PIVlab 快速入门整理


Background and quick start guide

PIVlab by William Thiellicke and Eize J. Stamhuis, is a program that can derive velocity information from image data using a method called particle image velocimetry. The whole software develop is based on the ideas and the principles presented in a book called Particle Image Velocimetry: A Practical Guide.


  1. Navigate to the PIVlab folder and then run PIVlab_GUI.m
  2. Load image data, for exmaple, PIVlab/Examples/PIVlab_Karman_0?.bmp
  3. Define region of interest (ROI) and also a mask (exclude some region from the analysis)
    • mask:
      • Zoom
      • Draw mask(s) for current frame
      • Double click the mask region
      • Apply current mask(s) to frames...
  4. Pre-process the image data (all these steps are actually done automatically and also they have some default settings)
    • different pre-process filters
      • CLATHE (contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization): enhance the contrast locally (ROI) in the image
      • high-pass (generally not use): emphasis the high frequency changes in the image shader. The purpose of the high-pass filter is to “sharpen” image. Sharpening will lose some information.
      • Intensity capping (Only needed for some special cases): equalize full-size and intensity of the particle data
      • denoise filter: if you have very noisy data
      • Preview current frame
  5. Set the PIV settings
    • FFT window deformation
    • in this example, use 4 passes to analyze data
      • the first pass should hace pretty large interrogation areas so you really capture the high velocity flow information
      • gradually decrease your interrogation size
      • you can see how big the interrogation areas actually are
  6. Start analysis
    • analyze all the frames
    • you can see how the resolution of the velocity information increases with every step
    • you can scroll through you timeline of image data
  7. Calibrate your data
    • select reference distance: not very accurate
      • set real distance and time step
    • apply calibration
    • if you click on any of these vectors, at the side you will see the u components (a horizontal flow velocity)
  8. Calidate the vectors: some vectors that are too large so there are errors in the correlation
    • Menu bar->Post-processing-Vector validation
    • the simplest validation method for validating velocities is actually to set the window width allowed velocities and non allowed velocities: Select velocity limits
    • select an rectangle, which is valid velocity information that I want to allow
    • Apply to all frames
    • error vectors have disappeared and they will replace automatically by interpolated data
  9. Display some parameters of the data
    • Menu bar->Plot->Derive parameters/modify data
    • eg. Velocity magnitude->Apply to all frames
    • color bar: Menu bar->Plot->Modify color appearance
    • Menu bar->Extractions: you can do a lot of data extractions
    • extract parameters from a line: Menu bar->Extractions->Parameters from poly-line-Draw-Parameter-Plot data
    • export the data: Menu bar->File->Save
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