类型 jni_深入理解JNI




  • 为什么需要JNI?
  • JNI动态注册开发示例及详解
  • JNI 实现原理(java call native, native call java)
  • system.load(),RegisterNatives的详细代码分析
  1. Why JNI ?

Native interface is needed for high-level languages to access low-level system resource and VM services. They cannot directly access low-level resource for security, portability, and implementation reasons.

  • Security reason: High-level language is not allowed to directly manipulate memory

address, machine instruction, input or output (I/O) interfaces, and so on. These

accesses are necessary when the program needs to deal with low-level logics or to

provide high performance.

  • Portability reason: High-level language is designed to be platform independent. To

access platform-specific features such as file system, it has to use the native language

of the platform.

  • Implementation reason: Sometimes, certain libraries are only available in native languages such as media libraries that are either not ported to high-level languages or only available as legacy implementation.

2. JNI 开发

  • jni关键类型
//jni.h: AOSP/prebuilts/ndk/current/platforms/android-18/arch-x86/usr/include/jni.h
typedef unsigned char   jboolean;
typedef unsigned short  jchar;
typedef short           jshort;
typedef float           jfloat;
typedef double          jdouble;

class _jobject {};
class _jclass : public _jobject {};
class _jthrowable : public _jobject {};
class _jstring : public _jobject {};
class _jarray : public _jobject {};
class _jbooleanArray : public _jarray {};
class _jbyteArray : public _jarray {};
class _jcharArray : public _jarray {};
class _jshortArray : public _jarray {};
class _jintArray : public _jarray {};
class _jlongArray : public _jarray {};
class _jfloatArray : public _jarray {};
class _jdoubleArray : public _jarray {};
class _jobjectArray : public _jarray {};

typedef _jobject *jobject;
typedef _jclass *jclass;
typedef _jthrowable *jthrowable;
typedef _jstring *jstring;
typedef _jarray *jarray;
typedef _jbooleanArray *jbooleanArray;
typedef _jbyteArray *jbyteArray;
typedef _jcharArray *jcharArray;
typedef _jshortArray *jshortArray;
typedef _jintArray *jintArray;
typedef _jlongArray *jlongArray;
typedef _jfloatArray *jfloatArray;
typedef _jdoubleArray *jdoubleArray;
typedef _jobjectArray *jobjectArray;

typedef struct {
    const char* name;
    const char* signature;
    void*       fnPtr;
} JNINativeMethod;

jint        (*RegisterNatives)(JNIEnv*, jclass, const JNINativeMethod*,
// refers: https://blog.csdn.net/fengbingchun/java/article/details/78898623
#define JNIEXPORT  __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
#define JNICALL

 * C++ object wrapper.
 * This is usually overlaid on a C struct whose first element is a
 * JNINativeInterface*.  We rely somewhat on compiler behavior.
struct _JNIEnv {
    /* do not rename this; it does not seem to be entirely opaque */
    const struct JNINativeInterface* functions;

#if defined(__cplusplus)

    jint GetVersion()
    { return functions->GetVersion(this); }

    jclass DefineClass(const char *name, jobject loader, const jbyte* buf,
        jsize bufLen)
    { return functions->DefineClass(this, name, loader, buf, bufLen); }

    jclass FindClass(const char* name)
    { return functions->FindClass(this, name); }


#if defined(__cplusplus)
typedef _JNIEnv JNIEnv;
typedef _JavaVM JavaVM;
typedef const struct JNINativeInterface* JNIEnv;
typedef const struct JNIInvokeInterface* JavaVM;

 * Table of interface function pointers.
struct JNINativeInterface {
    void*       reserved0;
    void*       reserved1;
    void*       reserved2;
    void*       reserved3;

    jint        (*GetVersion)(JNIEnv *);

    jclass      (*DefineClass)(JNIEnv*, const char*, jobject, const jbyte*,
    jclass      (*FindClass)(JNIEnv*, const char*);

