android emulator培训,android emulator(未完)

分类: 嵌入式

2011-10-14 12:09:57

========= help for option -sysdir:

use '-sysdir ' to specify a directory where system read-only

image files will be searched. on this system, the default directory is:


see '-help-disk-images' for more information about disk image files

========= help for option -system:

use '-system ' to specify the intial system image that will be loaded.

the default image is 'system.img' from the system directory.

NOTE: In previous releases of the Android SDK, this option was named '-image'.

And using '-system ' was equivalent to using '-sysdir ' now.

see '-help-disk-images' for more information about disk image files

========= help for option -datadir:

use '-datadir ' to specify a directory where writable image files

will be searched. on this system, the default directory is:


see '-help-disk-images' for more information about disk image files

========= help for option -kernel:

use '-kernel ' to specify a Linux kernel image to be run.

the default image is 'kernel-qemu' from the system directory.

you can use '-debug-kernel' to see debug messages from the kernel

to the terminal

see '-help-disk-images' for more information about disk image files

========= help for option -ramdisk:

use '-ramdisk ' to specify a Linux ramdisk boot image to be run in

the emulator. the default image is 'ramdisk.img' from the system directory.

see '-help-disk-images' for more information about disk image files

========= help for option -image:

This option is obsolete, you should use '-system ' instead to point

to the initial system image.

see '-help-disk-images' for more information about disk image files

========= help for option -initdata:

same as '-init-data '========= help for option -data:

use '-data ' to specify a different /data partition image file.

see '-help-disk-images' for more information about disk image files

========= help for option -partition_size:

system/data partition size in MBs========= help for option -cache:

use '-cache ' to specify a /cache partition image. if does

not exist, it will be created empty. by default, the cache partition is

backed by a temporary file that is deleted when the emulator exits.

using the -cache option allows it to be persistent.

the '-no-cache' option can be used to disable the cache partition.

see '-help-disk-images' for more information about disk image files

========= help for option -no_cache:

use '-no-cache' to disable the cache partition in the emulated system.

the cache partition is optional, but when available, is used by the browser

to cache web pages and images

see '-help-disk-images' for more information about disk image files

========= help for option -nocache:

same as -no-cache========= help for option -sdcard:

use '-sdcard ' to specify a SD Card image file that will be attached

to the emulator. By default, the 'sdcard.img' file is searched in the data


if the file does not exist, the emulator will still start, but without an

attached SD Card.

see '-help-disk-images' for more information about disk image files

========= help for option -snapstorage:

Use '-snapstorage ' to specify a repository file for snapshots.

All snapshots made during execution will be saved in this file, and only

snapshots in this file can be restored during the emulator run.

If the option is not specified, it defaults to 'snapshots.img' in the

data directory. If the specified file does not exist, the emulator will

start, but without support for saving or loading state snapshots.

see '-help-disk-images' for more information about disk image files

see '-help-snapshot' for more information about snapshots

========= help for option -no_snapstorage:

This starts the emulator without mounting a file to store or load state

snapshots, forcing a full boot and disabling state snapshot functionality.

This command overrides the configuration specified by the parameters

'-snapstorage' and '-snapshot'. A warning will be raised if either

of those parameters was specified anyway.

========= help for option -snapshot:

Rather than executing a full boot sequence, the Android emulator can

resume execution from an earlier state snapshot (which is usually

significantly faster). When the parameter '-snapshot ' is given,

the emulator loads the snapshot of that name from the snapshot image,

and saves it back under the same name on exit.

If the option is not specified, it defaults to 'default-boot'. If the

specified snapshot does not exist, the emulator will perform a full boot

sequence instead, but will still save.

WARNING: In the process of loading, all contents of the system, userdata

and SD card images will be OVERWRITTEN with the contents they

held when the snapshot was made. Unless saved in a different

snapshot, any changes since will be lost!

If you want to create a snapshot manually, connect to the emulator console:

telnet localhost Then execute the command 'avd snapshot save '. See '-help-port' for

information on obtaining .

========= help for option -no_snapshot:

This inhibits both the autoload and autosave operations, forcing

emulator to perform a full boot sequence and losing state on close.

It overrides the '-snapshot' parameter.

If '-snapshot' was specified anyway, a warning is raised.

========= help for option -no_snapshot_save:

Prevents the emulator from saving the AVD's state to the snapshot

storage on exit, meaning that all changes will be lost.

========= help for option -no_snapshot_load:

Prevents the emulator from loading the AVD's state from the snapshot

storage on start.

========= help for option -snapshot_list:

This prints a table of snapshots that are stored in the snapshot storage

file that the emulator was started with, then exits. Values from the 'ID'

and 'TAG' columns can be used as arguments for the '-snapshot' parameter.

If '-snapstorage ' was specified as well, this command prints a   table of the snapshots stored in .

See '-help-snapshot' for more information on snapshots.

