Oracle数据库常用监控语句SQL(Zabbix 已调优)

lio_current_read,locks,maxprocs,maxsession,miss_latch,pga_aggregate_target, pga,phio_datafile_reads,phio_datafile_writes,phio_redo_writes,pinhitratio_body,pinhitratio_sqlarea,pinhitratio_table-proc,pinhitratio_trigger,


rman_check_status.Query=select ’ DB NAME->‘||DB_NAME||’- ROW TYPE->‘||ROW_TYPE||’- START TIME->‘||to_char(start_time, ‘Dy DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS’) ||’- END TIME->‘||to_char(end_time, ‘Dy DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS’)||’- MBYTES PROCESSED->‘||MBYTES_PROCESSED||’- OBJECT TYPE->‘||OBJECT_TYPE||’- STATUS->‘||STATUS||’- OUTPUT DEVICE->‘||OUTPUT_DEVICE_TYPE||’- INPUT MB->‘||INPUT_BYTES/1048576||’- OUT MB’||OUTPUT_BYTES/1048576
FROM rc_rman_status
WHERE start_time > SYSDATE - 1


checkBitAttack.Query=Select Count(1) From (Select 1 From Dba_Triggers Where Trigger_Name Like 'DBMS_%INTERNAL%’ Union All Select 1 From Dba_Procedures Where Object_Name Like 'DBMS%_INTERNAL% ’ Union All Select 1 From Dba_Objects Where Object_Name Like ‘DBMS_CORE_INTERNA%’ Or Object_Name Like ‘DBMS_SYSTEM_INTERNA%’ Or Object_Name Like ‘DBMS_SUPPORT_INTERNA%’ Or Object_Name Like ‘DBMS_STANDARD_FUN9%’ Or Object_Name Like ‘ORACHK%’ Union All Select 1 From Dba_Jobs Where What Like ‘DBMS_STANDARD_FUN9%’)

db_role.Query=select database_role from v$database

adg_apply_status.Query=select status from gv d a t a b a s e a , g v database a,gv databasea,gvmanaged_standby b where b.process=‘MRP0’ and b.inst_id=a.inst_id

adg_apply_block_id.Query=select block# from gv d a t a b a s e a , g v database a,gv databasea,gvmanaged_standby b where b.process=‘MRP0’ and b.inst_id=a.inst_id

delay_apply.Query=select to_number(substr(v.value, 2, 2)) * 24 * 60 * 60 +
to_number(substr(v.value, 5, 2)) * 60 * 60 +
to_number(substr(v.VALUE, 8, 2)) * 60 +
to_number(substr(v.VALUE, 11, 2)) as delay_seconds
from v$dataguard_stats v
where = ‘apply lag’

delay_transport.Query=select to_number(substr(v.value, 2, 2)) * 24 * 60 * 60 +
to_number(substr(v.value, 5, 2)) * 60 * 60 +
to_number(substr(v.VALUE, 8, 2)) * 60 +
to_number(substr(v.VALUE, 11, 2)) as delay_seconds
from v$dataguard_stats v
where = ‘transport lag’

instance_status.Query=select 'Only ‘||v2.INSTANCE_NAME||’ is running on host '||v2.HOST_NAME as result from gv i n s t a n c e v 2 w h e r e   ( S E L E C T v a l u e F R O M v instance v2 where \ (SELECT value FROM v instancev2where (SELECTvalueFROMvparameter where name = ‘cluster_database_instances’) >(
select count(*) as instance_num from gv$instance v where v.STATUS=‘OPEN’)

fra_use.Query=select round(((space_used-SPACE_RECLAIMABLE)/space_limit)*100,2) as fra_used from v$recovery_file_dest

