78.ORION 工具测试Oracle IO性能


Orion是Oracle提供的IO性能测试工具,运行该工具不需要安装oracle database软件或创建数据库。
从Oracle Database 11g开始,Orion工具被集成到GI和Database软件中,
[root@oracle11gdg IO]# su - oracle
Last login: Wed Jan 31 14:53:51 CST 2024 on pts/1
[oracle@oracle11gdg ~]$ which orion 



gunzip orion_linux_x86-64.zip 

vi test.lun

4. 8K随机读测试 

--8K块,写120s; RAID0磁盘整列。
./orion_linux_x86-64 -run advanced -num_large 0 -size_small 8 -type rand \
-simulate raid0 -write 0 -duration 120 -matrix row -testname test

[root@oracle11gdg IO]# ./orion_linux_x86-64 -run advanced -num_large 0 -size_small 8 -type rand -simulate raid0 -write 0 -duration 20 -matrix row -testname test
ORION: ORacle IO Numbers -- Version
Test will take approximately 3 minutes
Larger caches may take longer

-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root          104 Jan 31 15:07 test_20240131_1505_iops.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root          104 Jan 31 15:07 test_20240131_1505_lat.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root           60 Jan 31 15:07 test_20240131_1505_mbps.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root          661 Jan 31 15:07 test_20240131_1505_summary.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root         2278 Jan 31 15:07 test_20240131_1505_trace.txt

[root@oracle11gdg IO]# more test_20240131_1505_iops.csv 
Large/Small,      1,      2,      3,      4,      5
          0,   7630,  13362,  17312,  17645,  18869
[root@oracle11gdg IO]# more test_20240131_1505_lat.csv 
Large/Small,      1,      2,      3,      4,      5
          0,   0.13,   0.15,   0.17,   0.23,   0.26

--大的IOs的性能结果 MBPS(吞吐量)
[root@oracle11gdg IO]# more test_20240131_1505_mbps.csv 
Large/Small,      0,      1,      2,      3,      4,      5

[root@oracle11gdg IO]# more test_20240131_1505_summary.txt 

-run advanced -num_large 0 -size_small 8 -type rand -simulate raid0 -write 0 -duration 20 -matrix row -testname test 

This maps to this test:
Test: test
Small IO size: 8 KB
Large IO size: 1024 KB
IO Types: Small Random IOs, Large Random IOs
Simulated Array Type: RAID 0
Stripe Depth: 1024 KB
Write: 0%
Cache Size: Not Entered
Duration for each Data Point: 20 seconds
Small Columns:,      0,      1,      2,      3,      4,      5
Large Columns:,      0
Total Data Points: 6

Name: /dev/sda	Size: 107374182400
1 FILEs found.

Maximum Small IOPS=18869 @ Small=5 and Large=0
Minimum Small Latency=0.13 @ Small=1 and Large=0

[root@oracle11gdg IO]# more test_20240131_1505_trace.txt
Point 1 (small=0, large=0) of 6
Valid small 1 Valid large 1
ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 152602  Avg Lat =   0.13
ran (small): nio=152602 nior=152602 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my   1 oth   0 iops 7630 size 8 K lat   0.13 ms bw =  59.61 MBps dur  20.00 s READ
Point 2 (small=1, large=0) of 6
Valid small 1 Valid large 1
ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 133655  Avg Lat =   0.15
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 133591  Avg Lat =   0.15
ran (small): nio=267246 nior=267246 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my   2 oth   0 iops 13362 size 8 K lat   0.15 ms bw = 104.39 MBps dur  20.00 s READ
Point 3 (small=2, large=0) of 6
Valid small 1 Valid large 1
ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 115649  Avg Lat =   0.17
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 115403  Avg Lat =   0.17
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 115191  Avg Lat =   0.17
ran (small): nio=346243 nior=346243 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my   3 oth   0 iops 17312 size 8 K lat   0.17 ms bw = 135.25 MBps dur  20.00 s READ
Point 4 (small=3, large=0) of 6
Valid small 1 Valid large 1
ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 88135  Avg Lat =   0.23
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 88161  Avg Lat =   0.23
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 88311  Avg Lat =   0.23
ran (small): Index = 3  Count = 88298  Avg Lat =   0.23
ran (small): nio=352905 nior=352905 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my   4 oth   0 iops 17645 size 8 K lat   0.23 ms bw = 137.85 MBps dur  20.00 s READ
Point 5 (small=4, large=0) of 6
Valid small 1 Valid large 1
ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 75475  Avg Lat =   0.26
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 75422  Avg Lat =   0.26
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 75514  Avg Lat =   0.26
ran (small): Index = 3  Count = 75491  Avg Lat =   0.26
ran (small): Index = 4  Count = 75496  Avg Lat =   0.26
ran (small): nio=377398 nior=377398 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my   5 oth   0 iops 18869 size 8 K lat   0.26 ms bw = 147.42 MBps dur  20.00 s READ
Point 6 (small=5, large=0) of 6
Valid small 1 Valid large 1


