
There are two broad approaches to studying data structures. .

One is the "inside-out" approach in which the implementation of the data structure, i.e., how it is built, is learned either before or in conjunction with its application to problem solving. In other words, start from the nucleus of the data structure and build outward to its use in a problem.

The inside-out approach, however, is discordant with the manner in which software is built in practice out of libraries of objects that are known only through their application programming interfaces (APIs). Here, the "outside-in" approach becomes the norm: a component or object is first-and often only-seen via its interface, which characterizes its behavior and therefore its suitability for a given application. That is, what a component does precedes how it is built.

Outside-in: From price-tagged interface to implementation

In this book, we are interested in the interface as well as the implementation of data structures. We follow the outside-in approach to presenting them because it will enable students to easily apply in practical software development what they learn in class. Our approach is outlined in the following sequence of steps.

1.Introduce a data structure by narrating its properties and use in applications. This step familiarizes the student with the characteristic behavior of the data structure, setting the stage for the encapsulation of data and operations into a Java class.

2.Formalize the characteristic properties of a data structure by presenting the public interface of a Java dass that implements the data structure.

This step defines the set of operations that may be applied on the data structure, formulated from the discussion in Step 1. With the interface, there also comes a "price tag"-the running times of the interface operations.

The price tag is an important consideration in the selection of data structures for an application. It may be argued that the price tag determination may only be made after the data structure is implemented. While this is true, the outside-in approach that is used to build software in practice typically separates the group of people who work with the outside from the group of people who build the inside. The outside group must rely on all, and only, that information that comes with the interface. Having a price tag with the interface is critical for the outside group to evaluate and choose the best objects possible for the application at hand.

To be consistent with this approach, we have attached the price tag to the interface, but made a workingcompromise: in the interface, specify the minimal requirements of the implementation so that the running times of the operations stay within the price tag.

We admit that this blurs the separation between interface and implementation, while recognizing that part of the issue is also that the sameperson-the student-is working with both the outside and the inside, albeit at different times. The best way for the student to approach the interface-implementation separation is to first imagine that he or she is a client of the data structure, with full cognizance of the interface and the price tag, and then imagine being the implementor of the data structure, who has been told what limitations (price tag) to work with to build the structure.

3.Further illustrate the use of a data structure by writing Java applications using its class interface presented in Step 2.

This step gives the student a clear practical understanding of how to build an application in Java using a data structure whose public interface is known, but whose internal implementation is hidden.

Steps 2 and 3 strongly emphasize the interface of a data structure. By repeatedly building applications using only the public interface of data structures, the student gets a practical feel for software development using components whose internal implementation details need not (and indeed, may not) be available.

4.Design and implement the data structure, i.e., develop the code for the Java class whose interface was presented in Step 2, analyze the running times of its operations, and verify them against the price tag.

This step emphasizes code reuse in one of two forms: (a) composition: using previous data structures as component (Java) objects in building, or composing, a new data structure, or (b) inheritance: building a new data structure by inheriting from a previously built data structure (Java class).

While we are following an outside-in approach, this "in" part does not degenerate into using classes from the Java collections framework. Instead, it is on an equal footing with the "outside" part, with a detailed understanding of the implementation so that the student learns all aspects of building data structures, including evaluating the tradeoffs involved in choosing among a set of candidate implementations.

Apart from providing a consistent pedagogical form, these steps help students to understand and apply the important object-oriented design principles of encapsulation, separation of interface from implementation, and code reuse.

Prerequisites in Java

This book assumes a CSl-level background in Java 1.5, with the following specific coverage: program structure, data types, control structures for decision and repetition, including the if, if-el se, for, while, and repeat statements, and arrays. It also assumes that the student is familiar with the widely used Stri ng class.

.  Chapter 1 is a Java primer on object-oriented programming that starts by assuming this CSl-level background, and introduces objects and classes, inheritance, the Object class, exceptions, core input and output features, class packaging, and access control. In the context of input/output, the java.util.StringTokenizer and the java. util. Scanner (new to Java 1.5) classes are described, with a discussion of their typical usage. ..

The primer also introduces specifically design-oriented features, including polymorphism, abstract classes, and interfaces.

The last section discusses the new Java 1.5 generics, an indispensable tool for building usable and robust data structures. This discussion also details the design and use of the java. util. ArrayList class, which is a very useful component in implementing container structures, or collections.

Paths through the book

An essential course focusing on the basic data structures and sorting algorithms, preceded by reviewing/learning the required Java tools and techniques in two weeks, could cover Chapters 1-10, skipping Section 10.7 (AVL Tree), and Chapters 12-13, skipping Sections 13.3 (Heapsort) and 13.4 (Radix sort).

A course that could conduct the Java due diligence in lab instead of lecture could add Heap from Chapter 11, and Heapsort and Radix sort from Sections 13.3 and 13.4 respectively.

Advanced material could be incorporated by covering AVL trees from Section 10.7, and Chapters 14 and 15 on graphs. In case of time limitation, Chapter 14 would suffice to familiarize students with graph algorithms, while leaving out the implementation details of Chapter 15.