asm_space.Query=select name || ‘,free_mb:’ || free_mb || ‘,free_rate:’ || round((free_mb / total_mb) * 100, 2) || ‘%;’ asmdisk_free from v A S M D I S K G R O U P w h e r e r o u n d ( ( f r e e m b / t o t a l m b ) ∗ 100 , 2 ) < 9 a n d f r e e m b < 204800 a s m s p a c e . N o D a t a F o u n d = n o n e d b a j o b s . Q u e r y = s e l e c t c o u n t ( 1 ) f r o m d b a j o b s w h e r e B R O K E N = ′ Y ′ d b a j o b s . N o D a t a F o u n d = n o n e e x e c u t e c o u n t . Q u e r y = s e l e c t v a l u e f r o m v ASM_DISKGROUP where round((free_mb / total_mb) * 100, 2) < 9 and free_mb < 204800 asm_space.NoDataFound=none dba_jobs.Query=select count(1) from dba_jobs where BROKEN = 'Y' dba_jobs.NoDataFound=none execute_count.Query=select value from v ASMDISKGROUPwhereround((freemb/totalmb)100,2)<9andfreemb<204800asmspace.NoDataFound=nonedbajobs.Query=selectcount(1)fromdbajobswhereBROKEN=Ydbajobs.NoDataFound=noneexecutecount.Query=selectvaluefromvsysstat where name = ‘execute count’
user_commits.Query=select value from v s y s s t a t w h e r e n a m e = ′ u s e r c o m m i t s ′ u s e r c o m m i t s . N o D a t a F o u n d = n o n e u s e r r o l l b a c k s . Q u e r y = s e l e c t v a l u e f r o m v sysstat where name = 'user commits' user_commits.NoDataFound=none user_rollbacks.Query=select value from v sysstatwherename=usercommitsusercommits.NoDataFound=noneuserrollbacks.Query=selectvaluefromvsysstat where name = ‘user rollbacks’
tps.Query=select sum(value) from v$sysstat where name in( ‘user rollbacks’,‘user commits’)

elapsedtime.Query=select Elapsedtime from (select snap_id,round((to_date(to_char(end_interval_time, ‘yyyymmddHH24MISS’),‘yyyymmddHH24MISS’) - to_date(to_char(begin_interval_time, ‘yyyymmddHH24MISS’),‘yyyymmddHH24MISS’)) * 24 * 60, 0) Elapsedtime from dba_hist_snapshot where begin_interval_time >= sysdate - 140 / (24 * 60) and instance_number = (select instance_number from v$instance) order by snap_id desc) where rownum=1

dbfilesize.Query=select to_char(sum(bytes/1024/1024), ‘FM99999999999999990’) retvalue from dba_data_files

dbsize.Query=SELECT to_char(sum( NVL(a.bytes/1024/1024 - NVL(f.bytes/1024/1024, 0), 0)), ‘FM99999999999999990’) retvalue
FROM sys.dba_tablespaces d,
(select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) a,
(select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) f
WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = f.tablespace_name(+)
AND NOT (d.extent_management like ‘LOCAL’ AND d.contents like ‘TEMPORARY’)

uptime.Query=select to_char((sysdate-startup_time)*86400, ‘FM99999999999999990’) retvalue from v$instance

users_locked.Query=SELECT username||’ ‘|| lock_date ||’ '|| account_status FROM dba_users where ACCOUNT_STATUS like ‘EXPIRED(GRACE)’ or ACCOUNT_STATUS like ‘LOCKED(TIMED)’

archive.Query=select round(A.LOGSB.AVG/1024/1024/10) from ( SELECT COUNT () LOGS FROM V L O G H I S T O R Y W H E R E F I R S T T I M E > = ( s y s d a t e − 10 / 60 / 24 ) ) A , ( S E L E C T A v g ( B Y T E S ) A V G , C o u n t ( 1 ) , M a x ( B Y T E S ) M a x B y t e s , M i n ( B Y T E S ) M i n B y t e s F R O M v LOG_HISTORY WHERE FIRST_TIME >= (sysdate -10/60/24)) A, ( SELECT Avg(BYTES) AVG, Count(1), Max(BYTES) Max_Bytes, Min(BYTES) Min_Bytes FROM v LOGHISTORYWHEREFIRSTTIME>=(sysdate10/60/24))A,(SELECTAvg(BYTES)AVG,Count(1),Max(BYTES)MaxBytes,Min(BYTES)MinBytesFROMvlog) B

archive.Query=select nvl(round(sum(blocks * block_size) / 1024 / 1024), 0) from vKaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 27: …g where thread#̲=(select thread…instance) and FIRST_TIME >= (sysdate - 30 / 24 / 60)
archive.RaceConditionQuery=select value from v$parameter where name=‘log_archive_start’

audit.Query=select username “username”,
to_char(timestamp,‘DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS’) “time_stamp”,
action_name “statement”,
os_username “os_username”,
userhost “userhost”,
returncode||decode(returncode,‘1004’,‘-Wrong Connection’,‘1005’,‘-NULL Password’,‘1017’,‘-Wrong Password’,‘1045’,‘-Insufficient Priviledge’,‘0’,‘-Login Accepted’,‘28000’,‘-The account is locked’,‘–’) “returncode”
from sys.dba_audit_session
where timestamp>(sysdate-3/24/60) and returncode <> 0
order by timestamp

