win32com操作excel 包含常用api等等

# coding:utf-8
import os
import win32com.client
import win32con
import win32gui

def main():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excelの定数を設定
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excelの定数を取得する方法もあるようです。
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum Constants
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlAbove       =  0
    xlBelow       =  1
    xlSolid       =  1
    xlFirst       =  0
    xlLast        =  1
    xlLastCell    = 11
    xlTopToBottom =  1
    xlLeftToRight =  2
    xlGeneral     =  1
    xlAutomatic   = -4105
    xlFormats     = -4122
    xlNone        = -4142
    xlCenter      = -4108
    xlDistributed = -4117
    xlJustify     = -4130
    xlBottom      = -4107
    xlLeft        = -4131
    xlRight       = -4152
    xlTop         = -4160
    xlRTL         = -5004
    xlLTR         = -5003
    xlContext     = -5002
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlAutoFillType
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlFillDefault  =  0
    xlFillCopy     =  1
    xlFillSeries   =  2
    xlFillFormats  =  3
    xlFillValues   =  4
    xlFillDays     =  5
    xlFillWeekdays =  6
    xlFillMonths   =  7
    xlFillYears    =  8
    xlLinearTrend  =  9
    xlGrowthTrend  = 10
    xlFlashFill    = 11
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlAutoFilterOperator
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlAnd             =  1
    xlOr              =  2
    xlTop10Items      =  3
    xlBottom10Items   =  4
    xlTop10Percent    =  5
    xlBottom10Percent =  6
    xlFilterValues    =  7
    xlFilterCellColor =  8
    xlFilterFontColor =  9
    xlFilterIcon      = 10
    xlFilterDynamic   = 11
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XLBordersIndex
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlDiagonalDown     =  5
    xlDiagonalUp       =  6
    xlEdgeLeft         =  7
    xlEdgeTop          =  8
    xlEdgeBottom       =  9
    xlEdgeRight        = 10
    xlInsideHorizontal = 12
    xlInsideVertical   = 11
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XLBorderWeight
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlHairline = 1
    xlThin     = 2
    xlThick    = 4
    xlMedium   = -4138
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlCellType
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlCellTypeConstants            =  2
    xlCellTypeBlanks               =  4
    xlCellTypeLastCell             = 11
    xlCellTypeVisible              = 12
    xlCellTypeFormulas             = -4123
    xlCellTypeComments             = -4144
    xlCellTypeAllFormatConditions  = -4172
    xlCellTypeSameFormatConditions = -4173
    xlCellTypeAllValidation        = -4174
    xlCellTypeSameValidation       = -4175
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlColorIndex
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlColorIndexAutomatic = -4105
    xlColorIndexNone      = -4142
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlCutCopyMode
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlCopy = 1
    xlCut  = 2
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlDeleteShiftDirection
    # Excel Enum XlInsertShiftDirection
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlShiftUp      = -4162
    xlShiftDown    = -4121
    xlShiftToLeft  = -4159
    xlShiftToRight = -4161
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlDirection
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlUp      = -4162
    xlDown    = -4121
    xlToLeft  = -4159
    xlToRight = -4161
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlFileFormat
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlCSV                         =  6
    xlHtml                        = 44
    xlWorkbookDefault             = 51
    xlOpenXMLWorkbook             = 51
    xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled = 52
    xlWorkbookNormal              = -4143
    xlCurrentPlatformText         = -4158
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlFixedFormatType
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlTypePDF = 0
    xlTypeXPS = 1
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlFixedFormatQuality
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlQualityStandard = 0
    xlQualityMinimum  = 1
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlFindLookIn
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlFormulas = -4123
    xlComments = -4144
    xlValues   = -4163
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlLineStyle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlContinuous    =  1
    xlDashDot       =  4
    xlDashDotDot    =  5
    xlSlantDashDot  = 13
    xlDash          = -4115
    xldot           = -4118
    xlDouble        = -4119
    xlLineStyleNone = -4142
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlOrientation
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlHorizontal = -4128
    xlVertical   = -4166
    xlDownward   = -4170
    xlUpward     = -4171
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlPasteType
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlPasteValues                       = -4163
    xlPasteComments                     = -4144
    xlPasteFormulas                     = -4123
    xlPasteFormats                      = -4122
    xlPasteAll                          = -4104
    xlPasteValidation                   =  6
    xlPasteAllExceptBorders             =  7
    xlPasteColumnWidths                 =  8
    xlPasteFormulasAndNumberFormats     = 11
    xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats       = 12
    xlPasteAllUsingSourceTheme          = 13
    xlPasteAllMergingConditionalFormats = 14
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlSheetVisibility
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlSheetVisible    = -1
