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原创 BeanFactory注释中,关于Bean生命周期的说明
* <p>Bean factory implementations should support the standard bean lifecycle interfaces * as far as possible. The full set of initialization methods and their standard order is: * <ol> * <li>BeanNameAware's {@code setBeanName} * <.
2021-06-12 21:00:20 102
原创 【算法】从前序与中序遍历序列构造二叉树
从前序与中序遍历序列构造二叉树题目思路二叉树相关的题目一般会马上想到递归这里也一样,分别递归重建获得二叉树重点:找到中序遍历中根节点位置的索引重点api:Arrays.copyOfRange(preorder, x , y);// copy的是一个左开右闭的区间 [x,y)代码class Solution { public TreeNode buildTree(int[] preorder, int[] inorder) { if(preorder == nu
2021-04-24 09:52:05 97
原创 【算法】螺旋矩阵
LeetCode-螺旋矩阵题目思路核心:用数组 dx/dy(direction of X/Y) 记录坐标x,y在移动的过程中的变化量int[] dx = {0,1,0,-1}; int[] dy = {1,0,-1,0};用一个二维数组 visited 来记录当前坐标是否已经被访问过代码class Solution { public List<Integer> spiralOrder(int[][] matrix) { int m = mat
2021-04-24 08:31:01 127
原创 【SpringBoot】解读@SpringBootApplication
SpringBootApplication注解解析@SpringBootApplication 其实是由三个注解组成的SpringBootConfigurationEnableAutoConfigurationComponentScan@SpringBootConfiguration@EnableAutoConfiguration@ComponentScan(excludeFilters = {@Filter(type = FilterType.CUSTOM,classes = {Type
2021-04-21 21:12:41 443 2
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