A two-course sequence could cover the entire book, including much of the Java background material in Chapter 1. The first course could cover Chapters l'through 9, up to and including Binary Tree/General Tree, and the second could cover the rest of the chapters, starting with Binary Search Tree/AVL Tree of Chapter 10.

Pedagogical structures.

·Every chapter, except the preliminary Chapters 1 and 2, begins with a list of Learning Objectives. This gives a precise overview of the learning material in the chapter.

·Key points in every chapter are presented in the following format: These key points are also itemized in the end-of-chapter summary.

· Public interfaces of Java classes for data structures are presented as figures in the following format:

Class classname


Signature and description of each public constructor


Running time (price tag), signature, and description of each public method

· Every complete Java class implementation is presented in the following style: Class File number Class File Name

Class outline, with some constructors/methods possibly filled in

· Throughout the book, we use algorithms written in pseudo-code, providing languageindependent descriptions of processes. These algorithms appear with a header of the form:

Algorithm name_of_algorithm

The notations used in the pseudo-code are self-explanatory.

· Every chapter except Chapter 2 concludes with a listing of Summary points. These include the key points in the chapter, as well as other important points to remember, including specific Java issues.

· Every chapter except Chapter 2 tests the student's understanding of the material in the form of exercises and programming problems:

· Exercises, which are, for the most part, conceptual language-independent material, especially focusing on work-through reviews, abstract design issues, and time-space analysis.

· Programming Problems, which focus on building Java classes, especially focusing on design/implementafion alternatives and code reuse. Acknowledgments

I would like to thank the Data Structures teams in the Computer Science department at Rutgers University with whom I have taught this course for over more than a decade, and: who have provided direct as well as indirect input that has helped shape this book. Special thanks to current and former faculty members Diane Souvaine, Ken Kaplan, Miles Murdocca, and Don Smith for discussing and reviewing the content.

Many thanks to my friends and former graduate student colleagues Nathalio Japko,vicz, George Katsaros, and Dan Arena for carefully reviewing the initial C++ draft, Gabriela Hristescu for providing help with typesetting aspects, and Sri Divakaran for reviewing parts of the Java manuscript. Several students in my data structures class of Fall 1997 read the first complete draft of this book and gave valuable feedback. Thanks to them all, especially Alex Chang, for being such a tremendously loyal fan of the book. Thanks also to the students in Fall 2002 and Spring 2003 who pointed out various errors and other shortcomings in an earlier version that was customized for Rutgers.

Thanks are also due to the Data Structures faculty at Middlesex County College, and my former colleagues when I was working at Lucent Technologies with whom I discussed the material in this book at some point or the other. Special thanks to Tom Walsh at Lucent for cheering me on.

Thanks to all the reviewers who helped make this a better book: Barbara Goldner at North Seattle Community College, Mark Llewellyn at University of Central Florida, Chris Dovolis at University of Minnesota, Iyad A. Aiwa at Ashland University, Minseok Kwon at Rochester Institute of Technology, George Rouskas at North Carolina State University, Roxanne Canosa at Rochester Institute of TeChnology, Mary Horstman at Western Illinois University, Ray Whitney at University of Maryland, University College, and Robert P. Burton at Brigham Young University.

The editorial team at Prentice Hall have supported me in all aspects of this project. Thanks to my editor Tracy Dunkelberger for believing that this book project would be a worthwhile enterprise, for her cheery confidence that kept me on an even keel, and for making this book real. Thanks to Christianna Lee and Carole Snyder for guiding me through the review process, and for responding to all my questions with patience and grace.

John Shannon, Irwin Zucker, Camille Trentacoste and the production staff at Laserwords helped correct the numerous typographical and grammatical errors that had crept into the book, and formatted the pages to make sure they were presentable. Due to their diligence and expertise, you, dear reader, are spared my inadvertent mistakes or plain ignorance in these areas. For this, my sincere appreciation and thanks to all of them.

I am deeply grateful to the members of my family and that of my wife's for their advice and encouragement, and for being there to pep me up when things didn't seem to be going too well at times. I would specially like to thank my parents, my mother-in-law, and my wife's grandparents for their constant support. Above all, thanks to my father, C.N. Venugopal, and to my wife's grandfather, Dr. Hayrettin Tanacan, for their special participation. Although both of them are far removed from computers in general, and Data Structures in particular, they took the pains to go through my book to try and understand exactly what it was that I was trying to write that was taking so long!

Thanks to my wife, Zebra Tulin, for her help in many ways during the writing of this book, and more importantly, for her love and support at all times. And an extra big hug to my son Amar whose unfailing pride in his dad spurs me on.

Finally, thanks to all the students who took my classes in various subjects at Rutgers University and Middlesex County College over the years. They have been instrumental in my growth as an educator, and I hope this book can serve as a token of my gratitude to each and every one of them.

In closing, I would be very happy to hear from you about this book-what you liked, what you did not care for, and the errors you found, if any. You can reach me by email at sesh_venugopal@rutgers, edu. Your feedback will help me serve you better. ...

Sesh Venugopal

Piscataway, New Jersey

November, 2006

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