========= help for option -no_snapshot_update_time:

Prevent the emulator from sending an unsolicited time update

in response to the first signal strength query after loadvm,

to avoid a sudden time jump that might upset testing. (Signal

strength is queried approximately every 15 seconds)

========= help for option -wipe_data:

use '-wipe-data' to reset your /data partition image to its factory

defaults. this removes all installed applications and settings.

see '-help-disk-images' for more information about disk image files

========= help for option -avd:

use '-avd ' to start the emulator program with a given Android

Virtual Device (a.k.a. AVD), where must correspond to the name

of one of the existing AVDs available on your host machine.

See -help-virtual-device to learn how to create/list/manage AVDs.

As a special convenience, using '@' is equivalent to using

'-avd '.

========= help for option -skindir:

use '-skindir ' to specify a directory that will be used to search

for emulator skins. each skin must be a subdirectory of . by default

the emulator will look in the 'skins' sub-directory of the system directory

the '-skin ' option is required when -skindir is used.

========= help for option -skin:

use '-skin ' to specify an emulator skin, each skin corresponds to

the visual appearance of a given device, including buttons and keyboards,

and is stored as subdirectory of the skin root directory

(see '-help-skindir')

note that can also be 'x' (e.g. '320x480') to

specify an exact framebuffer size, without any visual ornaments.

========= help for option -no_skin:

don't use any emulator skin========= help for option -noskin:

same as -no-skin========= help for option -memory:

physical RAM size in MBs========= help for option -netspeed:

the Android emulator supports network throttling, i.e. slower network

bandwidth as well as higher connection latencies. this is done either through

skin configuration, or with '-netspeed ' and '-netdelay '.

the format of -netspeed is one of the following (numbers are kbits/s):

-netspeed gsm          GSM/CSD          (up: 14.4, down: 14.4)

-netspeed hscsd        HSCSD            (up: 14.4, down: 43.2)

-netspeed gprs         GPRS             (up: 40.0, down: 80.0)

-netspeed edge         EDGE/EGPRS       (up: 118.4, down: 236.8)

-netspeed umts         UMTS/3G          (up: 128.0, down: 1920.0)

-netspeed hsdpa        HSDPA            (up: 348.0, down: 14400.0)

-netspeed full         no limit         (up: 0.0, down: 0.0)

-netspeed select both upload and download speed

-netspeed :select individual up and down speed

The format of -netdelay is one of the following (numbers are msec):

-netdelay gprs         GPRS             (min 150, max 550)

-netdelay edge         EDGE/EGPRS       (min 80, max 400)

-netdelay umts         UMTS/3G          (min 35, max 200)

-netdelay none         no latency       (min 0, max 0)

-netdelay select exact latency

-netdelay :select min and max latencies

the emulator uses the following defaults:

Default network speed   is 'full'

Default network latency is 'none'

========= help for option -netdelay:

the Android emulator supports network throttling, i.e. slower network

bandwidth as well as higher connection latencies. this is done either through

skin configuration, or with '-netspeed ' and '-netdelay '.

the format of -netspeed is one of the following (numbers are kbits/s):

-netspeed gsm          GSM/CSD          (up: 14.4, down: 14.4)

-netspeed hscsd        HSCSD            (up: 14.4, down: 43.2)

-netspeed gprs         GPRS             (up: 40.0, down: 80.0)

-netspeed edge         EDGE/EGPRS       (up: 118.4, down: 236.8)

-netspeed umts         UMTS/3G          (up: 128.0, down: 1920.0)

-netspeed hsdpa        HSDPA            (up: 348.0, down: 14400.0)

-netspeed full         no limit         (up: 0.0, down: 0.0)

-netspeed select both upload and download speed

-netspeed :select individual up and down speed

The format of -netdelay is one of the following (numbers are msec):

-netdelay gprs         GPRS             (min 150, max 550)

-netdelay edge         EDGE/EGPRS       (min 80, max 400)

-netdelay umts         UMTS/3G          (min 35, max 200)

-netdelay none         no latency       (min 0, max 0)

-netdelay select exact latency

-netdelay :select min and max latencies

the emulator uses the following defaults:

Default network speed   is 'full'

Default network latency is 'none'

========= help for option -netfast:

the Android emulator supports network throttling, i.e. slower network

bandwidth as well as higher connection latencies. this is done either through

skin configuration, or with '-netspeed ' and '-netdelay '.

the format of -netspeed is one of the following (numbers are kbits/s):

-netspeed gsm          GSM/CSD          (up: 14.4, down: 14.4)

-netspeed hscsd        HSCSD            (up: 14.4, down: 43.2)

-netspeed gprs         GPRS             (up: 40.0, down: 80.0)

-netspeed edge         EDGE/EGPRS       (up: 118.4, down: 236.8)

-netspeed umts         UMTS/3G          (up: 128.0, down: 1920.0)

-netspeed hsdpa        HSDPA            (up: 348.0, down: 14400.0)

-netspeed full         no limit         (up: 0.0, down: 0.0)

-netspeed select both upload and download speed

-netspeed :select individual up and down speed

The format of -netdelay is one of the following (numbers are msec):

-netdelay gprs         GPRS             (min 150, max 550)

-netdelay edge         EDGE/EGPRS       (min 80, max 400)

-netdelay umts         UMTS/3G          (min 35, max 200)

-netdelay none         no latency       (min 0, max 0)

-netdelay select exact latency

-netdelay :select min and max latencies

the emulator uses the following defaults:

Default network speed   is 'full'

Default network latency is 'none'

========= help for option -trace:

use '-trace ' to start the emulator with runtime code profiling support

profiling itself will not be enabled unless you press F9 to activate it, or

the executed code turns it on programmatically.

trace information is stored in directory , several files are created

there, that can later be used with the 'traceview' program that comes with

the Android SDK for analysis.

note that execution will be slightly slower when enabling code profiling,

this is a necessary requirement of the operations being performed to record

the execution trace. this slowdown should not affect your system until you

enable the profiling though...