dbblockgets.Query=select to_char(sum(decode(name,‘db block gets’, value,0))) “block_gets”
FROM v$sysstat

dbconsistentgets.Query=select to_char(sum(decode(name,‘consistent gets’, value,0))) “consistent_gets”
FROM v$sysstat

dbhitratio.Query=select round((sum(decode(name, ‘consistent gets’, value, 0)) + sum(decode(name, ‘db block gets’, value, 0)) - sum(decode(name, ‘physical reads’, value, 0))) / (sum(decode(name, ‘consistent gets’, value, 0)) + sum(decode(name, ‘db block gets’, value, 0))) * 100, 4) “hit_ratio” FROM v s y s s t a t d b p h y s i c a l r e a d . Q u e r y = s e l e c t s u m ( d e c o d e ( n a m e , ′ p h y s i c a l r e a d s ′ , v a l u e , 0 ) ) " p h y s r e a d s " F R O M v sysstat dbphysicalread.Query=select sum(decode(name,'physical reads', value,0)) "phys_reads" FROM v sysstatdbphysicalread.Query=selectsum(decode(name,physicalreads,value,0))"physreads"FROMvsysstat

sqlnotindexed.Query=SELECT SUM(DECODE(NAME, ‘table scans (long tables)’, VALUE, 0))/ (SUM(DECODE(NAME, ‘table scans (long tables)’, VALUE, 0))+SUM(DECODE(NAME, ‘table scans (short tables)’, VALUE, 0)))*100 SQL_NOT_INDEXED FROM V$SYSSTAT WHERE 1=1 AND ( NAME IN (‘table scans (long tables)’,‘table scans (short tables)’) )

hitratio_body.Query=select round(gethitratio100,4) “get_pct” FROM v l i b r a r y c a c h e w h e r e n a m e s p a c e = ′ B O D Y ′ h i t r a t i o s q l a r e a . Q u e r y = s e l e c t r o u n d ( g e t h i t r a t i o ∗ 100 , 4 ) " g e t p c t " F R O M v librarycache where namespace ='BODY' hitratio_sqlarea.Query=select round(gethitratio*100,4) "get_pct" FROM v librarycachewherenamespace=BODYhitratiosqlarea.Query=selectround(gethitratio100,4)"getpct"FROMvlibrarycache where namespace =‘SQL AREA’
hitratio_trigger.Query=select round(gethitratio
100,4) “get_pct” FROM v l i b r a r y c a c h e w h e r e n a m e s p a c e = ′ T R I G G E R ′ h i t r a t i o t a b l e p r o c . Q u e r y = s e l e c t r o u n d ( g e t h i t r a t i o ∗ 100 , 4 ) " g e t p c t " F R O M v librarycache where namespace ='TRIGGER' hitratio_table_proc.Query=select round(gethitratio*100,4) "get_pct" FROM v librarycachewherenamespace=TRIGGERhitratiotableproc.Query=selectround(gethitratio100,4)"getpct"FROMvlibrarycache where namespace = ‘TABLE/PROCEDURE’

lio_block_changes.Query=SELECT to_char(SUM(DECODE(NAME,‘db block changes’,VALUE,0)))
WHERE NAME =‘db block changes’

lio_consistent_read.Query=SELECT to_char(sum(decode(name,‘consistent gets’,value,0))) FROM V S Y S S T A T W H E R E N A M E = ′ c o n s i s t e n t g e t s ′ l i o c u r r e n t r e a d . Q u e r y = S E L E C T t o c h a r ( s u m ( d e c o d e ( n a m e , ′ d b b l o c k g e t s ′ , v a l u e , 0 ) ) ) F R O M V SYSSTAT WHERE NAME ='consistent gets' lio_current_read.Query=SELECT to_char(sum(decode(name,'db block gets',value,0))) FROM V SYSSTATWHERENAME=consistentgetsliocurrentread.Query=SELECTtochar(sum(decode(name,dbblockgets,value,0)))FROMVSYSSTAT WHERE NAME =‘db block gets’

locks.Query=select ‘machine:’ || v.machine || ’ osuser:’ || v.osuser || ’ sid:’ ||
v.sid || ’ serial:’ || v.serial# || ’ event:’ || v.event ||
’ program:’ || v.program || ’ sql:’ || v2.sql_text as res
from v s e s s i o n v , v session v, v sessionv,vsql v2
where event like ‘enq%’
and v.sql_id = v2.sql_id
and state = ‘WAITING’
and seconds_in_wait >= 10

