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转载 R语言swirl教程(Regression Models)1——Introduction

R语言swirl教程(Regression Models)1——Introduction| Introduction to Regression Models. (Slides for this and other Data Science courses may be found at github https://github.com/DataScienceSpecialization/courses if you want to use them. They must be downloaded a

2020-06-16 23:46:54 649

转载 R语言swirl教程(R Programming)15——Base Graphics

R语言swirl教程15——Base Graphics| One of the greatest strengths of R, relative to other programming languages, is the ease with which we can create publication-quality graphics. In this lesson, you’ll learn about base graphics in R.| We do not cover the more

2020-06-16 23:01:03 740

转载 R语言swirl教程(R Programming)14——Dates and Times

R语言swirl教程14——Dates and Times| R has a special way of representing dates and times, which can be helpful if you’re working with data that show how something changes over time (i.e. time-series data) or if your data contain some other temporal information,

2020-06-16 22:31:16 655

转载 R语言swirl教程(R Programming)13——Simulation

R语言swirl教程13——Simulation| One of the great advantages of using a statistical programming language like R is its vast collection of tools for simulating random numbers.| This lesson assumes familiarity with a few common probability distributions, but thes

2020-06-16 21:54:43 996

转载 R语言swirl教程(R Programming)12——Looking at Data

R语言swirl教程12——Looking at Data| Whenever you’re working with a new dataset, the first thing you should do is look at it! What is the format of the data? What are the dimensions? What are the variable names? How are the variables stored? Are there missing d

2020-06-16 20:47:42 647

转载 R语言swirl教程(R Programming)11——vapply and tapply

R语言swirl教程11——vapply and tapply| In the last lesson, you learned about the two most fundamental members of R’s *apply family of functions: lapply() and sapply(). Both take a list as input, apply a function to each element of the list, then combine and ret

2020-06-16 19:50:26 903

转载 R语言swirl教程(R Programming)10——lapply and sapply

R语言swirl教程10——lapply and sapply| In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use lapply() and sapply(), the two most important members of R’s *apply family of functions, also known as loop functions.| These powerful functions, along with their close relatives (v

2020-06-16 16:46:22 1373

转载 R语言swirl教程(R Programming)9——Function

R语言swirl教程9——Function| Functions are one of the fundamental building blocks of the R language. They are small pieces of reusable code that can be treated like any other R object.| If you’ve worked through any other part of this course, you’ve probably us

2020-06-16 14:58:35 2588

转载 R语言swirl教程(R Programming)8——Logic

R语言swirl教程8——Logic| This lesson is meant to be a short introduction to logical operations in R.| There are two logical values in R, also called boolean values. They are TRUE and FALSE. In R you can construct logical expressions which will evaluate to eit

2020-06-16 00:05:23 976

转载 R语言swirl教程(R Programming)7——Matrices and Data Frames

R语言swirl教程7——Matrices and Data Frames| In this lesson, we’ll cover matrices and data frames. Both represent ‘rectangular’ data types, meaning that they are used to store tabular data, with rows and columns.| The main difference, as you’ll see, is that ma

2020-06-15 23:25:05 706

转载 R语言swirl教程(R Programming)6——Subsetting Vectors

R语言swirl教程6——Subsetting Vectors| In this lesson, we’ll see how to extract elements from a vector based on some conditions that we specify.| For example, we may only be interested in the first 20 elements of a vector, or only the elements that are not NA,

2020-06-15 22:23:40 793

转载 R语言swirl教程(R Programming)5——Missing Values

R语言swirl教程5——Missing Values| Missing values play an important role in statistics and data analysis. Often, missing values must not be ignored, but rather they should be carefully studied to see if there’s an underlying pattern or cause for their missingne

2020-06-15 21:21:15 969

转载 R语言swirl教程(R Programming)4——Vectors

Vectors| The simplest and most common data structure in R is the vector.…|=== | 3%| Vectors come in two different flavors: atomic vectors and lists. An a

2020-06-15 01:41:19 1070

转载 R语言swirl教程(R Programming)3——Sequences of Numbers

swirl 3:Sequences of Numbers| In this lesson, you’ll learn how to create sequences of numbers in R.…|===== | 4%| The simplest way

2020-06-13 23:34:28 804 1

翻译 R语言swirl教程(R Programming)2——Workspace and Files

R语言swirl教程2——Workspace and Files在本课中,您将学习如何在R中检查本地工作空间,并开始探索您的工作空间和机器文件系统之间的关系。因为不同的操作系统对于文件路径和输出有不同协定,这些命令可能因机器而异。但R提供了用于与文件交互的通用API(一组通用命令),这样你的代码就能在不同类型的计算机上工作了。让我们直接开始,这样您就可以对这些特殊的功能如何工作有一个感觉!使用getwd()确定R使用哪个目录作为当前工作目录。getwd ()[1] “C:/Users/bj/

2020-06-13 22:29:50 1374

翻译 R语言swirl教程(R Programming)1——Basic Building Blocks

R语言swirl教程——Basic Building Blocks| In this lesson, we will explore some basic building blocks of the R programming language.... |== | 3%| If at any point you'd

2020-06-13 17:22:53 1967










WASP Model 流域例子, 包含用于将 LSPC 链接到WASP水质模型的用例文件

包含用于将 LSPC 链接到WASP水质模型的用例文件。包括 LSPC 模型, 输入文件, 水资源数据库, LSPC_2_WASP 电子表格程序用来创建链接文件, 和WASP输入文件。


WASP8.1 水质模型Windows 64 Bit 安装文件

Windows 安装不需要管理权限, 您将需要对要安装程序的目录进行读/写访问。EPA水质模型,64位版本。



Qual2K是一个综合性河流水质模型,一维稳态模型,运行前需要输入directory of files,资源包含模型说明pdf



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