========= help for option -show_kernel:

use '-show-kernel' to redirect debug messages from the kernel to the current

terminal. this is useful to check that the boot process works correctly.

========= help for option -shell:

use '-shell' to create a root shell console on the current terminal.

this is unlike the 'adb shell' command for the following reasons:

* this is a *root* shell that allows you to modify many parts of the system

* this works even if the ADB daemon in the emulated system is broken

* pressing Ctrl-C will stop the emulator, instead of the shell.

See also '-shell-serial'.

========= help for option -no_jni:

disable JNI checks in the Dalvik runtime========= help for option -nojni:

same as -no-jni========= help for option -logcat:

use '-logcat ' to redirect log messages from the emulated system to

the current terminal. is a list of space/comma-separated log filters

where each filter has the following format:

:where is either '*' or the name of a given component,

and is one of the following letters:

v          verbose level

d          debug level

i          informative log level

w          warning log level

e          error log level

s          silent log level

for example, the following only displays messages from the 'GSM' component

that are at least at the informative level:

-logcat '*:s GSM:i'

if '-logcat ' is not used, the emulator looks for ANDROID_LOG_TAGS

in the environment. if it is defined, its value must match the format and will be used to redirect log messages to the terminal.

note that this doesn't prevent you from redirecting the same, or other,

log messages through the ADB or DDMS tools too.

========= help for option -no_audio:

use '-no-audio' to disable all audio support in the emulator. this may be

unfortunately be necessary in some cases:

* at least two users have reported that their Windows machine rebooted

instantly unless they used this option when starting the emulator.

it is very likely that the problem comes from buggy audio drivers.

* on some Linux machines, the emulator might get stuck at startup with

audio support enabled. this problem is hard to reproduce, but seems to

be related too to flaky ALSA / audio driver support.

on Linux, another option is to try to change the default audio backend

used by the emulator. you can do that by setting the QEMU_AUDIO_DRV

environment variables to one of the following values:

alsa        (use the ALSA backend)

esd         (use the EsounD backend)

sdl         (use the SDL audio backend, no audio input supported)

oss         (use the OSS backend)

none        (do not support audio)

the very brave can also try to use distinct backends for audio input

and audio outputs, this is possible by selecting one of the above values

into the QEMU_AUDIO_OUT_DRV and QEMU_AUDIO_IN_DRV environment variables.

========= help for option -noaudio:

same as -no-audio========= help for option -audio:

the '-audio ' option allows you to select a specific backend

to be used to both play and record audio in the Android emulator.

use '-audio none' to disable audio completely.

========= help for option -raw_keys:

this option is deprecated because one can do the same using Ctrl-K

at runtime (this keypress toggles between unicode/raw keyboard modes)

by default, the emulator tries to reverse-map the characters you type on

your keyboard to device-specific key presses whenever possible. this is

done to make the emulator usable with a non-QWERTY keyboard.

however, this also means that single keypresses like Shift or Alt are not

passed to the emulated device. the '-raw-keys' option disables the reverse

mapping. it should only be used when using a QWERTY keyboard on your machine

(should only be useful to Android system hackers, e.g. when implementing a

new input method).

========= help for option -radio:

use '-radio ' to redirect the GSM modem emulation to an external

character device or program. this bypasses the emulator's internal modem

and should only be used for testing.

see '-help-char-devices' for the format of the data exchanged with the external device/program are GSM AT commands

note that, when running in the emulator, the Android GSM stack only supports

a *very* basic subset of the GSM protocol. trying to link the emulator to

a real GSM modem is very likely to not work properly.

========= help for option -port:

at startup, the emulator tries to bind its control console at a free port

starting from 5554, in increments of two (i.e. 5554, then 5556, 5558, etc..)

this allows several emulator instances to run concurrently on the same

machine, each one using a different console port number.

use '-port ' to force an emulator instance to use a given console port

note that must be an *even* integer between 5554 and 5584 included.

+1 must also be free and will be reserved for ADB. if any of these

ports is already used, the emulator will fail to start.

========= help for option -ports:

the '-ports ,' option allows you to explicitely set

the TCP ports used by the emulator to implement its control console and

communicate with the ADB tool.

This is a very special option that should probably *not* be used by typical

developers using the Android SDK (use '-port ' instead), because the

corresponding instance is probably not going to be seen from adb/DDMS. Its

purpose is to use the emulator in very specific network configurations.

is the TCP port used to bind the control console

is the TCP port used to bind the ADB local transport/tunnel.

If both ports aren't available on startup, the emulator will exit.