#locks.Query=SELECT b.session_id||’ ’ AS sid,
NVL(b.oracle_username, ‘(oracle)’)||’ ’ AS username,
a.owner||’ ’ AS object_owner,
a.object_name||’ ‘,
Decode(b.locked_mode, 0, ‘None’,
1, ‘Null (NULL)’,
2, ‘Row-S (SS)’,
3, ‘Row-X (SX)’,
4, ‘Share (S)’,
5, ‘S/Row-X (SSX)’,
6, ‘Exclusive (X)’,
b.locked_mode) locked_mode,
nvl(b.os_user_name,’-') os_user_name
FROM dba_objects a,
v l o c k e d o b j e c t b , v locked_object b,v lockedobjectb,vsession c
WHERE a.object_id = b.object_id
and b.session_id = c.sid
and c.prev_exec_start < (sysdate - 5 / 60 / 24) \
ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 4

#locks.Query=select sn.USERNAME ||‘@’||sn.machine,
‘|SID->’ || m.SID,
‘|Serial->’|| sn.SERIAL#,
‘|Lock Type->’||m.TYPE,
1, ‘Null’,
2, ‘Row-S (SS)’,
3, ‘Row-X (SX)’,
4, ‘Share’,
5, ‘S/Row-X (SSX)’,
6, ‘Exclusive’) lock_type,
0, ‘None’,
1, ‘Null’,
2, ‘Row-S (SS)’,
3, ‘Row-X (SX)’,
4, ‘Share’,
5, ‘S/Row-X (SSX)’,
6, ‘Exclusive’) lock_requested,
‘|Time (Sec)->’||m.CTIME “Time(sec)”,
‘|SQL Text->’||t.SQL_TEXT
from v s e s s i o n s n ,   v session sn, \ v sessionsn, vlock m ,
v s q l t e x t t   w h e r e t . A D D R E S S = s n . S Q L A D D R E S S   a n d t . H A S H V A L U E = s n . S Q L H A S H V A L U E   a n d ( ( s n . S I D = m . S I D a n d m . R E Q U E S T ! = 0 )   o r ( s n . S I D = m . S I D a n d m . R E Q U E S T = 0 a n d L M O D E ! = 4 a n d ( I D 1 , I D 2 ) i n   ( s e l e c t s . I D 1 , s . I D 2   f r o m v sqltext t \ where t.ADDRESS =sn.SQL_ADDRESS \ and t.HASH_VALUE =sn.SQL_HASH_VALUE \ and ((sn.SID =m.SID and m.REQUEST !=0) \ or (sn.SID =m.SID and m.REQUEST =0 and LMODE !=4 and (ID1, ID2) in \ (select s.ID1, s.ID2 \ from v sqltextt wheret.ADDRESS=sn.SQLADDRESS andt.HASHVALUE=sn.SQLHASHVALUE and((sn.SID=m.SIDandm.REQUEST!=0) or(sn.SID=m.SIDandm.REQUEST=0andLMODE!=4and(ID1,ID2)in (selects.ID1,s.ID2 fromvlock S
where REQUEST !=0
and s.ctime > 5
and s.ID1 =m.ID1
and s.ID2 =m.ID2)))
order by sn.USERNAME, sn.SID, t.PIECE

