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2020-12-29 14:09:45 238

原创 高度共线性的线性模型怎么处理


2019-06-23 17:39:47 1478 1

转载 Andrew Ng machine learning 课程笔记--奇异值分解

Singular value decomposition:furthermore,in a singular value decomposition,the columns of the matrix U,will be the eigenvectors of A transpose,and the columns of V will be he eigen vectors of A transp...

2019-04-02 16:48:17 140

转载 Andrew Ng machine learning 课程笔记--贝叶斯统计正则化

Bayesian statistics:it turns out if you add this prior term there,it turns out that the authorization objective you end up optimizing turns out to be this.where you add an extra term that,you know ,pe...

2019-03-20 17:22:36 254

转载 哈佛大学CS50课程笔记--线性搜索,二进制搜索

Html:html is not a programming language as we will see.it is a markup language,more about aesthetics than it is about logic.Phishing attack:which is to say you try to lure hooks on unsuspecting use ...

2019-03-18 20:10:59 185

转载 Andrew Ng machine learning 课程笔记--特征选择

VC dimension:let us say your hypothesis class is because of all linear division boundaries.so say script h is parameterized by d real numbers.if you are applying logistic regression with over n featur...

2019-03-13 22:19:36 229

转载 Andrew Ng machine learning 课程笔记--经验风险最小化

Varience-bias trade-off:Underfit:Overfit:Linear classification:in particular,logistic regression fits this parameters the model like this for maximizing the law of likelihood.but in order to und...

2019-03-12 16:54:54 168

转载 Andrew Ng machine learning 课程笔记--顺序最小优化算法

Kernels:maybe this is the living area of a house that you are trying to make a prediction on,like whether it will be sold in the next six months.quite often,we will atke this feature X and we will map...

2019-03-11 20:25:28 362

转载 哈佛大学CS50 课程笔记--参数,返回值

当水落到水箱里,它就给计算机的逻辑部件发送一个信号,计算机立即通知内存条,为下雨天找出相应的指令,内存条轮流的激活电子电路,关闭窗子,打开门,希望猫进来,自动电话开始行动。Arrays:Command line:当你写好一个程序,电脑会默认寻找一个叫做main函数,main是默认运行的,Hierarchal decompositions:additionDefine a ...

2019-03-05 23:08:01 232

转载 Andrew Ng machine learning 课程笔记--最优间隔分类器问题

The optimal margin classfier:we were beginning on developing on support vector machines,I said that a hypothesis represented as H sub wb as g of w transpose x+b,where g will be +1 or -1.And I said tha...

2019-03-04 21:51:50 165

转载 斯坦福大学傅里叶变换及其应用课程笔记--周期性,三角函数表示复杂函数

Modify:one period,many frequencies.it is by far better to use to represent sine and cosine via complex exponentials.Question:f of t is a periodic function of period one.can we write it?I am assuming...

2019-02-28 22:09:22 336

转载 Andrew Ng machine learning 课程笔记--朴素贝叶斯算法

Naïve Bayes:in this model ,each of our features were zero,one,so indicating whether different words appear,and the length or the feature vector was ,sort of,the length N of the feature vector was the ...

2019-02-28 13:48:58 131

转载 Andrew Ng machine learning 课程笔记--生成学习算法

Logistic regression:in fact, you can see there is the data set with logistic regression,and so I 've initialized the parameters randomly,and so logistic regression is,kind of ,the outputting,it's the ...

2019-02-27 23:13:34 188

转载 哈佛大学CS50课程笔记--函数,全局变量,参数,返回值

类型转换typecasting,Because of a different flight path,a data conversion from a 64 bit floating point value to a 16 bit signed integer value caused a hardware exception.More specifically an arithmetic ove...

2019-02-27 15:09:24 221

转载 MIT 计算机科学及编程导论课程笔记--课程目标,数据类型,运算,变量

Skills:1.Computational thinking to write small scale programs          2.the ability to use a vocabulary of computational tools in order to be able to understand programs written by others        ...

2019-02-27 12:19:53 322

转载 哈佛大学CS50课程笔记--C语言,源代码,编译器(2)

How to write a program?1.你先打开哪个文本编辑器2.运行编译器,也可以通过命令行来运行,3./hello.c如果你运行这个程序,它会做什么。因为我运行这个程序,它会在后台运行一些程序。这里的这条线声明了一个变量,一个叫x的存储空间,它的类型是int,意思是里面存储的是整数型的数据,这个等号其实是个赋值运算符,这样我们还要引入一个新的操作符,几乎你们所有的代码...

