
Analysis procedure of one-way experiment

factorn datasum
A 1 A_{1} A1 T A 1 T_{A_{1}} TA1
A i A_{i} Ai x i j x_{ij} xij T A i T_{A_{i}} TAi
A a A_{a} Aa T A a T_{A_{a}} TAa
Total SumT
  1. Calculate the correction term
    C T = ( S u m   o f   a l l   d a t a ) 2 n u m b e r   o f   a l l   d a t a CT=\frac{(Sum\ of\ all\ data)^2}{number\ of\ all\ data} CT=number of all data(Sum of all data)2
  2. Compute the total sum of squares.
    S T = ∑ ( S q u a r e d   o f   i n d i v i d u a l   d a t a ) − C T f T = ( n u m b e r   o f   d a t a ) − 1 S_{T}=\sum (Squared\ of\ individual\ data)-CT \\ f_{T}=(number\ of\ data)-1 ST=(Squared of individual data)CTfT=(number of data)1
  3. Calculate the variation of the factor.
    S A = ∑ ( S u m   o f A i ′ s   d a t a ) 2 ( N u m e r   o f A i ′ s   d a t a ) 2 − C T f A = ( n u m b e r   o f   l e v e l s ) − 1 S_{A}=\sum\frac{(Sum\ of A_{i}'s\ data)^2}{(Numer\ of A_{i}'s\ data)^2}-CT \\ f_{A}=(number\ of\ levels)-1 SA=(Numer ofAis data)2(Sum ofAis data)2CTfA=(number of levels)1
  4. Calculate the variation of the error
    S e = S T − S A f e = f T − f A S_{e}=S_{T}-S_{A} \\ f_{e}=f_{T}-f_{A} Se=STSAfe=fTfA
  5. Create an analysis of variance table
    a   i s   t h e   n u m b e r   o f   l e v e l , n   i s   t h e   n u m b e r   o f   r e p l i c a t i o n a\ is\ the\ number\ of\ level,n\ is\ the\ number\ of\ replication a is the number of level,n is the number of replication
factor S S S f f f V V V F 0 F_{0} F0
A A A S A S_{A} SA f A = a − 1 f_{A}=a-1 fA=a1 V A = S A / f A V_{A}=S_{A}/f_{A} VA=SA/fA f 0 = V A / V e ( m a r k ) f_{0}=V_{A}/V_{e}(mark) f0=VA/Ve(mark)
e e e S e S_{e} Se f e = f T − f A = a ( n − 1 ) f_{e}=f_{T}-f_{A}=a(n-1) fe=fTfA=a(n1) V e = S e / f e V_{e}=S_{e}/f_{e} Ve=Se/fe
T T T S T S_{T} ST f T = a n − 1 f_{T}=an-1 fT=an1
  1. Perform the statistical estimation.
    • about the mark
      • The variance ratio is compared with the value of F table F f e f A ( α ) F_{f_{e}}^{f_{A}}(\alpha ) FfefA(α)
      • If the factor becomes significant at a significant level of 5 % ( > F f e f A ( 0.05 ) ) 5\% (>F_{f_{e}}^{f_{A}}(0.05)) 5%(>FfefA(0.05)), mark * is added to the right of the variance ratio.
      • If the factor becomes significant at a significant level of 1 % ( > F f e f A ( 0.01 ) ) 1\% (>F_{f_{e}}^{f_{A}}(0.01)) 1%(>FfefA(0.01)), add two marks * to the right of the variance ratio.
    • contribution ratio
      • f a c t o r   c o n t r i b u t i o n   r a t i o : ρ f a c t o r = S f a c t o r − f f a c t i o r × V e S T × 100 ( % ) factor\ contribution\ ratio:\rho_{factor}=\frac{S_{factor}-f_{factior}\times V_{e}}{S_{T}}\times 100(\%) factor contribution ratio:ρfactor=STSfactorffactior×Ve×100(%)
      • e r r o r   c o n t r i b u t i o n   r a t i o : ρ e = 100 − ∑ ρ error\ contribution\ ratio:\rho_{e}=100 -\sum\rho error contribution ratio:ρe=100ρ
    • statistical estimation
      • estimation of mean ( m e a n   a t   t h e   l e v e l ) ± t ( f e , 0.05 ) V e n (mean\ at\ the\ level)\pm t(f_{e},0.05)\sqrt{\frac{V_{e}}{n}} (mean at the level)±t(fe,0.05)nVe
      • estimation of the difference between means ( t h e   d i f f e r e n c e   b e t w e e n   m e a n s ) ± t ( f e , 0.05 ) 2 V e n ( A ˉ i − A ˉ j ) ± t ( f e , 0.05 ) ( 1 n i + 1 n j ) V e (the\ difference\ between\ means)\pm t(f_{e},0.05)\sqrt{\frac{2V_{e}}{n}}\\ (\bar A_{i}-\bar A_{j}) \pm t(f_{e},0.05)\sqrt{(\frac{1}{n_{i}}+\frac{1}{n_{j}})V_{e}} (the difference between means)±t(fe,0.05)n2Ve (AˉiAˉj)±t(fe,0.05)(ni1+nj1)Ve
      • the existence range of individual data ( m e a n   a t   t h e   l e v e l ) (mean\ at\ the\ level ) (mean at the level)

