
大家可能在很多编程语言里都看到过QuickCheck这个自动化随机测试库,其实这套方法最初是在Haskell98上实现,原始论文[1]写于2000年,强烈建议读一读,后来其中一位作者John Hughes用Erlang重新实现还开了家软件测试公司,据说帮Volvo做汽车软件集成测试效果很不错(广告共赢)。测试跟形式验证不同,本质上是反证法,把同一个测试用例算两次做比较,对于spec上的每一行功能说明,单元测试和QuickCheck都在尝试构造反例,如果找不到并不能证明实现是正确的。测试的构造性意味着量变往往无法转化为质变,盲目测试常常就是大海捞针。单元测试是靠人脑想边角案例,人手写测试用例,初始阶段效果可能很好,但后面边际收益很低;QuickCheck是基于Property的,自动生成随机测试用例,所谓Property其实就是返回值为Bool的函数,是剥离掉实现细节对功能说明API做的抽象,往往可以从spec的说明直接翻译成代码,比如加法有单位率,结合律,交换律,事实上任何满足这三种定律某种意义上都可以被称作加法。我建议读一读这篇文章[2],作者列了七种Property常见的来源,比如算两次,不变性等等。当然数学里各种运算的性质也可以拿过来用,比如分配律,幂等律。如果是写Haskell,类型类公理往往也是Property的来源之一,FRP的发明人Conal Elliott就曾围绕此专门写过文章[3]谈如何设计没有抽象泄露的API。
好了回到Haskell,单元测试是在写一个形如Eq b => a -> b的partial函数或者是Eq v => [(k, v)],如果是多个参数可以用uncurry转化为这种形式,QuickCheck则是在写一个形似Generative a => a -> Bool的total函数,如果是多个参数可以用curry加上类型类转化。这一点形式的不同会带来诸多好处,首先GHC能检查一部分totality,比如说模式匹配是否完全,一定程度上(概率为1)我们在测试整个指定的定义域,当然如果想声明前提条件排除一部分值在QuickCheck里也很容易;其次,Haskell默认curry,加上全局类型推导,这种可归纳形式十分有利,多参数的情况完全不必手动uncurry;再者,如果不显式写出类型,GHC会用输入参数最泛化的类型,在Haskell里自由定理保证了函数越泛化能通过类型检查的实现越少,我们写出来的特性自动多了一层安全性和抽象性,这种抽象性反过来还能帮助思考和检查spec错误,随机测试效果也更好。
当然QuickCheck也有缺点。首先围绕API写一个好的特性就不容易,如果测试者用了实现者同样的错误思路来写特性,测试效果为零。其次如果定义域约束比较复杂,用generate-then-filter方法产生输入参数效果很差,得手动写发生器,更复杂的约束甚至得求助于random constraint solver。保证概率为1遍历整个定义域也不代表真正遍历,其实标准设置情况下保证不了概率为1,因为有个隐藏的变量size,SmallCheck可以保证完全遍历某个范围内的全部取值可能。所以要克服以上这些缺点,需要懂一点QuickCheck背后的原理。QuickCheck干净轻量,论文附录就有整个库的代码,不到三百行,不含任何编译器扩展,唯一依赖的外部库是随机序列发生器,当然最初的库没有实现自动shrink反例的功能,因为作者没想到。shrink来自于Andy Gill的想法,我觉得这跟他写的应用是PrettyPrint相关,对于很多递归类型shrink函数的实现并没有直观意义,完全需要依靠problem domain的知识和经验。

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs         #-}

import Data.Bits
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import Data.Monoid
import System.Random
import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Text.Show.Functions
import qualified Data.Map as M


newtype Distribution a = Dist { runDist :: Int -> StdGen -> a } deriving (Functor)

instance Applicative Distribution where
  pure a = Dist $ (_ _ -> a)
  Dist f <*> Dist a = Dist $ s r -> let (r1, r2) = split r in f s r1 (a s r2)

分布用Distribution来表示,它是函子,这没有问题,但如果只声明为函子,那写起自定义类型的分布会十分繁琐,QuickCheck额外还定义了Distribution单子的实例,这样就可以随心所欲地使用语法do,不过它违反单子的公理,更糟糕的是对于自定义递归类型,单子意味着稍不注意就会引入耦合,作者在定义单子实例时很小心用split避免了这个问题。我觉得定义合用函子的实例就够了,这样同样可以愉快地使用ApplicativeDo语法,不过它也违反了合用函子的三条公理。我跟作者一样认为这是合理的,因为随机变量本来就没有pointwise equality的定义。你可能会想StdGen是State Monad,Distribution还有点像Reader Monad,为啥不用MTL?这主要是因为如果用State就没法写输入参数是函数的随机值发生器。另外如果利用自由合用函子构造,我们能设计出完全符合合用函子公理的分布,也能写简单函数类型的随机值生成器,但GADT会擦除中间shrinkable的信息,导致最终的Property实现不了shrink功能。