========= help for option -onion:

use '-onion ' to specify a PNG image file that will be displayed on

top of the emulated framebuffer with translucency. this can be useful to

check that UI elements are correctly positioned with regards to a reference

graphics specification.

the default translucency is 50%, but you can use '-onion-alpha ' to

select a different one, or even use keypresses at runtime to alter it

(see -help-keys for details)

finally, the onion image can be rotated (see -help-onion-rotate)

========= help for option -onion_alpha:

use '-onion-alpha ' to change the translucency level of the onion

image that is going to be displayed on top of the framebuffer (see also

-help-onion). the default is 50%.

must be an integer between 0 and 100.

you can also change the translucency dynamically (see -help-keys)

========= help for option -onion_rotation:

use '-onion-rotation ' to change the rotation of the onion

image loaded through '-onion '. valid values for are:

0        no rotation

1        90  degrees clockwise

2        180 degrees

3        270 degrees clockwise

========= help for option -scale:

the '-scale ' option is used to scale the emulator window to

something that better fits the physical dimensions of a real device. this

can be *very* useful to check that your UI isn't too small to be usable

on a real device.

there are three supported formats for :

* if is a real number (between 0.1 and 3.0) it is used as a

scaling factor for the emulator's window.

* if is an integer followed by the suffix 'dpi' (e.g. '110dpi'),

then it is interpreted as the resolution of your monitor screen. this

will be divided by the emulated device's resolution to get an absolute

scale. (see -help-dpi-device for details).

* finally, if is the keyword 'auto', the emulator tries to guess

your monitor's resolution and automatically adjusts its window


NOTE: this process is *very* unreliable, depending on your OS, video

driver issues and other random system parameters

the emulator's scale can be changed anytime at runtime through the control

console. see the help for the 'window scale' command for details

========= help for option -dpi_device:

use '-dpi-device ' to specify the screen resolution of the emulated

device. must be an integer between 72 and 1000. the default is taken

from the skin, if available, or uses the contant value 165 (an average of

several prototypes used during Android development).

the device resolution can also used to rescale the emulator window with

the '-scale' option (see -help-scale)

========= help for option -http_proxy:

the Android emulator allows you to redirect all TCP connections through

a HTTP/HTTPS proxy. this can be enabled by using the '-http-proxy '

option, or by defining the 'http_proxy' environment variable.

can be one of the following:

the 'http://' prefix can be omitted. If '-http-proxy ' is not used,

the 'http_proxy' environment variable is looked up and any value matching

the format will be used automatically

========= help for option -timezone:

by default, the emulator tries to detect your current timezone to report

it to the emulated system. use the '-timezone ' option to choose

a different timezone, or if the automatic detection doesn't work correctly.


the value must be in zoneinfo format, i.e. it should look like

Area/Location or even Area/SubArea/Location. valid examples are:



using a human-friendly abbreviation like 'PST' or 'CET' will not work, as

well as using values that are not defined by the zoneinfo database.

NOTE: unfortunately, this will not work on M5 and older SDK releases

========= help for option -dns_server:

by default, the emulator tries to detect the DNS servers you're using and

will setup special aliases in the emulated firewall network to allow the

Android system to connect directly to them. use '-dns-server ' to

select a different list of DNS servers to be used.

must be a comma-separated list of up to 4 DNS server names or

IP addresses.

NOTE: on M5 and older SDK releases, only the first server in the list will

be used.

========= help for option -cpu_delay:

this option is purely experimental, probably doesn't work as you would

expect, and may even disappear in a later emulator release.

use '-cpu-delay ' to throttle CPU emulation. this may be useful

to detect weird race conditions that only happen on 'lower' CPUs. note

that is a unit-less integer that doesn't even scale linearly

to observable slowdowns. use trial and error to find something that

suits you, the 'correct' machine is very probably dependent on your

host CPU and memory anyway...

========= help for option -no_boot_anim:

use '-no-boot-anim' to disable the boot animation (red bouncing ball) when

starting the emulator. on slow machines, this can surprisingly speed up the

boot sequence in tremendous ways.

NOTE: unfortunately, this will not work on M5 and older SDK releases

========= help for option -no_window:

disable graphical window display========= help for option -version:

display emulator version number========= help for option -report_console:

the '-report-console ' option can be used to report the

automatically-assigned console port number to a remote third-party

before starting the emulation. must be in one of these




if the 'server' option is used, the emulator opens a server socket

and waits for an incoming connection to it. by default, it will instead

try to make a normal client connection to the socket, and, in case of

failure, will repeat this operation every second for 10 seconds.

the 'max=' option can be used to modify the timeout

when the connection is established, the emulator sends its console port

number as text to the remote third-party, then closes the connection and

starts the emulation as usual. *any* failure in the process described here

will result in the emulator aborting immediately

as an example, here's a small Unix shell script that starts the emulator in

the background and waits for its port number with the help of the 'netcat'



emulator -no-window -report-console tcp:$MYPORT &

CONSOLEPORT=`nc -l localhost $MYPORT`

========= help for option -gps:

use '-gps ' to emulate an NMEA-compatible GPS unit connected to

an external character device or socket. the format of is the same

than the one used for '-radio ' (see -help-char-devices for details)

