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%SERIAL Construct serial port object. ( 供你参考 )
% S = SERIAL('PORT') constructs a serial port object associated with
% port, PORT. If PORT does not exist or is in use you will not be able
% to connect the serial port object to the device.
% In order to communicate with the device, the object must be connected
% to the serial port with the FOPEN function.
% When the serial port object is constructed, the object's Status property
% is closed. Once the object is connected to the serial port with the
% FOPEN function, the Status property is configured to open. Only one serial
% port object may be connected to a serial port at a time.
% S = SERIAL('PORT','P1',V1,'P2',V2,...) constructs a serial port object
% associated with port, PORT, and with the specified property values. If
% an invalid property name or property value is specified the object will
% not be created.
% Note that the property value pairs can be in any format supported by
% the SET function, i.e., param-value string pairs, structures, and
% param-value cell array pairs.
% Example:
% % To construct a serial port object:
% s1 = serial('COM1');
% s2 = serial('COM2', 'BaudRate', 1200);
% % To connect the serial port object to the serial port:
% fopen(s1)
% fopen(s2)
% % To query the device.
% fprintf(s1, '*IDN?');
% idn = fscanf(s1);
% % To disconnect the serial port object from the serial port.
% fclose(s1);
% fclose(s2);
% See also SERIAL/FOPEN.
% MP 7-13-99
% AL 9-4-2009
% Copyright 1999-2009 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: $ $Date: 2009/10/16 05:01:57 $