
6.4.5 Ranging Request Messages
Ranging Request messages are transmitted by a CM at initialization on an upstream and periodically (for upstream Types 1-4) on request from the CMTS to determine network delay and request power adjustment. There are four types of Ranging Request messages: RNG-REQ, INIT-RNG-REQ, B-INIT-RNG-REQ, and O-INIT-RNG-REQ.The O-INIT-RNG-REQ is a special MAC frame that does not have the MAC Management Message format and is used only for initial ranging on OFDMA (Type 5) channels. This special MAC frame reduces the size of the initial maintenance regions on OFDMA channels. CM Ranging Request Type Usage shows when each type of message is used. The DOCSIS 3.1 CM never sends an INIT-RNG-REQ message; however, the INIT-RNG-REQ is in the specification for CMTS operation with legacy CMs.

Table 34 provides a summary of the types of RNG-REQ messages sent by the CM under different circumstances.The requirements surrounding the usage of the different types of RNG-REQ messages are specified in the subsequent sections.
在这里插入图片描述 Ranging Request Messages Sent to a DOCSIS 3.1 CMTS Ranging Request Messages Sent on Channels in the Transmit Channel Set
The CM determines the DOCSIS version of the CMTS by the MDD TLV. The CM transmits ranging request messages to a DOCSIS 3.1 CMTS with version numbers in the MAC Management Header according to the following rules:
• A CM transmitting a B-INIT-RNG-REQ to a DOCSIS 3.1 CMTS MUST use a version number of 5 in the MAC Management Header of the B-INIT-RNG-REQ to notify the CMTS that this CM is a DOCSIS 3.1 CM and will use Queue-depth based requesting with the CM’s first bandwidth request and will use the 9-bit power reporting.
• A CM transmitting a RNG-REQ to a DOCSIS 3.1 CMTS MUST use a version number of 5 in the MAC Management Header of the RNG-REQ to notify the CMTS that the CM is using the 9-bit power reporting in this message.

The CM follows the initialization of Type 5 upstream channels according to the following rules:
• When initializing on the first upstream channel, the CM MUST transmit an O-INIT-RNG-REQ in an Initial Maintenance opportunity. The CM MUST then transmit a B-INIT-RNG-REQ in its first unicast Station Maintenance region after receiving a RNG-RSP message from the CMTS. The CM then transmits RNGREQ messages in subsequent Station Maintenance opportunities.
• When initializing on a secondary upstream channel in an Initial Maintenance opportunity, the CM MUST transmit an O-INIT-RNG-REQ. The CM then transmits RNG-REQ messages in subsequent Station Maintenance opportunities.
• When initializing on a secondary upstream channel in a Station Maintenance opportunity, the CM MUST transmit a RNG-REQ. The CM then transmits RNG-REQ messages in subsequent Station Maintenanceopportunities.

The CM follows the initialization of Type 1, 2, 3, and 4 upstream channels according to the following rules:
• When initializing on the first upstream channel, the CM MUST transmit a B-INIT-RNG-REQ in an Initial Maintenance opportunity. The CM then transmits RNG-REQ messages in subsequent Station Maintenance opportunities.
• When initializing on a secondary upstream channel in an Initial or Station Maintenance opportunity, the CM MUST transmit a RNG-REQ. The CM then transmits RNG-REQ messages in subsequent Station Maintenance opportunities.

For all types of upstream channels, the CM MUST transmit a RNG-REQ message when it receives unicast ranging opportunities. On Type 5 upstream channels, probing is used for adjusting transmission parameters. For a Type 5 upstream channel, a CM MUST transmit a probe when it receives unicast probing opportunities.

If Upstream Transmit Power Reporting is enabled in a DOCSIS 3.1 MDD message (see Section, the CM MUST use the SSAP and DSAP fields of the MAC Management Message Header of Version 5 RNG-REQ and B-INIT-RNG-REQ messages to report its Transmit Power Level, P1.6r_n, for the upstream channel on which the message is transmitted. The power level MUST be expressed by the CM as a 9-bit value in units of 1/4 dB with bit 0 of the SSAP field representing the least significant bit and bit 0 of the DSAP field indicating the most significant bit of the Transmit Power Level. If Power Reporting TLV is not present in the MDD messages or if Power Reporting is disabled by the Power Reporting TLV, then the CM MUST NOT report its Power Level in the SSAP and DSAP fields of the Version 5 Ranging Request Messages.

