C++ primer Plus(第六版)中文版 第二章 开始学习C++ 编程练习答案

第二章 编程练习
1. 编写一个C++程序,它显示您的姓名和地址

1.1 基础版

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << "姓名:小郭\n" << "地址:出门右拐右拐右拐再右拐";
    return 0;

1.2 请求输入版

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    char name[100];        //声明字符串数组
    char address[100];     //声明字符串数组

    cout << "请输入您的姓名:";
    cin >> name;
    cout << "请输入您的地址:";
    cin >> address;
    cout << "姓名:" << name << endl;
    cout << "地址:" << address << endl;

    return 0;
请输入您的姓名:小郭                    //手动输入
请输入您的地址:出门右拐右拐右拐再右拐    //手动输入

请输入您的姓名:Jeff Guo           //手动输入
请输入您的地址:姓名:Jeff         //手动输入

1.3 请求输入,允许带空格版

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    char name[100];
    char address[100];

    cout << "请输入您的姓名:";
    cin.get(name, 100);       //使用cin.get()读取一行
    cin.get();                //使用cin.get()读取换行符

    cout << "请输入您的地址:";
    cin.get(address, 100);

    cout << "姓名:" << name << endl;
    cout << "地址:" << address << endl;

    return 0;

请输入您的姓名:Jeff Guo                          //手动输入
请输入您的地址:go out and turn right 3 times     //手动输入
姓名:Jeff Guo
地址:go out and turn right 3 times

2. 编写一个C++程序,它要求用户输入一个以long为单位的距离,然后将它转化为码(一long为220码)
2.1 基础版

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int length_long;
    int length_yd;
    const int factor_long_to_yd=220;    //初始化常量  
    cout << "请输入long为单位的距离:";
    cin >> length_long;

    length_yd = length_long * factor_long_to_yd;
    cout << length_long << "long是" << length_yd << "码" << endl;

    return 0;

2.2 函数版

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int long_to_yd(int);   //函数原型

int main()
    int length_long;
    int length_yd;
    cout << "请输入long为单位的距离:";
    cin >> length_long;

    length_yd = long_to_yd(length_long);
    cout << length_long << "long是" << length_yd << "码" << endl;

    return 0;
int long_to_yd(int length_long)
    int length_yd;
    const int factor_long_to_yd=220;    //初始化常量  
    length_yd = length_long * factor_long_to_yd;
    return length_yd;

3. 编写一个C++程序,它使用3个用户定义的函数(包括main()),并生成下面的输出
   Three blind mice
   Three blind mice
   See how they run
   See how they run

3.1  基础版

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void show1();   //函数原型
void show2();   //函数原型

int main()
    return 0;

void show1()
    cout << "Three blind mice" << endl;

void show2()
    cout << "See how they run\n";

3.2 for循环版

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void show1();   //函数原型
void show2();   //函数原型

int main()
    for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
    for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
    return 0;

void show1()
    cout << "Three blind mice" << endl;

void show2()
    cout << "See how they run\n";

4. 编写一个程序,让用户输入其年龄,然后显示该年龄包含多少个月,如下所示:
   Enter your age: 29

4.1 基础版

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int year;
    int month;
    const int factor = 12;
    cout << "Enter your age: ";
    cin >> year;
    month = year * factor;
    cout << year << " year is " << month << " month" << endl;  
    return 0;

4.2 函数+while版

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int year_to_month(int year);

int main()
    int year;
    int month;

    cout << "Enter your age: ";
    while (cin >> year && year!='q')
        cout << year << " year is " << year_to_month(year) << " month" << endl; 
        cout << "Enter your age: ";
    cout << "end";
    return 0;

int year_to_month(int year)
    int month;
    const int factor = 12;
    month = year * factor;
    return month;

5. 编写一个程序,其中的main()调用一个用户定义的函数(以摄氏温度值为参数,并返回相应的华氏温度值)
   Please enter a Celsius value: 20
   20 degrees Celsius is 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

5.1 基础版

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

float celsius_to_fahrenheit(float celsius);

int main()
    float celsius;
    float fahrenheit;

    cout << "Please enter a Celsius value: ";
    cin >> celsius;
    cout << celsius << " degrees celsius is " << celsius_to_fahrenheit(celsius) << " degrees fahrenheit" << endl; 

    return 0;

float celsius_to_fahrenheit(float celsius)
    float fahrenheit;

    fahrenheit = celsius * 1.8 + 32.0;
    return fahrenheit;

5.2 函数+while版 

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

float celsius_to_fahrenheit(float celsius);

int main()
    float celsius;
    float fahrenheit;

    cout << "Please enter a Celsius value: ";
    while (cin >> celsius && celsius!='q')
        cout << celsius << " degrees celsius is " << celsius_to_fahrenheit(celsius) << " degrees fahrenheit" << endl; 
        cout << "Please enter a Celsius value: ";
    cout << "end";
    return 0;

float celsius_to_fahrenheit(float celsius)
    float fahrenheit;

    fahrenheit = celsius * 1.8 + 32.0;
    return fahrenheit;

6. 编写一个程序,其main()调用一个用户定义的界面(以光年为参数,并返回对应天文单位的值)。
   该程序按下面的格式要求用户输入光年值,并返回结果:(1光年= 63240 天文单位)
   Enter the number of light years: 4.2
   4.2 light years = 265608 astronomical units.

6.1 基础版

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

double light_years_to_astronomical_units(double light_years);

int main()
    double light_years;
    cout << "nter the number of light years: ";
    cin >> light_years;
    double astronomical_units = light_years_to_astronomical_units(light_years);    //初始化
    cout << light_years << " light years = " << astronomical_units << " astronomical units." << endl; 

    return 0;

double light_years_to_astronomical_units(double light_years)
    double astronomical_units;

    astronomical_units = light_years * 63240;
    return astronomical_units;

7. 编写一个程序,要求用户输入小时数和分钟数吗,在main()函数中,将这两个值传递给一个void函数,后者以下面这样的格式显示这两个值:
   Enter the number of hours: 9
   Enter the number of minutes: 28
   Time: 9:28

7.1 基础版

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int hour;
    int minute;
    cout << "Enter the number of hours: ";
    cin >> hour;
    cout << "Enter the number of minutes: ";
    cin >> minute;
    cout << "Time: " << hour << ":" << minute;
    return 0;






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