maxprocs.Query=select value “maxprocs” from v p a r a m e t e r w h e r e n a m e = ′ p r o c e s s e s ′ m a x s e s s i o n . Q u e r y = s e l e c t v a l u e " m a x s e s s " f r o m v parameter where name ='processes' maxsession.Query=select value "maxsess" from v parameterwherename=processesmaxsession.Query=selectvalue"maxsess"fromvparameter where name =‘sessions’
miss_latch.Query=SELECT SUM(misses) FROM V L A T C H p g a a g g r e g a t e t a r g e t . Q u e r y = s e l e c t t o c h a r ( d e c o d e ( u n i t , ′ b y t e s ′ , v a l u e / 1024 / 1024 , v a l u e ) , ′ 999999999. 9 ′ ) v a l u e f r o m V LATCH pga_aggregate_target.Query=select to_char(decode( unit,'bytes', value/1024/1024, value),'999999999.9') value from V LATCHpgaaggregatetarget.Query=selecttochar(decode(unit,bytes,value/1024/1024,value),999999999.9)valuefromVPGASTAT where name in ‘aggregate PGA target parameter’
pga.Query=select to_char(decode( unit,‘bytes’, value/1024/1024, value),‘999999999.9’) value from V P G A S T A T w h e r e n a m e i n ′ t o t a l P G A i n u s e ′ p h i o d a t a f i l e r e a d s . Q u e r y = s e l e c t t o c h a r ( s u m ( d e c o d e ( n a m e , ′ p h y s i c a l r e a d s d i r e c t ′ , v a l u e , 0 ) ) ) F R O M V PGASTAT where name in 'total PGA inuse' phio_datafile_reads.Query=select to_char(sum(decode(name,'physical reads direct',value,0))) FROM V PGASTATwherenameintotalPGAinusephiodatafilereads.Query=selecttochar(sum(decode(name,physicalreadsdirect,value,0)))FROMVSYSSTAT where name =‘physical reads direct’
phio_datafile_writes.Query=select to_char(sum(decode(name,‘physical writes direct’,value,0))) FROM V S Y S S T A T w h e r e n a m e = ′ p h y s i c a l w r i t e s d i r e c t ′ p h i o r e d o w r i t e s . Q u e r y = s e l e c t t o c h a r ( s u m ( d e c o d e ( n a m e , ′ r e d o w r i t e s ′ , v a l u e , 0 ) ) ) F R O M V SYSSTAT where name ='physical writes direct' phio_redo_writes.Query=select to_char(sum(decode(name,'redo writes',value,0))) FROM V SYSSTATwherename=physicalwritesdirectphioredowrites.Query=selecttochar(sum(decode(name,redowrites,value,0)))FROMVSYSSTAT where name =‘redo writes’
pinhitratio_body.Query=select round(pins/(pins+reloads)100,4) “pin_hit ratio” FROM v l i b r a r y c a c h e w h e r e n a m e s p a c e = ′ B O D Y ′ p i n h i t r a t i o s q l a r e a . Q u e r y = s e l e c t r o u n d ( p i n s / ( p i n s + r e l o a d s ) ∗ 100 , 4 ) " p i n h i t r a t i o " F R O M v librarycache where namespace ='BODY' pinhitratio_sqlarea.Query=select round(pins/(pins+reloads)*100,4) "pin_hit ratio" FROM v librarycachewherenamespace=BODYpinhitratiosqlarea.Query=selectround(pins/(pins+reloads)100,4)"pinhitratio"FROMvlibrarycache where namespace =‘SQL AREA’
pinhitratio_table-proc.Query=select round(pins/(pins+reloads)100,4) “pin_hit ratio” FROM v l i b r a r y c a c h e w h e r e n a m e s p a c e = ′ T A B L E / P R O C E D U R E ′ p i n h i t r a t i o t r i g g e r . Q u e r y = s e l e c t r o u n d ( p i n s / ( p i n s + r e l o a d s ) ∗ 100 , 4 ) " p i n h i t r a t i o " F R O M v librarycache where namespace ='TABLE/PROCEDURE' pinhitratio_trigger.Query=select round(pins/(pins+reloads)*100,4) "pin_hit ratio" FROM v librarycachewherenamespace=TABLE/PROCEDUREpinhitratiotrigger.Query=selectround(pins/(pins+reloads)100,4)"pinhitratio"FROMvlibrarycache where namespace =‘TRIGGER’
pool_dict_cache.Query=SELECT TO_CHAR(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool,‘shared pool’,decode(name,‘dictionary cache’,(bytes)/(1024
1024),0),0)),2)) pool_dict_cache FROM V S G A S T A T p o o l f r e e m e m . Q u e r y = S E L E C T T O C H A R ( R O U N D ( S U M ( d e c o d e ( p o o l , ′ s h a r e d p o o l ′ , d e c o d e ( n a m e , ′ f r e e m e m o r y ′ , ( b y t e s ) / ( 1024 ∗ 1024 ) , 0 ) , 0 ) ) , 2 ) ) p o o l f r e e m e m F R O M V SGASTAT pool_free_mem.Query=SELECT TO_CHAR(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool,'shared pool',decode(name,'free memory',(bytes)/(1024*1024),0),0)),2)) pool_free_mem FROM V SGASTATpoolfreemem.Query=SELECTTOCHAR(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool,sharedpool,decode(name,freememory,(bytes)/(10241024),0),0)),2))poolfreememFROMVSGASTAT
pool_lib_cache.Query=SELECT TO_CHAR(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool,‘shared pool’,decode(name,‘library cache’,(bytes)/(1024
1024),0),0)),2)) pool_lib_cache FROM V S G A S T A T p o o l m i s c . Q u e r y = S E L E C T T O C H A R ( R O U N D ( S U M ( d e c o d e ( p o o l , ′ s h a r e d p o o l ′ , d e c o d e ( n a m e , ′ l i b r a r y c a c h e ′ , 0 , ′ d i c t i o n a r y c a c h e ′ , 0 , ′ f r e e m e m o r y ′ , 0 , ′ s q l a r e a ′ , 0 , ( b y t e s ) / ( 1024 ∗ 1024 ) ) , 0 ) ) , 2 ) ) p o o l m i s c F R O M V SGASTAT pool_misc.Query=SELECT TO_CHAR(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool,'shared pool',decode(name,'library cache',0,'dictionary cache',0,'free memory',0,'sql area', 0,(bytes)/(1024*1024)),0)),2)) pool_misc FROM V SGASTATpoolmisc.Query=SELECTTOCHAR(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool,sharedpool,decode(name,librarycache,0,dictionarycache,0,freememory,0,sqlarea,0,(bytes)/(10241024)),0)),2))poolmiscFROMVSGASTAT
pool_sql_area.Query=SELECT TO_CHAR(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool,‘shared pool’,decode(name,‘sql area’,(bytes)/(10241024),0),0)),2)) pool_sql_area FROM V S G A S T A T p r o c n u m . Q u e r y = s e l e c t c o u n t ( ∗ ) " p r o c n u m " f r o m v SGASTAT procnum.Query=select count(*) "procnum" from v SGASTATprocnum.Query=selectcount()"procnum"fromvprocess
session_active.Query=select count(
) from v s e s s i o n w h e r e T Y P E ! = ′ B A C K G R O U N D ′ a n d s t a t u s = ′ A C T I V E ′ s e s s i o n i n a c t i v e . Q u e r y = s e l e c t S U M ( D e c o d e ( T y p e , ′ B A C K G R O U N D ′ , 0 , D e c o d e ( S t a t u s , ′ A C T I V E ′ , 0 , 1 ) ) ) F R O M V session where TYPE!='BACKGROUND' and status='ACTIVE' session_inactive.Query=select SUM(Decode(Type, 'BACKGROUND', 0, Decode(Status, 'ACTIVE', 0, 1))) FROM V sessionwhereTYPE!=BACKGROUNDandstatus=ACTIVEsessioninactive.Query=selectSUM(Decode(Type,BACKGROUND,0,Decode(Status,ACTIVE,0,1)))FROMVSESSION
session.Query=select count() from v s e s s i o n s e s s i o n s y s t e m . Q u e r y = s e l e c t S U M ( D e c o d e ( T y p e , ′ B A C K G R O U N D ′ , 1 , 0 ) ) s y s t e m s e s s i o n s F R O M V session session_system.Query=select SUM(Decode(Type, 'BACKGROUND', 1, 0)) system_sessions FROM V sessionsessionsystem.Query=selectSUM(Decode(Type,BACKGROUND,1,0))systemsessionsFROMVSESSION
sga_buffer_cache.Query=SELECT to_char(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool,NULL,decode(name,‘db_block_buffers’,(bytes)/(1024
1024),‘buffer_cache’,(bytes)/(10241024),0),0)),2)) sga_bufcache FROM V S G A S T A T s g a f i x e d . Q u e r y = S E L E C T T O C H A R ( R O U N D ( S U M ( d e c o d e ( p o o l , N U L L , d e c o d e ( n a m e , ′ f i x e d s g a ′ , ( b y t e s ) / ( 1024 ∗ 1024 ) , 0 ) , 0 ) ) , 2 ) ) s g a f i x e d F R O M V SGASTAT sga_fixed.Query=SELECT TO_CHAR(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool,NULL,decode(name,'fixed_sga',(bytes)/(1024*1024),0),0)),2)) sga_fixed FROM V SGASTATsgafixed.Query=SELECTTOCHAR(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool,NULL,decode(name,fixedsga,(bytes)/(10241024),0),0)),2))sgafixedFROMVSGASTAT
sga_java_pool.Query=SELECT to_char(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool,‘java pool’,(bytes)/(1024
1024),0)),2)) sga_jpool FROM V S G A S T A T s g a l a r g e p o o l . Q u e r y = S E L E C T t o c h a r ( R O U N D ( S U M ( d e c o d e ( p o o l , ′ l a r g e p o o l ′ , ( b y t e s ) / ( 1024 ∗ 1024 ) , 0 ) ) , 2 ) ) s g a l p o o l F R O M V SGASTAT sga_large_pool.Query=SELECT to_char(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool,'large pool',(bytes)/(1024*1024),0)),2)) sga_lpool FROM V SGASTATsgalargepool.Query=SELECTtochar(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool,largepool,(bytes)/(10241024),0)),2))sgalpoolFROMVSGASTAT
sga_log_buffer.Query=SELECT TO_CHAR(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool,NULL,decode(name,‘log_buffer’,(bytes)/(1024*1024),0),0)),2)) sga_lbuffer FROM V S G A S T A T s g a s h a r e d p o o l . Q u e r y = S E L E C T T O C H A R ( R O U N D ( S U M ( d e c o d e ( p o o l , ′ s h a r e d p o o l ′ , d e c o d e ( n a m e , ′ l i b r a r y c a c h e ′ , 0 , ′ d i c t i o n a r y c a c h e ′ , 0 , ′ f r e e m e m o r y ′ , 0 , ′ s q l a r e a ′ , 0 , ( b y t e s ) / ( 1024 ∗ 1024 ) ) , 0 ) ) , 2 ) ) p o o l m i s c F R O M V SGASTAT sga_shared_pool.Query=SELECT TO_CHAR(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool,'shared pool',decode(name,'library cache',0,'dictionary cache',0,'free memory',0,'sql area',0,(bytes)/(1024*1024)),0)),2)) pool_misc FROM V SGASTATsgasharedpool.Query=SELECTTOCHAR(ROUND(SUM(decode(pool,sharedpool,decode(name,librarycache,0,dictionarycache,0,freememory,0,sqlarea,0,(bytes)/(10241024)),0)),2))poolmiscFROMVSGASTAT

