

excel读取函数 xlsread

text  读取函数csvread

XLSREAD Get data and text from a spreadsheet in an Excel workbook.

[NUMERIC,TXT,RAW]=XLSREAD(FILE) reads the data specified in the Excel

file, FILE. The numeric cells in FILE are returned in NUMERIC, the text

cells in FILE are returned in TXT, while the raw, unprocessed cell

content is returned in RAW.

[NUMERIC,TXT,RAW]=XLSREAD(FILE,SHEET,RANGE) reads the data specified

in RANGE from the worksheet SHEET, in the Excel file specified in FILE.

It is possible to select the range of data interactively (see Examples

below). Please note that the full functionality of XLSREAD depends on

the ability to start Excel as a COM server from MATLAB.


above, using basic input mode. This is the mode used on UNIX platforms

as well as on Windows when Excel is not available as a COM server.

In this mode, XLSREAD does not use Excel as a COM server, which limits

import ability. Without Excel as a COM server, RANGE will be ignored

and, consequently, the whole active range of a sheet will be imported.

Also, in basic mode, SHEET is case-sensitive and must be a string.



When the Excel COM server is used, allows passing in a handle to a

custom function.  This function will be called just before retrieving

the actual data from Excel. It must take an Excel Range object (e.g. of

type 'Interface.Microsoft_Excel_5.0_Object_Library.Range') as input,

and return one as output.  Optionally, this custom function may return

a second output argument, which will be returned from XLSREAD as the

fourth output argument, CUSTOMOUTPUT.  For details of what is possible

using the EXCEL COM interface, please refer to Microsoft documentation.


FILE: string defining the file to read from. Default directory is pwd.

Default extension is 'xls'.

SHEET: string defining worksheet name in workbook FILE.

double scalar defining worksheet index in workbook FILE. See


RANGE: string defining the data range in a worksheet. See NOTE 2.

MODE: string enforcing basic import mode. Valid value = 'basic'.  This

is the mode always used when COM is not available (e.g. on Unix).


NUMERIC = n x m array of type double.

TXT = r x s cell string array containing text cells in RANGE.

RAW = v x w cell array containing unprocessed numeric and text data.

Both NUMERIC and TXT are subsets of RAW.


1. Default operation:

NUMERIC = xlsread(FILE);



2. Get data from the default region:

NUMERIC = xlsread('c:/matlab/work/myspreadsheet')

3. Get data from the used area in a sheet other than the first sheet:

NUMERIC = xlsread('c:/matlab/work/myspreadsheet','sheet2')

4. Get data from a named sheet:

NUMERIC = xlsread('c:/matlab/work/myspreadsheet','NBData')

5. Get data from a specified region in a sheet other than the first


NUMERIC = xlsread('c:/matlab/work/myspreadsheet','sheet2','a2:j5')

6. Get data from a specified region in a named sheet:

NUMERIC = xlsread('c:/matlab/work/myspreadsheet','NBData','a2:j5')

7. Get data from a region in a sheet specified by index:

NUMERIC = xlsread('c:/matlab/work/myspreadsheet',2,'a2:j5')

8. Interactive region selection:

NUMERIC = xlsread('c:/matlab/work/myspreadsheet',-1);

You have to select the active region and the active sheet in the

EXCEL window that will come into focus. Click OK in the Data

Selection Dialog when you have finished selecting the active region.

9. Using the custom function:

[NUMERIC,TXT,RAW,CUSTOMOUTPUT] = xlsread('equity.xls', ..., @MyCustomFun)

Where the CustomFun is defined as:

function [DataRange, customOutput] = MyCustomFun(DataRange)

DataRange.NumberFormat = 'Date';

customOutput = 'Anything I want';

This will convert to dates all cells where that is possible.

NOTE 1: The first worksheet of the workbook is the default sheet. If

SHEET is -1, Excel comes to the foreground to enable interactive

selection (optional). In interactive mode, a dialogue will prompt

you to click the OK button in that dialogue to continue in MATLAB.

(Only supported when Excel COM server is available.)

NOTE 2: The regular form is: 'D2:F3' to select rectangular region D2:F3

in a worksheet. RANGE is not case sensitive and uses Excel A1

notation (see Excel Help). (Only supported when Excel COM server

is available.)

NOTE 3: Excel formats other than the default can also be read.

(Only supported when Excel COM server is available.)

See also xlswrite, csvread, csvwrite, dlmread, dlmwrite, textscan.

Reference page in Help browser

doc xlsread

CSVREAD Read a comma separated value file.

M = CSVREAD('FILENAME') reads a comma separated value formatted file

FILENAME.  The result is returned in M.  The file can only contain

numeric values.

M = CSVREAD('FILENAME',R,C) reads data from the comma separated value

formatted file starting at row R and column C.  R and C are zero-

based so that R=0 and C=0 specifies the first value in the file.

M = CSVREAD('FILENAME',R,C,RNG) reads only the range specified

by RNG = [R1 C1 R2 C2] where (R1,C1) is the upper-left corner of

the data to be read and (R2,C2) is the lower-right corner.  RNG

can also be specified using spreadsheet notation as in RNG = 'A1..B7'.

CSVREAD fills empty delimited fields with zero.  Data files where

the lines end with a comma will produce a result with an extra last

column filled with zeros.

See also csvwrite, dlmread, dlmwrite, load, fileformats, textscan.

Reference page in Help browser       doc csvread

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