./orion_linux_x86-64 -run oltp -testname test
[root@oracle11gdg IO]# ./orion_linux_x86-64 -run oltp -testname test
ORION: ORacle IO Numbers -- Version
Test will take approximately 22 minutes
Larger caches may take longer

-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root          344 Jan 31 15:40 test_20240131_1520_iops.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root          344 Jan 31 15:40 test_20240131_1520_lat.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root          172 Jan 31 15:40 test_20240131_1520_mbps.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root          660 Jan 31 15:40 test_20240131_1520_summary.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root        17327 Jan 31 15:40 test_20240131_1520_trace.txt

[root@oracle11gdg IO]# more test_20240131_1520_iops.csv
Large/Small,      1,      2,      3,      4,      5,      6,      7,      8,      9,     10,     11,     12,     13,     14,     15,     16,     17,     18,     19,     20
          0,   8147,  14472,  16759,  17334,  14570,  18333,  19218,  17097,  17577,  17690,  18164,  17587,  17462,  18597,  18274,  17000,  17949,  18064,  15517,  14989
[root@oracle11gdg IO]# more test_20240131_1520_lat.csv
Large/Small,      1,      2,      3,      4,      5,      6,      7,      8,      9,     10,     11,     12,     13,     14,     15,     16,     17,     18,     19,     20
          0,   0.12,   0.14,   0.18,   0.23,   0.34,   0.33,   0.36,   0.47,   0.51,   0.56,   0.61,   0.68,   0.74,   0.75,   0.82,   0.94,   0.95,   1.00,   1.22,   1.33

[root@oracle11gdg IO]# more test_20240131_1520_mbps.csv 
Large/Small,      1,      2,      3,      4,      5,      6,      7,      8,      9,     10,     11,     12,     13,     14,     15,     16,     17,     18,     19,     20
[root@oracle11gdg IO]# more test_20240131_1520_summary.txt 
-run oltp -testname test 
This maps to this test:
Test: test
Small IO size: 8 KB
Large IO size: 1024 KB
IO Types: Small Random IOs, Large Random IOs
Simulated Array Type: CONCAT
Write: 0%
Cache Size: Not Entered
Duration for each Data Point: 60 seconds
Small Columns:,      1,      2,      3,      4,      5,      6,      7,      8,      9,     10,     11,     12,     13,     14,     15,     16,     17,     18,     19,    
Large Columns:,      0
Total Data Points: 21
Name: /dev/sda	Size: 107374182400
1 FILEs found.
Maximum Small IOPS=19218 @ Small=7 and Large=0
Minimum Small Latency=0.12 @ Small=1 and Large=0

[root@oracle11gdg IO]# more test_20240131_1520_summary.txt 

-run oltp -testname test 

This maps to this test:
Test: test
Small IO size: 8 KB
Large IO size: 1024 KB
IO Types: Small Random IOs, Large Random IOs
Simulated Array Type: CONCAT
Write: 0%
Cache Size: Not Entered
Duration for each Data Point: 60 seconds
Small Columns:,      1,      2,      3,      4,      5,      6,      7,      8,      9,     10,     11,     12,     13,     14,     15,     16,     17,     18,     19,    
Large Columns:,      0
Total Data Points: 21

Name: /dev/sda	Size: 107374182400
1 FILEs found.

