using namespace std;
void foo(const unordered_map<char,string>& m);
int main()
unordered_set<string> set1 = {"red","yellow","blue"};
unordered_set<string>::iterator it = set1.find("green"); //O(1)
if(it!=set1.end()) //若查找不成功则会让迭代器指向容器外的地址,因此检查很有必要!
set1.insert("yellow"); //O(1)
vector<string> vec = {"purple","pink"};
// Hash table specific APIs:
string x = "red";
cout<<x<<"is in bucket #"<<set1.bucket(x)<<endl;
cout<<"Total bucket #"<<set1.bucket_count()<<endl;
unordered multiset:unordered set that allows duplicated elements
unordered map:unordered set of pairs
unordered multimap:unordered map that allows duplicated keys
hash collision -> performance degrade
*properties of unordered containers
* 1.fastest search/insert at any place:O(1)
* associative container takes O(log(n))
* vector deque takes O(n)
* list takes O(1) to insert,O(n) to search
* 2.unordered set/multiset:element value cannot be changed
* unordered map/multimap:element key cannot be changed
实现关联数组associative array(实现方式:map 或 unordered map)
unordered_map<char,string> day = {{'S',"Sunday"},{'M',"Monday"}};
cout<<day['S']<<endl; //no range check
cout<<day.at('S')<<endl; //has range check
vector<int> vec2 = {1,2,3};
// vec2[5] = 5; compile error
day['W'] = "wednesday"; //Inserting{'W',"Wednesday"}
day.insert(make_pair('F',"Friday")); //Inserting{'F',"Friday"}
day.insert(make_pair('M',"MONDAY")); //fail to modify,because 'M' has existed
day['M'] = "MONDAY"; // succeed to modify
1.search time:unordered_map,O(1);map:O(log(n))
2.unordered_map may degrade to O(n)
3.cannot use multimap and unordered_multimap,they donot have[]operator
return 0;
void foo(const unordered_map<char,string>& m)
// m['S'] = "SUNDAY" 是错误的,因为const声明m是不可改变的
// cout<<m['S']<<endl 这种打印方式也是错误的,需要改为下面的方式
auto itr = m.find('S');
if(itr != m.end())
cout << *itr << endl;
} */
C++标准模板库——无序型容器 unordered assotiative containers
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