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原创 Unidac9.2.1源码版安装到Delphi11

在弹出的文件对话框中定位到目录C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0。运行完在Bin\Delphi28\Win32和Bin\Delphi28\Win64目录下分别生成了32位和64位的bpl文件。在C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\source。将源码中Lib\Delphi28下的Win32和Win64文件夹拷贝到上面建的Lib文件夹中。点击OK,点击Save, 大功告成!

2023-08-16 02:48:43 690 1

原创 Delphi 单选框控件RadioGroup的用法


2022-11-29 11:15:02 1189

原创 【Pascal/Delphi】常量结构体的初始化


2022-07-12 11:33:51 572

原创 【Pascal/Delphi】实现类似于glibc中的strrstr函数(反向查找字符串)

提示:文章写完后,目录可以自动生成,如何生成可参考右边的帮助文档1.初步实现//在字符串haystack中查找字符串needle最后一次出现的位置,//找到返回needle在haystack中的索引值,否则返回0//(注:Pascal/Delphi中string类型的索引从1开始).function strrstr(const haystack, needle: string): Integer;var i, j, nLen: Integer;begin strrstr:= 0; .

2022-04-02 16:15:59 694

原创 解决Visual Studio编译出的可执行程序在其它电脑无法运行问题

自己电脑上写好的程序拷贝到其它没有安装VS,或VS版本不同的电脑上无法执行,提示缺少msvcp140.dll以VS2019为例,拷贝下面目录中的所有文件到其它电脑上程序所在目录中即可C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.24.28127\x64\Microsoft.VC142.CRT...

2020-05-10 03:14:58 5098 1

原创 解决Qt5.11.1连接Mysql 8.0.13驱动加载问题

最初使用MinGW 32bit编译器,驱动无法加载.尝试过拷贝mysql安装目录下的libmysql.dll,libmysql.lib到Qt的MinGW 32bit编译器bin目录,重新编译Qt自带的mysql驱动qsqlmysql.dll,qsqlmysqld.dll(编译遇到各种问题)均未能解决.最终改用MSVC2017 64bit编译器成功连接到MySQL.具体步骤:目标路径: C:...

2018-12-05 01:24:54 1725 1




LibXL 4.0.3 for Windows

直接读取和写入 Excel 文件 LibXL是一个可以读取和写入Excel文件的库。它不需要Microsoft Excel和.NET框架,结合了易于使用和强大的功能。库可用于 从头开始生成新的电子表格 从现有电子表格中提取数据 编辑现有电子表格 LibXL 可以帮助您的应用程序以最少的工作量将数据导出和提取到 Excel 文件。它也可以用作报告引擎。库可用于C,C++,C#,Delphi,PHP,Python,PowerBASIC,Xojo,Fortran和其他语言。支持 Excel 97-2003 二进制格式 (xls)、Excel 2007-2019 和 Office 365 xml 格式 (xlsx/xlsm)。支持 Unicode 和 64 位平台。有一个适用于.NET开发人员的包装器以及单独的Linux,Mac和iOS版本。


UNIX网络编程 卷1:套接字联网API(第3版)[美] W. Richard Stevens 等 著 (2015.8出版)

这是一部传世之作!顶尖网络编程专家 Bill Fenner 和 Andrew M. Rudoff 应邀执笔,对W. Richard Stevens的经典作品进行修订。书中吸纳了近几年网络技术的发展,增添了IPv6、SCTP 协议和密钥管理套接字等内容,深入讨论了*新的关键标准、实现和技术。 书中的所有示例都是在UNIX系统上测试通过的真实的、可运行的代码,继承了Stevens一直强调的理念:“学习网络编程的*好方法就是下载这些程序,对其进行修改和改进。只有这样实际编写代码才能深入理解有关概念和方法。”读者可以从本书网站下载这些示例的源代码。 本书为UNIX网络编程提供全面的指导,是网络研究和开发人员公认的权威参考书,无论网络编程的初学者还是网络专家都会大受裨益。


计算机科学丛书:计算机组成原理 [英] 艾伦·克莱门茨(Alan Clements)(2017.3出版)

