【Cortex-M3 CMSIS内核驱动文件详解】4:内核功能接口



  • NVIC接口;
  • SysTick接口;
  • Reset接口。

4.1 NVIC功能接口

4.1.1 配置优先级分组

 * @brief  Set the Priority Grouping in NVIC Interrupt Controller
 * @param  PriorityGroup is priority grouping field
 * Set the priority grouping field using the required unlock sequence.
 * The parameter priority_grouping is assigned to the field 
 * SCB->AIRCR [10:8] PRIGROUP field. Only values from 0..7 are used.
 * In case of a conflict between priority grouping and available
 * priority bits (__NVIC_PRIO_BITS) the smallest possible priority group is set.
static __INLINE void NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping(uint32_t PriorityGroup)
  uint32_t reg_value;
  uint32_t PriorityGroupTmp = (PriorityGroup & 0x07);                         /* only values 0..7 are used          */
  reg_value  =  SCB->AIRCR;                                                   /* read old register configuration    */
  reg_value &= ~(SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY_Msk | SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP_Msk);             /* clear bits to change               */
  reg_value  =  (reg_value                       |
                (0x5FA << SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY_Pos) | 
                (PriorityGroupTmp << 8));                                     /* Insert write key and priorty group */
  SCB->AIRCR =  reg_value;



  1. 配置优先级分组,需要配置SCB_AIRCR寄存器。
  2. SCB_AIRCR寄存器提供了处理模式需要的优先级分组、数据访问的端状态和系统的复位控制。
  3. SCB_AIRCR寄存器需要特权等级访问。
  4. 写SCB_AIRCR寄存器前需要写0x5FA给VECTKEY,否则处理器写无效。
  5. 注意优先级有效位__NVIC_PRIO_BITS


  1. 保留输入有效值;
  2. 用定义的掩码清零VECTKEYPRIGROUP区域;
  3. 打开写保护的同时配置优先级分组。

4.1.2 获取优先级分组

 * @brief  Get the Priority Grouping from NVIC Interrupt Controller
 * @return priority grouping field 
 * Get the priority grouping from NVIC Interrupt Controller.
 * priority grouping is SCB->AIRCR [10:8] PRIGROUP field.
static __INLINE uint32_t NVIC_GetPriorityGrouping(void)
  return ((SCB->AIRCR & SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP_Msk) >> SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP_Pos);   /* read priority grouping field */


  1. 移位返回。

4.1.3 关闭使能相应的中断(IRQ,非系统错误)

 * @brief  Get the Priority Grouping from NVIC Interrupt Controller
 * @return priority grouping field 
 * Get the priority grouping from NVIC Interrupt Controller.
 * priority grouping is SCB->AIRCR [10:8] PRIGROUP field.
static __INLINE uint32_t NVIC_GetPriorityGrouping(void)
  return ((SCB->AIRCR & SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP_Msk) >> SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP_Pos);   /* read priority grouping field */


  1. IRQn >= 16。
  2. NVIC_ICERx不包括0~15系统错误。

4.1.4 获取中断挂起(IRQ,非系统错误)

 * @brief  Read the interrupt pending bit for a device specific interrupt source
 * @param  IRQn    The number of the device specifc interrupt
 * @return         1 = interrupt pending, 0 = interrupt not pending
 * Read the pending register in NVIC and return 1 if its status is pending, 
 * otherwise it returns 0
static __INLINE uint32_t NVIC_GetPendingIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn)
  return((uint32_t) ((NVIC->ISPR[(uint32_t)(IRQn) >> 5] & (1 << ((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0x1F)))?1:0)); /* Return 1 if pending else 0 */


  • 使用三目运算符判断挂起寄存器。

4.1.5 设置外部中断挂起(IRQ,非系统错误)

 * @brief  Set the pending bit for an external interrupt
 * @param  IRQn    The number of the interrupt for set pending
 * Set the pending bit for the specified interrupt.
 * The interrupt number cannot be a negative value.
static __INLINE void NVIC_SetPendingIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn)
  NVIC->ISPR[((uint32_t)(IRQn) >> 5)] = (1 << ((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0x1F)); /* set interrupt pending */

4.1.6 清除外部中断挂起(IRQ,非系统错误)

 * @brief  Clear the pending bit for an external interrupt
 * @param  IRQn    The number of the interrupt for clear pending
 * Clear the pending bit for the specified interrupt. 
 * The interrupt number cannot be a negative value.
static __INLINE void NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn)
  NVIC->ICPR[((uint32_t)(IRQn) >> 5)] = (1 << ((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0x1F)); /* Clear pending interrupt */

