oracle 对象不再存在,ORA-08103 对象不再存在



fact: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition 8

symptom: Error performing a SELECT statement

symptom: ORA-08103: object no longer exists

symptom: Table is being truncated by other session

symptom: Analyze table validate structure cascade returns no errors

cause: This ORA-08103 occurs on the next block read after the truncate


The LOCK TABLE IN EXCLUSIVE MODE does not prevent the table from being

SELECTED from. Thus, when the query has started and while this query runs

and the truncate occurs, this ORA-08103 may surface on the next block read.

This is considered intended behavior.

When a TRUNCATE occurs the DATAOBJ# in OBJ$ gets increased by one and thus

may lead to this ORA-08103 'object no longer exists'


Possible solutions are:

- Use DELETE instead of TRUNCATE

- Use SELECT FOR UPDATE as this will try to lock the table

[Q]ORA-00600 錯誤 ﹐請教﹗


Errors in file /u/product/admin/f2/udump/ora_29659.trc:

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [6731], [1], [0], [0], [], [], [], []

Tue Jan 6 12:20:21 2004

Errors in file /u/product/admin/f2/udump/ora_29659.trc:

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [17090], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

Tue Jan 6 12:20:18 2004

Errors in file /u/product/admin/f2/udump/ora_29659.trc:

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [6731], [1], [0], [0], [], [], [], []

Tue Jan 6 12:20:21 2004

Errors in file /u/product/admin/f2/udump/ora_29659.trc:



ORA-00600 internal error code, arguments: [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string]

Cause: This is the generic internal error number for Oracle program exceptions. It indicates that a process has encountered a low-level, unexpected condition. Causes of this message include:


file corruption

failed data checks in memory

hardware, memory, or I/O errors

incorrectly restored files

The first argument is the internal message number. Other arguments are various numbers, names, and character strings. The numbers may change meanings between different versions of Oracle.

Action: Report this error to Oracle Support Services after gathering the following information:

events that led up to the error

the operations that were attempted that led to the error

the conditions of the operating system and databases at the time of the error

any unusual circumstances that occurred before receiving the ORA-00600 message

contents of any trace files generated by the error

the relevant portions of the Alter files

Note: The cause of this message may manifest itself as different errors at different times. Be aware of the history of errors that occurred before this internal error.


Fixed in Release Bug Number Description

9202 2258479 ORA-00600 [15264] enabling FOREIGN KEY constraint against a view

2619867: With a local-managed tablespace and auto-managed segment, a select from a table may fail with one of these errors:

ORA-08103: object no longer exists

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcbgtcr_12], [1]

ORA-01410: invalid ROWID

Fixed: 9203

2611590: ORA-00600 [17003] possible when running xdbrelod.sql.

Fixed: 9203

2604343: ORA-00600 [1234] can occur when using non-empty resource_manager_plan. Workaround: Set resource_manager_plan="".

Fixed: 9203

2556195: A query with a PIPELINED PL/SQL function may signal ORA-00600: [sorput_1], or return wrong results, if the execution plan includes multiple references to the function (such as: a CONCATENATION is used in the execution plan). This problem can also leave a bad instantiation state for the function which can result in a subsequent ORA-600 [17285] error. Workaround: Prevent multiple references in the execution plan. For example, use a NO_EXPAND hint.

Fixed: 9203

2399954: ORA-00600[733] or ORA-600[KGHALF1] possible when a PL/SQL procedure is executed continuously. Workaround: increase OPEN_CURSORS, or re-connect to the server.

Fixed: 9202

2395193: Dequeueing messages for rule subscribers enqueued before a 9.2 upgrade can cause ORA-00600: [4414]: ORA-01403 no data found on dequeue.

Fixed: 9202

2157502: 'ORA-00600 [4819]' and 'ORA-00600 [4815]' possible when a partition maintenance operation against an IOT is running in another session.

Fixed: 9202

2134836: ORA-00600 [QKABRIX1] possible during parse of queries that can use both a bitmap index and a partitioned b-tree index on a non-partitioned table.

Fixed: 9202



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