Maximum Small IOPS=19218 @ Small=7 and Large=0
Minimum Small Latency=0.12 @ Small=1 and Large=0
[root@oracle11gdg IO]# 
[root@oracle11gdg IO]# 
[root@oracle11gdg IO]# more test_20240131_1520_trace.txt 
ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 488875  Avg Lat =   0.12
ran (small): nio=488875 nior=488875 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my   1 oth   0 iops 8147 size 8 K lat   0.12 ms bw =  63.66 MBps dur  60.00 s READ
Point 1 (small=1, large=0) of 21
Valid small 1 Valid large 1

ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 434039  Avg Lat =   0.14
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 434283  Avg Lat =   0.14
ran (small): nio=868322 nior=868322 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my   2 oth   0 iops 14472 size 8 K lat   0.14 ms bw = 113.06 MBps dur  60.00 s READ

Point 2 (small=2, large=0) of 21
Valid small 1 Valid large 1

ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 335107  Avg Lat =   0.18
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 334989  Avg Lat =   0.18
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 335498  Avg Lat =   0.18
ran (small): nio=1005594 nior=1005594 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my   3 oth   0 iops 16759 size 8 K lat   0.18 ms bw = 130.94 MBps dur  60.00 s READ

Point 3 (small=3, large=0) of 21
Valid small 1 Valid large 1

ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 259935  Avg Lat =   0.23
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 259988  Avg Lat =   0.23
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 260201  Avg Lat =   0.23
ran (small): Index = 3  Count = 259950  Avg Lat =   0.23
ran (small): nio=1040074 nior=1040074 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my   4 oth   0 iops 17334 size 8 K lat   0.23 ms bw = 135.43 MBps dur  60.00 s READ

Point 4 (small=4, large=0) of 21
Valid small 1 Valid large 1

ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 174778  Avg Lat =   0.34
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 174887  Avg Lat =   0.34
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 174877  Avg Lat =   0.34
ran (small): Index = 3  Count = 174732  Avg Lat =   0.34
ran (small): Index = 4  Count = 174793  Avg Lat =   0.34
ran (small): nio=874067 nior=874067 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my   5 oth   0 iops 14570 size 8 K lat   0.34 ms bw = 113.83 MBps dur  59.99 s READ

Point 5 (small=5, large=0) of 21
Valid small 1 Valid large 1

ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 183327  Avg Lat =   0.33
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 183252  Avg Lat =   0.33
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 183195  Avg Lat =   0.33
ran (small): Index = 3  Count = 183300  Avg Lat =   0.33
ran (small): Index = 4  Count = 183286  Avg Lat =   0.33
ran (small): Index = 5  Count = 183272  Avg Lat =   0.33
ran (small): nio=1099632 nior=1099632 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my   6 oth   0 iops 18333 size 8 K lat   0.33 ms bw = 143.23 MBps dur  59.98 s READ

Point 6 (small=6, large=0) of 21
Valid small 1 Valid large 1

ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 164662  Avg Lat =   0.36
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 164664  Avg Lat =   0.36
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 164751  Avg Lat =   0.36
ran (small): Index = 3  Count = 164721  Avg Lat =   0.36
ran (small): Index = 4  Count = 164785  Avg Lat =   0.36
ran (small): Index = 5  Count = 164730  Avg Lat =   0.36
ran (small): Index = 6  Count = 164614  Avg Lat =   0.36
ran (small): nio=1152927 nior=1152927 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my   7 oth   0 iops 19218 size 8 K lat   0.36 ms bw = 150.15 MBps dur  59.99 s READ