    xlSheetHidden     =  0
    xlSheetVeryHidden =  2
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlSpecialCellsValue
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlNumbers    =  1
    xlTextValues =  2
    xlLogical    =  4
    xlErrors     = 16
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlSortDataOption
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlSortNormal        = 0
    xlSortTextAsNumbers = 1
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlSortMethod
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlPinYin = 1
    xlStroke = 2
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlSortOrder
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlAscending  = 1
    xlDescending = 2
    xlManual     = -4135
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlSortOrientation
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlSortColumns = 1
    xlSortRows    = 2
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlSortOn
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlSortOnValues    = 0
    xlSortOnCellColor = 1
    xlSortOnFontColor = 2
    xlSortOnIcon      = 3
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlSortType
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlSortValues  = 1
    xlSortLabels  = 2
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlUnderlineStyle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlUnderlineStyleNone             = -4142
    xlUnderlineStyleDouble           = -4119
    xlUnderlineStyleSingle           = 2 
    xlUnderlineStyleSingleAccounting = 4
    xlUnderlineStyleDoubleAccounting = 5
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Excel Enum XlYesNoGuess
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlGuess = 0
    xlYes   = 1
    xlNo    = 2
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# Excel起動 #" )
    xlApp = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
   #print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
   #input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# ExcelのWindow最大化 #" )
    win32gui.ShowWindow(xlApp.hwnd, win32con.SW_MAXIMIZE)
   #print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
   #input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# Excel表示 #" )
    xlApp.Visible = 1
   #print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
   #input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# Excelファイルオープン #" )
    wb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(f"{os.getcwd()}\\sample.csv")
   #print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
   #input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# Excelシートオブジェクト #" )
    ws = wb.Worksheets(1)
   #print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
   #input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------ # NO POST #
                                                             # NO POST #
    ws.Activate()                                            # NO POST #
    ws.Range("A1").RowHeight = 50                            # NO POST #
    ws.Range("A1").ColumnWidth = 20                          # NO POST #
    ws.Cells.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom                    # NO POST #
    ws.Name = "Sheet1"                                       # NO POST #
    xlApp.Worksheets.Add()                                   # NO POST #
    ws.Move(Before = wb.Worksheets("Sheet2"))                # NO POST #
    ws.Activate()                                            # NO POST #
                                                             # NO POST #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# 指定したシートを選択 #" )
    print( "# Select()の使用前にシートのActivate()が必要 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# A1セルを選択 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1~B2を選択 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1とB2とC3とD4を選択 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1~B2とC3~D4を選択 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# A1セルを選択 #" )
    ws.Cells(1, 1).Select()
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1~B2を選択 #" )
        ws.Cells(1, 1),
        ws.Cells(2, 2)
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# 全セルを選択 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# 1~2行を選択 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A~B列を選択 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# 1~2行を選択 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A~B列を選択 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# 指定範囲の先頭行を選択 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# 指定範囲の先頭列を選択 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# (A1セル基準で)行全体を選択 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# (A1セル基準で)列全体を選択 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# (A1セル基準で)最終列までの行を選択 #" )
        ws.Cells(1, ws.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft)
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# (A1セル基準で)最終行までの列を選択 #" )
        ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# (A1セル基準で)現在の領域を選択 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# (現行シートの)使用中領域を選択 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# (A1セル基準で)最終右下セル選択 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# (A1セル基準で)可視状態セル選択 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# Range.Offset()Property用GetOffset()Method #" )
    print( "# 指定範囲をOffset #" )
    ws.Range("A1:D4").GetOffset(2, 2).Select()
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# Range.Offset()Property用GetOffset()Method #" )
    print( "# 指定範囲をOffset #" )
    ws.Range("A1:D4").GetOffset(RowOffset = 3, ColumnOffset = 3).Select()
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# Range.Offset()Property用GetOffset()Method #" )
    print( "# 指定範囲を縦方向にOffset #" )