  • jni开发例子 (github)
----project root

#include <jni.h>
#include <string>

native_getString(JNIEnv *env, jobject /* this */) {
    std::string hello = "Hello from C++";
    return env->NewStringUTF(hello.c_str());
 * 对应java类的全路径名,.用/代替
const char *classPathName = "com/chenpeng/registernativemethoddemo/MainActivity";

 * JNINativeMethod 结构体的数组
 * 结构体参数1:对应java类总的native方法
 * 结构体参数2:对应java类总的native方法的描述信息,用javap -s xxxx.class 查看
 * 结构体参数3:c/c++ 种对应的方法名
JNINativeMethod method[] = {{"getString", "()Ljava/lang/String;", (void *) native_getString}};

 * 该函数定义在jni.h头文件中,System.loadLibrary()时会调用JNI_OnLoad()函数
JNIEXPORT jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM *vm, void *reserved) {
    //定义 JNIEnv 指针
    JNIEnv *env = NULL;
    //获取 JNIEnv
    vm->GetEnv((void **) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_6);
    jclass clazz = env->FindClass(classPathName);
    env->RegisterNatives(clazz, method, 1);
    //返回Jni 的版本
    return JNI_VERSION_1_6;

// Android.mk:
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := testJNI # name your module here.

APP_ABI := all

//compile cmd: 
in project-root:
run: ndk-build
the so will be generated in lib dir
//ndk-build : http://web.guohuiwang.com/technical-notes/androidndk1

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.N)
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        System.out.println(getApplicationContext().getFilesDir() + "/libtestJNI.so");
        try {
            System.out.println(new File(getApplicationContext().getFilesDir() + "/libtestJNI.so").exists());
            //otherwise:java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "" " is not accessible for the namespace "classloader-namespace" at java.lang.Runtime.load0(Runtime.java:938)
            System.load(getApplicationContext().getFilesDir() + "/libtestJNI.so");
            String getString = getString();
        } catch (IOException e) {

    private static native String getString();


com.zms.jniLearning I/System.out: /data/user/0/com.zms.jniLearning/files/libtestJNI.so
com.zms.jniLearning I/System.out: true
com.zms.jniLearning I/System.out: Hello from C++

3. JNI 原理

抛砖引玉: Android的第一个java方法(zygote main())是被谁调用的?


  • native call java method
  • java call native

4. System.load分析

     * Loads and links the dynamic library that is identified through the
     * specified path. This method is similar to {@link #loadLibrary(String)},
     * but it accepts a full path specification whereas {@code loadLibrary} just
     * accepts the name of the library to load.
     * @param pathName
     *            the path of the file to be loaded.
    public static void load(String pathName) {
        Runtime.getRuntime().load(pathName, VMStack.getCallingClassLoader());

     * Loads and links the given library without security checks.
    void load(String pathName, ClassLoader loader) {
        if (pathName == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("pathName == null");
        String error = doLoad(pathName, loader);
        if (error != null) {
            throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError(error);

     * Loads and links the library with the specified name. The mapping of the
     * specified library name to the full path for loading the library is
     * implementation-dependent.
     * @param libName
     *            the name of the library to load.
     * @throws UnsatisfiedLinkError
     *             if the library could not be loaded.
    public static void loadLibrary(String libName) {
        Runtime.getRuntime().loadLibrary(libName, VMStack.getCallingClassLoader());

// 以 public static void loadLibrary(String libName) { 为例

 * Provides a limited interface to the Dalvik VM stack. This class is mostly
 * used for implementing security checks.
 * @hide
public final class VMStack {
     * Returns the defining class loader of the caller's caller.
     * @return the requested class loader, or {@code null} if this is the
     *         bootstrap class loader.
    native public static ClassLoader getCallingClassLoader();



