matlab 2014 unix,【独家发布】Mathworks Matlab R2013a(Win&Unix)及安装教程

MathWorks announced Release 2013a (R2013a) of its MATLAB and Simulink product families. New in this release is the introduction of Fixed-Point Designer, which combines the functionality of Fixed-Point Toolbox and Simulink Fixed Point. Also included are capabilities within Phased Array System Toolbox and SimRF that strengthen wireless and radar communications system design. R2013a also updates 80 other products, including Polyspace embedded software verification products.

For MATLAB, R2013a highlights include:

- MATLAB: Unit test framework for the MATLAB language

- Financial Instruments Toolbox: Calibration and Monte Carlo simulation for Hull-White, Linear Gaussian and LIBOR market models

- Image Processing Toolbox: Image segmentation using active contours, C code generation for 10 functions, and GPU acceleration for 11 functions

- Image Acquisition Toolbox: Kinect for Windows sensor support for acquiring images, depth maps, and skeleton data

- Statistics Toolbox: Support vector machines (SVMs) for binary classification, PCA algorithms for missing data, and Anderson-Darling goodness-of-fit test

- Data Acquisition Toolbox: Support Package for Digilent Analog Discovery Design Kit

- Vehicle Network Toolbox: XCP support for accessing ECUs on CAN bus

- Communications System Toolbox: Sphere Decoder and Constellation Diagram System objects

- Computer Vision System Toolbox: Viola-Jones object detection training, FREAK feature extraction, and other new functions

- DSP System Toolbox: Spectrum Analyzer and Logic Analyzer scopes and triggering of time scopes

- Phased Array System Toolbox: Polarization support, array tapers, and apps for sensor array analysis, waveform analysis, and radar equation calculation.

R2013a highlights for Simulink include:

- Simulink: Simulation Performance Advisor, masking of linked library blocks, and active variant control via logical expressions

- SimRF: Circuit Envelope solver for fast simulation and model load time

- SimMechanics: Published XML schema for importing models from CAD and other systems

- Simulink Design Verifier: Array out-of-bounds checking

- Simulink Coder: Reduced data copies for Simulink functions called from Stateflow

- Fixed-Point Designer: A new product that combines the functionality of Fixed-Point Toolbox and Simulink Fixed Point

- HDL Verifier: HDL testbench generation from MATLAB

MATLAB Version: (R2013a)

Java Version: Java 1.6.0_17-b04 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM mixed mode


MATLAB Version 8.1 (R2013a)

Simulink Version 8.1 (R2013a)

Aerospace Blockset Version 3.11 (R2013a)

Aerospace Toolbox Version 2.11 (R2013a)

Bioinformatics Toolbox Version 4.3 (R2013a)

Communications System Toolbox Version 5.4 (R2013a)

Computer Vision System Toolbox Version 5.2 (R2013a)

Control System Toolbox Version 9.5 (R2013a)

Curve Fitting Toolbox Version 3.3.1 (R2013a)

DO Qualification Kit Version 2.1 (R2013a)

DSP System Toolbox Version 8.4 (R2013a)

Data Acquisition Toolbox Version 3.3 (R2013a)

Database Toolbox Version 4.1 (R2013a)

Datafeed Toolbox Version 4.5 (R2013a)

Econometrics Toolbox Version 2.3 (R2013a)

Embedded Coder Version 6.4 (R2013a)

Filter Design HDL Coder Version 2.9.3 (R2013a)

Financial Instruments Toolbox Version 1.1 (R2013a)

Financial Toolbox Version 5.1 (R2013a)

Fixed-Point Designer Version 4.0 (R2013a)

Fuzzy Logic Toolbox Version 2.2.17 (R2013a)

Gauges Blockset Version 2.0.7 (R2013a)

Global Optimization Toolbox Version 3.2.3 (R2013a)

HDL Coder Version 3.2 (R2013a)

