Well, I know its a bit stupid. If I want to store a large amount of data. Should I use xml or database(mysql)?
Why do you choose (that) one?
What are the pros and cons using xml?
What are the pros and cons using mysql?
Clubpenguin, habbo hotel, those virtual worlds are using xml or mysql??
MySQL (or SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, etc.) are database engines: they're specific applications that were built for data storage and processing, and are very good at doing that; they also can run on a different server than the one where your main program is, allowing for load sharing.
XML files are just text files stored on your machine or another one; they need to be read, parsed and written to, and only your program can do that. They'are also really, really inefficient, because of their text nature: reading and parsing a text file is very slow, and modifying it is even worse.
XML files are good for storing configuration settings and passing data between different systems, but data storage and processing should definitely live in a proper DBMS.