    ws.Range("A1:D4").GetOffset(RowOffset = 3).Select()
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# Range.Offset()Property用GetOffset()Method #" )
    print( "# 指定範囲を横方向にOffset #" )
    ws.Range("A1:D4").GetOffset(RowOffset = 0, ColumnOffset = 3).Select()
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# Range.Resize()Property用GetResize()Method #" )
    print( "# 指定範囲をResize #" )
    ws.Range("A1:H8").GetResize(2, 2).Select()
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# Range.Resize()Property用GetResize()Method #" )
    print( "# 指定範囲をResize #" )
    ws.Range("A1:H8").GetResize(RowSize = 3, ColumnSize = 3).Select()
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# Range.Resize()Property用GetResize()Method #" )
    print( "# 指定範囲の縦方向をResize #" )
    ws.Range("A1:H8").GetResize(RowSize = 3).Select()
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# Range.Resize()Property用GetResize()Method #" )
    print( "# 指定範囲の横方向をResize #" )
    ws.Range("A1:H8").GetResize(RowSize = ws.Range("A1:H8").Rows.Count, ColumnSize = 3).Select()
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------ # NO POST #
                                                             # NO POST #
    ws.Activate()                                            # NO POST #
    ws.Range("A1").Select()                                  # NO POST #
                                                             # NO POST #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# 指定セルの行数を取得 #" )
    n = ws.Range("A1").Row
    print( n )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# 指定セルの列数を取得 #" )
    n = ws.Range("A1").Column
    print( n )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# 指定範囲に含まれる行数を取得 #" )
    n = ws.Range("A1:D4").Rows.Count
    print( n )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# 指定範囲に含まれる列数を取得 #" )
    n = ws.Range("A1:D4").Columns.Count
    print( n )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# (A1セル基準で)最終行数を取得 #" )
    n = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    print( n )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# (A1セル基準で)最終列数を取得 #" )
    n = ws.Cells(1, ws.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    print( n )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# 数字列を英字列に変換 #" )
    a = (xlApp.ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Address).split("$")[1]
    print( a )
    a = (xlApp.ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 2).Address).split("$")[1]
    print( a )
    a = (xlApp.ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 3).Address).split("$")[1]
    print( a )
    a = (xlApp.ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 27).Address).split("$")[1]
    print( a )
    a = (xlApp.ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 53).Address).split("$")[1]
    print( a )
    print( "# 英字列を数字列に変換 #" )
    n = xlApp.ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, "A").Column
    print( n )
    n = xlApp.ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, "B").Column
    print( n )
    n = xlApp.ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, "C").Column
    print( n )
    n = xlApp.ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, "AA").Column
    print( n )
    n = xlApp.ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, "BA").Column
    print( n )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# A1セルに値を設定 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Value = 99999
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルに数式を設定 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Formula = "=(3.14159-3)*100000"
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# A1セルの表示形式を設定 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").NumberFormatLocal = "0.00"
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# A1セルの配置の縦位置を設定 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルの配置の横位置を設定 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルの文字列の方向を設定 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Orientation = xlUpward
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルの文字列の方向を設定 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Orientation = 45
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルの文字列の方向を設定 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Orientation = 0
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# A1セルにフォントを設定 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Font.Name = "Yu Gothic UI"
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルのフォントのサイズを設定 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Font.Size = 12
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルのフォントを太字に設定 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Font.Bold = True
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルのフォントを斜体に設定 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Font.Italic = True
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルのフォントに下線を設定 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルのフォントに取消線を設定 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Font.Strikethrough = True
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# A1セルの文字の色を設定(R+Gx256+Bx256x256) #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Font.Color = 255 + 0*256 + 0*256*256
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルの文字の色を設定(指定順序BGR) #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Font.Color = int("FF0000",16)
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルの文字の色を設定(指定順序RGB) #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Font.Color = int("".join(list(reversed(["FF0000"[i: i+2] for i in range(0, 6, 2)]))),16)
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルの文字の色を設定(デフォルト) #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Font.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# A1セルの背景の色を設定(R+Gx256+Bx256x256) #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Interior.Color = 255 + 255*256 + 0*256*256