本书由资深的计算机体系结构教育家Alan Clements博士编写,原书名为《计算机体系结构:原理与演变》(Computer Organization & Architecture: Themes and Variations),书中不仅覆盖单机系统的组成原理和系统结构的各个方面,还包括计算机的性能评价方法以及多发射、粗粒度并行等内容。作者希望本书能够适合电子工程(EE)、电子与计算机工程(ECE)、计算机科学(CS)等不同专业的教学需要。书中围绕基本概念、指令集体系结构、处理器组成和能效、存储与外设以及处理器级并行等五个核心问题将这些内容有条不紊地组织在一起,以便满足不同专业的教学需要。 中文版引进的时候综合考虑国内高校“计算机组成与结构”或类似课程的教学目标以及我们对本书的定位,对原书进行了适当裁剪和重新组合,分为两册:《计算机组成原理》和《计算机存储与外设》。 本书即为《计算机组成原理》,涵盖原书前三部分,共6章,主要介绍计算机系统的组成和体系结构的基本概念、指令系统以及处理器实现等涉及计算机组成原理课程的内容。 目录: 第1章 计算机系统体系结构 4 1.1 什么是计算机系统体系结构 7 1.2 体系结构和组成 11 1.2.1 计算机系统和技术 14 1.2.2 计算机体系结构在计算机科学中的地位 14 1.3 计算机的发展 16 1.3.1 机械计算机 17 1.3.2 机电式计算机 19 1.3.3 早期的电子计算机 19 1.3.4 微机和PC革命 20 1.3.5 摩尔定律和进步的历程 21 1.3.6 存储技术发展 22 1.3.7 普适计算 23 1.3.8 多媒体计算机 23 1.4 存储程序计算机 24 1.4.1 问题描述 24 1.4.2 解决方法 24 1.4.3 构造一个算法 26 1.4.4 计算机需要通过什么来解决问题 27 1.4.5 存储器 29 1.5 存储程序的概念 31 1.6 计算机系统概览 35 1.6.1 存储层次 35 1.6.2 总线 37 1.7 现代计算 39 本章小结 39 习题 40 第2章 计算机算术 42 2.1 数据是什么 43 2.1.1 位与字节 43 2.1.2 位模式 44 2.2 数字 48 2.2.1 位置记数法 48 2.3 二进制运算 49 2.4 有符号整数 52 2.4.1 符号及值表示法 52 2.4.2 二进制补码运算 53 2.5 乘除法简介 55 2.5.1 移位运算 55 2.5.2 无符号二进制乘法 56 2.5.3 快速乘法 57 2.5.4 除法 59 2.6 浮点数 63 2.6.1 IEEE浮点数 64 2.7 浮点运算 68 2.8 浮点运算和程序员 70 2.8.1 浮点运算中的误差传播 71 2.8.2 生成数学函数 72 本章小结 74 习题 74 第二部分 指令集体系结构 第3章 体系结构与组成 79 3.1 存储程序计算机 79 3.1.1 扩展处理器:常量处理 84 3.1.2 扩展处理器:流控制 85 3.2 ISA的组成 93 3.2.1 寄存器 94 3.2.2 寻址方式概述 96 3.2.3 指令格式 98 3.2.4 操作码与指令 99 3.3 ARM指令集体系结构 101 3.3.1 ARM寄存器集 103 3.3.2 ARM指令集 103 3.4 ARM汇编语言 104 3.4.1 ARM程序结构 105 3.4.2 汇编器的实际考虑因素 107 3.4.3 伪指令 110 3.5 ARM数据处理指令 112 3.5.1 算术指令 113 3.5.2 位操作 116 3.5.3 移位操作 117 3.5.4 指令编码——洞察ARM体系结构 121 3.6 ARM的流控制指令 121 3.6.1 无条件分支 122 3.6.2 条件分支 122 3.6.3 