
1.Choose two.
Examine this configuration:

  1. CDB1 is a container database.
  2. APP1_ROOT is an application container contained in CDB1.
  3. APP1_ROOT$SEED is the application seed contained in APP1_ROOT and synchronized with APP1_ROOT.
  4. APP1_PDB1 and APP1_PDB2 are application PDBs contained in APP1_ROOT.
  5. APP1_USER_APP is an application installed in APP1_ROOT at version 1.0.
  6. USER1 is a common user in APP1_ROOT and all its application PDBs,
    created when version 1.0 of APP1_USER_APP was installed.
    You execute these commands:
sqlplus sys/oracle@localhost:1521/cdb1 as sysdba 
Session altered. 
 pluggable database altered. 
 Grant succeeded. 
Pluggable database altered 
Session altered. 
Pluggable database altered.

Which two are true?
A、USER1 can connect to CDB1.
B、USER1 can connect to APP1_ROOT and APP1_PDB1.
C、USER1 can connect to APP1_ROOT, APP1_ROOT$SEED, and APP1_PDB1.
D、USER1 is defined in APP1_PDB2.
E、 USER1 can connect only to APP1_PDB1.
F、USER1 can connect only to APP1_ROOT.

A.incorrect,unable to CDB1,because this is common user among application container rahter than among CDB
B.correct,because already sync with application root
C.incorrect,though before app1_root$seed ever synchronized with appcation root, but this times did not synchronize with application root after grant create session 
D.correct,already explained  user1 is a common user,and existed in all application pdb
E.incorrect, can connect to application root except app1_pdb1
F.above-metioned,can connect to app1_pdb1 except app1_root 

2.A database is configured in ARCHIVELOG mode.
Full RMAN backups are taken daily and no backup to trace has been taken of the control file.A media failure has occurred.
In which two scenarios is complete recovery possible? (Choose two.)
A. when any archived log from, before, or after the most recent backup is corrupt.
B. after losing all copies of the control file
C. after losing an archived log from after the most recent backup
D. after losing an archived log from before the most recent backup
E. after losing the SYSTEM tablespace

A.incorrect,can lost archived log after most recent backup
B.correct,can restore controlfile from autobackup,then restore and recover database by apply archive ,but need resetlogs
C.incorrect,can not lost any archive log after most recent backup,else only performance incomplete recovery
D.correct,As long as the larchive og after the most recent backup is not lost
E.correct, can restore any tablespace from fullbackup
so I think that three are true,especially answer B,resetlog not mean incomplete recovery, as long as archive logs exist, can apply all archive log to the time point that database crash

3.Which three are true about block media recovery? (Choose three.)
A. The data file containing the block being recovered remains online.
B. To use it, Flashback Database must be enabled.
C. A block being recovered is not accessible.
D. It can be performed on noncorrupt blocks.
E. The target database for which one or more blocks are to be recovered must be in the OPEN state.
F. It cannot repair logical corruption.

A.correct, can execute blockrecovery under datafile online condition
B.incorrect,not must, also can recovery block by rman under have not flashlog,or the EXCLUDE FLASHBACK LOG option to restrict RMAN from searching the flashback logs.
C.correct,indeed not accessible before the block is recovered
D.correct,already test,can recover a normal block
E.incorrect,also can be in mount state
F.incorrect,Block media recovery may not be able to repair all logical block corruptions. In these cases, alternate recovery methods, such as tablespace point-in-time recovery, or dropping and re-creating the affected objects, may repair the corruption.I think that is not absolute,in other words,some can be repaired,and some cannot be repaired

4.Which three are true about the tools for diagnosing Oracle Database failure situations? (Choose three.)
A. The ADR command-line utility (ADRCI) can package incident information to send to Oracle Support.
B. The Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) has a separate home directory for each instance of each Oracle product that is installed and uses it.
C. Flashback commands help with repairing physical errors.
D. RMAN can always repair corrupt blocks.
E. The ADR can store metadata in an Oracle Database repository.
F. The Data Recovery Advisor uses the ADR.