If the CM has been properly commanded by the CMTS to adjust the transmitter parameters on one of its channels, it will find a Reconfiguration Time [DOCSIS PHYv3.1] in order to make the adjustment (see Section 10.3). If the CM has been properly commanded by the CMTS to adjust its dynamic range window, it will wait until a Global Reconfiguration Time [DOCSIS PHYv3.1] to make the adjustment.

If the CM is reporting Transmit Power Level using the SSAP and DSAP fields, it MUST set the multipart field to zero. In this case, the CMTS MUST ignore any information in the multipart field.

The CMTS uses the Commanded Power TLV of the RNG-RSP Message to manage the CM’s Dynamic Range Window as well as the transmit power level for all of its channels. The CM performs the commanded adjustments even if the commanded adjustment would cause the transmit power level to lie outside of the Dynamic Range
Window (DRW). If a commanded adjustment causes the Transmit Power Level P1.6r_n to lie above the top of the DRW, or if the commanded adjustment causes the Transmit Power Level P1.6r_n to lie more than 6 dB below the top of the DRW, the CM MUST indicate the condition by setting bit 15 or 14 of the SID field of the RNG-REQ messages for that channel as long as the condition persists.

Bits 15 and 14 of SID field:
Bit 15 – The commanded power level P1.6r_n is higher than the value corresponding to the top of the DRW.
Bit 14 – The commanded power level P1.6r_n is in excess of 6 dB below the value corresponding to the top of the DRW. Ranging Request Messages Sent to a DOCSIS 3.0 CMTS
The CM determines the DOCSIS version of the CMTS by the MDD TLV. The CM transmits ranging request messages with version numbers in the MAC Management Header according to the following rules:
• A CM transmitting a B-INIT-RNG-REQ to a DOCSIS 3.0 CMTS MUST use a version number of 4 in the
MAC Management Header of the B-INIT-RNG-REQ.
• A CM transmitting a RNG-REQ to a DOCSIS 3.0 CMTS MUST use a version number of 1 in the MAC Management Header of the RNG-REQ.

If Upstream Transmit Power Reporting is enabled in a DOCSIS 3.0 MDD message, the CM MUST use the SSAP field of the MAC Management Message Header of RNG-REQ and B-INIT-RNG-REQ messages to report its Transmit Power Level, Pr, for the upstream channel on which the message is transmitted. The power level MUST be
expressed by the CM in units of 1/4 dB. If the Power Reporting TLV is not present in the DOCSIS 3.0 MDD messages or if Power Reporting is disabled by the Power Reporting TLV, then the CM MUST NOT report its Power Level in the SSAP field of the ranging messages.

If the CM has been properly commanded by the CMTS to adjust the transmitter parameters on one of its channels, it will find a Reconfiguration Time [DOCSIS PHYv3.0] in order to make the adjustment. If the CM is reporting Transmit Power Level using the SSAP field, it MUST set the RSVD field to zero. In this case,the DOCSIS 3.0 CMTS ignores any information in the RSVD field.

If the CM detects an error condition with respect to its dynamic range window and a received RNG-RSP message,the CM MUST set bits 15 and 14 of the SID field in subsequent RNG-REQ messages of the affected channel or channels, until the error is cleared as follows:
Bits 15 to 14 of SID field:
00 = No error condition.
01 = Power Adjustment not applied - Commanded power adjustment would cause Pr to be outside of the 12dB dynamic range window. This error condition only applies to the channel which received the ignored power adjustment and would be indicated in RNG-REQ messages for that channel until the condition was cleared.
10 = The current value for Pr is more than 3dB below the top of the dynamic range window for all channels.Spurious and noise requirements are relaxed for modem operating in this condition [DOCSIS PHYv3.0].This error condition would apply to all channels in the TCS and would be indicated in RNG-REQ messages for all channels until the condition was cleared.
11 = Maximum Scheduled Codes Unnecessary - MSC and Power Headroom were sent in RNG-RSP, but current Pr is sufficient to allow use of all codes. Note: The CM does not ignore MSC setting in RNG-RSP,but just indicates a possible error condition with this encoding. This error condition only applies to the channel which received the RNG-RSP with un-needed MSC encodings and would be indicated in RNG-REQ messages for that channel until the condition was cleared. Ranging Request Messages with Maximum Scheduled Codes
Maximum Scheduled Codes can be enabled and included in RNG-REQ messages sent to either a DOCSIS 3.1 CMTS or a DOCSIS 3.0 CMTS. If the CM is reporting its Transmit Power in the RNG-REQ messages and Maximum Scheduled Codes (MSC) is enabled in the CMTS, the CMTS is in full control of the MSC feature. In this case, if the CMTS needs to command an increase in the Transmit Power Level which would result in the CM having a non-zero power shortfall, the CMTS MUST proactively send Maximum Scheduled Codes and Power Headroom in the RNG-RSP message.