测试与比较指令 123 3.6.4 分支与循环结构 124 3.6.5 条件执行 124 3.7 ARM寻址方式 126 3.7.1 立即数寻址 127 3.7.2 寄存器间接寻址 129 3.7.3 带偏移量的寄存器间接寻址 131 3.7.4 ARM的自动前索引寻址方式 134 3.7.5 ARM的自动后索引寻址方式 136 3.7.6 程序计数器相对寻址 136 3.7.7 ARM的load与store指令编码 136 3.8 子程序调用与返回 138 3.8.1 ARM对子程序的支持 139 3.8.2 条件子程序调用 141 3.9 ARM代码实例 141 3.9.1 计算绝对值 141 3.9.2 字节操作与拼接 141 3.9.3 字节逆转 142 3.9.4 乘以2n-1或2n+1 142 3.9.5 多条件的使用 143 3.9.6 只用一条指令 143 3.9.7 实现多段程序 143 3.9.8 简单位级逻辑操作 144 3.9.9 十六进制字符转换 144 3.9.10 输出十六进制字符 144 3.9.11 打印横幅 145 3.10 子程序与栈 145 3.10.1 子程序调用与返回 147 3.10.2 子程序嵌套 148 3.10.3 叶子程序 150 3.11 数据的大小与排列 150 3.11.1 数据组织与端格式 150 3.11.2 数据组织和ARM 152 3.11.3 块移动指令 156 3.12 整合——将所有内容放在一起 160 本章小结 163 习题 163 第4章 指令集体系结构——广度和深度 168 4.1 数据存储和栈 170 4.1.1 存储和栈 172 4.1.2 通过栈传递参数 179 4.2 特权模式和异常 187 4.3 MIPS:另一种RISC 190 4.3.1 MIPS数据处理指令 193 4.4 数据处理与数据传送 195 4.4.1 不可见的交换指令 198 4.4.2 双精度移位 199 4.4.3 压缩和解压缩指令 200 4.4.4 边界测试 201 4.4.5 位字段数据 202 4.4.6 循环 206 4.5 存储器间接寻址 207 4.6 压缩代码、RISC、Thumb和MIPS16 213 4.6.1 Thumb指令集体系结构 214 4.6.2 MIPS16 219 4.7 变长指令 220 本章小结 224 习题 224 第5章 计算机体系结构与多媒体 229 5.1 高性能计算应用 230 5.1.1 图像处理 233 5.2 多媒体的影响——重新使用CISC 243 5.3 SIMD处理简介 246 5.3.1 SIMD技术的应用 254 5.4 流扩展和SIMD技术的发展 259 5.4.1 浮点软件扩展 261 5.4.2 Intel的第三层多媒体扩展 263 5.4.3 Intel SSE3和SSE4指令 264 5.4.4 ARM系列处理器的多媒体 指令 265 本章小结 267 习题 267 第三部分 组成和效能 第6章 处理器控制 272 6.1 通用数字处理器 274 6.1.1 微程序 277 6.1.2 生成微操作 282 6.2 RISC的组成 286 6.2.1 寄存器–寄存器数据通路 289 6.2.2 单周期直通计算机的控制 292 6.3 流水线简介 295 6.3.1 加速比 298 6.3.2 实现流水线 299 6.3.3 冒险 305 6.4 分支和分支开销 312 6.4.1 分支方向 313 6.4.2 流水线中分支的影响 314 6.4.3 分支开销 315 6.4.4 延迟分支 317 6.5 分支预测 320 6.6 动态分支预测 322 6.6.1 分支目标缓冲 325 6.6.2 两级分支预测 328 本章小结 332 习题 332 参考文献 340


