecoder(stack.enter_context(open('test.json')))

self.test_docs = FieldExtractor(self.test_objs, 'text')

self.test_labels = FieldExtractor(self.test_objs, 'stars')

Example 9

def test():

# create a bunch of random data for X-axis

# uniformly generate 2-D vectors in [-50, 50]

X = 100*np.random.random([NUM_SAMPLES, 2]) - 50

# create a bunch of random data for Y-axis

# let's say y = 5x1 - 2x2 + 3 + noise

# true beta is then: [3, 5, -2]

Y = np.fromiter((5*x1 - 2*x2 + 3 for x1, x2 in X), np.float, count=NUM_SAMPLES)

Y += np.random.standard_normal(NUM_SAMPLES)

# fit

lr = LinearRegression(),Y)

print "beta estimated: %s" % lr.beta

r2 = lr.score(X,Y)

print "R-square is: %s" % r2

# predict

x = (100, 100)

h = lr.predict(np.array([x]))

y = 5*x[0] - 2*x[1] + 3

print "Extrapolated prediction: %.2f\nActual: %.2f" % (h, y)

Example 10

def read_vectors(fin, dtype='float64', delim=' '):

"""Return a list with tuples (word, word_vector)."""

reader = csv.reader(fin, delimiter=delim, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)

word_vectors = []

ncol = None

for row in reader:

if ncol is None:

if len(row) == 2:

ncol = int(row[1])



ncol = len(row) - 1

word = unicode(row[0], 'utf-8', errors='replace')

word_vector = np.fromiter(

[float(v) for v in row[1: ncol + 1]],

dtype=dtype, count=ncol)

word_vectors.append((word, word_vector))

return word_vectors

Example 11

def lsb_encode(data, image):

bytes_io = BytesIO()

dump(data, file=bytes_io)

data_bytes = bytes_io.getvalue()

data_bytes_array = np.fromiter(data_bytes, dtype=np.uint8)

data_bits_list = np.unpackbits(data_bytes_array).tolist()

data_bits_list += [0] * (image.size[0] * image.size[1] - len(data_bits_list))

watermark = Image.frombytes(data=bytes(data_bits_list), size=image.size, mode='L')

red, green, blue = image.split()

watermarked_red = ImageMath.eval("convert(a&0xFE|b&0x1,'L')", a=red, b=watermark)

watermarked_image = Image.merge("RGB", (watermarked_red, green, blue))

return watermarked_image

Example 12

def decons_obs_group_ids(comp_ids, obs_ids, shape, labels, xnull):


reconstruct labels from observed group ids



xnull: boolean,

if nulls are excluded; i.e. -1 labels are passed through


from pandas.hashtable import unique_label_indices

if not xnull:

lift = np.fromiter(((a == -1).any() for a in labels), dtype='i8')

shape = np.asarray(shape, dtype='i8') + lift

if not _int64_overflow_possible(shape):

# obs ids are deconstructable! take the fast route!

out = decons_group_index(obs_ids, shape)

return out if xnull or not lift.any() \

else [x - y for x, y in zip(out, lift)]

i = unique_label_indices(comp_ids)

i8copy = lambda a: a.astype('i8', subok=False, copy=True)

return [i8copy(lab[i]) for lab in labels]

Example 13

def cartesian_product(X):


Numpy version of itertools.product or pandas.compat.product.

Sometimes faster (for large inputs)...



