select MAX(ord) from table_namewhere state != 2 and branch_code = 1101
1、利用“+”运算符,语法“‘字符串’ + 0”;
select MAX(ord + 0) from table_name where state != 2 and branch_code = 1101
2、利用cast()函数,语法“cast(‘字符串’ as 数值类型)”;
select MAX(CAST(ord as signed)) from table_name where state != 2 and branch_code = 1101
2.2:取无符号整数 : UNSIGNED
select MAX(CAST(ord as UNSIGNED)) from table_name where state != 2 and branch_code = 1101
2.3:浮点数 : DECIMAL
select MAX(CAST(ord as DECIMAL(10,2))) from table_name where state != 2 and branch_code = 1101
3、利用convert()函数,语法“convert(‘字符串’, 数值类型)”
select MAX(CONVERT(ord,SIGNED)) from table_name where state != 2 and branch_code = 1101
3.2:无符号整数 : UNSIGNED
select MAX(CONVERT(ord,UNSIGNED)) from table_name where state != 2 and branch_code = 1101
3.3:浮点数 : DECIMAL
select MAX(CONVERT(ord,DECIMAL(10,2))) from table_name where state != 2 and branch_code = 1101