If Upstream Transmit Power Reporting is not enabled in the MDD message, the CM MUST set the RSVD field of the MAC Management Message Header to report support for S-CDMA MSC if and only if MSC has been enabled in the UCD for this channel. In this case, the CM MUST report the maximum ratio of number of active codes to
Maximum Scheduled Codes that the CM can support. The CMTS will use this value in calculating an appropriate value for Maximum Scheduled Codes to assign to the CM. The CM MUST support a Maximum Ratio of 32.

When the CM reports MSC information, the CM MUST also report its current transmit power shortfall (in dB). The CM power shortfall is the difference between the current target transmit power of the ranging request and the maximum SCDMA spreader-on transmit power of P1.6hi or Phi. The CM MUST report a power shortfall of 0 if the
current target transmit power of the ranging request is less than or equal to the P1.6hi value. The CM MUST report a power shortfall of 0 if the current target transmit power of the ranging request is less than or equal to the Phi value.This value will be used by the CMTS for calculating appropriate values for S-CDMA Maximum Scheduled Codes
and S-CDMA Power Headroom for the CM.

The format of the RSVD field for conveying its current transmit power shortfall when MSC is supported by the
CMTS is:
在这里插入图片描述 Ranging Request (RNG-REQ)
The RNG-REQ message transmitted by the CM MUST use an FC_TYPE = MAC Specific Header and FC_PARM =Timing MAC Header, followed by a Packet PDU in the format shown in Figure 42 - RNG-REQ Format.
The parameters of RNG-REQ messages transmitted by the CM MUST be as follows:
SID: For RNG-REQ messages transmitted in Broadcast Initial Maintenance intervals:
• Initialization SID if modem is attempting to join the network.
• Initialization SID if modem has not yet registered and is changing upstream, downstream, or both downstream and upstream channels as directed by a downloaded parameter file.
For RNG-REQ messages transmitted in Unicast Initial Maintenance or Station Maintenance intervals:
• Temporary SID if modem has not yet registered.
• Ranging SID if one has been assigned by the CMTS to the CM for this channel.

This is a 16-bit field of which the lower 14 bits define the SID.
Downstream Channel ID: The identifier of the downstream channel on which the CM is receiving the UCDs and MAPs which describe this upstream. This is an 8-bit field.
Reserved Field: (This previously was Pending Till Complete.) The CM sends a value of 0 in this field. Initial Ranging Request (INIT-RNG-REQ)
The INIT-RNG-REQ message transmitted by legacy CMs uses an FC_TYPE = MAC Specific Header and FC_PARM = Timing MAC Header, followed by a Packet PDU in the format shown in Figure 43. The INIT-RNGREQ differs from the RNG-REQ in that it has an upstream channel ID in place of the Reserved field in a RNG-REQ.

The parameters of the INIT-RNG-REQ message transmitted by legacy CMs are as follows:
SID: This is a 16-bit field of which the lower 14 bits define the SID [DOCSIS CMCIv3.0].
Downstream Channel ID: The identifier of the downstream channel on which the CM is receiving the UCDs and MAPs which describe this upstream. This is an 8-bit field.
Upstream Channel ID: The Upstream Channel ID from the UCD the CM is using to transmit this INIT-RNG-REQ.In the case where multiple logical upstreams are sharing the same spectrum, and the Broadcast Initial Ranging Opportunities of some of these logical channels are aligned, the Upstream Channel ID allows the CMTS to know which logical channel the CM is using. Bonded Initial Ranging Request (B-INIT-RNG-REQ)
The B-INIT-RNG-REQ message transmitted by a CM MUST use an FC_TYPE = MAC Specific Header and FC_PARM = Timing MAC Header, followed by a Packet PDU in the format shown in Figure 44 - B-INIT-RNGREQ Format.