frequency :: [(Int, Distribution a)] -> Distribution a
frequency fs = do { as <- sequenceA (fmap snd fs); w <- choose (0, head ws - 1); pure (pick (tail ws) as w) } 
    ws = scanr1 (+) (fmap fst fs)
    pick []     (a:as) r = a
    pick (w:ws) (a:as) r = if r >= w then a else pick ws as r
data Rose a = Rose a [Rose a] deriving (Show)
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Rose a) where
  arbitrary = sized arbRose where
    arbRose 0 = Rose <$> arbitrary <*> pure [] 
    arbRose n = frequency
      [ (1, arbRose 0)
      , (2, Rose <$> arbitrary <*> resize (n `div` 2) arbitrary)

有了合用函子方法,我们就能方便定义智能构造器了。假设现在要定义玫瑰树的分布,很容易写出oneOf [Rose <$> arbitrary <*> [], Rose <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary],或者要尽可能多地产生深度大于1的玫瑰树,你会用frequency。但是注意子树对应的arbitrary是递归调用,虽然定义了终止条件,但递归使得终止发生的概率指数级减小,最后生成的玫瑰树可能非常深,根本无法控制大小。为了解决这个问题,Distribution引入一个隐藏的自然数,用来表示类型数据的大小。它是全局的,每轮测试所有参数拿到的都一样,然后逐渐增大。引入size主要是控制随机生成的递归类型数据,比如表示列表的长度或者二叉树的深度。它也可以用来表示值类型数据的范围,比如默认设置库里面整数的取值范围就不是整个31位,可以看出这样测试涉及到整数运算溢出Property时非常容易误用,用下面三个函数可以很方便地重新配置它。

sized :: (Int -> Distribution a) -> Distribution a
sized f = Dist $ s -> runDist (f s) s
resize :: Int -> Distribution a -> Distribution a
resize s d = Dist $ _ -> runDist d s
scale :: (Int -> Int) -> Distribution a -> Distribution a
scale f g = sized $ s -> resize (f s) g


class Arbitrary a where
  arbitrary :: Distribution a
  shrink :: a -> Succs a
  shrink = flip Succs []

choose :: Random a => (a, a) -> Distribution a
choose r = Dist $ const (fst . randomR r)

chooseAny :: Random a => Distribution a
chooseAny = Dist $ const (fst . random)

elements :: [a] -> Distribution a
elements as = do { n <- choose (0, length as - 1); pure (as !! n) }

oneOf :: [Distribution a] -> Distribution a
oneOf gs = do { as <- sequenceA gs; n <- choose (0, length gs - 1); pure (as !! n) }

vectorOf :: Distribution a -> Int -> Distribution [a]
vectorOf g = sequenceA . flip replicate g

listOf :: Distribution a -> Distribution [a]
listOf g = do { as <- sized (vectorOf g); n <- sized (s -> choose (0, s)); pure (take n as) } 

listOf1 :: Distribution a -> Distribution [a]
listOf1 g = do { as <- sized (vectorOf g); n <- sized (s -> choose (1, s)); pure (take n as) } 

orderedList :: (Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Distribution [a]
orderedList = sort <$> listOf arbitrary

刚才说到之所以不用State Monad是为了能自动生成简单函数的分布。首先Distribution (a->b)是Int->StdGen->a->b外面的一层wrapper,用curry合并输入参数得到(Int, StdGen, a)->b,注意到(Int, StdGen, a)和(a, Int, StdGen)同构,再用uncurry可以得到a->(Int->StdGen->b),总结起来就是下面的promote函数。那么怎样才能生成a->Gen b呢?注意到每个基本类型其实就是内存里一串存储的01序列,函数即值,值也是函数,我们可以把01序列看作分布的扰动器,结合split很容易就能写出以下variant函数,注意扰动的其实是随机序列,并没有任何数学意义,因为函数是point free很难定义其值的分布。这个技巧还可以用在理解foldl::(b->a->b)->b->t a->b和foldr::(a->b->b)->b->t a->b上,可以把a看作action b->b,foldl其实就是依次执行这些action,初始状态是b,对于foldr,我们需要进一步把b->b看作action (b->b)->(b->b),可以理解为有了前一个action才进行这个action,初始状态是id,我们就能够很容易地用foldr表示foldl。回到产生函数的值分布,基本类型的和积类型也都是内存里面的一串01序列,想想C里面struct的存储,我们用Coarbitrary类型类来表示这一类扰动函数。扰动器区别的是同一类型的不同值并非不同类型,对于自定义类型或者递归类型,只需要把这个类型的值构造器也序列化就行。如果想不清楚这一点,很容易写错比如Either a b很容易错写成coarbitrary (Left a) = coarbitrary a和coarbitrary (Right b) = coarbitrary b,可以试试写一下二叉树的coarbitrary。好了,有了Arbitrary a和Coarbitrary b,GHC就能帮我们自动推导Arbitrary (b -> a)。这里还有最后一个问题,如果输入参数是高阶函数怎么办,函数值貌似无法序列化就无法写Coarbitrary (a->b),事实上如果定义了Distribution的单子方法是可以写出来的,但我觉得实在无法解释函数扰动器的作用,函数本来也没有pointwise意义上的相等,如何定义不同函数是否产生不同的扰动效果,而且实际应用中很少有输入参数是高阶函数的。