计算机科学丛书:C语言程序设计进阶教程 [美] 陆永祥(Yung-Hsiang Lu)(2017.7出版)

本书讲解了栈、堆、指针、文件等各类编程概念和数据结构及其应用,介绍如何成为优秀程序员的经验和技巧,通过对比编程中的常见错误与正确的程序之间的区别来提高编程人员的技能。特别地,本书将离散数学中的相关概念与程序设计紧密相连,细致地阐述递归程序的思想、实现和应用,使读者能够从中习得更多知识,掌握高级编程技巧。 本书可作为高等院校C语言相关课程的本科生教材,也可作为中等编程水平的程序设计人员提升编程技能的参考书。


C++ Concurrency in Action, 2nd Edition (2019.2出版,PDF格式)

This bestseller has been updated and revised to cover all the latest changes to C++ 14 and 17! C++ Concurrency in Action, Second Edition teaches you everything you need to write robust and elegant multithreaded applications in C++17. about the technology You choose C++ when your applications need to run fast. Well-designed concurrency makes them go even faster. C++ 17 delivers strong support for the multithreaded, multiprocessor programming required for fast graphic processing, machine learning, and other performance-sensitive tasks. This exceptional book unpacks the features, patterns, and best practices of production-grade C++ concurrency. about the book C++ Concurrency in Action, Second Edition is the definitive guide to writing elegant multithreaded applications in C++. Updated for C++ 17, it carefully addresses every aspect of concurrent development, from starting new threads to designing fully functional multithreaded algorithms and data structures. Concurrency master Anthony Williams presents examples and practical tasks in every chapter, including insights that will delight even the most experienced developer. what’s inside Full coverage of new C++ 17 features Starting and managing threads Synchronizing concurrent operations Designing concurrent code Debugging multithreaded applications about the reader Written for intermediate C and C++ developers. No prior experience with concurrency required. about the author Anthony Williams has been an active member of the BSI C++ Panel since 2001 and is the developer of the just::thread Pro extensions to the C++ 11 thread library.


Functional Programming in C++ (2018.11出版,PDF格式)

Functional Programming in C++ teaches developers the practical side of functional programming and the tools that C++ provides to develop software in the functional style. This in-depth guide is full of useful diagrams that help you understand FP concepts and begin to think functionally. about the book Functional Programming in C++ helps you unleash the functional side of your brain, as you gain a powerful new perspective on C++ coding. You’ll discover dozens of examples, diagrams, and illustrations that break down the functional concepts you can apply in C++, including lazy evaluation, function objects and invokables, algebraic data types, and more. As you read, you’ll match FP techniques with practical scenarios where they offer the most benefit.


Impractical Python Projects (2018.11出版,EPUB格式)

Impractical Python Projects picks up where the complete beginner books leave off, expanding on existing concepts and introducing new tools that you’ll use every day. And to keep things interesting, each project includes a zany twist featuring historical incidents, pop culture references, and literary allusions. You’ll flex your problem-solving skills and employ Python’s many useful libraries to do things like: Help James Bond crack a high-tech safe with a hill-climbing algorithm Write haiku poems using Markov Chain Analysis Use genetic algorithms to breed a race of gigantic rats Crack the world’s most successful military cipher using cryptanalysis Foil corporate security with invisible electronic ink Derive the anagram, “I am Lord Voldemort” using linguistical sieves Plan your parents’ secure retirement with Monte Carlo simulation Save the sorceress Zatanna from a stabby death using palingrams Model the Milky Way and calculate our odds of detecting alien civilizations Help the world’s smartest woman win the Monty Hall problem argument Reveal Jupiter’s Great Red Spot using optical stacking Save the head of Mary, Queen of Scots with steganography Simulate volcanoes, map Mars, and more, all while gaining valuable experience using free modules like Tkinter, matplotlib, Cprofile, Pylint, Pygame, Pillow, and Python-Docx. Whether you’re looking to pick up some new Python skills or just need a pick-me-up, you’ll find endless educational, geeky fun with Impractical Python Projects.


Data Wrangling with JavaScript (2018.12出版)

Data Wrangling with JavaScript is hands-on guide that will teach you how to create a JavaScript-based data processing pipeline, handle common and exotic data, and master practical troubleshooting strategies. about the technology Why not handle your data analysis in JavaScript? Modern libraries and data handling techniques mean you can collect, clean, process, store, visualize, and present web application data while enjoying the efficiency of a single-language pipeline and data-centric web applications that stay in JavaScript end to end. about the book Data Wrangling with JavaScript promotes JavaScript to the center of the data analysis stage! With this hands-on guide, you’ll create a JavaScript-based data processing pipeline, handle common and exotic data, and master practical troubleshooting strategies. You’ll also build interactive visualizations and deploy your apps to production. Each valuable chapter provides a new component for your reusable data wrangling toolkit. what’s inside Establishing a data pipeline Acquisition, storage, and retrieval Handling unusual data sets Cleaning and preparing raw dataInteractive visualizations with D3 about the reader Written for intermediate JavaScript developers. No data analysis experience required. about the author Ashley Davis is a software developer, entrepreneur, author, and the creator of Data-Forge and Data-Forge Notebook, software for data transformation, analysis, and visualization in JavaScript


Algorithms.in.C.Part.5.3rd.Edition (2001出版,MOBI格式)