Point 7 (small=7, large=0) of 21
Valid small 1 Valid large 1

ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 128161  Avg Lat =   0.47
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 128203  Avg Lat =   0.47
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 128259  Avg Lat =   0.47
ran (small): Index = 3  Count = 128153  Avg Lat =   0.47
ran (small): Index = 4  Count = 128278  Avg Lat =   0.47
ran (small): Index = 5  Count = 128203  Avg Lat =   0.47
ran (small): Index = 6  Count = 128190  Avg Lat =   0.47
ran (small): Index = 7  Count = 128242  Avg Lat =   0.47
ran (small): nio=1025689 nior=1025689 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my   8 oth   0 iops 17097 size 8 K lat   0.47 ms bw = 133.58 MBps dur  59.99 s READ

Point 8 (small=8, large=0) of 21
Valid small 1 Valid large 1

ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 117130  Avg Lat =   0.51
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 117202  Avg Lat =   0.51
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 117172  Avg Lat =   0.51
ran (small): Index = 3  Count = 117117  Avg Lat =   0.51
ran (small): Index = 4  Count = 117192  Avg Lat =   0.51
ran (small): Index = 5  Count = 117133  Avg Lat =   0.51
ran (small): Index = 6  Count = 117197  Avg Lat =   0.51
ran (small): Index = 7  Count = 117150  Avg Lat =   0.51
ran (small): Index = 8  Count = 117211  Avg Lat =   0.51
ran (small): nio=1054504 nior=1054504 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my   9 oth   0 iops 17577 size 8 K lat   0.51 ms bw = 137.33 MBps dur  59.99 s READ

Point 9 (small=9, large=0) of 21
Valid small 1 Valid large 1

ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 106079  Avg Lat =   0.56
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 106128  Avg Lat =   0.56
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 106133  Avg Lat =   0.56
ran (small): Index = 3  Count = 106134  Avg Lat =   0.56
ran (small): Index = 4  Count = 106132  Avg Lat =   0.56
ran (small): Index = 5  Count = 106138  Avg Lat =   0.56
ran (small): Index = 6  Count = 106132  Avg Lat =   0.56
ran (small): Index = 7  Count = 106128  Avg Lat =   0.57
ran (small): Index = 8  Count = 106091  Avg Lat =   0.57
ran (small): Index = 9  Count = 106152  Avg Lat =   0.56
ran (small): nio=1061247 nior=1061247 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my  10 oth   0 iops 17690 size 8 K lat   0.56 ms bw = 138.21 MBps dur  59.99 s READ

Point 10 (small=10, large=0) of 21
Valid small 1 Valid large 1

ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 99079  Avg Lat =   0.61
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 99116  Avg Lat =   0.60
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 99061  Avg Lat =   0.61
ran (small): Index = 3  Count = 99048  Avg Lat =   0.61
ran (small): Index = 4  Count = 99078  Avg Lat =   0.61
ran (small): Index = 5  Count = 99055  Avg Lat =   0.61
ran (small): Index = 6  Count = 99003  Avg Lat =   0.61
ran (small): Index = 7  Count = 99044  Avg Lat =   0.61
ran (small): Index = 8  Count = 99101  Avg Lat =   0.61
ran (small): Index = 9  Count = 99071  Avg Lat =   0.61
ran (small): Index = 10  Count = 99056  Avg Lat =   0.61
ran (small): nio=1089712 nior=1089712 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my  11 oth   0 iops 18164 size 8 K lat   0.61 ms bw = 141.91 MBps dur  59.99 s READ

Point 11 (small=11, large=0) of 21
Valid small 1 Valid large 1

ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 87957  Avg Lat =   0.68
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 87918  Avg Lat =   0.68
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 87891  Avg Lat =   0.68
ran (small): Index = 3  Count = 87920  Avg Lat =   0.68
ran (small): Index = 4  Count = 87948  Avg Lat =   0.68
ran (small): Index = 5  Count = 87896  Avg Lat =   0.68
ran (small): Index = 6  Count = 87933  Avg Lat =   0.68
ran (small): Index = 7  Count = 87931  Avg Lat =   0.68
ran (small): Index = 8  Count = 87911  Avg Lat =   0.68
ran (small): Index = 9  Count = 87910  Avg Lat =   0.68
ran (small): Index = 10  Count = 87948  Avg Lat =   0.68
ran (small): Index = 11  Count = 87899  Avg Lat =   0.68
ran (small): nio=1055062 nior=1055062 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my  12 oth   0 iops 17587 size 8 K lat   0.68 ms bw = 137.40 MBps dur  59.99 s READ