promote :: (a -> Distribution b) -> Distribution (a -> b)
promote f = Dist $ s r a -> runDist (f a) s r

variant :: Int -> Distribution a -> Distribution a
variant n d = Dist $ s r -> runDist d s (iter r)
    cnt  = maybe 64 id (bitSizeMaybe n)
    bits = testBit n <$> [0..(cnt-1)]
    iter = flip (foldr (b r -> if b then fst (split r) else snd (split r))) bits  

class Coarbitrary a where
  coarbitrary :: a -> Distribution b -> Distribution b

instance (Arbitrary a, Coarbitrary b) => Arbitrary (b -> a) where
  arbitrary = promote (flip coarbitrary arbitrary)

好了我们有了值类型和简单函数类型的分布,还有形如a->Bool的Property,很自然可以把Property定义成Distribution Bool。但对于测试反例和覆盖率更重要,我们需要在运行时保留这些信息。一般遇到这种需要统计某类数据的情况,往往可以设计成幺半群,比如下面的Result。前面说了,有时候我们会想加前提条件或者把输入分类,这些都可以设计成幺半群,幺半群的积类型仍然是幺半群。同样利用m和m->m之间的同构,我们可以定义一些智能构造器,比如说label,classify,collect。

data Result = Result
  { ok        :: Maybe Bool
  , labels    :: M.Map String Int
  , classes   :: M.Map String Int
  , arguments :: [String]
  , seed      :: Int
  , numTests  :: Int
  } deriving (Show)
instance Monoid Result where
  mempty = Result Nothing M.empty M.empty [] 0 0
  r@(Result (Just False) _ _ _ _ _) `mappend` _           = r
  _ `mappend` r@(Result (Just False) _ _ _ _ _)           = r
  Result Nothing _ _ _ _ _ `mappend` r                    = r
  r `mappend` Result Nothing _ _ _ _ _                    = r
  Result _ ll lc la _ ln `mappend` Result _ rl rc ra _ rn = Result (Just True) (M.unionWith (+) ll rl) (M.unionWith (+) lc rc) (la ++ ra) 0 (ln + rn)

接下来考虑如何shrink,shrink其实是一个函数a->[a]。QuickCheck库用的是上面提到的玫瑰树来表示,是一个递归数据类型,但以多叉树形式shrink有很多缺点,一是多叉树隐形限制了shrink的order,DFS或者BFS,很难指定其他顺序,二是同一层玫瑰树的子树可能会出现重复,lazy执行会缓解这个问题。其实不如把树拍平,直接用列表来表示,这不是我的想法,来自于Control.Applicative.Successors,我觉得特别优雅,Successor保证了每次最多只shrink一步,还可以提前剔除重复元素,而且作者手动验证了函子,合用函子和单子的公理。不过Successor也有性能缺点,(++)的右结合性意味着取第一个successor需要deconstruct整个左序列,我在想是不是可以把左右两边列表interleave在一起,类似Edward Yang在这篇文章[5]提到的Logic Monad,这样既能提高性能,又能改善shrink效果,等有时间研究一下。

data Succs a = Succs { current :: a, successor :: [a] } deriving (Show, Functor)
instance Applicative Succs where
  pure = flip Succs []
  Succs f fs <*> Succs a as = Succs (f a) ((($ a) <$> fs) ++ (f <$> as))
instance Monad Succs where
  return = flip Succs []
  Succs a as >>= mf = Succs (current (mf a)) (fmap (current . mf) as ++ successor (mf a))