ABF are correct. 
F is true,  I tested by removing users01.dbf,trace file alert**.log will  record the failure, and then execute list failure in rman,this article can reflect that is indeed true.
Easier to say why the others are incorrect.
C. - Flashback is a logical tool. It cannot repair a physical error.
D. - incorrect. RMAN cannot always repair corrupt blocks, for example - a DB in noarchivelog mode....
E. - ADR is an offline, file based utility. It does not exist within the DB itself.

5.Which three are true about performing an Oracle Database install on Linux? (Choose three.)
A. The runfixup.sh script can install missing RPMs.
B. The Oracle Preinstallation RPM must be used to configure the Oracle database installation owner, the Oracle Inventory group, and an Oracle administrative privileges group.
C. It allows you to select the languages supported by the Oracle database server.
D. It can be done before installing Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server.
E. The Oracle Preinstallation RPM can be used to configure the Oracle database installation owner, the Oracle Inventory group, and an Oracle administrative privileges group.
F. It can be done after installing Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server.
G. The Oracle database administrator must be granted access to the root operating system account to tun root privileged scripts.

A.A is incorrect:
2.6 Installation Fixup Scripts
During installation, for certain prerequisite verification failures, click Fix & Check Again to generate a fixup script (runfixup.sh). You can run this script as the root user to complete the required preinstallation steps.
The fixup script:
Checks for and sets kernel parameters to values required for successful installation, including:
Shared memory parameters
Open file descriptor and UDP send/receive parameters
Oracle recommends that you do not modify the contents of the generated fixup script.
B.this is not "must",you also can manually configure
C.incorrect,in 19c, you can not select language when install
D.correct,but you must manually register the resource by srvctl 
E.correct,"can" rather than must
F.correct, first install grid infrastructure,then install oracle database,this is recomdation, it will automatic register database for a resource when finsih install
G.this is not "must",you also can directly run as root

6.Which three are true about Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) and Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) in an Oracle multitenant environment?
(Choose three.)
A. ADDM can run in a nonroot container.
B. AWR snapshots can be created in CDB R O O T . C . A W R r e p o r t s c a n b e g e n e r a t e d w h i l e c o n n e c t e d t o a n y c o n t a i n e r . D . A l l A W R d a t a i s s t o r e d i n t h e C D B ROOT. C. AWR reports can be generated while connected to any container. D. All AWR data is stored in the CDB ROOT.C.AWRreportscanbegeneratedwhileconnectedtoanycontainer.D.AllAWRdataisstoredintheCDBROOT SYSAUX tablespace.
E. AWR snapshots can be created in a PDB.
F. No AWR data is stored in the CDB$ROOT SYSAUX tablespace.

A.correct, not doubt,you can try to execute $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/addmrpt.sql in sqlplus separately
B.correct, not doubt,you can try to execute $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/addmrpt.sql in sqlplus separately
C.incorrect, we will can not create the report in pdb$seed due to pdb$seed is default to openning read only, which will be unable to generate snapshot,further to be unable to generate snapshot-based awr report
D.incorrect, the cdb-level snapshot is stored in the sysaux tablespace of cdb$root,the pdb-level snaphsot is stored in the sysaux tablespace of pdb,you also can verify by query v$sysaux_occupants view,which result will be as below:
select occupant_name,occupant_desc from v$sysaux_occupants where occupant_name like '%AWR%';
------------------------------ ----------------------------------------
SM/AWR                         Server Manageability - Automatic Workloa
                               d Repository
E.correct, you can execute dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot() in cdb and pdb separately
F.incorrect, the anwser is the same as D

7.A container database called CDB1 is OMF-enabled.PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT is not configured in CDB1.PDB1 was unplugged from CDB1 earlier in the week.
Examine this command, which will be executed in CDB1:

USING "˜/u01/app/oracle/oradata/pdb1.xml’
("˜/u01/app/oracle/oradata/‘, "˜/u02/app/oracle/oradata/’);
Which two are true? (Choose two.)
A. PDB1 data files already exist in the correct location.
B. DBMS_PDB.CHECK_PLUG_COMPATIBILITY must be run in CDB1 before executing the command.
C. PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT must be set before executing the command.
D. /u01/app/oracle/oradata/pdb1.xml does not contain the current locations of data files for PDB1.
E. PDB1 must be dropped from CDB1.

