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原创 ng-zorro DatePicker日期选择框 禁用周末,禁用部分时间

import { Component } from '@angular/core';import { DisabledTimeFn, DisabledTimePartial } from 'ng-zorro-antd/date-picker';@Component({ selector: 'nz-demo-date-picker-time', template: ` <nz-date-picker [nzShowTime]="{ nzForma.

2021-02-03 20:12:41 1627 1

原创 JS Reg 正则表达式

匹配 小于''2.10" 的3位数的string^([01].[0-9][0-9]| ([2].[0][0-9] | [2].[1][0]) )$<input type="number" step="1" min="0.01" max="10"> 小于 2.10 ,,,,任何位数/ ^([0].[0][1-9]|[0].[1-9][0-9]?|[1].[0-9][0-9]?|([2].[0][0-9]?|[2].[1][0]?)|[12])$ /; ...

2020-07-09 20:01:29 370

原创 Laravel 5.8 以及6.0 跨域解决方案

这个是Laravel 5.7的解决方案:https://learnku.com/articles/19246, 但是在5.8中可是可以用的, 不过需要设置: $allow_origin = [ '',//允许访问 ]; 这个Github的解决方案也不适用5.8:https://github.com/fruitcake/laravel-cors 比较好的解决方案如下 :https://www.oneue.com/...

2020-05-17 14:51:57 884

原创 Python学习

Python里,最常用的数据类型有三种——字符串(str)、整数(int)和浮点数(float)。浮点数的英文名是float,与整数(int)和字符串(str)不同,浮点数没有简写。ypeError:can only concatenate str (not "int") to str】(类型错误:只能将字符串与字符串拼接)str代表字符串,全称为string,整数的英文简称为i...

2019-06-27 19:36:14 143

原创 iView Table 可展开 on-expand="onExpand" 实例使用(完美版)

本人代码可以直接在https://run.iviewui.com/中运行,两处点击处理效果一样, 完善操作逻辑<!-- * @Author: FGJ * @LastEditors: Do not edit * @Date: 2018-12-28 00:31:30 * @LastEditTime: 2019-04-16 15:30:08 * @Description:...

2019-04-16 15:37:53 9646

原创 iView Table 可展开 @on-expand="onExpand" 实例使用(一)

<!-- * @Author: FGJ * @LastEditors: Do not edit * @Date: 2018-12-28 00:31:30 * @LastEditTime: 2019-04-16 10:05:43 * @Description: iview --><template> <section class="main...

2019-04-16 10:07:23 4957 1

原创 遍历的4种写法, for/map/forEach/find

getCrumbs(){ let crumbs = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem( "crumbs" )); //[Vue warn]: Error in created hook: "TypeError: Cannot set property 'manageClass' of undefined" 报错 // forEach写...

2019-04-15 14:08:32 878

原创 Vue el-input trim() 去空格

&lt;label for="" class="passInfo_detail_r"&gt; &lt;div class="passInfo_detail_select_left"&gt;身份证号:&lt;/div&gt; &lt;el-input placeholder="请输入取车人身份证件号" v-model="paxIdNo&quot

2018-08-29 18:11:13 26966 2

原创 【Js】深入浅出的js for循环 for loop以及闭坑指南

在JavaScript中使用forEach循环来删除数组中的特定元素可能会导致一些问题,因为forEach不允许你在迭代过程中修改数组的长度。filter方法会创建一个新的数组,其中包含所有通过指定函数测试的元素。因此,建议使用其他方法来安全地删除数组中的元素。1. 数组长度改变:forEach循环期间,如果你删除了一个元素,数组的长度会改变,虽然可以使用forEach来迭代数组,但删除元素时应该使用其他方法来避免潜在的问题。2. 无法中途停止:forEach无法中途停止循环,即使你找到了需要删除的元素。

2024-06-05 12:55:22 263 1

原创 JS For loop and Splice problem, use map(), new set(), filter()

2. 应在 Promise 的所有执行路径中调用 resolve 函数。1. 在迭代数组时对其进行修改可能会导致。或出现意外行为, 数据不准.