现在我们可以定义Property类型了,简单一点可以用Distribution (Succs Result),这样会违反合用函子的公理,不同于之前这次我们不能简单忽略,因为Property往往是user code,如果用户自定义的话,pure f <*> x /= f <$> x会影响可复现reproducibility。另外也不直观,构造Property的时候我们丢掉许多结构信息。这里可以用我们的老朋友自由合用函子构造,这样既能保留最多信息,而且也非常清晰,Property其实包含的就是Distribution x0, Distribution x1, ..., Distribution xn,以及函数x0->x1->...->xn->Result,再加上可能的print和shrink函数。当然,前面也说了如果要利用GHC的类型推导,必须把它看作curry的形式,用Testable来抽象。

newtype Property = Prop { runProperty :: FreeA Distribution (Succs Result) }
success = (Prop . pure . pure) $ mempty { ok = Just True , numTests = 1 }
failure = (Prop . pure . pure) $ mempty { ok = Just False, numTests = 1 }
discard = (Prop . pure . pure) $ mempty { ok = Nothing   , numTests = 1 }
class Testable a where
  property :: a -> Property
instance Testable Bool where
  property b = if b then success else failure

forAll' :: Testable b => (a -> Succs a) -> (a -> String) -> Distribution a -> (a -> b) -> Property
forAll' shrinker printer da f = Prop $ do
  sa <- lift (fmap shrinker da)
  sg <- lift (pure <$> promote (unlift . runProperty . property))
  pure $ do
    g <- sg
    (b, arg) <- fmap (f &&& printer) sa
    logArg arg <$> g b

forAll :: (Arbitrary a, Show a, Testable b) => Distribution a -> (a -> b) -> Property
forAll = forAll' shrink show

instance (Arbitrary a, Show a, Testable b) => Testable (a -> b) where
  property f = forAll' shrink show arbitrary f

最后可以写Property的运行器和设置预设的参数,我们的quickCheck函数就大功告成了。最后我还有几点建议,QuickCheck不是万能的,里面有很多隐藏的默认设置,需要结合problem domain来调整,用默认的分布可能会直接忽略一部分可能的取值,或者产生的大部分随机值都是无效输入,这是我不建议使用(==>)过滤,可以加一层newtype手动写arbitrary。另外Property的不同写法可能是同构的,但具体测试效果可能不同,比如a->b->Bool和(a,b)->Bool,我也建议结合问题手动写arbitrary。遇到要测试复杂嵌套的数据结构,写分布时还有一个技巧就是按照API抽象出状态机[6],比如要测试Dropbox,就可以先设计一个action类型,把常见的API-创建,删除,分享,修改等单独包装成Action,这样整个Dropbox其实就是初始状态加上Action的列表,这样写出来的分布测试时会更加有的放矢。

sample :: Show a => Distribution a -> [a]
sample g = runDist (sequenceA [resize n g | n <- [0..9]]) 10 (mkStdGen 10)
quickCheck :: Testable a => a -> Int -> Int -> Result
quickCheck a s r = foldMap id . take 100 $ zipWith3 (a b c -> small (execProperty a b c)) (repeat (property a)) sizes rands
    sizes = (+1) <$> [s..]
    rands = fst  <$> iterate (split . snd) (split (mkStdGen r))
    small (Succs x xs) = if ok x /= Just False then x else maybe x id (find ((== Just False) . ok) xs) 
prop_rev :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
prop_rev = xs ys -> reverse (xs ++ ys) == reverse xs ++ reverse ys
prop_gcd :: Property
prop_gcd = forAll (choose (0,60)) $ a -> forAll (choose (0,60)) ((b -> a > 1 && b > 1 ==> gcd a b /= 3) :: Int -> Property)

prop_fuse :: (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> Bool
prop_fuse = f g as -> fmap g (fmap f as) == fmap (f . g) as


instance Testable Property where
  property = id
logSeed  s r = r { seed = s }
logArg   a (Result r l c as s n) = Result r l c (maybe as (const (a:as)) r) s n
logLabel l (Result r ls c a s n) = Result r (M.insertWith (+) l 1 ls) c a s n 
infixr 0 ==>
(==>) :: Testable a => Bool -> a -> Property
True  ==> a = property a
False ==> _ = discard
label :: Testable a => String -> a -> Property
label s a = Prop $ fmap (logLabel s) <$> (runProperty (property a))
classify :: Testable a => Bool -> String -> a -> Property
classify True = label
classify False = const property
collect :: (Show a, Testable b) => a -> b -> Property
collect = label . show