     * Searches for a library, then loads and links it without security checks.
    void loadLibrary(String libraryName, ClassLoader loader) {
        if (loader != null) {
            String filename = loader.findLibrary(libraryName);// 使用classloader查找叫libraryName
            if (filename == null) {
                throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError("Couldn't load " + libraryName +
                                               " from loader " + loader +
                                               ": findLibrary returned null");
            String error = doLoad(filename, loader);//-----------------------------
            if (error != null) {
                throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError(error);

        String filename = System.mapLibraryName(libraryName);
        List<String> candidates = new ArrayList<String>();
        String lastError = null;
        for (String directory : mLibPaths) {
            String candidate = directory + filename;

            if (IoUtils.canOpenReadOnly(candidate)) {
                String error = doLoad(candidate, loader);
                if (error == null) {
                    return; // We successfully loaded the library. Job done.
                lastError = error;

        if (lastError != null) {
            throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError(lastError);
        throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError("Library " + libraryName + " not found; tried " + candidates);

#define JNI_LIB_PREFIX "lib"
#define JNI_LIB_SUFFIX ".so"
System_mapLibraryName(JNIEnv *env, jclass ign, jstring libname)// 返回 "lib($libname).so"
    int len;
    int prefix_len = (int) strlen(JNI_LIB_PREFIX);
    int suffix_len = (int) strlen(JNI_LIB_SUFFIX);

    jchar chars[256];
    if (libname == NULL) {
        JNU_ThrowNullPointerException(env, 0);
        return NULL;
    len = (*env)->GetStringLength(env, libname);
    if (len > 240) {
        JNU_ThrowIllegalArgumentException(env, "name too long");
        return NULL;
    cpchars(chars, JNI_LIB_PREFIX, prefix_len);
//static void GetStringRegion(JNIEnv* env, jstring java_string, jsize start, jsize length,
                      //        jchar* buf)
//从 java_string的start copy  长度length到buf
    (*env)->GetStringRegion(env, libname, 0, len, chars + prefix_len);
    len += prefix_len;
    cpchars(chars + len, JNI_LIB_SUFFIX, suffix_len);
    len += suffix_len;

    return (*env)->NewString(env, chars, len);

private String doLoad(String name, ClassLoader loader) {
        // Android apps are forked from the zygote, so they can't have a custom LD_LIBRARY_PATH,
        // which means that by default an app's shared library directory isn't on LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

        // The PathClassLoader set up by frameworks/base knows the appropriate path, so we can load
        // libraries with no dependencies just fine, but an app that has multiple libraries that
        // depend on each other needed to load them in most-dependent-first order.

        // We added API to Android's dynamic linker so we can update the library path used for
        // the currently-running process. We pull the desired path out of the ClassLoader here
        // and pass it to nativeLoad so that it can call the private dynamic linker API.

        // We didn't just change frameworks/base to update the LD_LIBRARY_PATH once at the
        // beginning because multiple apks can run in the same process and third party code can
        // use its own BaseDexClassLoader.

        // We didn't just add a dlopen_with_custom_LD_LIBRARY_PATH call because we wanted any
        // dlopen(3) calls made from a .so's JNI_OnLoad to work too.

        // So, find out what the native library search path is for the ClassLoader in question...
        String ldLibraryPath = null;
        if (loader != null && loader instanceof BaseDexClassLoader) {
            ldLibraryPath = ((BaseDexClassLoader) loader).getLdLibraryPath();
        // nativeLoad should be synchronized so there's only one LD_LIBRARY_PATH in use regardless
        // of how many ClassLoaders are in the system, but dalvik doesn't support synchronized
        // internal natives.
        synchronized (this) {
            return nativeLoad(name, loader, ldLibraryPath);

    // TODO: should be synchronized, but dalvik doesn't support synchronized internal natives.
    private static native String nativeLoad(String filename, ClassLoader loader, String ldLibraryPath);

Runtime_nativeLoad(JNIEnv* env, jclass ignored, jstring javaFilename,
                   jobject javaLoader, jclass caller)
    return JVM_NativeLoad(env, javaFilename, javaLoader, caller);