2019-02-25 22:19:35 598

转载 Andrew Ng machine learning 课程笔记--牛顿方法

In the last lecture,I talked about the logistic regression model.And then you can write down the log likelihood like given the training sets,you can derive of a gradient ascent rule for finfing the ma...

2019-02-25 10:48:19 432

转载 加州理工学院机器学习课程笔记--学习问题

Example of machine learning:how a viewer would rate a movie?                                          you get the movie vector that resulted from that process.the essence of machine learning:A pat...

2019-02-21 23:08:07 502

转载 斯坦福大学傅里叶变换及其应用--预备知识

Fourier transform as a limiting case of fourier series.itFourier series,a kind of periodic phenomenaFourier series techniques is identified with the analysis of non periodic phenomena.Analysis:[...

2019-02-20 22:21:08 201

转载 哈佛大学CS50课程笔记--C语言,源代码,编译器(1)


2019-02-20 18:19:18 477

转载 Andrew Ng machine learning 课程笔记--欠拟合和过拟合的概念

写在开头:这是我看吴恩达的课程写的笔记,原来写在onenote上。不是我原创的,也不是转载别人的作品,也没有翻译,所以在类别的选择上常常踌躇。Linear regression:evaluate your hypothesis H at a certain point with a certain query point low K is X.And you want to know the ...

2019-02-20 10:42:05 172

转载 Andrew Ng machine learning课程笔记--监督学习应用,梯度下降

Last lesson I taiked about supervised learning.And supervised learning was this machine-learning problem where I said we're going to tell the algorithm what the close right answer is for a number of e...

2019-02-18 22:44:14 145

转载 Andrew Ng machine learning课程笔记--机器学习的动机与应用

Instructor:Andrew Ng,major in machine learningTAs:Paul Baumstarck,major in machine learning and computer vision       Catie Chang,neuroscientist       Tom Do,major in computational biology    ...

2019-02-18 18:04:33 177

翻译 哈佛大学CS50课程笔记--算法,数据存储,磁盘,程序设计等


2019-02-18 10:36:56 337

翻译 哈佛大学CS50课程笔记---第一课 算法程序设计和语言

这个系列都是我做的笔记,David上课真是棒极了,我看过的最有意思的课之一。CS50相当于计算机导论,我打算同时更新Andrew Ng的机器学习和加州理工Yaser Abu-Mostafa的机器学习课程,往后面翻翻吧。计算机思维:你可以把一个问题用比较直观的方法解决,但如果你把此类问题的数量增大,正如越来越多的互联网和大规模数据系统中出现的问题等等你应该思考怎么样才能更便捷,怎样才能更高效。你...

2019-02-16 16:15:51 1270

原创 怎么设置python环境

我经常设置python环境变量,不知是环境变量设置没有生效,还是pip的问题,我的pip install命令几乎无法使用。添加环境变量,如我:H:\jiqixuexi\Scripts;H:\jiqixuexi 即可。我照着上图重新设置python环境变量后,又可以使用pip 了。不出所料,好事多磨,坑爹的pip又开始提醒我更新了,因为pip 19.0.2已经出来了,而我还在用pip 1...

2019-02-12 21:02:52 154

原创 怎么查找python安装目录

cmd窗口--where python跳到某盘--h:跳到某个位置--cd H:\jiqixuexi\跳到目标位置后,进行后续操作--start.显示安装包列表--pip list出现错误:Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"'网上说:这一般是python的文件目录发生变化导致的。https:/...

2019-02-12 20:59:44 7657

原创 安装pip小结

听说pip是最方便的下载安装第三方库的方式,我决定设置pip。 第一步:找到pip安装目录,设置环境变量第二步:CMD窗口,安装pip第三步:重启,pip install xxx,用起来杠杠的以上都是想象,实际操作过程非常曲折。每一步都做了七八百遍,CMD命令都学得七七八八了,我才发现可能需要重启,所以说,重启也很重要。好在可以用pip命令,不知道有多爽   ...

2019-01-17 14:36:44 201

翻译 SQL入门学习(一)

刚开始SQL,不知怎么的,照着别人的教程呢,我的数据库查询语句总是反应列表为空,小小白不知所措,先翻译这篇教学文章,小小白也算有个长处了哈哈哈。文章链接:http://www.forta.com/books/0672336073/Sams教你十分钟学会SQL第四版MYSQL和MariaDB的安装指南1.下载和安装MYSQL或者MariaDB2.下载和安装MYSQL Work...

2019-01-11 18:13:07 143 1



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