4.1.7 获取外部中断的活动位(IRQ,非系统错误)

 * @brief  Read the active bit for an external interrupt
 * @param  IRQn    The number of the interrupt for read active bit
 * @return         1 = interrupt active, 0 = interrupt not active
 * Read the active register in NVIC and returns 1 if its status is active, 
 * otherwise it returns 0.
static __INLINE uint32_t NVIC_GetActive(IRQn_Type IRQn)
  return((uint32_t)((NVIC->IABR[(uint32_t)(IRQn) >> 5] & (1 << ((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0x1F)))?1:0)); /* Return 1 if active else 0 */

4.1.8 设置中断优先级(系统异常+外部中断)

 * @brief  Set the priority for an interrupt
 * @param  IRQn      The number of the interrupt for set priority
 * @param  priority  The priority to set
 * Set the priority for the specified interrupt. The interrupt 
 * number can be positive to specify an external (device specific) 
 * interrupt, or negative to specify an internal (core) interrupt.
 * Note: The priority cannot be set for every core interrupt.
static __INLINE void NVIC_SetPriority(IRQn_Type IRQn, uint32_t priority)
  if(IRQn < 0) {
    SCB->SHP[((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0xF)-4] = ((priority << (8 - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) & 0xff); } /* set Priority for Cortex-M3 System Interrupts */
  else {
    NVIC->IP[(uint32_t)(IRQn)] = ((priority << (8 - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) & 0xff);    }        /* set Priority for device specific Interrupts  */


  • 用正负判断系统异常和外部中断。

4.1.9 获取中断优先级(系统异常+外部中断)

 * @brief  Read the priority for an interrupt
 * @param  IRQn      The number of the interrupt for get priority
 * @return           The priority for the interrupt
 * Read the priority for the specified interrupt. The interrupt 
 * number can be positive to specify an external (device specific) 
 * interrupt, or negative to specify an internal (core) interrupt.
 * The returned priority value is automatically aligned to the implemented
 * priority bits of the microcontroller.
 * Note: The priority cannot be set for every core interrupt.
static __INLINE uint32_t NVIC_GetPriority(IRQn_Type IRQn)

  if(IRQn < 0) {
    return((uint32_t)(SCB->SHP[((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0xF)-4] >> (8 - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)));  } /* get priority for Cortex-M3 system interrupts */
  else {
    return((uint32_t)(NVIC->IP[(uint32_t)(IRQn)]           >> (8 - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)));  } /* get priority for device specific interrupts  */

4.1.10 对中断优先级编码

 * @brief  Encode the priority for an interrupt
 * @param  PriorityGroup    The used priority group
 * @param  PreemptPriority  The preemptive priority value (starting from 0)
 * @param  SubPriority      The sub priority value (starting from 0)
 * @return                  The encoded priority for the interrupt
 * Encode the priority for an interrupt with the given priority group,
 * preemptive priority value and sub priority value.
 * In case of a conflict between priority grouping and available
 * priority bits (__NVIC_PRIO_BITS) the samllest possible priority group is set.
 * The returned priority value can be used for NVIC_SetPriority(...) function
static __INLINE uint32_t NVIC_EncodePriority (uint32_t PriorityGroup, uint32_t PreemptPriority, uint32_t SubPriority)
  uint32_t PriorityGroupTmp = (PriorityGroup & 0x07);          /* only values 0..7 are used          */
  uint32_t PreemptPriorityBits;
  uint32_t SubPriorityBits;

  PreemptPriorityBits = ((7 - PriorityGroupTmp) > __NVIC_PRIO_BITS) ? __NVIC_PRIO_BITS : 7 - PriorityGroupTmp;
  SubPriorityBits     = ((PriorityGroupTmp + __NVIC_PRIO_BITS) < 7) ? 0 : PriorityGroupTmp - 7 + __NVIC_PRIO_BITS;
  return (
           ((PreemptPriority & ((1 << (PreemptPriorityBits)) - 1)) << SubPriorityBits) |
           ((SubPriority     & ((1 << (SubPriorityBits    )) - 1)))

4.1.11 对中断优先级解码

 * @brief  Decode the priority of an interrupt
 * @param  Priority           The priority for the interrupt
 * @param  PriorityGroup      The used priority group
 * @param  pPreemptPriority   The preemptive priority value (starting from 0)
 * @param  pSubPriority       The sub priority value (starting from 0)
 * Decode an interrupt priority value with the given priority group to 
 * preemptive priority value and sub priority value.
 * In case of a conflict between priority grouping and available
 * priority bits (__NVIC_PRIO_BITS) the samllest possible priority group is set.
 * The priority value can be retrieved with NVIC_GetPriority(...) function
static __INLINE void NVIC_DecodePriority (uint32_t Priority, uint32_t PriorityGroup, uint32_t* pPreemptPriority, uint32_t* pSubPriority)
  uint32_t PriorityGroupTmp = (PriorityGroup & 0x07);          /* only values 0..7 are used          */
  uint32_t PreemptPriorityBits;
  uint32_t SubPriorityBits;