The B-INIT-RNG-REQ differs from the INIT-RNG-REQ in that it includes the MD-DS-SG-ID used for downstream topology resolution and a set of Capability Flags in place of the SID. A CM MUST only use this message for the first channel it ranges on. When ranging for the first time on all succeeding channels in an Initial Maintenance opportunity, the CM uses the RNG-REQ message (see Section for channel Types 1, 2, 3, and 4 or the O-INIT-RNG-REQ message for channel Type 5. On a Type 5 channel, the CM uses B-INIT-RNG-REQ message as specified in Table 34.
The parameters of the B-INIT-RNG-REQ message transmitted by the CM MUST be as follows:
Capability Flags: Used to convey modem capabilities that are needed prior to registration by the CMTS. It is an 8-bit field as defined in Section
MD-DS-SG-ID: The identifier of the MAC Domain Downstream Service Group obtained from downstream ambiguity resolution. This is an 8-bit field. The value zero indicates that the MD-DS-SG-ID could not be determined.
Downstream Channel ID: The identifier of the downstream channel on which the CM is receiving the UCDs and MAPs which describe this upstream. This is an 8-bit field.
Upstream Channel ID: The Upstream Channel ID from the UCD the CM is using to transmit this B-INIT-RNGREQ. In the case where multiple logical upstreams are sharing the same spectrum, and the Broadcast Initial Ranging Opportunities of some of these logical channels are aligned, the Upstream Channel ID allows the CMTS to know
which logical channel the CM is using.
If the MD-DS-SG-ID is unrecognized, the CMTS MUST silently ignore the B-INIT-RNG-REQ. Capability Flags
A CM MUST indicate capabilities to the CMTS prior to registration via the Capability Flags field as defined in this
specification. The CM MUST format the Capability Flags field as defined in Table 35 - Capability Flags Encoding:
A CM MAY indicate support for pre-3.0 DOCSIS fragmentation prior to registration.
A CM MUST indicate support for Early Authentication and Encryption. OFDMA Initial Ranging Request (O-INIT-RNG-REQ)
The O-INIT-RNG-REQ message is transmitted only in Initial Maintenance Regions and only on OFDMA upstream channels. This message does not use the standard MAC Frame format but uses a condensed format to conserve bandwidth on the OFDMA channel. The O-INIT-RNG-REQ transmitted by a CM MUST use the format shown in
Figure 45 - O-INIT-RNG-REQ Format.
The parameters of the O-INIT-RNG-REQ message transmitted by the CM MUST be as follows:
MAC Address: MAC address of the CM. This is a 6-byte field.
Downstream Channel ID: The identifier of the downstream channel on which the CM is receiving the UCDs and MAPs which describe this upstream. This is an 8-bit field.
CRC-24: CRC-24 over the MAC Address and DS-CHAN-ID. CRC-24 is defined in [DOCSIS PHYv3.1]. This is a 3-byte field.


6.4.5 Ranging Request Messages
CM在上行初始化时发送测距请求消息,并根据CMTS的请求定期(针对上行类型1-4)确定网络延迟和请求功率的调整。测距请求消息有四种类型:RNG-REQ,INIT-RNG-REQ,B-INIT-RNG-REQ和O-INIT-RNG-REQ,O-INIT-RNG-REQ是一个特殊的MAC帧,没有MAC管理消息(MMM)格式,仅用于OFDMA(类型5)信道上的初始范围。这个特殊的MAC帧减小了OFDMA通道上初始维护区域的大小。 CM测距请求类型的用法显示了何时使用何种类型的消息。DOCSIS 3.1 CM从不发送INIT-RNG-REQ消息。但是,INIT-RNG-REQ属于使用旧CM进行CMTS操作的规范。

在这里插入图片描述发送到DOCSIS 3.1 CMTS的测距请求消息 在“发送通道集”(Transmit Channel Set)中的通道上发送的测距请求消息
CM通过MDD TLV确定CMTS的DOCSIS版本。 CM根据以下规则将测距请求消息发送到MAC管理报头中具有版本号的DOCSIS 3.1 CMTS:
•将B-INIT-RNG-REQ发送到DOCSIS 3.1 CMTS的CM必须在B-INIT-RNG-REQ的MAC管理报头中使用版本号5来通知CMTS该CM是DOCSIS 3.1 CM并将在CM的第一个带宽请求中使用基于队列深度(Queue-depth)的请求,同时使用9位功率报告(power reporting)。
•将RNG-REQ发送到DOCSIS 3.1 CMTS的CM必须在RNG-REQ的MAC管理报头中使用版本号5来通知CMTS CM正在使用此消息中的9位功率报告。