execProperty :: Property -> Int -> StdGen -> Succs Result
execProperty p = go (runProperty p)
    go :: FreeA Distribution a -> Int -> StdGen -> a
    go (NilA a)    _ _ = a
    go (ConsA d f) s r = let (r1, r2) = split r in (go f s r1) (runDist d s r2)

instance Arbitrary () where
  arbitrary = pure ()
instance Arbitrary Bool where
  arbitrary = chooseAny
  shrink b = Succs b (if b then [False] else [])
instance Arbitrary Char where
  arbitrary = choose ('0', '127')
  shrink c = Succs c . nub . filter (`isLT` c) $ (toLower c : smalls)
      smalls = "abc123 ABCn?"
      isLT a b = measure a < measure b
      measure c = (not (isLower c), not (isDigit c), (c /= ' '), not (isUpper c), not (isSpace c), not (c `elem` "n?."), c)
instance Arbitrary Int where
  arbitrary = sized $ n -> choose (-n, n)
  shrink n = Succs n ([abs n | n < 0] ++ halves) where
    halves = takeWhile (x -> abs x < abs n) (0:[ n - i | i <- tail (iterate (`quot` 2) n) ])
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary [a] where
  arbitrary = listOf arbitrary
  shrink [] = Succs [] []
  shrink as = Succs as ((flip take as <$> ns) ++ shrinkOne as)
      ns = successor (shrink (length as))
      shrinkOne [] = []
      shrinkOne (x:xs) = [(x':xs) | x' <- successor (shrink x)] ++ [(x:xs') | xs' <- shrinkOne xs]
instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (a,b) where
  arbitrary = do { a <- arbitrary; b <- arbitrary; pure (a,b) }
  shrink (a, b) = do { a' <- shrink a; b' <- shrink b; pure (a', b') }  
instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (Either a b) where
  arbitrary = oneOf [Left <$> arbitrary, Right <$> arbitrary]
  shrink (Left a)  = Left  <$> shrink a
  shrink (Right a) = Right <$> shrink a  

instance Coarbitrary () where
  coarbitrary a = id
instance Coarbitrary Bool where
  coarbitrary a = if a then variant 0 else variant 1
instance Coarbitrary Int where
  coarbitrary = variant

instance Coarbitrary Char where
  coarbitrary = variant . ord
instance (Coarbitrary a, Coarbitrary b) => Coarbitrary (a, b) where
  coarbitrary (a, b) = coarbitrary a . coarbitrary b
instance (Coarbitrary a, Coarbitrary b) => Coarbitrary (Either a b) where
  coarbitrary (Left a) = variant 0 . coarbitrary a
  coarbitrary (Right b) = variant 1 . coarbitrary b
instance Coarbitrary a => Coarbitrary [a] where
  coarbitrary [] = variant 0
  coarbitrary (a:as) = variant 1 . coarbitrary a . coarbitrary as
data FreeA f a where
  NilA  :: a -> FreeA f a
  ConsA :: f x -> FreeA f (x -> a) -> FreeA f a
instance Functor (FreeA f) where
  fmap f (NilA a)    = NilA (f a)
  fmap f (ConsA x g) = ConsA x ((f.) <$> g)
instance Applicative (FreeA f) where
  pure = NilA
  (NilA f)     <*> ga = f <$> ga
  (ConsA x gf) <*> ga = ConsA x $ do { f <- gf; a <- ga; pure (flip f a) }
type NatF f g = forall a. f a -> g a -- f, g must be Functor
type NatA f g = forall a. f a -> g a -- f, g must be Applicative
hoist :: (Functor f, Applicative g) => NatF f g -> NatA (FreeA f) g
hoist t (NilA a)    = pure a
hoist t (ConsA x g) = hoist t g <*> t x

lower :: (Functor f, Applicative g) => NatA (FreeA f) g -> NatF f g
lower t = t . flip ConsA (pure id)
lift :: Functor f => f a -> FreeA f a
lift = lower id
unlift :: Applicative f => FreeA f a -> f a
unlift = hoist id


  1. ^Koen Claessen and John Hughes. 2000. QuickCheck: a lightweight tool for random testing of Haskell programs. SIGPLAN Not. 35, 9 (September 2000), 268-279. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/357766.351266
  2. ^https://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/posts/property-based-testing-2/
  3. ^Elliott, Conal. (2009). Denotational design with type class morphisms.
  4. ^https://github.com/CppCon/CppCon2016/tree/master/Presentations/What%20C%2B%2B%20Programmers%20Need%20to%20Know%20About%20random
  5. ^http://web.mit.edu/~ezyang/Public/threemonads.pdf
  6. ^https://jaspervdj.be/posts/2015-03-13-practical-testing-in-haskell.html#the-action-trick




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