  PreemptPriorityBits = ((7 - PriorityGroupTmp) > __NVIC_PRIO_BITS) ? __NVIC_PRIO_BITS : 7 - PriorityGroupTmp;
  SubPriorityBits     = ((PriorityGroupTmp + __NVIC_PRIO_BITS) < 7) ? 0 : PriorityGroupTmp - 7 + __NVIC_PRIO_BITS;
  *pPreemptPriority = (Priority >> SubPriorityBits) & ((1 << (PreemptPriorityBits)) - 1);
  *pSubPriority     = (Priority                   ) & ((1 << (SubPriorityBits    )) - 1);

4.1.12 使能相应的中断(IRQ,非系统错误)

 * @brief  Enable Interrupt in NVIC Interrupt Controller
 * @param  IRQn   The positive number of the external interrupt to enable
 * Enable a device specific interupt in the NVIC interrupt controller.
 * The interrupt number cannot be a negative value.
static __INLINE void NVIC_EnableIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn)
  NVIC->ISER[((uint32_t)(IRQn) >> 5)] = (1 << ((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0x1F)); /* enable interrupt */

4.2 SysTick功能接口

4.2.1 初始化并启动SysTick计数器和它的中断

 * @brief  Initialize and start the SysTick counter and its interrupt.
 * @param   ticks   number of ticks between two interrupts
 * @return  1 = failed, 0 = successful
 * Initialise the system tick timer and its interrupt and start the
 * system tick timer / counter in free running mode to generate 
 * periodical interrupts.
static __INLINE uint32_t SysTick_Config(uint32_t ticks)
  if (ticks > SysTick_LOAD_RELOAD_Msk)  return (1);            /* Reload value impossible */
  SysTick->LOAD  = (ticks & SysTick_LOAD_RELOAD_Msk) - 1;      /* set reload register */
  NVIC_SetPriority (SysTick_IRQn, (1<<__NVIC_PRIO_BITS) - 1);  /* set Priority for Cortex-M0 System Interrupts */
  SysTick->VAL   = 0;                                          /* Load the SysTick Counter Value */
  SysTick->CTRL  = SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Msk | 
                   SysTick_CTRL_TICKINT_Msk   | 
                   SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk;                    /* Enable SysTick IRQ and SysTick Timer */
  return (0);                                                  /* Function successful */


  1. 参数检查;
  2. 配置重载寄存器;
  3. 配置SysTick中断优先级;
  4. 计数器现值清零;
  5. 配置时钟源为处理器时钟AHB;
  6. 使能时钟中断;
  7. 启动时钟;

4.3 Reset功能接口

4.3.1 发起系统复位请求

 * @brief  Initiate a system reset request.
 * Initiate a system reset request to reset the MCU
static __INLINE void NVIC_SystemReset(void)
  SCB->AIRCR  = ((0x5FA << SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY_Pos)      | 
                 (SCB->AIRCR & SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP_Msk) | 
                 SCB_AIRCR_SYSRESETREQ_Msk);                   /* Keep priority group unchanged */
  __DSB();                                                     /* Ensure completion of memory access */              
  while(1);                                                    /* wait until reset */


  • 复位时需要保持优先级分组不变。
  • 系统复位不会复位调试系统。


  1. 配置写访问;
  2. 保持优先级分组不变;
  3. 发起系统复位信号;
  4. 等待内存访问完成;
  5. 等待系统复位。

4.4 调试输入输出功能接口


  1. 内核调试输入/输出功能;
  2. 内核调试定义;
  3. 内核调试变量。
extern volatile int ITM_RxBuffer;                    /*!< variable to receive characters                             */
#define             ITM_RXBUFFER_EMPTY    0x5AA55AA5 /*!< value identifying ITM_RxBuffer is ready for next character */