A.correct, datafile will exist in correct location 
B.incorrect,not need, there is not compatibility problem on the same platform server
C.incorrect,not need, because the OMF has been enabled,it will automatically place datafile to correct location
D.incorrect, seems correct,but the answer is not enough to be  precise,in general, source_file_name_conver used in datafile actual location differnce in  the location that xml file recorded,but tested, if the datafile actual location is the same with the location that xml file recorded,also can use the sorce_file_name_convert clause.
so,the answer can not explain that xml doese not contain the current locations of datafiles,maybe contain?
E.correct,you must drop original pdb before plug a pdb

8.Examine these queries and their output:
After a system crash, an instance restart and an attempted opening of the PDBs result in:
Which two are true? (Choose two.)
A. Data file 24 can be recovered while PDB2 is opened.
B. Data file 24 must be recovered while the CDB is opened.
C. Data file 24 can be recovered while CDB R O O T a n d P D B ROOT and PDB ROOTandPDBSEED are opened.
D. Data file 24 cannot be recovered while the CDB is opened.
E. Data file 24 must be recovered while PDB2 is closed.

A. Correct. PDB2 may be in the OPEN state because it does not affect the recovery of PDB1.
B. False. is not "must",the CBD can be in the MOUNT state, as the guide says, or in the OPEN state
C. Correct. CDB$ROOT and PDB$SEED can be in OPEN status because they do not affect the recovery of PDB1.
D. Incorrect the  datafile can be retstored by backup when cdb is open or mount state.
E. Incorrect, is not "must",though the PDB2 status does not affect the recovery of PDB1,but it also can be recovered whil PDB2 is open .```

9.Your database is in ARCHIVELOG mode and you plan to use Flashback Database.
Which two features or parameters manage space availability in the fast recovery area? (Choose two.)
A. the archived log deletion policy
B. the backup optimization policy
C. the backup retention policy
D. using guaranteed UNDO retention
E. the DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_n parameter setting
F. the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter setting

A.correct, you can execute "delete obsolete" by rman to delete archivelog that are older than archivelog deletion retention policy
B.incorrect,this is about backup optimization rahter than space 
C.correct, you can execute "delete obsolete" by rman to delete backup that are older than retention policy
D.incorrect,this is relative to flashback database, which recover database with flashback log rather than undo,if here is db_flashback_retention_target,will be correct
E.incorrect,this is about destination
F.incorrect,this is about destination,unless following a db_recovery_file_dest_size

10.Which two are true about creating RMAN backups for an Oracle container database()?
A、Control file backups can be created while connected to cdb r o o t B 、 T h e B A C K U P T A B L E S P A C E c o m m a n d c a n b a c k u p a P D B t a b l e s p a c e e v e n i f R M A N i s c o n n e c t e d t o C D B root B、The BACKUP TABLESPACE command can back up a PDB tablespace even if RMAN is connected to CDB rootBTheBACKUPTABLESPACEcommandcanbackupaPDBtablespaceevenifRMANisconnectedtoCDBROOT
C、Online Redo Log backups can be created while connected to CDB$ROOT.
D、Control file backups can not be created while connected to a PPB.
E、Archived Redo Log backups can be created while connected to PDB

A.correct,you can backup controlfine in cdb$root by executing "backup current controfile" in RMAN;
B.correct,backup validate tablespace pdb:users
C.incorrect, rman never backup redo log, it only backup archivelog by executing "alter system switch logfile"
D.incorrect, tested, can execute "backup current controfile" in pdb
E.incorrect,tested, if you execute "backup archivelog all" in pdb, a prompt will be raised as below:
"skip archived log when connected to pdb"
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