Two-way layout without replication

B 1 . . . . . B j . . . . . B b B_{1}.....B_{j}.....B{b} B1.....Bj.....Bbsum
A 1 A_{1} A1 T A 1 T_{A_{1}} TA1
A i A_{i} Ai x i j x_{ij} xij T A i T_{A_{i}} TAi
A a A_{a} Aa T A a T_{A_{a}} TAa
Total Sum T B 1 . . . . . T B j . . . . . T B b T_{B_{1}}.....T_{B_{j}}.....T_{B_{b}} TB1.....TBj.....TBbT
  • Calculate the correction term
    C T = ( S u m   o f   a l l   d a t a ) 2 n u m b e r   o f   a l l   d a t a CT=\frac{(Sum\ of\ all\ data)^2}{number\ of\ all\ data} CT=number of all data(Sum of all data)2
  • Compute the total sum of squares.
    S T = ∑ ( S q u a r e d   o f   i n d i v i d u a l   d a t a ) − C T f T = ( n u m b e r   o f   d a t a ) − 1 S_{T}=\sum (Squared\ of\ individual\ data)-CT \\ f_{T}=(number\ of\ data)-1 ST=(Squared of individual data)CTfT=(number of data)1
  • Calculate the variation of the factor A.
    S A = ∑ ( S u m   o f A i ′ s   d a t a ) 2 ( N u m e r   o f A i ′ s   d a t a ) − C T f A = ( n u m b e r   o f   l e v e l s ) − 1 S_{A}=\sum\frac{(Sum\ of A_{i}'s\ data)^2}{(Numer\ of A_{i}'s\ data)}-CT \\ f_{A}=(number\ of\ levels)-1 SA=(Numer ofAis data)(Sum ofAis data)2CTfA=(number of levels)1
  • Calculate the variation of the factor B.
    S B = ∑ ( S u m   o f B i ′ s   d a t a ) 2 ( N u m e r   o f B i ′ s   d a t a ) − C T f B = ( n u m b e r   o f   l e v e l s ) − 1 S_{B}=\sum\frac{(Sum\ of B_{i}'s\ data)^2}{(Numer\ of B_{i}'s\ data)}-CT \\ f_{B}=(number\ of\ levels)-1 SB=(Numer ofBis data)(Sum ofBis data)2CTfB=(number of levels)1
  • Calculate the variation of the error
    S e = S T − S A f e = f T − f A S_{e}=S_{T}-S_{A} \\ f_{e}=f_{T}-f_{A} Se=STSAfe=fTfA
  • Create an analysis of variance table
    a   i s   t h e   n u m b e r   o f   f a c t o r   A , b   i s   t h e   n u m b e r   o f   f a c t o r   B a\ is\ the\ number\ of\ factor\ A,b\ is\ the\ number\ of\ factor\ B a is the number of factor A,b is the number of factor B
factor S S S f f f V V V F 0 F_{0} F0
A A A S A S_{A} SA f A = a − 1 f_{A}=a-1 fA=a1 V A = S A / f A V_{A}=S_{A}/f_{A} VA=SA/fA f 0 = V A / V e ( m a r k ) f_{0}=V_{A}/V_{e}(mark) f0=VA/Ve(mark)
B B B S B S_{B} SB f B = b − 1 f_{B}=b-1 fB=b1 V A = S B / f B V_{A}=S_{B}/f_{B} VA=SB/fB f 0 = V B / V e ( m a r k ) f_{0}=V_{B}/V_{e}(mark) f0=VB/Ve(mark)
e e e S e S_{e} Se f e = f T − f A − f B = ( a − 1 ) ( b − 1 ) f_{e}=f_{T}-f_{A}-f_{B} \\= (a-1)(b-1) fe=fTfAfB=(a1)(b1) V e = S e / f e V_{e}=S_{e}/f_{e} Ve=Se/fe
T T T S T S_{T} ST f T = a b − 1 f_{T}=ab-1 fT=ab1