HDL Verifier Version 4.2 (R2013a)

IEC Certification Kit Version 3.1 (R2013a)

Image Acquisition Toolbox Version 4.5 (R2013a)

Image Processing Toolbox Version 8.2 (R2013a)

Instrument Control Toolbox Version 3.3 (R2013a)

MATLAB Builder EX Version 2.3.1 (R2013a)

MATLAB Builder JA Version 2.2.6 (R2013a)

MATLAB Builder NE Version 4.1.3 (R2013a)

MATLAB Coder Version 2.4 (R2013a)

MATLAB Compiler Version 4.18.1 (R2013a)

MATLAB Report Generator Version 3.14 (R2013a)

Mapping Toolbox Version 3.7 (R2013a)

Model Predictive Control Toolbox Version 4.1.2 (R2013a)

Model-Based Calibration Toolbox Version 4.6 (R2013a)

Neural Network Toolbox Version 8.0.1 (R2013a)

OPC Toolbox Version 3.2 (R2013a)

Optimization Toolbox Version 6.3 (R2013a)

Parallel Computing Toolbox Version 6.2 (R2013a)

Partial Differential Equation Toolbox Version 1.2 (R2013a)

Phased Array System Toolbox Version 2.0 (R2013a)

RF Toolbox Version 2.12 (R2013a)

Real-Time Windows Target Version 4.2 (R2013a)

Robust Control Toolbox Version 4.3 (R2013a)

Signal Processing Toolbox Version 6.19 (R2013a)

SimBiology Version 4.3 (R2013a)

SimDriveline Version 2.4 (R2013a)

SimElectronics Version 2.3 (R2013a)

SimEvents Version 4.3 (R2013a)

SimHydraulics Version 1.12 (R2013a)

SimMechanics Version 4.2 (R2013a)

SimPowerSystems Version 5.8 (R2013a)

SimRF Version 4.0 (R2013a)

Simscape Version 3.9 (R2013a)

Simulink 3D Animation Version 6.3 (R2013a)

Simulink Code Inspector Version 1.3 (R2013a)

Simulink Coder Version 8.4 (R2013a)

Simulink Control Design Version 3.7 (R2013a)

Simulink Design Optimization Version 2.3 (R2013a)

Simulink Design Verifier Version 2.4 (R2013a)

Simulink PLC Coder Version 1.5 (R2013a)

Simulink Report Generator Version 3.14 (R2013a)

Simulink Verification and Validation Version 3.5 (R2013a)

Spreadsheet Link EX Version 3.1.7 (R2013a)

Stateflow Version 8.1 (R2013a)

Statistics Toolbox Version 8.2 (R2013a)

Symbolic Math Toolbox Version 5.10 (R2013a)

System Identification Toolbox Version 8.2 (R2013a)

SystemTest Version 2.6.5 (R2013a)

Trading Toolbox Version 1.0 (R2013a)

Vehicle Network Toolbox Version 2.0 (R2013a)

Wavelet Toolbox Version 4.11 (R2013a)

xPC Target Version 5.4 (R2013a)

xPC Target Embedded Option Version 5.4 (R2013a)

About MathWorks

MathWorks is the leading developer of mathematical computing software. MATLAB, the language of technical computing, is a programming environment for algorithm development, data analysis, visualization, and numeric computation. Simulink is a graphical environment for simulation and Model-Based Design of multidomain dynamic and embedded systems. Engineers and scientists worldwide rely on these product families to accelerate the pace of discovery, innovation, and development in automotive, aerospace, electronics, financial services, biotech-pharmaceutical, and other industries. MathWorks products are also fundamental teaching and research tools in the world’s universities and learning institutions. Founded in 1984, MathWorks employs more than 2400 people in 15 countries, with headquarters in Natick, Massachusetts, USA.

Name: Mathworks Matlab

Version: R2013a (

Interface: english

OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven / 8

Size: 5.8 Gb



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