========= help for option -keyset:

use '-keyset ' to specify a different keyset file name to use when

starting the emulator. a keyset file contains a list of key bindings used

to control the emulator with the host keyboard.

by default, the emulator looks for the following file:


however, if -keyset is used, then the emulator does the following:

- first, if doesn't have an extension, then the '.keyset' suffix

is appended to it (e.g. "foo" => "foo.keyset"),

- then, the emulator searches for a file named in the following


* the emulator configuration directory: /home/xuming/.android

* the 'keysets' subdirectory of , if any

* the 'keysets' subdirectory of the program location, if any

if no corresponding file is found, a default set of key bindings is used.

use '-help-keys' to list the default key bindings.

use '-help-keyset-file' to learn more about the format of keyset files.

========= help for option -shell_serial:

use '-shell-serial ' instead of '-shell' to open a root shell

to the emulated system, while specifying an external communication

channel / host device.

'-shell-serial stdio' is identical to '-shell', while you can use

'-shell-serial tcp::4444,server,nowait' to talk to the shell over local

TCP port 4444.  '-shell-serial fdpair:3:6' would let a parent process

talk to the shell using fds 3 and 6.

see -help-char-devices for a list of available specifications.

NOTE: you can have only one shell per emulator instance at the moment

========= help for option -old_system:

use '-old-system' if you want to use a recent emulator binary to run

an old version of the Android SDK system images. Here, 'old' means anything

older than version 1.4 of the emulator.

NOTE: using '-old-system' with recent system images is likely to not work

properly, though you may not notice it immediately (e.g. failure to

start the emulated GPS hardware)

========= help for option -tcpdump:

use the -tcpdump option to start capturing all network packets

that are sent through the emulator's virtual Ethernet LAN. You can later

use tools like WireShark to analyze the traffic and understand what

really happens.

note that this captures all Ethernet packets, and is not limited to TCP


you can also start/stop the packet capture dynamically through the console;

see the 'network capture start' and 'network capture stop' commands for


========= help for option -bootchart:

some Android system images have a modified 'init' system that  integrates

a bootcharting facility (see ). You can pass a

bootcharting period to the system with the following:

-bootchart where 'timeout' is a period expressed in seconds. Note that this won't do

anything if your init doesn't have bootcharting activated.

========= help for option -charmap:

use '-charmap ' to use key character map specified in that file.

must be a full path to a kcm file, containing desired character map.

========= help for option -prop:

use '-prop =' to set a boot-time system property.

must be a property name of at most 32 characters, without any

space in it, and must be a string of at most 92 characters.

the corresponding system property will be set at boot time in the

emulated system. This can be useful for debugging purposes.

note that you can use several -prop options to define more than one

boot property.

========= help for option -shared_net_id:

Normally, Android instances running in the emulator cannot talk to each other

directly, because each instance is behind a virtual router. However, sometimes

it is necessary to test the behaviour of applications if they are directly

exposed to the network.

This option instructs the emulator to join a virtual network shared with

emulators also using this option. The number given is used to construct

the IP address 10.1.2., which is bound to a second interface on

the emulator. Each emulator must use a different number.

========= help for option -nand_limits:

use '-nand-limits ' to enable a debugging feature that sends a

signal to an external process once a read and/or write limit is achieved

in the emulated system. the format of is the following:


where 'pid' is the target process identifier, 'signal' the number of the

target signal. the read and/or write threshold'reads' are a number optionally

followed by a K, M or G suffix, corresponding to the number of bytes to be

read or written before the signal is sent.

========= help for option -memcheck:

use '-memcheck ' to start the emulator with memory access checking


enables, or disables memory access checking, and also controls

what events are going to be logged by the memory access checker.

can be one of the following:

1 - Enables memory access checking with default logging ("LIRW"), or

0 - Disables memory access checking, or

A combination (in no particular order) of the following:

L - Logs memory leaks on process exit.

I - Logs attempts to use invalid pointers in free, or realloc routines.

R - Logs memory access violation on read operations.

W - Logs memory access violation on write operations.

N - Logs new process ID allocation.

F - Logs guest's process forking.

S - Logs guest's process starting.

E - Logs guest's process exiting.

C - Logs guest's thread creation (clone).

B - Logs initialization in the guest system.

M - Logs module mapping and unmapping in the guest system.

A - Logs all emulator events. Equala to "LIRWFSECANBM" combination.

e - Logs error messages, received from the guest system.

d - Logs debug messages, received from the guest system.

i - Logs information messages, received from the guest system.

a - Logs all messages, received from the guest system.

This is equal to "edi" combination.

note that execution might be significantly slower when enabling memory access

checking, this is a necessary requirement of the operations being performed

to analyze memory allocations and memory access.

========= help for -help-disk-images

The emulator needs several key image files to run appropriately.

Their exact location depends on whether you're using the emulator

from the Android SDK, or not (more details below).