2024-05-30 11:26:53 135

原创 Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Parameter index out of range (2 > number of parameters, which is 1).

mapper, xml中的SQL语句内不要写注释。

2024-03-19 13:40:45 522

原创 Springboot applicaton.yml logging output

debug model will show the SQL running process

2024-03-13 19:07:39 415 2

原创 JS fs async/sync

【代码】JS fs async/sync。

2023-06-20 15:21:51 282

原创 MYSQL 一行数据拆分成多行数据

- WH 拆分成多行 数据 20230519。

2023-05-19 15:10:57 2058

原创 TypeError: sql.Connection is not a constructor

"mssql": ">0.0.0", 之前不知道是谁的垃圾写法, npm install会下载最新的包, 造成兼容性问题。报错原因判定为mssql version issue,

2023-01-18 19:55:17 464

原创 forEach return; for Loop break

【代码】forEach return;

2022-12-01 13:37:20 147

原创 JS for循环, break

【代码】JS for循环, break。

2022-11-16 06:25:26 214

原创 MYSQL 游标使用.避免插入duplicate 重复数据

【代码】MYSQL 游标使用。

2022-10-18 07:30:09 292

原创 eBay: the provided authorization grant code is invalid or was issued to another client

the provided authorization grant code is invalid or was issued to another client

2022-08-16 11:33:15 429

原创 SQL Event

SQL Event

2022-07-18 23:03:14 241

原创 requesterror: Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ‘}‘ ‘.

MSSQLinsert failed,JSa.replace(/[']/g,'`'); //全局替换let a = "AAAA'BBBBB 'CCCC'"let b = a.replace("'"," ") //只替换了第一个let d = a.replace(/[']/g,'`'); //全局替换console.log(b) //"AAAA BBBBB 'CCCC'"console.log(d) // "AAAA`BBBBB `CCCC`" // let requ.

2022-02-02 10:34:42 973

原创 Cannot resolve the collation conflict between “SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS“ and “Latin1_General_CI_

Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "Latin1_General_CI_AS" in the equal to operation...WHERE fieldname COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT = otherfieldname COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT

2021-11-05 09:03:56 1313

翻译 2021-10-18 CSV string with ‘,‘ 根据‘,‘拆分CSV字段

"Thirroul","2515","FURNI-N-TV03-WH-A,FURNI-N-TV03-WH-B","2.0000","0.2146560000000000","56.9874","32.2800","0.0000","5.1600","3.7400","41.1800","False"function CSVtoArray(text) { var re_valid = /^\s*(?:'[^'\\]*(?:\\[\S\s][^'\\]*)*'|"[^"\\]*(?:\\[\S\.

2021-11-05 09:02:16 157

原创 2021-09-02 JS Async/Await with Promise

for循环, 异步变同步async function test(){ for(let i=0; i < 3; i++){ // KEEP IT IN SYNC await A().then(async res => { console.log('--1'); await B().then(res => { console.log('--2');..

2021-09-02 16:01:04 99

原创 2021-08-12 Anync/Await

async checkAddressQuote(bool?) { try { this.checkSenderAddress = await this.getCheckSenderAddress(bool); this.checkShipToAddress = await this.getCheckShipToAddress(bool); this.checkPackageValidation = await this.getCheckPackag...

2021-08-12 12:30:33 89

原创 git@github.com: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

$ cd ~/.ssh$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "email address"$ ls id_dsa known_hosts id_dsa.pub (Github Key) config github-SSh github-SSh.pub known_hosts sshKey sshKey.pub$ cat ~/.ssh/sshKey.pub$ cat ~/.ssh/github-SSh.pubssh-rsa..

2021-07-23 21:32:20 201

原创 Navicat Access denied for ‘password‘. Authentication that can continue: publ1045 - Access denied for

Navicat Access denied for 'password'. Authentication that can continue: publ1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'139-218-163-195.sta.dodo.net.au' (using password: YES)用户名和密码正确,但是却没有在其他ip地址上访问的权限。需要登录MySQL然后修改ip访问权限。`GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *....

2021-07-20 22:18:59 4734

原创 2021-07-18 PHP Lumen memory_limit = 128M 内存限制

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1610612736 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 67108864 bytes) in phar:///usr/local/bin/composer/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Solver.php on line 223Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1610612736 bytes exhausted (tr.

