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原创 eSP8266控制LED
#include #define RELAY 0 //connected to GPIO0const char *ssid = "WiFi SSID"; // Enter your router or WiFi SSID hereconst char *password = "WiFi password"; // Enter your router or WiFi password hereWiFiServer server(80);void
2024-08-10 11:50:04 413
原创 esp 8260. WiFi控制教程。源码下载。保证能用。放心下载。
/* * ESP8266 Web server with Web Socket to control an LED. * * The web server keeps all clients' LED status up to date and any client may * turn the LED on or off. * * For example, clientA connects and turns the LED on. This changes the word * "LED"
2024-08-10 11:41:53 333
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