JNIEXPORT jstring JVM_NativeLoad(JNIEnv* env,
                                 jstring javaFilename,
                                 jobject javaLoader,
                                 jclass caller) {
  ScopedUtfChars filename(env, javaFilename);
  if (filename.c_str() == nullptr) {
    return nullptr;

  std::string error_msg;
    art::JavaVMExt* vm = art::Runtime::Current()->GetJavaVM();
    bool success = vm->LoadNativeLibrary(env,
    if (success) {
      return nullptr;

  // Don't let a pending exception from JNI_OnLoad cause a CheckJNI issue with NewStringUTF.
  return env->NewStringUTF(error_msg.c_str());

bool JavaVMExt::LoadNativeLibrary(JNIEnv* env,
                                  const std::string& path,
                                  jobject class_loader,
                                  jclass caller_class,
                                  std::string* error_msg) {

  // See if we've already loaded this library.  If we have, and the class loader
  // matches, return successfully without doing anything.
  // TODO: for better results we should canonicalize the pathname (or even compare
  // inodes). This implementation is fine if everybody is using System.loadLibrary.
  SharedLibrary* library;
  Thread* self = Thread::Current();
    // TODO: move the locking (and more of this logic) into Libraries.
    MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::jni_libraries_lock_);
    library = libraries_->Get(path);
  void* class_loader_allocator = nullptr;
  std::string caller_location;
    ScopedObjectAccess soa(env);
    // As the incoming class loader is reachable/alive during the call of this function,
    // it's okay to decode it without worrying about unexpectedly marking it alive.
    ObjPtr<mirror::ClassLoader> loader = soa.Decode<mirror::ClassLoader>(class_loader);

    ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
    if (class_linker->IsBootClassLoader(soa, loader.Ptr())) {
      loader = nullptr;
      class_loader = nullptr;
      if (caller_class != nullptr) {
        ObjPtr<mirror::Class> caller = soa.Decode<mirror::Class>(caller_class);
        ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache = caller->GetDexCache();
        if (dex_cache != nullptr) {
          caller_location = dex_cache->GetLocation()->ToModifiedUtf8();

    class_loader_allocator = class_linker->GetAllocatorForClassLoader(loader.Ptr());
    CHECK(class_loader_allocator != nullptr);
  if (library != nullptr) {
    // Use the allocator pointers for class loader equality to avoid unnecessary weak root decode.
    if (library->GetClassLoaderAllocator() != class_loader_allocator) {
      // The library will be associated with class_loader. The JNI
      // spec says we can't load the same library into more than one
      // class loader.
      // This isn't very common. So spend some time to get a readable message.
      auto call_to_string = [&](jobject obj) -> std::string {
        if (obj == nullptr) {
          return "null";
        // Handle jweaks. Ignore double local-ref.
        ScopedLocalRef<jobject> local_ref(env, env->NewLocalRef(obj));
        if (local_ref != nullptr) {
          ScopedLocalRef<jclass> local_class(env, env->GetObjectClass(local_ref.get()));
          jmethodID to_string = env->GetMethodID(local_class.get(),
          DCHECK(to_string != nullptr);
          ScopedLocalRef<jobject> local_string(env,
                                               env->CallObjectMethod(local_ref.get(), to_string));
          if (local_string != nullptr) {
            ScopedUtfChars utf(env, reinterpret_cast<jstring>(local_string.get()));
            if (utf.c_str() != nullptr) {
              return utf.c_str();
          if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
            // We can't do much better logging, really. So leave it with a Describe.
          return "(Error calling toString)";
        return "null";
      std::string old_class_loader = call_to_string(library->GetClassLoader());
      std::string new_class_loader = call_to_string(class_loader);
      StringAppendF(error_msg, "Shared library "%s" already opened by "
          "ClassLoader %p(%s); can't open in ClassLoader %p(%s)",
      LOG(WARNING) << *error_msg;
      return false;
    VLOG(jni) << "[Shared library "" << path << "" already loaded in "
              << " ClassLoader " << class_loader << "]";
    if (!library->CheckOnLoadResult()) {
      StringAppendF(error_msg, "JNI_OnLoad failed on a previous attempt "
          "to load "%s"", path.c_str());
      return false;
    return true;

  // Open the shared library.  Because we're using a full path, the system
  // doesn't have to search through LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  (It may do so to
  // resolve this library's dependencies though.)