Point 12 (small=12, large=0) of 21
Valid small 1 Valid large 1

ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 80557  Avg Lat =   0.74
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 80608  Avg Lat =   0.74
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 80610  Avg Lat =   0.74
ran (small): Index = 3  Count = 80583  Avg Lat =   0.74
ran (small): Index = 4  Count = 80548  Avg Lat =   0.74
ran (small): Index = 5  Count = 80564  Avg Lat =   0.74
ran (small): Index = 6  Count = 80565  Avg Lat =   0.74
ran (small): Index = 7  Count = 80593  Avg Lat =   0.74
ran (small): Index = 8  Count = 80581  Avg Lat =   0.74
ran (small): Index = 9  Count = 80611  Avg Lat =   0.74
ran (small): Index = 10  Count = 80588  Avg Lat =   0.74
ran (small): Index = 11  Count = 80594  Avg Lat =   0.74
ran (small): Index = 12  Count = 80582  Avg Lat =   0.74
ran (small): nio=1047584 nior=1047584 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my  13 oth   0 iops 17462 size 8 K lat   0.74 ms bw = 136.43 MBps dur  59.99 s READ

Point 13 (small=13, large=0) of 21
Valid small 1 Valid large 1

ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 79683  Avg Lat =   0.75
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 79670  Avg Lat =   0.75
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 79677  Avg Lat =   0.75
ran (small): Index = 3  Count = 79708  Avg Lat =   0.75
ran (small): Index = 4  Count = 79670  Avg Lat =   0.75
ran (small): Index = 5  Count = 79708  Avg Lat =   0.75
ran (small): Index = 6  Count = 79670  Avg Lat =   0.75
ran (small): Index = 7  Count = 79706  Avg Lat =   0.75
ran (small): Index = 8  Count = 79683  Avg Lat =   0.75
ran (small): Index = 9  Count = 79690  Avg Lat =   0.75
ran (small): Index = 10  Count = 79688  Avg Lat =   0.75
ran (small): Index = 11  Count = 79712  Avg Lat =   0.75
ran (small): Index = 12  Count = 79710  Avg Lat =   0.75
ran (small): Index = 13  Count = 79679  Avg Lat =   0.75
ran (small): nio=1115654 nior=1115654 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my  14 oth   0 iops 18597 size 8 K lat   0.75 ms bw = 145.29 MBps dur  59.99 s READ

Point 14 (small=14, large=0) of 21
Valid small 1 Valid large 1

ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 73076  Avg Lat =   0.82
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 73091  Avg Lat =   0.82
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 73108  Avg Lat =   0.82
ran (small): Index = 3  Count = 73089  Avg Lat =   0.82
ran (small): Index = 4  Count = 73078  Avg Lat =   0.82
ran (small): Index = 5  Count = 73066  Avg Lat =   0.82
ran (small): Index = 6  Count = 73085  Avg Lat =   0.82
ran (small): Index = 7  Count = 73065  Avg Lat =   0.82
ran (small): Index = 8  Count = 73075  Avg Lat =   0.82
ran (small): Index = 9  Count = 73067  Avg Lat =   0.82
ran (small): Index = 10  Count = 73090  Avg Lat =   0.82
ran (small): Index = 11  Count = 73099  Avg Lat =   0.82
ran (small): Index = 12  Count = 73088  Avg Lat =   0.82
ran (small): Index = 13  Count = 73109  Avg Lat =   0.82
ran (small): Index = 14  Count = 73074  Avg Lat =   0.82
ran (small): nio=1096260 nior=1096260 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my  15 oth   0 iops 18274 size 8 K lat   0.82 ms bw = 142.77 MBps dur  59.99 s READ