>>> cartesian_product([list('ABC'), [1, 2]])

[array(['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C'], dtype='|S1'),

array([1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2])]


lenX = np.fromiter((len(x) for x in X), dtype=int)

cumprodX = np.cumproduct(lenX)

a = np.roll(cumprodX, 1)

a[0] = 1

b = cumprodX[-1] / cumprodX

return [np.tile(np.repeat(np.asarray(com._values_from_object(x)), b[i]),


for i, x in enumerate(X)]

Example 14

def r(self):


Pearson correlation of the fitted Variogram



# get the experimental and theoretical variogram and cacluate means

experimental, model = self.__model_deviations()

mx = np.nanmean(experimental)

my = np.nanmean(model)

# claculate the single pearson correlation terms

term1 = np.nansum(np.fromiter(map(lambda x, y: (x-mx) * (y-my), experimental, model), np.float))

t2x = np.nansum(np.fromiter(map(lambda x: (x-mx)**2, experimental), np.float))

t2y = np.nansum(np.fromiter(map(lambda y: (y-my)**2, model), np.float))

return term1 / (np.sqrt(t2x * t2y))

Example 15

def trajectory_lengths(self, stride=1, skip=0):

r""" Returns the length of each trajectory.



stride : int

return value is the number of frames of the trajectories when

running through them with a step size of `stride`.

skip : int

skip parameter



array(dtype=int) : containing length of each trajectory


n = self.number_of_trajectories()

if isinstance(stride, np.ndarray):

return np.fromiter((self.trajectory_length(itraj, stride)

for itraj in range(n)),

dtype=int, count=n)


return np.fromiter(((l - skip - 1) // stride + 1 for l in self._lengths),

dtype=int, count=n)

Example 16

def test_ttv_array_like_data_source(self):

dummy_data_source = DummyDataSource()

subject_info_dir = os.path.join('test', 'dummy_data', 'metadata')

ttv = yaml_to_dict(os.path.join(subject_info_dir, 'dummy_ttv.yaml'))

array_ds = TTVArrayLikeDataSource(dummy_data_source, ttv)

self.assertEqual(len(array_ds), 3)

all_values = np.fromiter((x for x in array_ds[:]), dtype='int16')





np.array([1, 2, 3])




Example 17

def set_languages(self, langs=None):

logger.debug("restricting languages to: %s", langs)

# Unpack the full original model. This is needed in case the language set

# has been previously trimmed, and the new set is not a subset of the current

# set.

nb_ptc, nb_pc, nb_classes = self.__full_model

if langs is None:

self.nb_classes = nb_classes

self.nb_ptc = nb_ptc

self.nb_pc = nb_pc


# We were passed a restricted set of languages. Trim the arrays accordingly

# to speed up processing.

for lang in langs:

if lang not in nb_classes:

raise ValueError("Unknown language code %s" % lang)

subset_mask = np.fromiter((l in langs for l in nb_classes), dtype=bool)

self.nb_classes = [ c for c in nb_classes if c in langs ]

self.nb_ptc = nb_ptc[:,subset_mask]

self.nb_pc = nb_pc[subset_mask]

Example 18

def write_stats_to_file(filename, counts, mincount):

os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True)

with open(filename + ".txt", 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f:

if args.perc == 0:

percentile = 0


percentile = numpy.percentile(numpy.fromiter(counts.values(), numpy.int32), args.perc)

threshold = max(percentile, mincount)

for k, v in counts.items():

if v >= threshold:

entry = k.split(SEPARATOR)


f.write('\t'.join(entry) + '\n')

if args.pickle:

with open(filename + ".pickle", 'wb') as f:

pickle.dump(counts, f)

Example 19

def _eval_all(emb_simset):

inp_emb = {}

for wordvec in emb_simset.iterrows():

word, vec = wordvec[1][0], wordvec[1][1:].tolist()

vec = np.fromiter(map(float, vec[1:]), dtype = np.float32)

norm = np.linalg.norm(vec)

inp_emb[word] = vec/norm if (norm != 0) else [vec]

score_dict = {}

score_dict['score'] = 0

for root,dirs,files in os.walk('/home/jared/vecshare/Test_Input'):

files = [testfile for testfile in files if testfile[0]!='.']

for testfile in files:

f_path = '/home/jared/vecshare/Test_Input/'+testfile

score_dict[testfile[:-4].strip().lower().replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_")] = _eval_sim(f_path, inp_emb)

if testfile != 'mc-30.csv':

score_dict['score'] += _eval_sim(f_path, inp_emb)/(len(files)-1)

return score_dict

Example 20

def cdf_dlf(x, A, m1, a1, m2, a2, start=-26):


Cumulative Schechter function. Second LF is set to be 2*A of first LF.