  // Failures here are expected when java.library.path has several entries
  // and we have to hunt for the lib.

  // Below we dlopen but there is no paired dlclose, this would be necessary if we supported
  // class unloading. Libraries will only be unloaded when the reference count (incremented by
  // dlopen) becomes zero from dlclose.

  // Retrieve the library path from the classloader, if necessary.
  ScopedLocalRef<jstring> library_path(env, GetLibrarySearchPath(env, class_loader));

  const char* path_str = path.empty() ? nullptr : path.c_str();
  bool needs_native_bridge = false;
  char* nativeloader_error_msg = nullptr;
  void* handle = android::OpenNativeLibrary(
      (caller_location.empty() ? nullptr : caller_location.c_str()),
  VLOG(jni) << "[Call to dlopen("" << path << "", RTLD_NOW) returned " << handle << "]";

  if (handle == nullptr) {// 2.检查错误信息
    *error_msg = nativeloader_error_msg;
    VLOG(jni) << "dlopen("" << path << "", RTLD_NOW) failed: " << *error_msg;
    return false;

  if (env->ExceptionCheck() == JNI_TRUE) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected exception:";
  // Create a new entry.
  // TODO: move the locking (and more of this logic) into Libraries.
  bool created_library = false;
    // Create SharedLibrary ahead of taking the libraries lock to maintain lock ordering.
    std::unique_ptr<SharedLibrary> new_library(
        new SharedLibrary(env,

    MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::jni_libraries_lock_);
    library = libraries_->Get(path);
    if (library == nullptr) {  // We won race to get libraries_lock.
      library = new_library.release();
      libraries_->Put(path, library);
      created_library = true;
  if (!created_library) {
    LOG(INFO) << "WOW: we lost a race to add shared library: "
        << """ << path << "" ClassLoader=" << class_loader;
    return library->CheckOnLoadResult();
  VLOG(jni) << "[Added shared library "" << path << "" for ClassLoader " << class_loader << "]";

  bool was_successful = false;
  void* sym = library->FindSymbol("JNI_OnLoad", nullptr);//3.  获取JNI_OnLoad方法地址
  if (sym == nullptr) {
    VLOG(jni) << "[No JNI_OnLoad found in "" << path << ""]";
    was_successful = true;
  } else {
    // Call JNI_OnLoad.  We have to override the current class
    // loader, which will always be "null" since the stuff at the
    // top of the stack is around Runtime.loadLibrary().  (See
    // the comments in the JNI FindClass function.)
    ScopedLocalRef<jobject> old_class_loader(env, env->NewLocalRef(self->GetClassLoaderOverride()));

    VLOG(jni) << "[Calling JNI_OnLoad in "" << path << ""]";
    using JNI_OnLoadFn = int(*)(JavaVM*, void*);
//4.  强制转为函数指针    
JNI_OnLoadFn jni_on_load = reinterpret_cast<JNI_OnLoadFn>(sym);
//5. 然后调用JNI_OnLoad
    int version = (*jni_on_load)(this, nullptr);

    if (IsSdkVersionSetAndAtMost(runtime_->GetTargetSdkVersion(), SdkVersion::kL)) {
      // Make sure that sigchain owns SIGSEGV.