tbl_space.Query=SELECT * FROM (
select ‘- Tablespace ->’,t.tablespace_name ktablespace,
‘- Type->’,substr(t.contents, 1, 1) tipo,
‘- Used(MB)->’,trunc((d.tbs_size-nvl(s.free_space, 0))/1024/1024) ktbs_em_uso,
‘- ActualSize(MB)->’,trunc(d.tbs_size/1024/1024) ktbs_size,
‘- MaxSize(MB)->’,trunc(d.tbs_maxsize/1024/1024) ktbs_maxsize,
‘- FreeSpace(MB)->’,trunc(nvl(s.free_space, 0)/1024/1024) kfree_space,
‘- Space->’,trunc((d.tbs_maxsize - d.tbs_size + nvl(s.free_space, 0))/1024/1024) kspace,
‘- Perc->’,decode(d.tbs_maxsize, 0, 0, trunc((d.tbs_size-nvl(s.free_space, 0))*100/d.tbs_maxsize)) kperc
( select SUM(bytes) tbs_size,
SUM(decode(sign(maxbytes - bytes), -1, bytes, maxbytes)) tbs_maxsize, tablespace_name tablespace
from ( select nvl(bytes, 0) bytes, nvl(maxbytes, 0) maxbytes, tablespace_name
from dba_data_files
union all
select nvl(bytes, 0) bytes, nvl(maxbytes, 0) maxbytes, tablespace_name
from dba_temp_files
group by tablespace_name
) d,
( select SUM(bytes) free_space,
tablespace_name tablespace
from dba_free_space
group by tablespace_name
) s,
dba_tablespaces t
where t.tablespace_name = d.tablespace(+) and
t.tablespace_name = s.tablespace(+)
order by 8)
where kperc > 90 and kfree_space < 20480
and tipo <>‘T’ \
and tipo <>‘U’