Point 15 (small=15, large=0) of 21
Valid small 1 Valid large 1

ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 63722  Avg Lat =   0.94
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 63740  Avg Lat =   0.94
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 63738  Avg Lat =   0.94
ran (small): Index = 3  Count = 63729  Avg Lat =   0.94
ran (small): Index = 4  Count = 63728  Avg Lat =   0.94
ran (small): Index = 5  Count = 63775  Avg Lat =   0.94
ran (small): Index = 6  Count = 63734  Avg Lat =   0.94
ran (small): Index = 7  Count = 63745  Avg Lat =   0.94
ran (small): Index = 8  Count = 63754  Avg Lat =   0.94
ran (small): Index = 9  Count = 63738  Avg Lat =   0.94
ran (small): Index = 10  Count = 63749  Avg Lat =   0.94
ran (small): Index = 11  Count = 63757  Avg Lat =   0.94
ran (small): Index = 12  Count = 63745  Avg Lat =   0.94
ran (small): Index = 13  Count = 63761  Avg Lat =   0.94
ran (small): Index = 14  Count = 63727  Avg Lat =   0.94
ran (small): Index = 15  Count = 63742  Avg Lat =   0.94
ran (small): nio=1019884 nior=1019884 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my  16 oth   0 iops 17000 size 8 K lat   0.94 ms bw = 132.82 MBps dur  59.99 s READ