    if (version == JNI_ERR) {
      StringAppendF(error_msg, "JNI_ERR returned from JNI_OnLoad in "%s"", path.c_str());
    } else if (JavaVMExt::IsBadJniVersion(version)) {
      StringAppendF(error_msg, "Bad JNI version returned from JNI_OnLoad in "%s": %d",
                    path.c_str(), version);
      // It's unwise to call dlclose() here, but we can mark it
      // as bad and ensure that future load attempts will fail.
      // We don't know how far JNI_OnLoad got, so there could
      // be some partially-initialized stuff accessible through
      // newly-registered native method calls.  We could try to
      // unregister them, but that doesn't seem worthwhile.
    } else {
      was_successful = true;
    VLOG(jni) << "[Returned " << (was_successful ? "successfully" : "failure")
              << " from JNI_OnLoad in "" << path << ""]";

  return was_successful;


之后就是native java方法用,分为两种,一种是解释执行,一种是aot编译时,是如何调用。



5. JNI onload 的RegisterNatives代码分析


RegisterNatives 干的事情就是讲native method 的函数(C/C++ 函数)的函数地址绑定(赋值到) 代表java的native method ArtMethod的_data上。

static jint RegisterNatives(JNIEnv* env,
                              jclass java_class,
                              const JNINativeMethod* methods,
                              jint method_count) {
    if (UNLIKELY(method_count < 0)) {
      JavaVmExtFromEnv(env)->JniAbortF("RegisterNatives", "negative method count: %d",
      return JNI_ERR;  // Not reached except in unit tests.
    CHECK_NON_NULL_ARGUMENT_FN_NAME("RegisterNatives", java_class, JNI_ERR);
    ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
    ScopedObjectAccess soa(env);
    StackHandleScope<1> hs(soa.Self());
    Handle<mirror::Class> c = hs.NewHandle(soa.Decode<mirror::Class>(java_class));
    if (UNLIKELY(method_count == 0)) {
      LOG(WARNING) << "JNI RegisterNativeMethods: attempt to register 0 native methods for "
          << c->PrettyDescriptor();
      return JNI_OK;
    CHECK_NON_NULL_ARGUMENT_FN_NAME("RegisterNatives", methods, JNI_ERR);

    // 1. 迭代每一个待注册的方法
    // 回顾一下之前的定义 
// JNINativeMethod method[] = {{"getString", "()Ljava/lang/String;", (void *) native_getString}};
typedef struct {
     //    const char* name; // java method name 
    //     const char* signature; // java method signature(args and return type)
   //      void*       fnPtr; //native method addr
  //    } JNINativeMethod;

    for (jint i = 0; i < method_count; ++i) {
      const char* name = methods[i].name;
      const char* sig = methods[i].signature;
      const void* fnPtr = methods[i].fnPtr;
      if (UNLIKELY(name == nullptr)) {
        ReportInvalidJNINativeMethod(soa, c.Get(), "method name", i);
        return JNI_ERR;
      } else if (UNLIKELY(sig == nullptr)) {
        ReportInvalidJNINativeMethod(soa, c.Get(), "method signature", i);
        return JNI_ERR;
      } else if (UNLIKELY(fnPtr == nullptr)) {
        ReportInvalidJNINativeMethod(soa, c.Get(), "native function", i);
        return JNI_ERR;
      bool is_fast = false;
      // Notes about fast JNI calls:
      // On a normal JNI call, the calling thread usually transitions
      // from the kRunnable state to the kNative state. But if the
      // called native function needs to access any Java object, it
      // will have to transition back to the kRunnable state.
      // There is a cost to this double transition. For a JNI call
      // that should be quick, this cost may dominate the call cost.
      // On a fast JNI call, the calling thread avoids this double
      // transition by not transitioning from kRunnable to kNative and
      // stays in the kRunnable state.
      // There are risks to using a fast JNI call because it can delay
      // a response to a thread suspension request which is typically
      // used for a GC root scanning, etc. If a fast JNI call takes a
      // long time, it could cause longer thread suspension latency
      // and GC pauses.
      // Thus, fast JNI should be used with care. It should be used
      // for a JNI call that takes a short amount of time (eg. no
      // long-running loop) and does not block (eg. no locks, I/O,
      // etc.)
      // A '!' prefix in the signature in the JNINativeMethod
      // indicates that it's a fast JNI call and the runtime omits the
      // thread state transition from kRunnable to kNative at the
      // entry.
      if (*sig == '!') { // 这个已经被弃用了
        is_fast = true;

