Closing the AI Accountability Gap: Defining an End-to-End Framework for Internal Algorithmic Au


Closing the AI Accountability Gap: Defining an End-to-End Framework for Internal Algorithmic Auditing

Inioluwa Deborah Raji*

Partnership on AI

Andrew Smart*


Rebecca N. White


Margaret Mitchell

Timnit Gebru

Ben Hutchinson




Jamila Smith-Loud

Daniel Theron

Parker Barnes





Rising concern for the societal implications of artificial intelligence systems has inspired a wave of academic and journalistic literature in which deployed systems are audited for harm by investigators from outside the organizations deploying the algorithms. However, it remains challenging for practitioners to identify the harmful repercussions of their own systems prior to deployment, and, once deployed, emergent issues can become difficult or impossible to trace back to their source.

In this paper, we introduce a framework for algorithmic auditing that supports artificial intelligence system development end-to-end, to be applied throughout the internal organization development lifecycle. Each stage of the audit yields a set of documents that together form an overall audit report, drawing on an organization’s values or principles to assess the fit of decisions made throughout the process. The proposed auditing framework is intended to contribute to closing the accountability gap in the development and deployment of large-scale artificial intelligence systems by embedding a robust process to ensure audit integrity.


• Social and professional topics ^ System management; Technology audits; • Software and its engineering ^ Software development process management.


Algorithmic audits, machine learning, accountability, responsible innovation

‘Both authors contributed equally to this paper. This work was done by Inioluwa Deborah Raji as a fellow at Partnership on AI (PAI), of which Google, Inc. is a partner. This should not be interpreted as reflecting the official position of PAI as a whole, or any of its partner organizations.

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FAT* ’20, January 27-30, 2020, Barcelona, Spain

© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).

ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6936-7/20/02.

Closing the AI accountability gap | Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency

ACM Reference Format:

Inioluwa Deborah Raji, Andrew Smart, Rebecca N. White, Margaret Mitchell, Timnit Gebru, Ben Hutchinson, Jamila Smith-Loud, Daniel Theron, and Parker Barnes. 2020. Closing the AI Accountability Gap: Defining an End-to-End Framework for Internal Algorithmic Auditing. In Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAT* ’20), January 27-30, 2020, Barcelona, Spain. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 12 pages. 3372873


With the increased access to artificial intelligence (AI) development tools and Internet-sourced datasets, corporations, nonprofits and governments are deploying AI systems at an unprecedented pace, often in massive-scale production systems impacting millions if not billions of users [1]. In the midst of this widespread deployment, however, come valid concerns about the effectiveness of these automated systems for the full scope of users, and especially a critique of systems that have the propensity to replicate, reinforce or amplify harmful existing social biases [8, 37, 62]. External audits are designed to identify these risks from outside the system and serve as accountability measures for these deployed models. However, such audits tend to be conducted after model deployment, when the system has already negatively impacted users [26, 51].

In this paper, we present internal algorithmic audits as a mechanism to check that the engineering processes involved in AI system creation and deployment meet declared ethical expectations and standards, such as organizational AI principles. The audit process is necessarily boring, slow, meticulous and methodical-antithetical to the typical rapid development pace for AI technology. However, it is critical to slow down as algorithms continue to be deployed in increasingly high-stakes domains. By considering historical examples across industries, we make the case that such audits can be leveraged to anticipate potential negative consequences before they occur, in addition to providing decision support to design mitigations, more clearly defining and monitoring potentially adverse outcomes, and anticipating harmful feedback loops and system-level risks [20]. Executed by a dedicated team of organization employees, internal audits operate within the product development context and can inform the ultimate decision to abandon the development of AI technology when the risks outweigh the benefits (see Figure 1).

Inspired from the practices and artifacts of several disciplines, we go further to develop SMACTR, a defined internal audit framework meant to guide practical implementations. Our framework strives to establish interdisciplinarity as a default in audit and engineering processes while providing the much needed structure to support the conscious development of AI systems.