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルの背景の色を設定(指定順序BGR) #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Interior.Color = int("FFFF00",16)
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルの背景の色を設定(指定順序RGB) #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Interior.Color = int("".join(list(reversed(["FFFF00"[i: i+2] for i in range(0, 6, 2)]))),16)
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルの背景の色を設定(デフォルト) #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# A1セルに罫線を設定 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Borders.Color = int("".join(list(reversed(["FF0000"[i: i+2] for i in range(0, 6, 2)]))),16)
    ws.Range("A1").Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
    ws.Range("A1").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルの罫線を解除 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Borders.LineStyle = xlLineStyleNone
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルの下側に罫線を設定 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Color = int("".join(list(reversed(["FF0000"[i: i+2] for i in range(0, 6, 2)]))),16)
    ws.Range("A1").Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
    ws.Range("A1").Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlMedium
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルの下側の罫線を解除 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlLineStyleNone
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# A1セルの値や数式を消去 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルの書式を消去 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルを消去 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルを削除 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルを削除(上方向にシフト) #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルを削除(左方向にシフト) #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルに挿入 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルに挿入(下方向にシフト) #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルに挿入(右方向にシフト) #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# (A1行基準で)高さを設定 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").RowHeight = 30
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# (A1列基準で)横幅を設定 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").ColumnWidth = 30
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# (A1行基準で)高さを自動調整 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# (A1列基準で)横幅を自動調整 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # 個別のグループ化の表示と非表示を行う方法

    print( "# 行のグループ化を設定 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# 行のグループ化を非表示 #" )
    ws.Outline.ShowLevels(RowLevels = 1)
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# 行のグループ化を表示 #" )
    ws.Outline.ShowLevels(RowLevels = 8)
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# 行のグループ化を解除 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    xlApp.Goto(ws.Range("A1"), True)                         # NO POST #
                                                             # NO POST #
    print( "# 列のグループ化を設定 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# 列のグループ化を非表示 #" )
    ws.Outline.ShowLevels(RowLevels = 0, ColumnLevels = 1)
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# 列のグループ化を表示 #" )
    ws.Outline.ShowLevels(RowLevels = 0, ColumnLevels = 8)
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# 列のグループ化を解除 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    xlApp.Goto(ws.Range("A1"), True)                         # NO POST #
                                                             # NO POST #
    # ------------------------------------------------------ # NO POST #
                                                             # NO POST #
    ws.Range("A1").Value = 11                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("B1").Value = 12                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("C1").Value = 13                                # NO POST #
                                                             # NO POST #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# A1セルをB1セルに複写 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルをSheet2のA1セルに複写 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セル基準の現在の領域をSheet2のA1セル基準で複写 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルをクリップボードに複写 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# クリップボードをB2セルに複写 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# クリップボードをC3セルに複写(値の貼り付け) #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# クリップボードをC3セルに複写(書式貼り付け) #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# クリップボードをC3セルに複写(数式貼り付け) #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# 切り取りモードまたはコピー モードを解除 #" )
    xlApp.CutCopyMode = False
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# A1セルをB1セルに移動 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルをSheet2のA1セルに移動 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セルをクリップボードに移動 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# 切り取りモードまたはコピー モードを解除 #" )
    xlApp.CutCopyMode = False
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# A1~D4の範囲の左側の列の内容を範囲に一括複写 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# E1~H4の範囲の上段の行の内容を範囲に一括複写 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A5~D8の範囲の右側の列の内容を範囲に一括複写 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# E5~H8の範囲の下段の行の内容を範囲に一括複写 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    ws.Range("A1").Value = 11                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("B1").Value = 12                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("C1").Value = 13                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("D1").Value = 14                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("E1").Value = 15                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("F1").Value = 16                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("G1").Value = 17                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("H1").Value = 18                                # NO POST #
