c++多线程 四----(互斥与锁 )



与互斥类都定义在<mutex>中,所以使用的话, 需要加载这个头文件


std::mutex;  std::recursive_mutex;


  • lock(): 调试线程将尝试获取锁,并且阻塞直到获得锁。这个方法会无限期的阻塞。如果希望设置线程阻塞的最长时间,应该使用定时的互斥体。
  • try_lock(): 调用线程将尝试获得锁,如果当前锁被其他线程持有,这个调用会立即返回。如过成功获得锁,try_lock()返回true,否则返回false。
  • unlock():释放由调用线程所持有的锁,使另一个线程能获得这个锁。


std::timed_mutex   std::recursive_timed_mutex  std::shared_timed_mutex

  都支持下面的方法:支持普通的lock() , try_lock(),unlock()外还支持下面的方法:

  • try_lock_for(rel_time) 调用线程尝试在给定的相对时间内获得这个锁。如果在给定的时间超时之后就不能获得这个锁,这个调用失败并返回false,在时间内获得这个锁,这个调用成功后会返回true。
  • try_lock_until(abs_time):调用线程将尝试获得这个锁,直到系统时间等于或超过绝对时间,在时间内获得这个锁,这个调用成功后会返回true。如果在给定的时间超时之后就不能获得这个锁,失败并返回false


std::lock_guard; std::unique_lock; std::shared_lock
  • lock_guard 是一个简单的锁。
  • unique_lock是一个复杂的锁,它允许将获得锁的时间延长到计算需要时,远在声明之后。使用owns_lock()方法可以确定是否获得了锁。
  • shared_lock 与unique_lock差不多,区别shared_lock 类在底层的共享互斥上调用与共享权的方法。获得的锁是共享锁。不是独占锁。


#include <mutex>  //互斥的变量
class CounterE
	CounterE(int id, int numIterations)
		:mId(id), mNumIterations(numIterations)

	void operator ()() const
		for (int i = 0; i < mNumIterations; ++i)
			lock_guard<mutex> lock(mMutex);
			cout << "Counter " << mId << " has value ";
			cout << i << endl;
	int mId;
	int mNumIterations;
	static mutex mMutex;
mutex CounterE::mMutex;

void testCounterE()
	//using uniform initialization syntax
	thread t1{ CounterE{ 1,20 } };
	//using named variable
	CounterE c(2, 12);
	thread t2(c);
	//using temporary
	thread t3(CounterE(3, 10));
	//wait for threads to finish


Counter 1 has value 0
Counter 1 has value 1
Counter 1 has value 2
Counter 1 has value 3
Counter 1 has value 4
Counter 1 has value 5
Counter 1 has value 6
Counter 1 has value 7
Counter 1 has value 8
Counter 1 has value 9
Counter 1 has value 10
Counter 1 has value 11
Counter 1 has value 12
Counter 1 has value 13
Counter 1 has value 14
Counter 1 has value 15
Counter 1 has value 16
Counter 1 has value 17
Counter 1 has value 18
Counter 1 has value 19
Counter 3 has value 0
Counter 3 has value 1
Counter 3 has value 2
Counter 3 has value 3
Counter 3 has value 4
Counter 3 has value 5
Counter 3 has value 6
Counter 3 has value 7
Counter 3 has value 8
Counter 3 has value 9
Counter 2 has value 0
Counter 2 has value 1
Counter 2 has value 2
Counter 2 has value 3
Counter 2 has value 4
Counter 2 has value 5
Counter 2 has value 6
Counter 2 has value 7
Counter 2 has value 8
Counter 2 has value 9
Counter 2 has value 10
Counter 2 has value 11




class CounterE
	CounterE(int id, int numIterations)
		:mId(id), mNumIterations(numIterations)

	void operator ()() const
		for (int i = 0; i < mNumIterations; ++i)
//			lock_guard<mutex> lock(mMutex);
			unique_lock<timed_mutex> lock(mMutex, 200ms);
			if (lock)
				cout << "Counter " << mId << " has value ";
				cout << i << endl;
	int mId;
	int mNumIterations;
	static timed_mutex mMutex;
timed_mutex CounterE::mMutex;


Counter 1 has value 0
Counter 2 has value 0
Counter 3 has value 0
Counter 1 has value 1
Counter 2 has value 1
Counter 2 has value 2
Counter 1 has value 2
Counter 3 has value 1
Counter 3 has value 2
Counter 1 has value 3
Counter 2 has value 3
Counter 2 has value 4
Counter 2 has value 5
Counter 2 has value 6
Counter 2 has value 7
Counter 3 has value 3
Counter 1 has value 4
Counter 2 has value 8
Counter 3 has value 4
Counter 1 has value 5
Counter 2 has value 9
Counter 3 has value 5
Counter 1 has value 6
Counter 2 has value 10
Counter 3 has value 6
Counter 1 has value 7
Counter 2 has value 11
Counter 3 has value 7
Counter 1 has value 8
Counter 3 has value 8
Counter 1 has value 9
Counter 3 has value 9
Counter 1 has value 10
Counter 1 has value 11
Counter 1 has value 12
Counter 1 has value 13
Counter 1 has value 14
Counter 1 has value 15
Counter 1 has value 16
Counter 1 has value 17
Counter 1 has value 18
Counter 1 has value 19




once_flag gOnceFlag;
void callNameOnce()
	cout << "the only call once" << endl;

class CounterE
	CounterE(int id, int numIterations)
		:mId(id), mNumIterations(numIterations)

	void operator ()() const
		for (int i = 0; i < mNumIterations; ++i)
//			lock_guard<mutex> lock(mMutex);
			call_once(gOnceFlag, callNameOnce);
			unique_lock<timed_mutex> lock(mMutex, 200ms);
			if (lock)
				cout << "Counter " << mId << " has value ";
				cout << i << endl;
	int mId;
	int mNumIterations;
	static timed_mutex mMutex;
timed_mutex CounterE::mMutex;


the only call once
Counter 3 has value 0
Counter 2 has value 0
Counter 1 has value 0
Counter 3 has value 1
Counter 3 has value 2
Counter 1 has value 1
Counter 2 has value 1
Counter 3 has value 3
Counter 1 has value 2
Counter 2 has value 2
Counter 3 has value 4
Counter 1 has value 3
Counter 2 has value 3
Counter 3 has value 5
Counter 1 has value 4
Counter 2 has value 4
Counter 3 has value 6
Counter 1 has value 5
Counter 2 has value 5
Counter 3 has value 7
Counter 1 has value 6
Counter 2 has value 6
Counter 2 has value 7
Counter 1 has value 7
Counter 3 has value 8
Counter 2 has value 8
Counter 1 has value 8
Counter 3 has value 9
Counter 2 has value 9
Counter 1 has value 9
Counter 2 has value 10
Counter 1 has value 10
Counter 2 has value 11
Counter 1 has value 11
Counter 1 has value 12
Counter 1 has value 13
Counter 1 has value 14
Counter 1 has value 15
Counter 1 has value 16
Counter 1 has value 17
Counter 1 has value 18
Counter 1 has value 19


  • 0
  • 3
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


