I have the following parametrised JPA, or Hibernate, query:
SELECT entity FROM Entity entity WHERE name IN (?)
I want to pass the parameter as an ArrayList, is this possible? Hibernate current tells me, that
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to java.lang.String
Is this possible at all?
ANSWER: Collections as parameters only work with named parameters like ":name", not with JDBC style parameters like "?".
Are you using Hibernate's Query object, or JPA? For JPA, it should work fine:
String jpql = "from A where name in (:names)";
Query q = em.createQuery(jpql);
q.setParameter("names", l);
For Hibernate's, you'll need to use the setParameterList:
String hql = "from A where name in (:names)";
Query q = s.createQuery(hql);
q.setParameterList("names", l);