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原创 加解密那些事之名词解释 Things of Encryption
目录: 1. Algorithm 算法 1.1 Cryptographic Hash 密码哈希/散列 (Message Digest 消息摘要) 1.2 Symmetric-key algorithm 对称密钥 / 共享密钥 1.3 Public-key cryptography 非对称加密 / 公开密钥加密 2. Digital Signature 数字签名 3. Digital Certificate 数字证书 4. SSL / TLS
2019-06-23 20:33:25 139
原创 APNS Push 资料整理 & JAVA lib
2018-05-10 10:05:35 178
原创 麻雀虽小
KAFKA / ZooKeeperhttp://kafka.apache.org/brew install kafkazkServer startzookeeper-server-start /usr/local/etc/kafka/zookeeper.propertieskafka-server-start /usr/local/etc/kafka/server.propertiesprotob...
2018-01-16 20:10:43 480
原创 ML-D1: Whats the difference between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data science, D
2017-12-28 12:02:29 215
原创 【查询手册】JVM Commands
JVM调试过程中的常用命令总结 ps 列出进程信息, 经常需要先获取到java应用的进程pid,为了直接找到我们关心的进程,可以配合grep搜索命令指定应用名 ps -ef | grep xxxx | grep -v grep output: uid | pid | ppid (parent pid)| ... jps 列出jvm进程 jst
2017-12-22 11:26:58 125
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