2021-07-18 21:44:11 350 2

翻译 Js for 循环遍历删除元素 issue,会出现删除不掉的情况, index在变化

resetPackage(){ for(let i = this.packages.length -1; i >= 0; i-- ){ if(i > 0){ console.log(i); this.deletePackage(i); } } }

2021-06-18 22:25:35 539

原创 ES7 async / await

async Initial() { await this.testdata2(); this.testdata1(); } testdata1() { console.log("testdata1"); } testdata2() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { cons...

2021-06-08 18:52:08 91

原创 Js Object 替换 Key, 数组 ForEach 删除 Key 报错

parcels.forEach(el=>{ el['packObj'] = el.name; delete el[ 'name' ]; });parcels.forEach(el=>{ el[ 'packObj' ] = el[ 'name' ]; delete el[ 'name' ]; });delete Object.assign(el, {['packObj']: el[..

2021-06-08 14:25:09 316

原创 // Expression has changed after it was checked. Previous value: ‘ng-untouched: true‘. Current value:

ngAfterViewInit() { this.onSettingFormGroupChanged.next(this.settingsForm); // Expression has changed after it was checked. Previous value: 'ng-untouched: true'. Current value: 'ng-untouched: false // for (const control in this.setting...

2021-03-17 07:30:20 1027

转载 angular <pre></pre>解析

<h2 class="title">Hello {{name}}</h2><style> div { margin: 20px 10px; }</style><h1>Hello</h1><form [formGroup]="myForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()"> <div> <select formControlName="status" (chang...

2021-02-23 08:58:09 394

原创 2021-02-22 ng-select ngModel 绑定Object 在数组中的应用

import { Component } from '@angular/core';@Component({ selector: 'nz-demo-select-label-in-value', template: ` <p>The selected option's age is {{ selectedValue?.age }}</p> <br /> <nz-select [(ngModel)]="selectedValu...

2021-02-22 20:03:14 690

原创 Angular 光标指向定位

import { Component, ElementRef, ViewChild, AfterContentInit } from '@angular/core';@Component({ selector: 'custom-form', template: ` <form> <input placeholder="Name" #nameInput /> </form> `}).

2021-02-17 15:03:54 750

原创 Angular Property ‘refreshAll‘ does not exist on type ‘{ value: any; }‘.

showDrawer(id): void { const title = 'Order Details Info'; const width = ''; const dataInfo = id; this.selectedId = id; const drawerTemplate = OrderDetailDrawerVComponent; const drawerRef = this.utilService.openDrawerService(tit...

2021-02-11 07:28:28 365

原创 2020-11-09 Lumen Composer Update, 报错

Problem 1 - The requested PHP extension ext-http * is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's http extension.

2020-11-09 20:33:07 114

原创 Angular Form Valid Status Monitor

ngOnInit(): void { this.validateForm = this.formBuilder.group({ from_name: ['', Validators.required], from_companyName: [''], from_email: ['', [Validators.pattern(this.emailRegex), Validators.maxLength(49)]], from_phone: [''],..

2020-10-28 20:20:08 204

转载 js浅拷贝, 深拷贝

function的时候并不会拷贝过来。浅度拷贝:复制一层对象的属性,并不包括对象里面的为引用类型的数据,当改变拷贝的对象里面的引用类型时,源对象也会改变。·深度拷贝:重新开辟一个内存空间,需要递归拷贝对象里的引用,直到子属性都为基本类型。两个对象对应两个不同的地址,修改一个对象的属性,不会改变另一个对象的属性。JavaScript存储对象都是存地址的,所以浅拷贝会导致 obj1 和obj2 指向同一块内存地址。改变了其中一方的内容,都是在原来的内存上做修改会导致拷贝对象和源对象都发生改变,而深拷

2020-10-15 21:31:06 89

转载 Angular ng-zorro, 合并相同列数据

先贴图为敬,源码参考:import { Component } from '@angular/core';@Component({ selector: 'nz-demo-table-colspan-rowspan', template: ` <nz-table #colSpanTable [nzData]="tableData" nzBordered> <thead> <tr> <..

2020-10-07 14:45:59 1209



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