The minimal required image files are the following:

kernel-qemu      the emulator-specific Linux kernel image

ramdisk.img      the ramdisk image used to boot the system

system.img       the *initial* system image

userdata.img     the *initial* data partition image

It will also use the following writable image files:

userdata-qemu.img  the persistent data partition image

system-qemu.img    an *optional* persistent system image

cache.img          an *optional* cache partition image

sdcard.img         an *optional* SD Card partition image

snapshots.img      an *optional* state snapshots image

If you use a virtual device, its content directory should store

all writable images, and read-only ones will be found from the

corresponding platform/add-on directories. See -help-sdk-images

for more details.

If you are building from the Android build system, you should

have ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT defined in your environment, and the

emulator shall be able to pick-up the right image files automatically.

See -help-build-images for more details.

If you're neither using the SDK or the Android build system, you

can still run the emulator by explicitely providing the paths to

*all* required disk images through a combination of the following

options: -sysdir, -datadir, -kernel, -ramdisk, -system, -data, -cache

-sdcard and -snapstorage.

The actual logic being that the emulator should be able to find all

images from the options you give it.

For more detail, see the corresponding -help-entry.

Other related options are:

-init-data       Specify an alternative *initial* user data image

-wipe-data       Copy the content of the *initial* user data image

(userdata.img) into the writable one (userdata-qemu.img)

-no-cache        do not use a cache partition, even if one is


-no-snapstorage  do not use a state snapshot image, even if one is


========= help for -help-keys

When running the emulator, use the following keypresses:

HOME                    Home button

F2, PAGEUP              Menu (Soft-Left) button

Shift-F2, PAGEDOWN      Star (Soft-Right) button

ESCAPE                  Back button

F3                      Call/Dial button

F4                      Hangup/EndCall button

F7                      Power button

F5                      Search button

KEYPAD_PLUS, Ctrl-F5    Volume up button

KEYPAD_MINUS, Ctrl-F6   Volume down button

Ctrl-KEYPAD_5, Ctrl-F3  Camera button

KEYPAD_7, Ctrl-F11      switch to previous layout

KEYPAD_9, Ctrl-F12      switch to next layout

F8                      toggle cell network on/off

F9                      toggle code profiling

Alt-ENTER               toggle fullscreen mode

F6                      toggle trackball mode

DELETE                  show trackball

KEYPAD_5                DPad center

KEYPAD_4                DPad left

KEYPAD_6                DPad right

KEYPAD_8                DPad up

KEYPAD_2                DPad down

KEYPAD_MULTIPLY         increase onion alpha

KEYPAD_DIVIDE           decrease onion alpha

note that NumLock must be deactivated for keypad keys to work

========= help for -help-debug-tags

the '-debug ' option can be used to enable or disable debug

messages from specific parts of the emulator. must be a list

(separated by space/comma/column) of names, which can be one of:

init            emulator initialization

console         control console

modem           emulated GSM modem

radio           emulated GSM AT Command channel

keys            key bindings & presses

slirp           internal router/firewall

timezone        host timezone detection

socket          network sockets

proxy           network proxy support

audio           audio sub-system

audioin         audio input backend

audioout        audio output backend

surface         video surface support

qemud           qemud multiplexer daemon

gps             emulated GPS

nand_limits     nand/flash read/write thresholding

hw_control      emulated power/flashlight/led/vibrator

avd_config      android virtual device configuration

sensors         emulated sensors

memcheck        memory checker

all             all components together

each can be prefixed with a single '-' to indicate the disabling

of its debug messages. for example:

-debug all,-socket,-keys

enables all debug messages, except the ones related to network sockets

and key bindings/presses

========= help for -help-char-devices

various emulation options take a specification that can be used to

specify something to hook to an emulated device or communication channel.

here is the list of supported specifications:


standard input/output. this may be subject to character

translation (e.g. LN <=> CR/LF)

COM[Windows only]

where is a digit. host serial communication port.

pipe:named pipe file:write output to , no input can be read

pty  [Linux only]

pseudo TTY (a new PTY is automatically allocated)

/dev/[Unix only]

host char device file, e.g. /dev/ttyS0. may require root access

/dev/parport[Linux only]

use host parallel port. may require root access

unix:[,server][,nowait]]     [Unix only]

use a Unix domain socket. if you use the 'server' option, then

the emulator will create the socket and wait for a client to

connect before continuing, unless you also use 'nowait'


use a TCP socket. 'host' is set to localhost by default. if you

use the 'server' option will bind the port and wait for a client

to connect before continuing, unless you also use 'nowait'. the

'nodelay' option disables the TCP Nagle algorithm


similar to 'tcp:' but uses the telnet protocol instead of raw TCP


send output to a remote UDP server. if 'remote_host' is no

specified it will default to ''. you can also receive input

through UDP by specifying a source address after the optional '@'.

fdpair:,[Unix only]

redirection input and output to a pair of pre-opened file

descriptors. this is mostly useful for scripts and other

programmatic launches of the emulator.


no device connected


the null device (a.k.a /dev/null on Unix, or NUL on Win32)

NOTE: these correspond to the parameter of the QEMU -serial option

as described on

========= help for -help-environment

The Android emulator looks at various environment variables when it starts:

If ANDROID_LOG_TAGS is defined, it will be used as in '-logcat '.