                                                             # NO POST #
    print( "# A1~H1の範囲をA1~H8の範囲にAutoFill #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    ws.Range("A1").Value = 11                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("B1").Value = 12                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("C1").Value = 13                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("D1").Value = 14                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("E1").Value = 15                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("F1").Value = 16                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("G1").Value = 17                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("H1").Value = 18                                # NO POST #
                                                             # NO POST #
    ws.Range("A2").Value = 21                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("B2").Value = 22                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("C2").Value = 23                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("D2").Value = 24                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("E2").Value = 25                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("F2").Value = 26                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("G2").Value = 27                                # NO POST #
    ws.Range("H2").Value = 28                                # NO POST #
                                                             # NO POST #
    print( "# A1~H2の範囲をA1~H8の範囲にAutoFill #" )
    ws.Range("A1:H2").AutoFill(ws.Range("A1:H8"), xlFillDefault)
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------ # NO POST #
                                                             # NO POST #
    ws.Activate()                                            # NO POST #
    ws.Range("A1").Select()                                  # NO POST #
                                                             # NO POST #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# A1セル基準の現在の領域をAutoFilter #" )
    ws.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.AutoFilter(Field = 1, Criteria1 = ">30")
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セル基準の現在の領域をAutoFilter #" )
    ws.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.AutoFilter(Field = 1, Criteria1 = ">30", Operator = xlAnd, Criteria2 = "<80")
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セル基準の現在の領域をAutoFilter #" )
    ws.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.AutoFilter(1, ">30")
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セル基準の現在の領域をAutoFilter #" )
    ws.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.AutoFilter(1, ">30", xlAnd, "<80")
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セル基準の現在の領域をAutoFilter #" )
    ws.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.AutoFilter(1, ">30", xlAnd, "<80")
    ws.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.AutoFilter(2, ">40", xlAnd, "<60")
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# AutoFilterの範囲を選択 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# AutoFilterの範囲の可視状態セル選択 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# AutoFilterの範囲の可視状態セル行数 #" )
    n = int(ws.AutoFilter.Range.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count / ws.AutoFilter.Range.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Columns.Count)
    print( n )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    ws.Range("A1").Select()                                  # NO POST #
    ws.Range("A5").Value = 99999                             # NO POST #
                                                             # NO POST #
    print( "# AutoFilterの適用 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# AutoFilterの絞り込み解除 #" )
    if ws.FilterMode:
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# AutoFilterの解除 #" )
    if ws.AutoFilterMode:
        ws.AutoFilterMode = False
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# A1セル基準の現在の領域を並び替え ( Range Sort Method ) #" )
    print( "# Typeを省略するとType以降のOrder2等の指定が無視される。 #" )
    print( "# TypeをNoneにするとエラーにはならないのだが誤動作する。 #" )
        Key1 = ws.Range("A1"), Order1 = xlDescending,
        Key2 = ws.Range("B1"), 
        Type = None,
                               Order2 = xlDescending,
        Key3 = ws.Range("C1"), Order3 = xlAscending,
        Header = xlYes,
        MatchCase = False,
        Orientation = xlSortColumns,
        SortMethod = xlPinYin,
        DataOption1 = xlSortNormal, 
        DataOption2 = xlSortNormal, 
        DataOption3 = xlSortNormal, 
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# A1セル基準の現在の領域を並び替え ( Sort Object ) #" )
    print( "# MicrosoftのVBAのリファレンスでは省略可能とされていますが、 #" )
    print( "# 省略すると正常に並び替えされない場合があるので注意が必要。 #" )
    ws.Sort.SortFields.Add(Key = ws.Range("A1"), SortOn = xlSortOnValues, DataOption = xlSortNormal, Order = xlAscending)
    ws.Sort.SortFields.Add(Key = ws.Range("B1"), SortOn = xlSortOnValues, DataOption = xlSortNormal, Order = xlAscending)
    ws.Sort.SortFields.Add(Key = ws.Range("C1"), SortOn = xlSortOnValues, DataOption = xlSortNormal, Order = xlDescending)
    ws.Sort.SetRange(            ws.Range("A1").CurrentRegion)
    ws.Sort.Header = xlYes
    ws.Sort.MatchCase = False
    ws.Sort.Orientation = xlSortColumns
    ws.Sort.SortMethod = xlPinYin
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# AutoFilterを行なった上で並び替え ( Sort Object ) #" )