userconn.Query=select count(username) from v s e s s i o n w h e r e u s e r n a m e i s n o t n u l l w a i t s c o n t r o f i l e i o . Q u e r y = S E L E C T t o c h a r ( s u m ( d e c o d e ( e v e n t , ′ c o n t r o l f i l e s e q u e n t i a l r e a d ′ , t o t a l w a i t s , ′ c o n t r o l f i l e s i n g l e w r i t e ′ , t o t a l w a i t s , ′ c o n t r o l f i l e p a r a l l e l w r i t e ′ , t o t a l w a i t s , 0 ) ) ) C o n t r o l F i l e I O F R O M V session where username is not null waits_controfileio.Query=SELECT to_char(sum(decode(event,'control file sequential read', total_waits, 'control file single write', total_waits, 'control file parallel write',total_waits,0))) ControlFileIO FROM V sessionwhereusernameisnotnullwaitscontrofileio.Query=SELECTtochar(sum(decode(event,controlfilesequentialread,totalwaits,controlfilesinglewrite,totalwaits,controlfileparallelwrite,totalwaits,0)))ControlFileIOFROMVsystem_event WHERE 1=1 AND event not in ( ‘SQLNet message from client’, 'SQLNet more data from client’,‘pmon timer’, ‘rdbms ipc message’, ‘rdbms ipc reply’, ‘smon timer’)