•在主要(first)上行信道上初始化时,CM必须在初始维护机会(Initial Maintenance opportunity)中发送O-INIT-RNG-REQ。然后,CM必须在从CMTS接收到RNG-RSP消息后,在其第一个单播站维护区域中发送B-INIT-RNG-REQ。然后,CM在后续的站维护机会中发送RNG-REQ消息。
•在站维护机会中当在辅助上行信道上初始化时,CM必须发送RNG-REQ。 然后,CM在后续的站维护机会中发送RNG-REQ消息。
•在主要(first)上行信道上初始化时,CM必须在初始维护时机中发送B-INIT-RNG-REQ。 然后,CM在后续的站维护机会中发送RNG-REQ消息。
•在初始化或站维护机会中当在辅助上行信道上初始化时,CM必须发送RNG-REQ。 然后,CM在后续的站维护机会中发送RNG-REQ消息。


如果在DOCSIS 3.1 MDD消息中启用了上行传输功率报告(请参见6.,则CM必须使用版本5 RNG-REQ和B-INIT-RNG的MAC管理消息头中的SSAP和DSAP字段以报告在其上发送消息的上行信道的发送功率电平P1.6r_n。 CM必须将功率电平表示为9位值,以1/4 dB为单位,SSAP字段的位0表示最低有效位,而DSAP字段的位0表示发送功率的最高有效位水平。如果MDD消息中不存在Power Reporting TLV,或者Power Reporting TLV禁用了Power Reporting,则CM不得在第5版测距请求消息的SSAP和DSAP字段中报告其功率级别。

如果CMTS已正确地命令CM调整其信道之一上的发送器参数,则CM将找到重配置时间(Reconfiguration Time)[DOCSIS PHYv3.1]以进行调整(请参阅第10.3节)。如果CMTS已正确命令CM调整其动态范围窗口,则CM将一直等到全局重配置时间[DOCSIS PHYv3.1]再进行调整。


CMTS使用RNG-RSP消息的命令功率(commanded power)TLV来管理CM的动态范围窗口以及所有信道的传输功率电平。即使命令调整会导致传输功率电平超出动态范围窗口(DRW),CM也会执行命令调整。如果命令的调整导致传输功率电平P1.6r_n高于DRW的顶部,或者命令的调整导致发送功率电平P1.6r_n低于DRW的顶部6 dB以上,则只要条件持续存在,CM就必须通过为该通道设置RNG-REQ消息的SID字段的第15位或第14位来指示该条件。

位15 –命令的功率水平P1.6r_n高于与DRW顶部相对应的值。
位14 –命令的功率水平P1.6r_n比对应DRW顶部的值低6 dB以上。发送到DOCSIS 3.0 CMTS的测距请求消息
CM通过MDD TLV确定CMTS的DOCSIS版本。 CM根据以下规则在MAC管理报头中发送带有版本号的测距请求消息:
•将RNG-REQ发送到DOCSIS 3.0 CMTS的CM必须在RNG-REQ的MAC管理报头中使用版本号1。

如果在DOCSIS 3.0 MDD消息中启用了上行传输功率报告(Power Reporting),则CM必须使用RNG-REQ和B-INIT-RNG-REQ消息的MAC管理消息报头的SSAP字段来报告其传输功率电平Pr,用于在其上传输消息的上行信道。功率电平必须由CM以1/4 dB为单位表示。如果DOCSIS 3.0 MDD消息中不存在功率报告TLV,或者功率报告TLV禁用了功率报告,则CM不得在测距消息的SSAP字段中报告其功率水平。

如果CMTS已正确地命令CM调整其信道之一上的发送器(transmitter)参数,则CM将找到重配置时间[DOCSIS PHYv3.0]进行调整。如果CM使用SSAP字段报告发送功率电平,则必须将RSVD字段设置为零。在这种情况下,DOCSIS 3.0 CMTS会忽略RSVD字段中的任何信息。

00 =无错误情况。
01 =未应用功率调整-命令的功率调整将导致Pr超出12dB动态范围窗口。此错误情况仅适用于接收到忽略功率调整的信道,并且会在该信道的RNG-REQ消息中指出,直到条件被清除为止。
10 =所有信道的Pr的当前值都低于动态范围窗口的顶部3dB以上。对于在这种情况下运行[DOCSIS PHYv3.0]的调制解调器(modem),降低了杂散和噪声要求。此错误条件将适用于在TCS中的所有信道,并且将在所有信道的RNG-REQ消息中指出,直到条件消除。
11 =不必要的最大调度代码(Scheduled Codes)-MSC和功率余量是通过RNG-RSP发送的,但是当前Pr足以允许使用所有代码。注意:CM不会忽略RNG-RSP中的MSC设置,而只是指示此编码可能出现的错误情况。此错误条件仅适用于接收带有不需要的MSC编码的RNG-RSP的信道,并且将在该信道的RNG-REQ消息中指出,直到条件被清除为止。 使用最大调度代码的测距请求消息
最大调度代码(Maximum Scheduled Codes)可以被启用并包括在发送到DOCSIS 3.1 CMTS或DOCSIS 3.0 CMTS的RNG-REQ消息中。如果CM在RNG-REQ消息中报告其传输功率,并且在CMTS中启用了最大调度代码(MSC),则CMTS将完全控制MSC功能。在这种情况下,如果CMTS需要命令增加传输功率电平,这将导致CM具有非零的功率不足,则CMTS必须在RNG-RSP消息中主动发送最大调度码和功率余量。

