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【填空题】25 A.It will help children prepare for secondary schools. B.It will improve children's math scores. C.It will relieve children from heavy homework. D.It will help children focus on the problem.

【多选题】关于圆柱形螺旋弹簧画法错误的是( )。

【听力题】news 1.mp3:

【单选题】液压系统的执行元件是( )。

【单选题】标准麻花钻的顶角 φ 的大小为( )。

【填空题】passage 4.mp3: 19 Few people there die from smoking. It has a very high smoking rate. 200,000 people die from smoking each year. Forty percent of people there smoke.

【填空题】21 Internet can be a help to stop smoking. Most Russian smoking starters are teenagers. Smoking kills about two hundred thousand people. Smoking has made a big city disappear.

【填空题】passage 7.mp3: 23 A.A large number of words. B.A lot of new words. C.A lot of grammars. D.Not having good dictionaries. I*9,kN9n3RIcASY@,

【单选题】职业道德的内容包括( )。

【单选题】精加工时应首先考虑( )。


【多选题】属材料牌号中,( )属于有色合金。

【多选题】球墨铸铁分为( )。

【填空题】passage 3.mp3: 19 A.For helping people develop good cleaning habits. B.For collecting information of antibacterial cleansers. C.For making known of a new imported product. D.For helping people make their purchase decisions.

【听力题】conversation 1.mp3:

【单选题】在下列刀具几何参数中,不影响残留面积高度的是( )。


【填空题】24 A.By looking at the popular websites. B.By asking the public to offer their choices. C.By reading the well-known publications. D.By interviewing people in the streets. H)u36|Z2HPaNYV6

【填空题】11 A.The side street vendors. B.The commercial atmosphere. C.The musical performances. D.The bright lights at night.


【单选题】教育法规定,国家必须建立以( )为主,其他多种渠道筹措教育经费为辅的财经保障机制。


【单选题】退火的目的是( )。

【填空题】25 A.Foods in big size. B.Foods with super energy. C.Foods for supper. D.Foods good for health.

【填空题】20 A ban on smoking in all areas. A high charge on tobacco commercials. A rise on cigarettes taxes. A ban on the imports of cigarettes.

【其它】点击左下角”练口语“完成跟读模仿练习; 2. 成绩页面截图上传至作业。

【听力题】passage 1.mp3:

【单选题】参加教师资格考试有作弊行为的,考试成绩作废,且( )内不得再次参加教师资格考试。

【其它】任务步骤: 精听任务点2,完成听写练习; 2. 完成段落模仿跟读练习; 3. 朗读段落并录音。 任务形式: 1. 听写文本; 2. 朗读音频。

【单选题】国标中规定的几种图纸幅面中,幅面最大的是( )

【填空题】Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard . o9HxWkgR1E^Jt_^H 23 A.Women tend to put children in front of everything else. B.Women need a house to gain the sense of security. C.Women are generally more practical than men. D.Women are less likely to save for retirement. 0xurjZu7BEpg

【填空题】9 A.Driving a car. B.Riding a bike. C.Walking around. D.Jogging and exercising.

【填空题】25 A.Invest on real estate properties. B.Spend 30% of it in stocks and shares. C.Put all of it in low-risk investment. D.Invest on their children's education.

【填空题】10 A.She has been there for many years. B.She has made lots of friends there. C.She likes the living conditions here. D.She can feel the intimacy with neighbors.

【单选题】( )是职业道德修养的前提

【单选题】钢的品种繁多。按照钢中有害元素 S、P的含量,把钢分为( )。

【多选题】机械传动中属于啮合传动的是( )。

【听力题】news 2.mp3:

【单选题】数控加工的批量生产中,当本道工序定位基准与上道工序已加工表面不重合时,就难以保证本道工序将要加工表面与上道工序已加工表面之间的( )。

【多选题】常用的螺纹紧固件有( )。

【单选题】在切削平面内测量的车刀角度有( )。

【填空题】22 A.Work for firms around the world. B.Finish an essay in eight weeks. C.Earn at least 3,000 dollars. D.Set up their own companies.

【论述题】我该选哪家酒店呢? ——决策模型的应用 爱丽丝一向认为自己是一名谨慎的消费者。她和丈夫以及两名年幼的孩子生活在一起,为了维持这个收入普通家庭的正常生活,主妇爱丽丝经常在消费时面临有限的预算。同时她是一名很有社会责任感的女性,她非常注重环境的可持续发展和社会公平。 最近,爱丽丝和她的丈夫打算带两名孩子去三亚进行一年一次的度假。所以爱丽丝很仔细地选择将要下榻的酒店。首先她需要考虑酒店的直接属性,价格,星级,服务,房型,装修,儿童乐园,景观,餐食,康乐设施,智慧设施等。其次,她还要考虑一系列比较隐形的因素,比如社会公平性(酒店是否尊重员工),节能环保,有机食物。因此,爱丽丝在面对如此多的考察指标时犯难了,她需要有人帮助她衡量酒店是否值得入住,并为她提供决策参考。 恰好,你正在运行着一家进行评分业务的小型网站,可以帮助她解决这个难题。你的业务是梳理出某一商品上消费者感兴趣的属性,根据消费者的自身情况对商品属性给出权重,最后对众多备选商品进行综合评分。为了使得评分准确,你通过深思熟虑建立一个出一个决策支持模型,这个模型中要替消费者,本例中的爱丽丝,考虑到在乎的所有属性,而且要根据消费者的预期进行总体的准确评分计算。 现在你需要: 1.研究决策模型。下表中是一些国外的类似业务的网站,请你参考。 No Name Website 1 Good Guide 2 BuyCott 3 NuVal 4 Barcoo 5 Green Options 6 Skin Deep (only for cosmetics) 2.帮助爱丽丝列出进行酒店评分的重要属性。 3.给这些属性赋权重。 4.找出10备选的酒店,利用已经列出的属性和权重进行评分。 5.建立一个Excel表,演示你的决策模型,并且计算出结果。 将Excel表提交到课程空间,完成作业。

【填空题】21 A.To help first-year students know each other. B.To find a leader to run the students union. C.To show students the importance of the program. D.To teach students how to cooperate and take feedback. AmWL[gzh+WYx_6I

【填空题】22 The government should pay attention to the female smokers. The government is not likely to pass the bill soon. The government can achieve its goal quickly. The government is not powerful enough to make it.

【单选题】敬业就是以一种严肃认真的态度对待工作,下列不符合的是( )

【填空题】passage 2.mp3: 24 A.The poverty cycle makes them lonely. B.They are more in need of money at the old age. C.The divorce rate in North America is rather low. D.They are responsible for raising children. 9pJ8UWF*|_@[h9_qI

【填空题】conversation 2.mp3: 8 A.It represents New York. B.It's next to the Central Park. C.Film stars sometimes go there. D.Getting a table there needs luck.

【单选题】在形位公差符号中,符号 “ ◎ ” 表示( )。

【填空题】20 A.A shorter length of course. B.A new practice called FIELD. C.Personal contact with the dean. D.More opportunities of case study. +@G(gSAgF|Waqv&ugN





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