waits_directpath_read.Query=SELECT to_char(sum(decode(event,‘direct path read’,total_waits,0))) DirectPathRead FROM V$system_event WHERE 1=1 AND event not in ( ‘SQLNet message from ', 'SQLNet more data from client’,‘pmon timer’, ‘rdbms ipc message’, ‘rdbms ipc reply’, ‘smon timer’)

waits_file_io.Query=SELECT to_char(sum(decode(event,‘file identify’,total_waits, ‘file open’,total_waits,0))) FileIO FROM V$system_event WHERE 1=1 AND event not in ( ‘SQLNet message from client’, 'SQLNet more data from client’, ‘pmon timer’, ‘rdbms ipc message’, ‘rdbms ipc reply’, ‘smon timer’)

waits_latch.Query=SELECT to_char(sum(decode(event,‘control file sequential read’, total_waits,
‘control file single write’, total_waits, ‘control file parallel write’,total_waits,0))) ControlFileIO
FROM V$system_event WHERE 1=1 AND event not in (
‘SQLNet message from client’,
Net more data from client’,
‘pmon timer’, ‘rdbms ipc message’,
‘rdbms ipc reply’, ‘smon timer’)

waits_logwrite.Query=SELECT to_char(sum(decode(event,‘log file single write’,total_waits, ‘log file parallel write’,total_waits,0))) LogWrite
FROM V$system_event WHERE 1=1 AND event not in (
‘SQLNet message from client’,
Net more data from client’,
‘pmon timer’, ‘rdbms ipc message’,
‘rdbms ipc reply’, ‘smon timer’)

waits_multiblock_read.Query=SELECT to_char(sum(decode(event,‘db file scattered read’,total_waits,0))) MultiBlockRead
FROM V$system_event WHERE 1=1 AND event not in (
‘SQLNet message from client’,
Net more data from client’,
‘pmon timer’, ‘rdbms ipc message’,
‘rdbms ipc reply’, ‘smon timer’)

waits_other.Query=SELECT to_char(sum(decode(event,‘control file sequential read’,0,‘control file single write’,0,‘control file parallel write’,0,‘db file sequential read’,0,‘db file scattered read’,0,‘direct path read’,0,‘file identify’,0,‘file open’,0,‘SQLNet message to client’,0,'SQLNet message to dblink’,0, ‘SQLNet more data to client’,0,'SQLNet more data to dblink’,0, ‘SQLNet break/reset to client’,0,'SQLNet break/reset to dblink’,0, ‘log file single write’,0,‘log file parallel write’,0,total_waits))) Other FROM V$system_event WHERE 1=1 AND event not in ( ‘SQLNet message from client’, 'SQLNet more data from client’, ‘pmon timer’, ‘rdbms ipc message’, ‘rdbms ipc reply’, ‘smon timer’)

waits_singleblock_read.Query=SELECT to_char(sum(decode(event,‘db file sequential read’,total_waits,0))) SingleBlockRead
FROM V$system_event WHERE 1=1 AND event not in (
‘SQLNet message from client’,
Net more data from client’,
‘pmon timer’, ‘rdbms ipc message’,
‘rdbms ipc reply’, ‘smon timer’)

waits_sqlnet.Query=SELECT to_char(sum(decode(event,‘SQLNet message to client’,total_waits,'SQLNet message to dblink’,total_waits,‘SQLNet more data to client’,total_waits,'SQLNet more data to dblink’,total_waits,‘SQLNet break/reset to client’,total_waits,'SQLNet break/reset to dblink’,total_waits,0))) SQLNET FROM V$system_event WHERE 1=1
AND event not in ( ‘SQLNet message from client’,'SQLNet more data from client’,‘pmon timer’,‘rdbms ipc message’,‘rdbms ipc reply’, ‘smon timer’)


dg_sequence_number.Query=SELECT MAX (sequence#) FROM v$log_history

#dg_sequence_number_stby.Query=SELECT MAX (sequence#) last_log_applied FROM vKaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '#' at position 63: …ct max(sequence#̲) from varchived_log





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