@param x: magnitude

@param A: Scale factor

@param m1: Knee of distribution 1

@param a1: Faint-end turnover of first lf

@param m2: Knee of distribution 2

@param a2: Faint-end turnover of second lf

@param start: Brightest magnitude

@return Probability that galaxy has a magnitude greater than x


def integrate(in_x):

return quad(dlf, start,in_x,args=(A,m1,a1,m2,a2))[0]

if np.isscalar(x):

x = np.array([x])

return np.fromiter(map(integrate,x),np.float,count=len(x))

Example 21

def inv_cdf_dlf(p, A, m1, a1, m2, a2, start=-26, end=-15):


Inverse Cumulative Schechter function. Second LF is set to be 2*A of first LF.

@param p: probability

@param A: Scale factor

@param m1: Knee of distribution 1

@param a1: Faint-end turnover of first lf

@param m2: Knee of distribution 2

@param a2: Faint-end turnover of second lf

@param start: Brightest magnitude

@param end: Faintest possible magnitude

@return Magnitude associated with cdf probability p


def get_root(p):

return root(lambda x: cdf_dlf(x,A,m1,a1,m2,a2,start)-p, (start + end)/2).x[0]

if np.isscalar(p):

return get_root(p)


return np.fromiter(map(get_root,p),np.float,count=len(p))

Example 22

def _read_symbol(self):

dividends = []

rawsymbol =

if rawsymbol == b'':

raise EOFError

symbol = unpack('16s', rawsymbol)[0].replace(b'\x00', b'')

rawdate =

dt = np.dtype([('time', np.int32),

('split', np.float32),

('purchase', np.float32),

('purchase_price', np.float32),

('dividend', np.float32)])

while (rawdate) != b"\xff" * 4:

dividend = np.frombuffer(rawdate +, dtype=dt)


rawdate =

if rawdate == b'':


return (symbol, np.fromiter(dividends, dtype=dt))

Example 23

def points_random_3d(count, range_x=(-10.0, 10.0), range_y=(-10.0, 10.0), range_z=(-10.0, 10.0), seed=None):


Generates random positions

:param count: Number of points

:param range_x: min-max range for x axis

:param range_y: min-max range for y axis

:param range_z: min-max range for z axis

:param seed: The random seed to be used



def gen():

for i in range(count):

yield random.uniform(*range_x)

yield random.uniform(*range_y)

yield random.uniform(*range_z)

data = numpy.fromiter(gen(), count=count * 3, dtype=numpy.float32)

pos = VBO(data)

vao = VAO("geometry:points_random_3d", mode=GL.GL_POINTS)

vao.add_array_buffer(GL.GL_FLOAT, pos)

vao.map_buffer(pos, "in_position", 3)

return vao

Example 24

def parseNpf(self, buffer, imageWidth, imageHeight):

# Read the header

sectionLengths = self._readUgarHeader(buffer)

# Read the palette data (section number 1)

paletteData = np.frombuffer([0])), dtype=np.uint16)

# Read the image data (section number 2)

imageData = np.frombuffer([1]), dtype=np.uint8)

# NPF image data uses 1 byte per 2 pixels, so we need to split that byte into two

imageData = np.stack((np.bitwise_and(imageData, 0x0f), np.bitwise_and(imageData >> 4, 0x0f)), axis=-1).flatten()

# Unpack palette colors

palette = unpackColors(paletteData, useAlpha=False)

# Convert each pixel from a palette index to full color

pixels = np.fromiter((palette[i] if i > 0 else 0 for i in imageData), dtype=">u4")

# Clip the image data and create a Pillow image from it

return Image.fromarray(self._clipImageData(pixels, (imageWidth, imageHeight)), mode="RGBA")

