checking style of gethostname_r routines... glibc2
checking 3 argument to gethostname_r routines... char
checking "args to pthread_getspecific"... POSIX
checking "args to pthread_mutex_init"... POSIX
checking "args to readdir_r"... POSIX
checking "style of sigwait"... POSIX
checking "for pthread_attr_setscope"... yes
checking "can netinet files be included"... "yes"
checking for OpenSSL... no
checking for yaSSL... no
checking libedit variant of rl_completion_entry_function... no
checking defined rl_compentry_func_t and rl_completion_func_t... no
checking HIST_ENTRY is declared in readline/readline.h...
configure: error: Could not find system readline or libedit libraries
Use --with-readline or --with-libedit to use the bundled
versions of libedit or readline
刚刚研究linux 装mysql装了好几天都没装上,哪位帮忙解决下,不胜感激
即便是你用rpm包 缺少依赖的包 你一样需要先安装缺少的包!
如果你对linux熟悉了 在linux下有一定解决问题的能力了 无论哪种方式 你都能很快搞定
如果你是新手 我推荐先用最简单的方式安装 我5楼说的
等你使用linux有一定的基础了 有一定的了解了 再回头体验源码安装。