    print( "# MicrosoftのVBAのリファレンスでは省略可能とされていますが、 #" )
    print( "# 省略すると正常に並び替えされない場合があるので注意が必要。 #" )
    ws.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.AutoFilter(1, ">30", xlAnd, "<80")
    ws.AutoFilter.Sort.SortFields.Add(Key = ws.Range("A1"), SortOn = xlSortOnValues, DataOption = xlSortNormal, Order = xlDescending)
    ws.AutoFilter.Sort.SortFields.Add(Key = ws.Range("B1"), SortOn = xlSortOnValues, DataOption = xlSortNormal, Order = xlDescending)
    ws.AutoFilter.Sort.SortFields.Add(Key = ws.Range("C1"), SortOn = xlSortOnValues, DataOption = xlSortNormal, Order = xlAscending)
    ws.AutoFilter.Sort.Header = xlYes
    ws.AutoFilter.Sort.MatchCase = False
    ws.AutoFilter.Sort.Orientation = xlSortColumns
    ws.AutoFilter.Sort.SortMethod = xlPinYin
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# シートの非表示 #" )
    ws.Visible = xlSheetHidden
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# シートの表示 #" )
    ws.Visible = xlSheetVisible
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------ # NO POST #
                                                             # NO POST #
    ws.Activate()                                            # NO POST #
    ws.Range("A1").Select()                                  # NO POST #
                                                             # NO POST #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# シートの保護の設定 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# シートの保護の解除 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# シートをパスワード付きで保護の設定 #" )
    ws.Protect(Password = "hoge")
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# シートのパスワード付きの保護の解除 #" )
    ws.Unprotect(Password = "hoge")
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# ブックの保護の設定 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# ブックの保護の解除 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# ブックをパスワード付きで保護の設定 #" )
    wb.Protect(Password = "hoge")
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# ブックのパスワード付きの保護の解除 #" )
    wb.Unprotect(Password = "hoge")
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# ズームの倍率の設定 #" )
    xlApp.ActiveWindow.Zoom = 90
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# 枠の固定 #" )
    xlApp.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# CTRL+HOME ( AutoFilter使用時は残念 ) #" )
    xlCtrlHomeRow    = int(xlApp.ActiveWindow.SplitRow)    + int(xlApp.ActiveWindow.Panes(1).ScrollRow)    if (1 < xlApp.ActiveWindow.Panes.Count) else 1
    xlCtrlHomeColumn = int(xlApp.ActiveWindow.SplitColumn) + int(xlApp.ActiveWindow.Panes(1).ScrollColumn) if (1 < xlApp.ActiveWindow.Panes.Count) else 1
    ws.Cells(xlCtrlHomeRow, xlCtrlHomeColumn).Select()
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# CTRL+HOME的A1セル選択 #" )
    xlApp.Goto(ws.Range("A1"), True)
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# 再計算 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# Excelの警告メッセージの表示の停止 #" )
    xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# Excelの警告メッセージの表示の開始 #" )
    xlApp.DisplayAlerts = True
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# Excelの画面の更新を停止 #" )
    xlApp.ScreenUpdating = False
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# Excelの画面の更新を開始 #" )
    xlApp.ScreenUpdating = True
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# シートの名称の変更 #" )
    wb.Worksheets("Sheet2").Name = "Sheet9"
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# シートの追加 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# シートの複写 ( 指定シートの前に複写 ) #" )
    ws.Copy(Before = wb.Worksheets("Sheet9"))
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# シートの複写 ( 指定シートの後に複写 ) #" )
    ws.Copy(Before = None, After = wb.Worksheets("Sheet9"))
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# シートの移動 ( 指定シートの前に移動 ) #" )
    ws.Move(Before = wb.Worksheets("Sheet9"))
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# シートの移動 ( 指定シートの後に移動 ) #" )
    ws.Move(Before = None, After = wb.Worksheets("Sheet9"))
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False                              # NO POST #
                                                             # NO POST #
    print( "# シートの削除 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    xlApp.DisplayAlerts = True                               # NO POST #
                                                             # NO POST #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# シートをPDF出力 #" )
    ws.ExportAsFixedFormat(Type = xlTypePDF, Quality = xlQualityStandard, Filename = f"{os.getcwd()}\\output.pdf")
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# ブックをファイルに上書き保存 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# ブックをXLSXファイルに保存 #" )
    wb.SaveAs(f"{os.getcwd()}\\outputSaveAs.xlsx", FileFormat = xlOpenXMLWorkbook)
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# ブックをXLSファイルに保存 #" )
    wb.SaveAs(f"{os.getcwd()}\\outputSaveAs.xls", FileFormat = xlWorkbookNormal)
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# ブックをCSVファイルに保存 #" )
    wb.SaveAs(f"{os.getcwd()}\\outputSaveAs.csv", FileFormat = xlCSV)
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# ブックをクローズ #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    print( "# ブックを保存せずにクローズ #" )
    wb.Close(SaveChanges = False)
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "# Excel終了 #" )
    print( "press any key to continue" )                     # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    print( "press any key to exit" )                         # NO POST #
    input()                                                  # NO POST #
                                                             # NO POST #
if __name__ == "__main__":

  • 0
  • 4
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 打赏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则




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