We use accountability to mean the state of being responsible or answerable for a system, its behavior and its potential impacts [38]. Although algorithms themselves cannot be held accountable as they are not moral or legal agents [7], the organizations designing and deploying algorithms can through governance structures. Proposed standard ISO 37000 defines this structure as "the system by which the whole organization is directed, controlled and held accountable to achieve its core purpose over the long term."1 If the responsible development of artificial intelligence is a core purpose of organizations creating AI, then a governance system by which the whole organization is held accountable should be established.


Figure 1: High-level overview of the context of an internal algorithmic audit. The audit is conducted during product development and prior to launch. The audit team leads the product team, management and other stakeholders in contributing to the audit. Policies and principles, including internal and external ethical expectations, also feed into the audit to set the standard for performance.

In environmental studies, Lynch and Veland [45] introduced the concept of urgent governance, distinguishing between auditing for system reliability vs societal harm. For example, a power plant can be consistently productive while causing harm to the environment through pollution [42]. Similarly, an AI system can be found technically reliable and functional through a traditional engineering quality assurance pipeline without meeting declared ethical expectations. A separate governance structure is necessary for the evaluation of these systems for ethical compliance. This evaluation can be embedded in the established quality assurance workflow but serves a different purpose, evaluating and optimizing for a different goal centered on social benefits and values rather than typical performance metrics such as accuracy or profit [39]. Although concerns about reliability are related, and although practices for testing production AI systems are established for industry practitioners [4], issues involving social impact, downstream effects in critical domains, and ethics and fairness concerns are not typically covered by concepts such as technical debt and reliability engineering.

  • 2.1  What is an audit?

Audits are tools for interrogating complex processes, often to determine whether they comply with company policy, industry standards or regulations [43]. The IEEE standard for software development defines an audit as “an independent evaluation of conformance of software products and processes to applicable regulations, standards, guidelines, plans, specifications, and procedures” [32]. Building from methods of external auditing in investigative journalism and research [17, 62, 65], algorithmic auditing has started to become similar in spirit to the well-established practice of bug bounties, where external hackers are paid for finding vulnerabilities and bugs in released software [46]. These audits, modeled after intervention strategies in information security and finance [62], have significantly increased public awareness of algorithmic accountability.

An external audit of automated facial analysis systems exposed high disparities in error rates among darker-skinned women and lighter-skinned men [8], showing how structural racism and sexism can be encoded and reinforced through AI systems. [8] reveals interaction failures, in which the production and deployment of an AI system interacts with unjust social structures to contribute to biased predictions, as Safiya Noble has described [54]. Such findings demonstrate the need for companies to understand the social and power dynamics of their deployed systems’ environments, and record such insights to manage their products’ impact.

  • 2.2  AI Principles as Customized Ethical Standards

According to Mittelstadt [49], at least 63 public-private initiatives have produced statements describing high-level principles, values and other tenets to guide the ethical development, deployment and governance of AI. Important values such as ensuring AI technologies are subject to human direction and control, and avoiding the creation or reinforcement of unfair bias, have been included in many organizations’ ethical charters. However, the AI industry lacks proven methods to translate principles into practice [49], and AI principles have been criticized for being vague and providing little to no means of accountability [27, 82]. Nevertheless, such principles are becoming common methods to define the ethical priorities of an organization and thus the operational goals for which to aim [34, 83]. Thus, in the absence of more formalized and universal standards, they can be used as a North Star to guide the evaluation of the development lifecycle, and internal audits can investigate alignment with declared AI principles prior to model deployment. We propose a framing of risk analyses centered on the failure to achieve AI principle objectives, outlining an audit practice that can begin translating ethical principles into practice.

  • 2.3  Audit Integrity and Procedural Justice

Audit results are at times approached with skepticism since they are reliant on and vulnerable to human judgment. To establish the integrity of the audit itself as an independently valid result, the audit must adhere to the proper execution of an established audit process. This is a repeatedly observed phenomenon in tax compliance auditing, where several international surveys of tax compliance demonstrate that a fixed and vetted tax audit methodology is one of the most effective strategies to convince companies to respect audit results and pay their full taxes [22, 53].

Procedural justice implies the legitimacy of an outcome due to the admission of a fair and thorough process. Establishing procedural justice to increase compliance is thus a motivating factor for establishing common and robust frameworks through which independent audits can demonstrate adherence to standards. In addition, audi

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