8. Perform the statistical estimation

  • Estimation of significant factor effects

  • estimation of mean ( m e a n   a t   t h e   l e v e l ) ± t ( f e , 0.05 ) V e n u m b e r   o f   d a t a   a t   t h e   l e v e l (mean\ at\ the\ level)\pm t(f_{e},0.05)\sqrt{\frac{V_{e}}{number\ of\ data\ at\ the\ level}} (mean at the level)±t(fe,0.05)number of data at the levelVe

  • estimation of the difference between means ( t h e   d i f f e r e n c e   b e t w e e n   m e a n s ) ± t ( f e , 0.05 ) 2 V e n u m b e r   o f   d a t a   a t   t h e   l e v e l (the\ difference\ between\ means)\pm t(f_{e},0.05)\sqrt{\frac{2V_{e}}{number\ of\ data\ at\ the\ level}} (the difference between means)±t(fe,0.05)number of data at the level2Ve

  • Selection of optimal conditions and estimation of population mean
    1. If only one factor is significant, T A i T_{A_{i}} TAiis the optimal level, the population mean estimation is as follows. ( m e a n   a t   e a c h   l e v e l ) ± t ( f e , 0.05 ) V e n u m b e r   o f   d a t a   a t   t h e   l e v e l (mean\ at\ each\ level)\pm t(f_{e},0.05)\sqrt{\frac{V_{e}}{number\ of\ data\ at\ the\ level}} (mean at each level)±t(fe,0.05)number of data at the levelVe
    2. If both factors are significant, is the optimal level combination, and the population mean estimate is obtained as follows μ ^ ( A i B j ) ± t ( f e , 0.05 ) V e n e = A i ˉ + B j ˉ − T ˉ ± t ( f e , 0.05 ) ( a + b − 1 ) V e a b n e = a b a + b − 1 \hat{\mu}(A_{i}B_{j})\pm t(f_{e},0.05)\sqrt {\frac{V_{e}}{n_{e}}}=\bar{A_{i}}+\bar{B_{j}}-\bar{T}\pm t(f_{e},0.05)\sqrt{\frac{(a+b-1)V_{e}}{ab}} \\ n_{e}=\frac{ab}{a+b-1} μ^(AiBj)±t(fe,0.05)neVe =Aiˉ+BjˉTˉ±t(fe,0.05)ab(a+b1)Ve ne=a+b1ab

  • Estimate the difference of the mean

    • T h e   d i f f e r e n c e   b e t w e e n   t h e   t w o   m e a n s ± t ( f e , 0.05 ) V e n d The\ difference\ between\ the\ two\ means \pm t(f_{e},0.05)\sqrt{\frac{V_{e}}{n_{d}}} The difference between the two means±t(fe,0.05)ndVe
    • n d n_{d} nd is called the effective number of replications of the mean difference
      w h e n   t h e   m e a n   d i f f e r e n c e   b e t w e e n   A i B j   a n d   A p B q ( i ≠ p , j ≠ q )   n d = a b 2 ( a + b ) ( i ≠ p , j = q )   n d = b 2 ( i = p , j ≠ q )   n d = a 2 when\ the\ mean\ difference\ between\ A_{i}B_{j}\ and\ A_{p}B_{q}\\(i\ne p,j\ne q) \ n_{d}=\frac{ab}{2(a+b)}\\ (i\ne p,j=q) \ n_{d}=\frac{b}{2}\\ (i= p,j\ne q) \ n_{d}=\frac{a}{2} when the mean difference between AiBj and ApBq(i=p,j=q) nd=2(a+b)ab(i=p,j=q) nd=2b(i=p,j=q) nd=2a
  • The existence range of individual data
    ( m e a n   f o r   e a c h   l e v e l   o r   c o m b i n a t i o n   o f   l e v e l s ) ± t ( f e , 0.05 ) ( 1 + 1 n e ) V e (mean\ for\ each\ level\ or\ combination\ of\ levels)\pm t(f_{e},0.05)\sqrt{(1+\frac{1}{n_e})V_e} (mean for each level or combination of levels)±t(fe,0.05)(1+ne1)Ve

