xhd.ajax,GitHub - PvmHD/jquery-pjax: pushState + ajax = pjax



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pjax = pushState + ajax

pjax is a jQuery plugin that uses ajax and pushState to deliver a fast browsing experience with real permalinks, page titles, and a working back button.

pjax works by grabbing html from your server via ajax and replacing the content of a container on your page with the ajax'd html. It then updates the browser's current url using pushState without reloading your page's layout or any resources (js, css), giving the appearance of a fast, full page load. But really it's just ajax and pushState.


pjax is not fully automatic. You'll need to setup and designate a containing element on your page that will be replaced when you navigate your site.

Consider the following page.

My Site

Go to next page.

We want pjax to grab the url /page/2 then replace #pjax-container with whatever it gets back. No styles or scripts will be reloaded and even the h1 can stay the same - we just want to change the #pjax-container element.

We do this by telling pjax to listen on a tags and use #pjax-container as the target container:

$(document).pjax('a', '#pjax-container')

Now when someone in a pjax-compatible browser clicks "next page" the content of #pjax-container will be replaced with the body of /page/2.

Magic! Almost. You still need to configure your server to look for pjax requests and send back pjax-specific content.

The pjax ajax request sends an X-PJAX header so in this example (and in most cases) we want to return just the content of the page without any layout for any requests with that header.

Here's what it might look like in Rails:

def index

if request.headers['X-PJAX']

render :layout => false



If you'd like a more automatic solution than pjax for Rails check out Turbolinks.



$ bower install jquery-pjax

Or add jquery-pjax to your apps bower.json.

"dependencies": {

"jquery-pjax": "latest"



pjax can be downloaded directly into your app's public directory - just be sure you've loaded jQuery first.

curl -O https://raw.github.com/defunkt/jquery-pjax/master/jquery.pjax.js

WARNING Do not hotlink the raw script url. GitHub is not a CDN.


Requires jQuery 1.8.x or higher.


pjax only works with browsers that support the history.pushState API. When the API isn't supported pjax goes into fallback mode: $.fn.pjax calls will be a no-op and $.pjax will hard load the given url. This mode targets the browser requirements of the jQuery version being used.

For debugging purposes, you can intentionally disable pjax even if the browser supports pushState. Just call $.pjax.disable(). To see if pjax is actually supports pushState, check $.support.pjax.



Let's talk more about the most basic way to get started:

$(document).pjax('a', '#pjax-container')

This will enable pjax on all links and designate the container as #pjax-container.

If you are migrating an existing site you probably don't want to enable pjax everywhere just yet. Instead of using a global selector like a try annotating pjaxable links with data-pjax, then use 'a[data-pjax]' as your selector.

Or try this selector that matches any links inside a


$(document).pjax('[data-pjax] a, a[data-pjax]', '#pjax-container')

When invoking $.fn.pjax there are a few different argument styles you can use:

$(document).pjax(delegation selector, options object)

$(document).pjax(delegation selector, container selector, options object)

In other words:

The first argument must always be a String selector used for delegation.

The second argument can either be a String container selector or an options object.

If there are three arguments the second must be the String container selector and the third must be the options object.


This is a lower level function used by $.fn.pjax itself. It allows you to get a little more control over the pjax event handling.

This example uses the current click context to set an ancestor as the container:

if ($.support.pjax) {

$(document).on('click', 'a[data-pjax]', function(event) {

var container = $(this).closest('[data-pjax-container]')

$.pjax.click(event, {container: container})



NOTE Use the explicit $.support.pjax guard. We aren't using $.fn.pjax so we should avoid binding this event handler unless the browser is actually going to use pjax.


Submits a form via pjax. This function is experimental but GitHub uses it on Gist so give it a shot!

$(document).on('submit', 'form[data-pjax]', function(event) {

$.pjax.submit(event, '#pjax-container')



Manual pjax invocation. Used mainly when you want to start a pjax request in a handler that didn't originate from a click. If you can get access to a click event, consider $.pjax.click(event) instead.

function applyFilters() {

var url = urlForFilters()

$.pjax({url: url, container: '#pjax-container'})



All pjax events except pjax:click & pjax:clicked are fired from the pjax

container, not the link that was clicked.





event lifecycle upon following a pjaxed link




fires from a link that got activated; cancel to prevent pjax



xhr, options

can set XHR headers


xhr, options


xhr, options



fires after pjax has started from a link that got clicked


data, status, xhr, options

after replacing HTML content loaded from the server



xhr, options

fires after options.timeout; will hard refresh unless canceled



xhr, textStatus, error, options

on ajax error; will hard refresh unless canceled


xhr, textStatus, options

always fires after ajax, regardless of result


xhr, options

event lifecycle on browser Back/Forward navigation


event direction property: "back"/"forward"


null, options

before replacing content


null, options

after replacing content

pjax:send & pjax:complete are a good pair of events to use if you are implementing a

loading indicator. They'll only be triggered if an actual XHR request is made,

not if the content is loaded from cache:

$(document).on('pjax:send', function() {



$(document).on('pjax:complete', function() {



An example of canceling a pjax:timeout event would be to disable the fallback

timeout behavior if a spinner is being shown:

$(document).on('pjax:timeout', function(event) {

// Prevent default timeout redirection behavior



Server side

Server configuration will vary between languages and frameworks. The following example shows how you might configure Rails.

def index

if request.headers['X-PJAX']

render :layout => false



An X-PJAX request header is set to differentiate a pjax request from normal XHR requests. In this case, if the request is pjax, we skip the layout html and just render the inner contents of the container.

Check if your favorite server framework supports pjax here: https://gist.github.com/4283721

Layout Reloading

Layouts can be forced to do a hard reload assets or html changes.

First set the initial layout version in your header with a custom meta tag.

Then from the server side, set the X-PJAX-Version header to the same.

if request.headers['X-PJAX']

response.headers['X-PJAX-Version'] = "v123"


Deploying a deploy, bumping the version constant to force clients to do a full reload the next request getting the new layout and assets.

Legacy API

Pre 1.0 versions used an older style syntax that was analogous to the now deprecated $.fn.live api. The current api is based off $.fn.on.


Expanded to

$('a[data-pjax]').live('click', function(event) {

$.pjax.click(event, '#pjax-container')


The new api

$(document).pjax('a[data-pjax]', '#pjax-container')

Which is roughly the same as

$(document).on('click', 'a[data-pjax]', function(event) {

$.pjax.click(event, '#pjax-container')


NOTE The new api gives you control over the delegated element container. $.fn.live always bound to document. This is what you still want to do most of the time.


$ git clone https://github.com/defunkt/jquery-pjax.git

$ cd jquery-pjax/

To run the test suite locally, start up the Sinatra test application.

$ bundle install

$ bundle exec ruby test/app.rb

== Sinatra/1.4.5 has taken the stage on 4567 for development with backup from WEBrick

# in another tab:

$ open http://localhost:4567/

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