CeWL 5.4.8 (Inclusion) Robin Wood (robin@digi.ninja) (https://digi.ninja/)
Usage: cewl [OPTIONS] …OPTIONS: -h, --help: Show help. -k, --keep: Keep the downloaded file. # 保存下载的文件 -d <x>,--depth <x>: Depth to spider to, default 2. # 在目标网站上要爬取的链接深度,默认为2 -m, --min_word_length: Minimum word length, default 3. # 指定收录词汇的最小长度 -o, --offsite: Let the spider visit other sites. # 允许爬取其他网站 --exclude: A file containing a list of paths to exclude. # 排除包含路径列表的文件 --allowed: A regex pattern that path must match to be followed. #遵循的路径正则表达式 -w, --write: Write the output to the file. # 将结果保存的文件 -u, --ua <agent>: User agent to send. # 要发送的useragent -n, --no-words: Don't output the wordlist. # 不输出单词表 --lowercase: Lowercase all parsed words. # 单词表的小写 --with-numbers: Accept words with numbers in as well as just letters. #接受带数字的字母和单词 --convert-umlauts: Convert common ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) umlauts (ä-ae, ö-oe, ü-ue, ß-ss) -a, --meta: include meta data. # 包含网页中的meta数据 --meta_file file: Output file for meta data. #将meta数据输出文件 -e, --email: Include email addresses. #包含邮件地址 --email_file <file>: Output file for email addresses. # 邮件地址输出文件 --meta-temp-dir <dir>: The temporary directory used by exiftool when parsing file