如果在MDD消息中未启用上行发射功率报告,则仅当且仅当在此信道的UCD中启用了MSC时,CM才必须设置MAC管理消息报头的RSVD字段以报告对S-CDMA MSC的支持。在这种情况下,CM必须报告CM可以支持的活动代码(active codes)数与最大调度代码的最大比率。 CMTS将使用此值来计算最大调度码的适当值,以分配给CM。 CM必须支持最大比率32。

当CM报告MSC信息时,CM还必须报告其当前的传输功率不足(以dB为单位)。 CM功率不足是测距请求的当前目标传输功率与P1.6hi或Phi的最大SCDMA扩频器传输(spreader-on transmit)功率之间的差。如果测距请求的当前目标传输功率小于或等于P1.6hi值,CM必须报告功率不足为0。CMTS将使用此值来计算CM的S-CDMA最大调度码和S-CDMA功率余量的适当值。

CM发送的RNG-REQ消息必须使用FC_TYPE = MAC特定(Specific)报头和FC_PARM =定时(Timing)MAC报头,后跟如图42(RNG-REQ格式)所示的数据包(Packet)PDU。在这里插入图片描述
对于以单播初始维护或站维护(Station Maintenance)间隔发送的RNG-REQ消息:

保留字段:(以前为待完成)。CM在此字段中发送值为0。 初始测距请求(INIT-RNG-REQ)
旧式CM发送的INIT-RNG-REQ消息使用FC_TYPE = MAC特定报头和FC_PARM =定时MAC报头,后跟如图43所示格式的Packet PDU。INIT-RNGREQ与RNG-REQ的不同之处在于在RNG-REQ中有上行信道ID来代替Reserved field。
SID :这是一个16位字段,其低14位定义了SID [DOCSIS CMCIv3.0]。
上行信道ID:包含在UCD中CM用于传输此INIT-RNG-REQ的上行信道ID。在多个逻辑上行共享同一频谱并且其中一些逻辑信道的广播初始测距机会是一致的情况下,上行信道ID允许CMTS知道CM正在使用哪个逻辑信道。 绑定的初始测距请求(B-INIT-RNG-REQ)
CM发送的B-INIT-RNG-REQ消息必须为FC_TYPE = MAC Specific Header和FC_PARM = Timing MAC Header,后跟如图44(PDU-B-INIT-RNGREQ格式)所示的数据包。

B-INIT-RNG-REQ与INIT-RNG-REQ的不同之处在于,它包括用于下行拓扑解析(topology resolution)的MD-DS-SG-ID和一组代替SID的功能标志。 CM必须仅将此消息用于其所作用的主要(first)信道。当在初始维护机会中对所有后续信道进行首次测距时,CM将RNG-REQ消息(请参阅第6.4.5.5节)用于类型1、2、3和4的信道或将O-INIT-RNG-REQ消息用于类型5的信道。在类型5信道上,CM使用表34中指定的B-INIT-RNG-REQ消息。
功能标志(Capability Flags):用于传达CMTS注册之前所需的调制解调器功能。它是一个在6.节中定义的8位字段。
MD-DS-SG-ID:从下行歧义解析(ambiguity resolution)获得的MAC域下行服务组的标识符。这是一个8位字段。值为0表示无法确定MD-DS-SG-ID。
CM必须在注册之前通过本规范中定义的功能标志字段(Capability Flags field)向CMTS显示功能。 CM必须按照表35(功能标志编码)中的定义格式化功能标志字段:
CM必须指示对早期身份验证和加密的支持。 OFDMA初始测距请求(O-INIT-RNG-REQ)
CRC-24:MAC地址和DS-CHAN-ID上的CRC-24。CRC-24在[DOCSIS PHYv3.1]中定义。这是一个3字节的字段。





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