# Write the image as an npf to buffer

Example 25

def test_staged_predict():

# Test whether staged decision function eventually gives

# the same prediction.

X, y = datasets.make_friedman1(n_samples=1200,

random_state=1, noise=1.0)

X_train, y_train = X[:200], y[:200]

X_test = X[200:]

clf = GradientBoostingRegressor()

# test raise ValueError if not fitted

assert_raises(ValueError, lambda X: np.fromiter(

clf.staged_predict(X), dtype=np.float64), X_test), y_train)

y_pred = clf.predict(X_test)

# test if prediction for last stage equals ``predict``

for y in clf.staged_predict(X_test):

assert_equal(y.shape, y_pred.shape)

assert_array_equal(y_pred, y)

Example 26

def _filter_dates(dates, freq, kwargs):


This function filters dates to indicate end of periods for ordinals.


indicator = DATETIME_DICT[freq]

if isinstance(indicator, str):

# no special behavior

indicators = np.fromiter(

[date.__getattribute__(indicator) for date in dates],


return np.argwhere(indicators[1:] - indicators[:-1] > 0)


# apply a function

indicators = np.fromiter(

[indicator(date, kwargs) for date in dates], dtype=np.int32)

return np.argwhere(indicators[1:] - indicators[:-1] > 0)

Example 27

def write_tables():

import tables

dtype = np.dtype("S7,f4,f4,f4,f4,i4")

t0 = time()

sarray = np.fromiter(((str(i), float(i), float(2*i), None, float(4*i), i)

for i in xrange(N)), dtype, count=N)

t1 = time() - t0

print "Created sarray with %d rows in %.3fs" % (N, t1)

t0 = time()

h5f = tables.openFile("market.h5", "w")

table = h5f.createTable(h5f.root, "market", dtype)



t1 = time() - t0

print "[PyTables] Stored %d rows in %.3fs" % (N, t1)

Example 28

def write_tables2():

import tables

dtype = np.dtype("S7,f4,f4,f4,f4,i4")

# t0 = time()

# sarray = np.fromiter(((str(i), float(i), float(2*i), None, float(4*i), i)

# for i in xrange(N)), dtype, count=N)

# t1 = time() - t0

# print "Created sarray with %d rows in %.3fs" % (N, t1)

t0 = time()

h5f = tables.openFile("market.h5", "w")

table = h5f.createTable(h5f.root, "market", dtype)

count = 10000

for j in xrange(count, N, count):

sarray = np.fromiter(((str(i), float(i), float(2*i), None, float(4*i), i)

for i in xrange(j)), dtype)



t1 = time() - t0

print "[PyTables] Stored %d rows in %.3fs" % (N, t1)

Example 29

def write_umi_info(pickles, filename):

"""" Write an H5 with (bc, chain, read_count) tuples """

filters = tables.Filters(complevel = cr_constants.H5_COMPRESSION_LEVEL)

with tables.open_file(filename, 'w', filters=filters) as h5:

umi_info = vdj_umi_info.create_arrays(h5)

bc_to_int = {}

chain_to_int = {}

for pickle in pickles:

bc_chain_umi_counts = cPickle.load(open(pickle))

for bc, chain_umis in bc_chain_umi_counts.iteritems():

for chain, umi_counts in chain_umis.iteritems():

n_umis = len(umi_counts)

if chain != cr_constants.MULTI_REFS_PREFIX and n_umis > 0:

if bc not in bc_to_int:

bc_to_int[bc] = len(bc_to_int)

if chain not in chain_to_int:

chain_to_int[chain] = len(chain_to_int)

umi_info['barcode_idx'].append(np.full(n_umis, bc_to_int[bc],


umi_info['chain_idx'].append(np.full(n_umis, chain_to_int[chain],



vdj_umi_info.get_dtype('reads'), count=n_umis))

vdj_umi_info.set_ref_column(h5, 'barcodes', np.array(sorted(bc_to_int.keys(), key=bc_to_int.get)))

vdj_umi_info.set_ref_column(h5, 'chains', np.array(sorted(chain_to_int.keys(), key=chain_to_int.get)))