Once again, Robert Sedgewick provides a current and comprehensive introduction to important algorithms. The focus this time is on graph algorithms, which are increasingly critical for a wide range of applications, such as network connectivity, circuit design, scheduling, transaction processing, and resource allocation. In this book, Sedgewick offers the same successful blend of theory and practice with concise implementations that can be tested on real applications, which has made his work popular with programmers for many years. Algorithms in C, Third Edition, Part 5: Graph Algorithms is the second book in Sedgewick’s thoroughly revised and rewritten series. The first book, Parts 1-4, addresses fundamental algorithms, data structures, sorting, and searching. A forthcoming third book will focus on strings, geometry, and a range of advanced algorithms. Each book’s expanded coverage features new algorithms and implementations, enhanced descriptions and diagrams, and a wealth of new exercises for polishing skills. A focus on abstract data types makes the programs more broadly useful and relevant for the modern object-oriented programming environment.


Algorithms.in.C.Parts.1-4.3rd.Edition (1997出版)

Robert Sedgewick has thoroughly rewritten and substantially expanded his popular work to provide current and comprehensive coverage of important algorithms and data structures. Many new algorithms are presented, and the explanations of each algorithm are much more detailed than in previous editions. A new text design and detailed, innovative figures, with accompanying commentary, greatly enhance the presentation. The third edition retains the successful blend of theory and practice that has made Sedgewick’s work an invaluable resource for more than 250,000 programmers! This particular book, Parts 1-4, represents the essential first half of Sedgewick’s complete work. It provides extensive coverage of fundamental data structures and algorithms for sorting, searching, and related applications. The algorithms and data structures are expressed in concise implementations in C, so that you can both appreciate their fundamental properties and test them on real applications. Of course, the substance of the book applies to programming in any language.


Introduction to Programming in Java, 2nd Edition (2017.4出版.EPUB格式)

Programming skills are indispensable in today’s world, not just for computer science students, but also for anyone in any scientific or technical discipline. Introduction to Programming in Java, Second Edition, by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne is an accessible, interdisciplinary treatment that emphasizes important and engaging applications, not toy problems. The authors supply the tools needed for students and professionals to learn that programming is a natural, satisfying, and creative experience, and to become conversant with one of the world’s most widely used languages. This example-driven guide focuses on Java’s most useful features and brings programming to life for every student in the sciences, engineering, and computer science. Coverage includes Basic elements of programming: variables, assignment statements, built-in data types, conditionals, loops, arrays, and I/O, including graphics and sound Functions, modules, and libraries: organizing programs into components that can be independently debugged, maintained, and reused Algorithms and data structures: sort/search algorithms, stacks, queues, and symbol tables Applications from applied math, physics, chemistry, biology, and computer science Drawing on their extensive classroom experience, throughout the text the authors provide Q&As;, exercises, and opportunities for creative engagement with the material. Together with the companion materials described below, this book empowers people to pursue a modern approach to teaching and learning programming. Companion web site (introcs.cs.princeton.edu/java) contains Chapter summaries Supplementary exercises, some with solutions Detailed instructions for installing a Java programming environment Program code and test data suitable for easy download Detailed creative exercises, projects, and other supplementary materials Companion studio-produced online videos (informit.com/sedgewick) are available for purchase and provide students and professionals with th


Mission Python (2018.10出版,EPUB格式)

Code a Space Adventure Game! by Sean McManus October 2018, 280 pp. ISBN-13: 978-1-59327-857-1 Full Color. Format: epub Launch into coding with Mission Python, a space-themed guide to building a complete computer game in Python. You'll learn programming fundamentals like loops, strings, and lists as you build Escape!, an exciting game with a map to explore, items to collect, and tricky logic puzzles to solve. As you work through the book, you'll build exercises and mini-projects, like making a spacewalk simulator and creating an astronaut's safety checklist that will put your new Python skills to the test. You'll learn how to use Pygame Zero, a free resource that lets you add graphics and sound effects to your creations, and you'll get useful game-making tips, such as how to design fun puzzles and intriguing maps. Before you know it, you'll have a working, awesome game to stump your friends with (and some nifty coding skills, too!). You can follow this book using a Raspberry Pi or a Microsoft Windows PC, and the 3D graphics and sound effects you need are provided as a download. Check out the Escape game you'll build in Mission Python!



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