      // Note: the right order is to try to find the method locally
      // first, either as a direct or a virtual method. Then move to
      // the parent.
      ArtMethod* m = nullptr;
      bool warn_on_going_to_parent = down_cast<JNIEnvExt*>(env)->GetVm()->IsCheckJniEnabled();
      for (ObjPtr<mirror::Class> current_class = c.Get();
           current_class != nullptr;
           current_class = current_class->GetSuperClass()) {
        // Search first only comparing methods which are native.
        m = FindMethod<true>(current_class, name, sig); // 找到是native方法且和name,sig相同的java方法
        if (m != nullptr) {

        // Search again comparing to all methods, to find non-native methods that match.
        m = FindMethod<false>(current_class, name, sig); // 找到不是native方法且和name,sig相同的java方法
        if (m != nullptr) {

        if (warn_on_going_to_parent) {
          LOG(WARNING) << "CheckJNI: method to register "" << name << "" not in the given class. "
                       << "This is slow, consider changing your RegisterNatives calls.";
          warn_on_going_to_parent = false;

      if (m == nullptr) {
        c->DumpClass(LOG_STREAM(ERROR), mirror::Class::kDumpClassFullDetail);
            << "Failed to register native method "
            << c->PrettyDescriptor() << "." << name << sig << " in "
            << c->GetDexCache()->GetLocation()->ToModifiedUtf8();
        ThrowNoSuchMethodError(soa, c.Get(), name, sig, "static or non-static");
        return JNI_ERR;
      } else if (!m->IsNative()) {
            << "Failed to register non-native method "
            << c->PrettyDescriptor() << "." << name << sig
            << " as native";
        ThrowNoSuchMethodError(soa, c.Get(), name, sig, "native");
        return JNI_ERR;

      VLOG(jni) << "[Registering JNI native method " << m->PrettyMethod() << "]";

      if (UNLIKELY(is_fast)) {
        // There are a few reasons to switch:
        // 1) We don't support !bang JNI anymore, it will turn to a hard error later.
        // 2) @FastNative is actually faster. At least 1.5x faster than !bang JNI.
        //    and switching is super easy, remove ! in C code, add annotation in .java code.
        // 3) Good chance of hitting DCHECK failures in ScopedFastNativeObjectAccess
        //    since that checks for presence of @FastNative and not for ! in the descriptor.
        LOG(WARNING) << "!bang JNI is deprecated. Switch to @FastNative for " << m->PrettyMethod();
        is_fast = false;
        // TODO: make this a hard register error in the future.

      const void* final_function_ptr = class_linker->RegisterNative(soa.Self(), m, fnPtr);// --------
    return JNI_OK;

const void* ClassLinker::RegisterNative(
    Thread* self, ArtMethod* method, const void* native_method) {
  CHECK(method->IsNative()) << method->PrettyMethod();
  CHECK(native_method != nullptr) << method->PrettyMethod();
  void* new_native_method = nullptr;
  Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
   // 这里通过native_method构造一个new_native_method
  if (method->IsCriticalNative()) {
    MutexLock lock(self, critical_native_code_with_clinit_check_lock_);
    // Remove old registered method if any.
    auto it = critical_native_code_with_clinit_check_.find(method);
    if (it != critical_native_code_with_clinit_check_.end()) {
    // To ensure correct memory visibility, we need the class to be visibly
    // initialized before we can set the JNI entrypoint.
    if (method->GetDeclaringClass()->IsVisiblyInitialized()) {
    } else {
      critical_native_code_with_clinit_check_.emplace(method, new_native_method);
  } else {
    method->SetEntryPointFromJni(new_native_method); //-------------------------
  return new_native_method;

  void SetEntryPointFromJni(const void* entrypoint)
      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    // The resolution method also has a JNI entrypoint for direct calls from
    // compiled code to the JNI dlsym lookup stub for @CriticalNative.
    DCHECK(IsNative() || IsRuntimeMethod());
    SetEntryPointFromJniPtrSize(entrypoint, kRuntimePointerSize);