Concept of estimation

ParameterEstimation value
μ \mu μ T ˉ \bar T Tˉ
a i a_i ai A ˉ i − T ˉ \bar A_{i}-\bar T AˉiTˉ
b i b_i bi b ˉ i − T ˉ \bar b_{i}-\bar T bˉiTˉ
( a b ) i j (ab)_{ij} (ab)ij A i B j ˉ − B ˉ j − A ˉ i + T ˉ \bar{A_{i}B_{j}}-\bar B_{j}-\bar A_{i}+\bar T AiBjˉBˉjAˉi+Tˉ
  • In the case that only A is significant, μ ^ ( A i B j ) = μ + a i \hat\mu(A_{i}B_{j})=\mu+a_i μ^(AiBj)=μ+ai and n e = b n_e=b ne=b
  • In the case that only B is significant, μ ^ ( A i B j ) = μ + a i \hat\mu(A_{i}B_{j})=\mu+a_i μ^(AiBj)=μ+ai and n e = b n_e=b ne=b
  • In the case that both A and B are significant , μ ^ ( A i B j ) = μ + a i + b j \hat\mu(A_{i}B_{j})=\mu+a_i+b_j μ^(AiBj)=μ+ai+bj and n e = a b a + b n_e=\frac{ab}{a+b} ne=a+bab

Two-way layout with replication

  • Calculation of T A i B j T_{A_{i}B_{j}} TAiBj
     Create a table summing repetition data.
  • Calculation of correction term( C T CT CT
  • Calculation of sum of squares
    S T , f T S_T,f_T ST,fT
  • Calculation of the variation of the factor A
  • Calculation of the variation of the factor B
  • Calculation of the variation of the combination of A and B
    S A B = ∑ ∑ ( S u m   o f   A i B j ′ s   d a t a ) 2 ( N u m b e r   o f   A i B j ′ s   d a t a ) − C T f a b = a b − 1 S_{AB}=\sum\sum\frac{(Sum\ of\ A_iB_j's\ data)^2}{(Number\ of\ A_iB_j's\ data)}-CT \\ f_{ab}=ab-1 SAB=(Number of AiBjs data)(Sum of AiBjs data)2CTfab=ab1
  • Calculation of the variation of the interaction of A and B
    S A × B = S A B − S A − S B f A × B = f A B − f A − f B = ( a − 1 ) ( b − 1 ) S_{A\times B}=S_{AB}-S_A-S_B\\ f_{A\times B}=f_{AB}-f_A-f_B=(a-1)(b-1) SA×B=SABSASBfA×B=fABfAfB=(a1)(b1)
  • Calculation of the variation of the error.
    S e = S A B − S A − S B − S A × B = S T − S A × B f e = f T − f A B S_{e}=S_{AB}-S_A-S_B-S_{A\times B}=S_{T}-S_{A\times B} \\ f_{e}=f_{T}-f_{AB} Se=SABSASBSA×B=STSA×Bfe=fTfAB
  • Creation of an analysis of variance table
factor S S S f f f V V V F 0 F_{0} F0
A A A S A S_{A} SA f A = a − 1 f_{A}=a-1 fA=a1 V A = S A / f A V_{A}=S_{A}/f_{A} VA=SA/fA f 0 = V A / V e ( m a r k ) f_{0}=V_{A}/V_{e}(mark) f0=VA/Ve(mark)
B B B S B S_{B} SB f B = b − 1 f_{B}=b-1 fB=b1 V A = S B / f B V_{A}=S_{B}/f_{B} VA=SB/fB f 0 = V B / V e ( m a r k ) f_{0}=V_{B}/V_{e}(mark) f0=VB/Ve(mark)
A × B A\times B A×B S A × B S_{A\times B} SA×B f A × B = ( a − 1 ) ( b − 1 ) f_{A\times B}=(a-1)(b-1) fA×B=(a1)(b1) V A × B = S A × B / f A × B V_{A\times B}=S_{A\times B}/f_{A\times B} VA×B=SA×B/fA×B f 0 = V A × B / V e ( m a r k ) f_{0}=V_{A\times B}/V_{e}(mark) f0=VA×B/Ve(mark)
e e e S e S_{e} Se f e = f T − f A − f B = ( a − 1 ) ( b − 1 ) f_{e}=f_{T}-f_{A}-f_{B} \\= (a-1)(b-1) fe=fTfAfB=(a1)(b1) V e = S e / f e V_{e}=S_{e}/f_{e} Ve=Se/fe
T T T S T S_{T} ST f T = a b − 1 f_{T}=ab-1 fT=ab1
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