4.4.1 输出字符在ITM通道0

 * @brief  Outputs a character via the ITM channel 0
 * @param  ch   character to output
 * @return      character to output
 * The function outputs a character via the ITM channel 0. 
 * The function returns when no debugger is connected that has booked the output.  
 * It is blocking when a debugger is connected, but the previous character send is not transmitted. 
static __INLINE uint32_t ITM_SendChar (uint32_t ch)
  if ((CoreDebug->DEMCR & CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA_Msk)  &&      /* Trace enabled */
      (ITM->TCR & ITM_TCR_ITMENA_Msk)                  &&      /* ITM enabled */
      (ITM->TER & (1ul << 0)        )                    )     /* ITM Port #0 enabled */
    while (ITM->PORT[0].u32 == 0);
    ITM->PORT[0].u8 = (uint8_t) ch;
  return (ch);

4.4.2 用ITM_RxBuffer接收字符

 * @brief  Inputs a character via variable ITM_RxBuffer
 * @return      received character, -1 = no character received
 * The function inputs a character via variable ITM_RxBuffer. 
 * The function returns when no debugger is connected that has booked the output.  
 * It is blocking when a debugger is connected, but the previous character send is not transmitted. 
static __INLINE int ITM_ReceiveChar (void) {
  int ch = -1;                               /* no character available */

  if (ITM_RxBuffer != ITM_RXBUFFER_EMPTY) {
    ch = ITM_RxBuffer;
    ITM_RxBuffer = ITM_RXBUFFER_EMPTY;       /* ready for next character */
  return (ch); 

4.4.3 通过变量 ITM_RxBuffer 检查字符是否可用

 * @brief  Check if a character via variable ITM_RxBuffer is available
 * @return      1 = character available, 0 = no character available
 * The function checks  variable ITM_RxBuffer whether a character is available or not. 
 * The function returns '1' if a character is available and '0' if no character is available. 
static __INLINE int ITM_CheckChar (void) {

  if (ITM_RxBuffer == ITM_RXBUFFER_EMPTY) {
    return (0);                                 /* no character available */
  } else {
    return (1);                                 /*    character available */
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ARM Cortex-M3与Cortex-M4权威指南高清版 姚文祥、吴常玉、曹孟娟、王丽红编写的《ARM Cortex-M3与Cortex-M4权威指南(第3版)》经过了全 新修订:增加了ARM Cortex—M4l处理器的信息;对 ARM cortex一M3处理器的讲解进行了*新;对于ARM Cortex—M3和ARM Cortex—M4进行了比较,方便其 他多种处理器架构移植到ARMCortex—M3和ARM cortex—M4。本版的其他修订细节如下: 新增了论述。DSP特性和CMSIS一DSP软件库的两 章内容,介绍了DSP的基础知识以及如何编写Cortex —M4 的DSP软件,其中包括使用CMSIS—DsP库的实例 以及cortex—M4的DsP陛能方面的知识。   新增了介绍cortex—M4浮点单元及其使用的一章 内容。   新增了介绍嵌入式操作系统的使用(基于CMSIs— RTOS)以及支持嵌入式操作系统的处理器特性的一章 内容。   多种调试技术以及疑难解答。   从其他处理器进行软件移植的内容。   此外,本书介绍了ARM架构的背景知识以及指令 集、中断处理等处理器特性,并描述了如何设置并利 用存储器保护单元(MPu)等可用的高级特性。书中论 述Keil MDK、IAR EWARM、gcc以及CooCoxCoIDE工具 入门的章节可以给初学者在编写程序代码方面提供一 些帮助,其中也包括一些重要的软件开发问题,比如 低功耗特性的使用、信息输入/输出的处理、汇编和 c语言的混合编程及其他高级技术话题。
CMSIS错误:Flash下载失败 - Cortex-M3 是指在使用Keil5下载程序时,出现了无法下载到Cortex-M3处理器的错误信息。 CMSIS是ARM公司发布的Cortex微控制器软件接口标准,它提供了独立于供应商的Cortex-M处理器系列硬件抽象层,为芯片厂商和中间件供应商提供了一致的开发接口和工具链支持。 解决CMSIS错误:Flash下载失败 - Cortex-M3的方法是打开项目设置,点击FLASH/CONFIGURE FLASH TOOLS,选择Debug标签。在这个设置中,你可以检查是否选择了正确的目标设备和调试工具,并确认连接方式和配置是否正确。<span class="em">1</span><span class="em">2</span><span class="em">3</span> #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* *3* [Error: Flash Download failed - Cortex-M4](https://blog.csdn.net/T76230169/article/details/113725099)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v93^chatsearchT3_2"}}] [.reference_item style="max-width: 50%"] - *2* [基于CMSIS标准的 Cortex-M3应用软件开发](https://download.csdn.net/download/weixin_38543280/13010953)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v93^chatsearchT3_2"}}] [.reference_item style="max-width: 50%"] [ .reference_list ]


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