Point 16 (small=16, large=0) of 21
Valid small 1 Valid large 1

ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 63361  Avg Lat =   0.95
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 63350  Avg Lat =   0.95
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 63334  Avg Lat =   0.95
ran (small): Index = 3  Count = 63339  Avg Lat =   0.95
ran (small): Index = 4  Count = 63336  Avg Lat =   0.95
ran (small): Index = 5  Count = 63324  Avg Lat =   0.95
ran (small): Index = 6  Count = 63355  Avg Lat =   0.95
ran (small): Index = 7  Count = 63342  Avg Lat =   0.95
ran (small): Index = 8  Count = 63348  Avg Lat =   0.95
ran (small): Index = 9  Count = 63317  Avg Lat =   0.95
ran (small): Index = 10  Count = 63325  Avg Lat =   0.95
ran (small): Index = 11  Count = 63357  Avg Lat =   0.95
ran (small): Index = 12  Count = 63352  Avg Lat =   0.95
ran (small): Index = 13  Count = 63332  Avg Lat =   0.95
ran (small): Index = 14  Count = 63359  Avg Lat =   0.95
ran (small): Index = 15  Count = 63334  Avg Lat =   0.95
ran (small): Index = 16  Count = 63324  Avg Lat =   0.95
ran (small): nio=1076789 nior=1076789 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my  17 oth   0 iops 17949 size 8 K lat   0.95 ms bw = 140.23 MBps dur  59.99 s READ
Point 17 (small=17, large=0) of 21
Valid small 1 Valid large 1
ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 60190  Avg Lat =   1.00
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 60196  Avg Lat =   1.00
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 60194  Avg Lat =   1.00
ran (small): Index = 3  Count = 60206  Avg Lat =   1.00
ran (small): Index = 4  Count = 60205  Avg Lat =   1.00
ran (small): Index = 5  Count = 60202  Avg Lat =   1.00
ran (small): Index = 6  Count = 60193  Avg Lat =   1.00
ran (small): Index = 7  Count = 60207  Avg Lat =   1.00
ran (small): Index = 8  Count = 60223  Avg Lat =   1.00
ran (small): Index = 9  Count = 60237  Avg Lat =   1.00
ran (small): Index = 10  Count = 60199  Avg Lat =   1.00
ran (small): Index = 11  Count = 60204  Avg Lat =   1.00
ran (small): Index = 12  Count = 60194  Avg Lat =   1.00
ran (small): Index = 13  Count = 60222  Avg Lat =   1.00
ran (small): Index = 14  Count = 60208  Avg Lat =   1.00
ran (small): Index = 15  Count = 60208  Avg Lat =   1.00
ran (small): Index = 16  Count = 60211  Avg Lat =   1.00
ran (small): Index = 17  Count = 60220  Avg Lat =   1.00
ran (small): nio=1083719 nior=1083719 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my  18 oth   0 iops 18064 size 8 K lat   1.00 ms bw = 141.13 MBps dur  59.99 s READ
Point 18 (small=18, large=0) of 21
Valid small 1 Valid large 1
ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 49014  Avg Lat =   1.22
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 48976  Avg Lat =   1.22
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 48970  Avg Lat =   1.22
ran (small): Index = 3  Count = 48975  Avg Lat =   1.22
ran (small): Index = 4  Count = 48979  Avg Lat =   1.22
ran (small): Index = 5  Count = 48983  Avg Lat =   1.22
ran (small): Index = 6  Count = 48999  Avg Lat =   1.22
ran (small): Index = 7  Count = 49010  Avg Lat =   1.22
ran (small): Index = 8  Count = 48982  Avg Lat =   1.22
ran (small): Index = 9  Count = 49020  Avg Lat =   1.22
ran (small): Index = 10  Count = 48980  Avg Lat =   1.22
ran (small): Index = 11  Count = 49012  Avg Lat =   1.22
ran (small): Index = 12  Count = 48999  Avg Lat =   1.22
ran (small): Index = 13  Count = 48997  Avg Lat =   1.22
ran (small): Index = 14  Count = 49015  Avg Lat =   1.22
ran (small): Index = 15  Count = 48979  Avg Lat =   1.22
ran (small): Index = 16  Count = 48997  Avg Lat =   1.22
ran (small): Index = 17  Count = 48996  Avg Lat =   1.22
ran (small): Index = 18  Count = 48996  Avg Lat =   1.22
ran (small): nio=930879 nior=930879 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my  19 oth   0 iops 15517 size 8 K lat   1.22 ms bw = 121.23 MBps dur  59.99 s READ
Point 19 (small=19, large=0) of 21
Valid small 1 Valid large 1
ran (small): VLun = 0 Size = 107374182400
ran (small): Index = 0  Count = 44965  Avg Lat =   1.33
ran (small): Index = 1  Count = 44967  Avg Lat =   1.33
ran (small): Index = 2  Count = 44956  Avg Lat =   1.33
ran (small): Index = 3  Count = 44959  Avg Lat =   1.33
ran (small): Index = 4  Count = 44991  Avg Lat =   1.33
ran (small): Index = 5  Count = 44968  Avg Lat =   1.33
ran (small): Index = 6  Count = 44962  Avg Lat =   1.33
ran (small): Index = 7  Count = 44967  Avg Lat =   1.33
ran (small): Index = 8  Count = 44960  Avg Lat =   1.33
ran (small): Index = 9  Count = 44937  Avg Lat =   1.33
ran (small): Index = 10  Count = 44951  Avg Lat =   1.33
ran (small): Index = 11  Count = 44956  Avg Lat =   1.33
ran (small): Index = 12  Count = 44946  Avg Lat =   1.33
ran (small): Index = 13  Count = 44959  Avg Lat =   1.33
ran (small): Index = 14  Count = 44968  Avg Lat =   1.33
ran (small): Index = 15  Count = 44968  Avg Lat =   1.33
ran (small): Index = 16  Count = 44954  Avg Lat =   1.33
ran (small): Index = 17  Count = 44958  Avg Lat =   1.33
ran (small): Index = 18  Count = 44962  Avg Lat =   1.33
ran (small): Index = 19  Count = 44967  Avg Lat =   1.33
ran (small): nio=899221 nior=899221 niow=0 req w%=0 act w%=0
ran (small): my  20 oth   0 iops 14989 size 8 K lat   1.33 ms bw = 117.11 MBps dur  59.99 s READ
Point 20 (small=20, large=0) of 21
Valid small 1 Valid large 1


./orion_linux_x86-64 -run simple -testname test -num_disks 1
./orion_linux_x86-64 -run dss -testname test -num_disks 1



也可以使用fio ,这个工具测试的是文件系统,而非磁盘。两者互补,都可以测试磁盘IO性能。





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


