在使用 PyQt 构建应用程序时,有时需要在图形用户界面中渲染 SVG(可缩放矢量图形)文件,特别是当你需要显示图标或自定义字体时。QGraphicsSvgItem 是 PyQt 提供的一个类,用于在 QGraphicsViewQGraphicsScene 中渲染 SVG 图像。然而,如果你想使用 SVG 字形或通过编程方式生成矢量图形,QSvgRendererQGraphicsSvgItem 是两个关键的组件。



在 Pyqt 中使用 svggraphicsItem 渲染 SVG 字形时,可能会遇到一些问题。例如,由 Cairo 生成的 SVG 文件在 Pyqt 中无法正确显示,其中使用了 glyphs 图标,在 Pyqt 中似乎无法显示。


为了解决此问题,提供了一个函数 convertSVG(self, file) 来将 glyphs 转换为 SVG 路径,以便文件能够正常渲染。此函数需要嵌入到类中或将 self 删除才能在其他地方使用。

def convertSVG(self, file):
    dom = self._getsvgdom(file)
    self._commitSVG(file, dom)
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以下是一些其他函数,用于在 Pyqt 中渲染 SVG 字形:

def _commitSVG(self, file, dom):
    f = open(file, 'w')

def _getsvgdom(self, file):
    print('getting DOM model')
    import xml.dom
    import xml.dom.minidom as mini
    f = open(file, 'r')
    svg = f.read()
    dom = mini.parseString(svg)
    return dom

def _getGlyphPaths(self, dom):
    symbols = dom.getElementsByTagName('symbol')
    glyphPaths = {}
    for s in symbols:
        pathNode = [p for p in s.childNodes if 'tagName' in dir(p) and p.tagName == 'path']
        glyphPaths[s.getAttribute('id')] = pathNode[0].getAttribute('d')
    return glyphPaths

def _switchGlyphsForPaths(self, dom):
    glyphs = self._getGlyphPaths(dom)
    use = self._getUseTags(dom)
    for glyph in glyphs.keys():
        nl = self.makeNewList(glyphs[glyph].split(' '))
        u = self._matchUseGlyphs(use, glyph)
        for u2 in u:
            print(u2, 'brefore')
            self._convertUseToPath(u2, nl)
            print(u2, 'after')

def _getUseTags(self, dom):
    return dom.getElementsByTagName('use')

def _matchUseGlyphs(self, use, glyph):
    matches = []
    for i in use:
        if i.getAttribute('xlink:href') == '#'+glyph:
    return matches

def _convertUseToPath(self, use, strokeD):
    ## strokeD is a list of lists of strokes to make the glyph
    newD = self.nltostring(self.resetStrokeD(strokeD, use.getAttribute('x'), use.getAttribute('y')))
    use.tagName = 'path'
    use.setAttribute('style', 'fill: rgb(0%,0%,0%); stroke-width: 0.5; stroke-linecap: round; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke: rgb(0%,0%,0%); stroke-opacity: 1;stroke-miterlimit: 10; ')
    use.setAttribute('d', newD)

def makeNewList(self, inList):
    i = 0
    nt = []
    while i < len(inList):
        start = i + self.listFind(inList[i:], ['M', 'L', 'C', 'Z'])
        end = start + self.listFind(inList[start+1:], ['M', 'L', 'C', 'Z', '', ' '])
        i = end + 1
    return nt

def listFind(self, x, query):
    for i in range(len(x)):
        if x[i] in query:
            return i
    return len(x)

def resetStrokeD(self, strokeD, x, y):  # convert a list of strokes to xy coords
    nsd = []
    for i in strokeD:
        nsd.append(self.resetXY(i, x, y))
    return nsd

def resetXY(self, nl, x, y):  # convert a list of strokes to xy coords
    nl2 = []
    for i in range(len(nl)):
        if i == 0:
        elif i%2:  # it's odd
            nl2.append(float(nl[i]) + float(x))
        elif not i%2:  # it's even
            nl2.append(float(nl[i]) + float(y))
            print(i, nl[i], 'error')
    return nl2

def nltostring(self, nl):  # convert a colection of nl's to a string
    col = []
    for l in nl:
        templ = []
        for c in l:
        templ = ' '.join(templ)
    return ' '.join(col)
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通过以上方法,你可以在 PyQt 应用程序中成功渲染 SVG 字形,并通过图形视图与用户进行交互。