Example 30

def where_close(pos, separation, intensity=None):

""" Returns indices of features that are closer than separation from other

features. When intensity is given, the one with the lowest intensity is

returned: else the most topleft is returned (to avoid randomness)

To be implemented in trackpy v0.4"""

if len(pos) == 0:

return []

separation = validate_tuple(separation, pos.shape[1])

if any([s == 0 for s in separation]):

return []

# Rescale positions, so that pairs are identified below a distance

# of 1.

pos_rescaled = pos / separation

duplicates = cKDTree(pos_rescaled, 30).query_pairs(1 - 1e-7)

if len(duplicates) == 0:

return []

index_0 = np.fromiter((x[0] for x in duplicates), dtype=int)

index_1 = np.fromiter((x[1] for x in duplicates), dtype=int)

if intensity is None:

to_drop = np.where(np.sum(pos_rescaled[index_0], 1) >

np.sum(pos_rescaled[index_1], 1),

index_1, index_0)


intensity_0 = intensity[index_0]

intensity_1 = intensity[index_1]

to_drop = np.where(intensity_0 > intensity_1, index_1, index_0)

edge_cases = intensity_0 == intensity_1

if np.any(edge_cases):

index_0 = index_0[edge_cases]

index_1 = index_1[edge_cases]

to_drop[edge_cases] = np.where(np.sum(pos_rescaled[index_0], 1) >

np.sum(pos_rescaled[index_1], 1),

index_1, index_0)

return np.unique(to_drop)

Example 31

def make_program(shape):

""" Returns numpy array containing the eval instructions for eval """

return numpy.fromiter(_make_program_pieces(shape), pyopencl.cltypes.float)

Example 32

def make_program(shape):

""" Returns numpy array containing the eval instructions for eval """

return numpy.fromiter(_make_program_pieces(shape), pyopencl.cltypes.float)

Example 33

def __array__(self, dtype=None):

"""NumPy array protocol; returns iterator values as an ndarray."""

if self._value is None:

# Call fromiter if we can; it is faster and avoids the extra

# copy, but doesn't support object types and requires a dtype.

if dtype is None or dtype.hasobject:

self._value = np.array(list(self._iterator), dtype)


self._value = np.fromiter(self._iterator, dtype)

return self._value

Example 34

def test_mem_on_invalid_dtype(self):

"Ticket #583"

self.assertRaises(ValueError, np.fromiter, [['12', ''], ['13', '']], str)

Example 35

def test_mem_fromiter_invalid_dtype_string(self, level=rlevel):

x = [1, 2, 3]


np.fromiter, [xi for xi in x], dtype='S')

Example 36

def test_fromiter_bytes(self):

# Ticket #1058

a = np.fromiter(list(range(10)), dtype='b')

b = np.fromiter(list(range(10)), dtype='B')

assert_(np.alltrue(a == np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])))

assert_(np.alltrue(b == np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])))

Example 37

def test_fromiter_comparison(self, level=rlevel):

a = np.fromiter(list(range(10)), dtype='b')

b = np.fromiter(list(range(10)), dtype='B')

assert_(np.alltrue(a == np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])))

assert_(np.alltrue(b == np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])))

Example 38

def test_duplicate_field_names_assign(self):

ra = np.fromiter(((i*3, i*2) for i in range(10)), dtype='i8,f8')

ra.dtype.names = ('f1', 'f2')

repr(ra) # should not cause a segmentation fault

assert_raises(ValueError, setattr, ra.dtype, 'names', ('f1', 'f1'))

Example 39

def test_lengths(self):

expected = np.array(list(self.makegen()))

a = np.fromiter(self.makegen(), int)

a20 = np.fromiter(self.makegen(), int, 20)

self.assertTrue(len(a) == len(expected))

self.assertTrue(len(a20) == 20)

self.assertRaises(ValueError, np.fromiter,

self.makegen(), int, len(expected) + 10)