  ALWAYS_INLINE void SetEntryPointFromJniPtrSize(const void* entrypoint, PointerSize pointer_size)
      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    SetDataPtrSize(entrypoint, pointer_size);

  ALWAYS_INLINE void SetDataPtrSize(const void* data, PointerSize pointer_size)// data是jni native method地址
      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    SetNativePointer(DataOffset(pointer_size), data, pointer_size);

  template<typename T>
  ALWAYS_INLINE void SetNativePointer(MemberOffset offset, T new_value, PointerSize pointer_size)
      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    static_assert(std::is_pointer<T>::value, "T must be a pointer type");
    const auto addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) + offset.Uint32Value();// 看看对象首地址+offset是啥----
   if (pointer_size == PointerSize::k32) {
      uintptr_t ptr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(new_value);
      *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(addr) = dchecked_integral_cast<uint32_t>(ptr);
    } else {
      *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(addr) = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(new_value); //*addr 赋值为new_value

// 看看对象首地址+offset是啥, 是data_ 
static constexpr MemberOffset DataOffset(PointerSize pointer_size) {
    return MemberOffset(PtrSizedFieldsOffset(pointer_size) + OFFSETOF_MEMBER(
        PtrSizedFields, data_) / sizeof(void*) * static_cast<size_t>(pointer_size));

// 备注一下art method的结构

class ArtMethod {
  // Field order required by test "ValidateFieldOrderOfJavaCppUnionClasses".
  // The class we are a part of.
  GcRoot<mirror::Class> declaring_class_;

  // Access flags; low 16 bits are defined by spec.
  // Getting and setting this flag needs to be atomic when concurrency is
  // possible, e.g. after this method's class is linked. Such as when setting
  // verifier flags and single-implementation flag.
  std::atomic<std::uint32_t> access_flags_;

  /* Dex file fields. The defining dex file is available via declaring_class_->dex_cache_ */

  // Offset to the CodeItem.
  uint32_t dex_code_item_offset_;

  // Index into method_ids of the dex file associated with this method.
  uint32_t dex_method_index_;

  /* End of dex file fields. */

  // Entry within a dispatch table for this method. For static/direct methods the index is into
  // the declaringClass.directMethods, for virtual methods the vtable and for interface methods the
  // ifTable.
  uint16_t method_index_;

  union {
    // Non-abstract methods: The hotness we measure for this method. Not atomic,
    // as we allow missing increments: if the method is hot, we will see it eventually.
    uint16_t hotness_count_;
    // Abstract methods: IMT index (bitwise negated) or zero if it was not cached.
    // The negation is needed to distinguish zero index and missing cached entry.
    uint16_t imt_index_;

  // Fake padding field gets inserted here.

  // Must be the last fields in the method.
  struct PtrSizedFields {
    // Depending on the method type, the data is
    //   - native method: pointer to the JNI function registered to this method
    //                    or a function to resolve the JNI function,
    //   - resolution method: pointer to a function to resolve the method and
    //                        the JNI function for @CriticalNative.
    //   - conflict method: ImtConflictTable,
    //   - abstract/interface method: the single-implementation if any,
    //   - proxy method: the original interface method or constructor,
    //   - other methods: the profiling data.
    void* data_; //-------------------------

    // Method dispatch from quick compiled code invokes this pointer which may cause bridging into
    // the interpreter.
    void* entry_point_from_quick_compiled_code_;
  } ptr_sized_fields_;

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