If 'http_proxy' is defined, it will be used as in '-http-proxy '.

If ANDROID_VERBOSE is defined, it can contain a comma-separated list of

verbose items. for example:


is equivalent to using the '-verbose -verbose-socket -verbose-radio'

options together. unsupported items will be ignored.

If ANDROID_LOG_TAGS is defined, it will be used as in '-logcat '.

If ANDROID_SDK_HOME is defined, it indicates the path of the '.android'

directory which contains the SDK user data (Android Virtual Devices,

DDMS preferences, key stores, etc.).

If ANDROID_SDK_ROOT is defined, it indicates the path of the SDK

installation directory.

========= help for -help-keyset-file

on startup, the emulator looks for 'keyset' file that contains the

configuration of key-bindings to use. the default location on this

system is:


if the file doesn't exist, the emulator writes one containing factory

defaults. you are then free to modify it to suit specific needs.

this file shall contain a list of text lines in the following format:

[]where is an emulator-specific command name, i.e. one of:










is an optional list of elements (without separators)

which can be one of:

Ctrl-     Left Control Key

Shift-    Left Shift Key

Alt-      Left Alt key

RCtrl-    Right Control Key

RShift-   Right Shift Key

RAlt-     Right Alt key (a.k.a AltGr)

finally is a QWERTY-specific keyboard symbol which can be one of:

BACKSPACE        8                O                KEYPAD_0

TAB              9                P                UP

CLEAR            COLON            Q                DOWN

ENTER            SEMICOLON        R                RIGHT

PAUSE            LESS             S                LEFT

ESCAPE           EQUAL            T                INSERT

SPACE            GREATER          U                HOME

EXCLAM           QUESTION         V                END

DOUBLEQUOTE      AT               W                PAGEUP

HASH             LEFTBRACKET      X                PAGEDOWN

DOLLAR           BACKSLASH        Y                F1

AMPERSAND        RIGHTBRACKET     Z                F2

QUOTE            CARET            DELETE           F3



ASTERISK         A                KEYPAD_MULTIPLY  F6

PLUS             B                KEYPAD_DIVIDE    F7

COMMA            C                KEYPAD_ENTER     F8

MINUS            D                KEYPAD_PERIOD    F9

PERIOD           E                KEYPAD_EQUALS    F10

SLASH            F                KEYPAD_1         F11

0                G                KEYPAD_2         F12

1                H                KEYPAD_3         F13

2                I                KEYPAD_4         F14

3                J                KEYPAD_5         F15

4                K                KEYPAD_6         SCROLLOCK

5                L                KEYPAD_7         SYSREQ

6                M                KEYPAD_8         PRINT

7                N                KEYPAD_9         BREAK

case is not significant, and a single command can be associated to up

to 3 different keys. to bind a command to multiple keys, use commas to

separate them. here are some examples:

TOGGLE_NETWORK      F8                # toggle the network on/off

CHANGE_LAYOUT_PREV  Keypad_7,Ctrl-J   # switch to a previous skin layout

========= help for -help-virtual-device

An Android Virtual Device (AVD) models a single virtual

device running the Android platform that has, at least, its own

kernel, system image and data partition.

Only one emulator process can run a given AVD at a time, but

you can create several AVDs and run them concurrently.

You can invoke a given AVD at startup using either '-avd '

or '@', both forms being equivalent. For example, to launch

the AVD named 'foo', type:

emulator @foo

The 'android' helper tool can be used to manage virtual devices.

For example:

android create avd -n -t 1  # creates a new virtual device.

android list avd                   # list all virtual devices available.

Try 'android --help' for more commands.

Each AVD really corresponds to a content directory which stores

persistent and writable disk images as well as configuration files.

Each AVD must be created against an existing SDK platform or add-on.

For more information on this topic, see -help-sdk-images.

SPECIAL NOTE: in the case where you are *not* using the emulator

with the Android SDK, but with the Android build system, you will

need to define the ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT variable in your environment.

See -help-build-images for the details.

========= help for -help-sdk-images

The Android SDK now supports multiple versions of the Android platform.

Each SDK 'platform' corresponds to:

- a given version of the Android API.

- a set of corresponding system image files.

- build and configuration properties.

- an android.jar file used when building your application.

- skins.

The Android SDK also supports the concept of 'add-ons'. Each add-on is

based on an existing platform, and provides replacement or additional

image files, android.jar, hardware configuration options and/or skins.

The purpose of add-ons is to allow vendors to provide their own customized

system images and APIs without needing to package a complete SDK.

Before using the SDK, you need to create an Android Virtual Device (AVD)

(see -help-virtual-device for details). Each AVD is created in reference

to a given SDK platform *or* add-on, and will search the corresponding

directories for system image files, in the following order:

- in the AVD's content directory.

- in the AVD's SDK add-on directory, if any.

- in the AVD's SDK platform directory, if any.

The image files are documented in -help-disk-images. By default, an AVD

content directory will contain the following persistent image files:

userdata-qemu.img     - the /data partition image file

cache.img             - the /cache partition image file

You can use -wipe-data to re-initialize the /data partition to its factory

defaults. This will erase all user settings for the virtual device.

