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W3C Strategic Highlights, April 2021

30 April 2021 | Archive

d639116fc46ac0c007e5203e70fd7ed9.pngToday W3C released to the public the April 2021 edition of our W3C Strategic Highlights which documents the tremendous work to enhance, grow and strengthen the Web platform, and how the Web Consortium meets the needs of industry and society as a whole.

At the same time, as we celebrate the anniversary of the release of the World Wide Web into the public domain on 30 April 1993 by CERN, our CEO Jeff Jaffe has published his reflections on the centrality of the Web Consortium as the Web has been accelerating to meet society’s needs, and on the importance of the Web infrastructure in the modern world.

Human civilization is at an extraordinary juncture. The Web Consortium is in an incredible position to host the open forum where diverse voices from different parts of the world come together to incubate and build the global standards for the Web in the 25 years to come.

Upcoming: W3C Workshop on Smart Cities

9 April 2021 | Archive

0464190f821d496083f675c28e06d5d6.png W3C announced today the W3C Workshop on Smart Cities, which is being organized as a virtual event on 25 June 2021.

The goals of the workshop are:

Identify stakeholders of Smart Cities standardization to drive the development of Web standards aligned with the real needs of Smart Cities

Clarify reasonable applications for Smart Cities technologies we agree to build

and then see how to improve the draft Charter for the potential Smart Cities Interest Group for further discussions within that IG

Possible topics for the workshop may include:

Summary of the current status of Smart Cities

Needs for Web-based Smart Cities of the stakeholders including the users, the developers and the governments

Cross-cutting issues for integration of multiple sub-systems

The event will be organized as a combination of pre-recorded talks followed by a series of live sessions on 25 June. The event is free and open to anyone with relevant perspectives on the topic to register for the event. For more information on the workshop, please see the workshop details.

Deadline to submit a proposal for a talk is 30 April 2021, and registration is open through 18 June.

First Public Working Draft of Geolocation API

27 May 2021 | Archive

The Devices and Sensors Working Group has re-published the Geolocation API as a First Public Working Draft. The Geolocation API provides access to geographical location information associated with the hosting device.

The specification has been updated to reflect numerous privacy and security improvements made by implementers since last publication in 2016. The specification includes a list of substantive changes since last publication.

The Working Group welcomes comments via the GitHub repository issues.

Working Group Note: RTC Accessibility User Requirements (RAUR)

27 May 2021 | Archive

Real-time communication (RTC) provides real-time peer-to-peer audio, video, and data exchange directly between supported user agents. This enables instantaneous applications for video and audio calls, text chat, file exchange, screen sharing, and gaming.

RAUR describes various accessibility related user needs, requirements, and scenarios for real-time communication (RTC) applications. These user needs should drive accessibility requirements in various related specifications and the overall architecture that enables RTC.

First Public Working Draft: Specification for Spoken Presentation in HTML

18 May 2021 | Archive

The Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) Working Group has published a First Public Working Draft of Specification for Spoken Presentation in HTML from the Pronunciation Task Force. This document is part of W3C work on pronunciation to provide normative specifications and best practices guidance so that text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis can properly pronounce HTML content. TTS has long been used by screen readers (and other assistive technologies) for people with disabilities. It is now also widely used in popular applications such as voice assistants. Yet today there is no way for content creators to markup HTML content that will correctly and consistently present TTS generated output across all commonly used TTS engines and operating environments. This specification is intended to fill this critical gap.

This First Public Working Draft specification describes two possible technical approaches for author-controlled pronunciation of HTML content, using Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

Either approach will satisfy our accessibility requirements. However, we seek to establish a widely applicable approach. W3C is therefore seeking more input on these approaches, particularly from content authors and implementors who would convert the authoring techniques described into aural presentation. Please send comments by 18 June 2021.

W3C Invites Implementations of Page Visibility Level 2

18 May 2021 | Archive

The Web Performance Working Group has published the Page Visibility Level 2 as a W3C Candidate Recommendation Snapshot. This specification defines a means to programmatically determine the visibility state of a document. This can aid in the development of resource efficient web applications.

The document was previously published as a Proposed Recommendation and now returns to Candidate Recommendation status to allow better integration with the HTML specification. Further, this snapshot has been updated so that dependent specifications can better integrate with its various defined concepts and algorithms.

The Working Group welcomes comments via the GitHub repository issues by 18 June 2021.

First Public Working Drafts: WebGPU and WebGPU Shading Language

18 May 2021 | Archive

The GPU for the Web Working Group has published the following two First Public Working Drafts:

WebGPU: WebGPU exposes an API for performing operations, such as rendering and computation, on a Graphics Processing Unit.

WebGPU Shading Language: WebGPU Shader Language (WGSL) is the shader language for WebGPU. That is, an application using the WebGPU API uses WGSL to express the programs, known as shaders, that run on the GPU.

Interest Group Note: Web of Things (WoT): Use Cases and Requirements

18 May 2021 | Archive

The Web of Things Interest Group has published a First Public Interest Group Note of Web of Things (WoT): Use Cases and Requirements. This document is created to collect new IoT use cases from various domains that have been contributed by various stakeholders. These serve as a baseline for identifying requirements for the standardization work in the W3C WoT groups.

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