Example 40

def test_values(self):

expected = np.array(list(self.makegen()))

a = np.fromiter(self.makegen(), int)

a20 = np.fromiter(self.makegen(), int, 20)

self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(a == expected, axis=0))

self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(a20 == expected[:20], axis=0))

Example 41

def test_2592(self):

# Test iteration exceptions are correctly raised.

count, eindex = 10, 5

self.assertRaises(NIterError, np.fromiter,

self.load_data(count, eindex), dtype=int, count=count)

Example 42

def test_2592_edge(self):

# Test iter. exceptions, edge case (exception at end of iterator).

count = 10

eindex = count-1

self.assertRaises(NIterError, np.fromiter,

self.load_data(count, eindex), dtype=int, count=count)

Example 43

def from_pydata(cls, faces):

loop_total = np.empty(len(faces), dtype=np.uint32)

loop_start = np.zeros(len(faces), dtype=np.uint32)

loop_total[:] = tuple(map(len, faces))

loop_start[1:] = loop_total[:-1].cumsum()

vertex_indices = np.fromiter(chain.from_iterable(faces),



return cls(loop_start, loop_total, vertex_indices)

Example 44

def _calculate(self, period):

data = list(self.loadTradesForPeriod(period))

if len(data) == 0:

raise InsufficientDataError()

values = np.fromiter(map(attrgetter('price'), data), np.float, len(data))

weights= np.fromiter(map(attrgetter('volume'), data), np.float, len(data))

mean, std = weighted_avg_and_std(values, weights)

return (mean,)

Example 45

def rle(array, low_mem=False):

"""Calculate a run length encoding (rle), of an input vector.

:param array: 1D input array.

:param low_mem: use a lower memory implementation

returns: structured array with fields `start`, `length`, and `value`.


if len(array.shape) != 1:

raise TypeError("Input array must be one dimensional.")

dtype = [('length', int), ('start', int), ('value', array.dtype)]

if not low_mem:

pos = np.where(np.diff(array) != 0)[0]

pos = np.concatenate(([0], pos+1, [len(array)]))

return np.fromiter(

((length, start, array[start]) for (length, start) in zip(pos[1:], pos[:-1])),

dtype, count=len(pos) - 1,



def _gen():

start = 0

for key, group in itertools.groupby(array):

length = sum(1 for x in group)

yield length, start, key

start += length

return np.fromiter(_gen(), dtype=dtype)

Example 46

def encode_text(text, char2id=CHAR2ID):


encode text to array of integers with CHAR2ID


return np.fromiter((char2id.get(ch, 0) for ch in text), int)

Example 47

def entropy(self,p):

return -np.fromiter((self.xlgx(x) for x in p.flatten()),dtype=p.dtype).sum()

Example 48

def draw_domain(self,log_sampling=False):

""" Draw a single, random domain. """

domain = None

domain_array = np.array([dmn for dmn in self.domain_links])

domain_count = np.array([len(self.domain_links[domain_array[k]]) for k in range(domain_array.shape[0])])

p = np.array([np.float(c) for c in domain_count])

count_total = p.sum()

if log_sampling: # log-sampling [log(x+1)] to bias lower count domains

p = np.fromiter((np.log1p(x) for x in p), dtype=p.dtype)

if count_total > 0:

p = p/p.sum()

cnts = npr.multinomial(1, pvals=p)

k = int(np.nonzero(cnts)[0])

domain = domain_array[k]

return domain

Example 49

def test_mem_on_invalid_dtype(self):

"Ticket #583"

self.assertRaises(ValueError, np.fromiter, [['12', ''], ['13', '']], str)

Example 50

def test_mem_fromiter_invalid_dtype_string(self, level=rlevel):

x = [1, 2, 3]


np.fromiter, [xi for xi in x], dtype='S')

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