========= help for -help-build-images

The emulator detects that you are working from the Android build system

by looking at the ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT variable in your environment.

If it is defined, it should point to the product-specific directory that

contains the generated system images.

In this case, the emulator will look by default for the following image

files there:

- system.img   : the *initial* system image.

- ramdisk.img  : the ramdisk image used to boot the system.

- userdata.img : the *initial* user data image (see below).

- kernel-qemu  : the emulator-specific Linux kernel image.

If the kernel image is not found in the out directory, then it is searched

in /prebuilt/android-arm/kernel/.

Skins will be looked in /sdk/emulator/skins/

You can use the -sysdir, -system, -kernel, -ramdisk, -datadir, -data options

to specify different search directories or specific image files. You can

also use the -cache and -sdcard options to indicate specific cache partition

and SD Card image files.

For more details, see the corresponding -help-section.

Note that the following behaviour is specific to 'build mode':

- the *initial* system image is copied to a temporary file which is

automatically removed when the emulator exits. There is thus no way to

make persistent changes to this image through the emulator, even if

you use the '-image ' option.

- unless you use the '-cache ' option, the cache partition image

is backed by a temporary file that is initially empty and destroyed on

program exit.

SPECIAL NOTE: If you are using the emulator with the Android SDK, the

information above doesn't apply. See -help-sdk-images for more details.

========= top-level help

Android Emulator usage: emulator [options] [-qemu args]


-sysdir search for system disk images in -system read initial system image from -datadir write user data into -kernel use specific emulated kernel

-ramdisk ramdisk image (default /ramdisk.img

-image obsolete, use -system instead

-initdata same as '-init-data '

-data data image (default /userdata-qemu.img

-partition-size system/data partition size in MBs

-cache cache partition image (default is temporary file)

-no-cache                      disable the cache partition

-nocache                       same as -no-cache

-sdcard SD card image (default /sdcard.img

-snapstorage file that contains all state snapshots (default /snapshots.img)

-no-snapstorage                do not mount a snapshot storage file (this disables all snapshot functionality)

-snapshot name of snapshot within storage file for auto-start and auto-save (default 'default-boot')

-no-snapshot                   perform a full boot and do not do not auto-save, but qemu vmload and vmsave operate on snapstorage

-no-snapshot-save              do not auto-save to snapshot on exit: abandon changed state

-no-snapshot-load              do not auto-start from snapshot: perform a full boot

-snapshot-list                 show a list of available snapshots

-no-snapshot-update-time       do not do try to correct snapshot time on restore

-wipe-data                     reset the use data image (copy it from initdata)

-avd use a specific android virtual device

-skindir search skins in (default /skins)

-skin select a given skin

-no-skin                       don't use any emulator skin

-noskin                        same as -no-skin

-memory physical RAM size in MBs

-netspeed maximum network download/upload speeds

-netdelay network latency emulation

-netfast                       disable network shaping

-trace enable code profiling (F9 to start)

-show-kernel                   display kernel messages

-shell                         enable root shell on current terminal

-no-jni                        disable JNI checks in the Dalvik runtime

-nojni                         same as -no-jni

-logcat enable logcat output with given tags

-no-audio                      disable audio support

-noaudio                       same as -no-audio

-audio use specific audio backend

-raw-keys                      disable Unicode keyboard reverse-mapping

-radio redirect radio modem interface to character device

-port TCP port that will be used for the console

-ports ,TCP ports used for the console and adb bridge

-onion use overlay PNG image over screen

-onion-alpha             specify onion-skin translucency

-onion-rotation 0|1|2|3        specify onion-skin rotation

-scale scale emulator window

-dpi-device specify device's resolution in dpi (default 165)

-http-proxy make TCP connections through a HTTP/HTTPS proxy

-timezone use this timezone instead of the host's default

-dns-server use this DNS server(s) in the emulated system

-cpu-delay throttle CPU emulation

-no-boot-anim                  disable animation for faster boot

-no-window                     disable graphical window display

-version                       display emulator version number

-report-console report console port to remote socket

-gps redirect NMEA GPS to character device

-keyset specify keyset file name

-shell-serial specific character device for root shell

-old-system                    support old (pre 1.4) system images

-tcpdump capture network packets to file

-bootchart enable bootcharting

-charmap use specific key character map

-prop =set system property on boot

-shared-net-id join the shared network, using IP address 10.1.2.-nand-limits enforce NAND/Flash read/write thresholds

-memcheck enable memory access checking

-qemu args...                 pass arguments to qemu

-qemu -h                      display qemu help

-verbose                      same as '-debug-init'

-debug enable/disable debug messages

-debug-enable specific debug messages

-debug-no-disable specific debug messages

-help                         print this help

-help-print option-specific help

-help-disk-images             about disk images

-help-keys                    supported key bindings

-help-debug-tags              debug tags for -debug -help-char-devices            character specification

-help-environment             environment variables

-help-keyset-file             key bindings configuration file

-help-virtual-device          virtual device management

-help-sdk-images              about disk images when using the SDK

-help-build-images            about disk images when building Android

-help-all                     prints all help content

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