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        <div class="header-title">Hello World</div>
        <p>China is speeding up strategic plan, standards, traffic rules, laws and regulations</p>
        <p>on accident-incurred liabilities for its smart car industry, Economic Information</p>
        <p>Daily reported Thursday.</p>
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          <p style="color: white;">Supportive policies<br> for China's smart car</p>
          <p style="color: white;">China will come up with its own smart car<br> standards, traffic
            rules, laws and regulations<br>relatingto safety, according to the China<br> Industry Innovation
            Alliance for the Intell-<br>igent andConnectedVehicles.</p>
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              <p>Li Jun, a China Academy of Engi-<br>neering academician and also<br> director of the alliance's
                experts'<br>committee, said that China will<br> also launch design guidance for<br> smart cars, smart
                map architec-<br>ture andstandards for test grounds.</p>

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            <div class="forth-wrap-bottom-middle-pic"><img src="img/Hero.png" alt="Hero"></div>
            <div class="forth-wrap-bottom-middle-text">
              <p>Li said the smart car industry is<br> able to enlarge the current car<br> industry by 1 trillion yuan
                ($158.15<br>billion) and also able to boost fast<br> development in 5G, internet of<br> cars, big data,
                artificial intelligence<br> and new-energy vehicles.</p>

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            <div class="forth-wrap-bottom-right-pic" right><img src="img/Portland.png" alt="Portland"></div>
            <div class="forth-wrap-bottom-right-text">
              <p>Zhang Junyi, a partner with NIO<br> Capital, said that the smart car is<br> the trend for the car
                industry and<br>China's auto sector will usher in a<br> new key development stage with<br> the
                improvement of infrastructure,<br>technology, policies and laws.</p>
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            <p>Learn How to Improve Your<br> Personal Business</p>
            <p>Li Jun, a China Academy of Engineering<br> academician and also director of the<br> alliance's experts'
              committee, said that<br> China will also launch design guidance<br> for smart cars, smart map
              architecture<br> and standards for test grounds.</p>
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            <p>Choose Between Two Beautifully<br> Designed Color Schemes.</p>
            <p>China will come up with its own smart<br> car standards, traffic rules, laws and re-<br>gulations
              relating to safety, according <br>to the China Industry Innovation Alliance<br> for the Intelligent and
              Connected Vehicles.
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