
Dim imgPath        As String
Dim choosedImgPath As String
Dim choosed        As String
Dim myName         As String
Dim ipaddress      As String '桭払偺IP :
Dim canImgCli      As Boolean
Dim game123        As Integer '僎乕儉忬懺

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim ipname As String
    Dim Bind() As String

    ipname = Winsock.LocalIP
    Bind = Split(ipname, ".")
    Winsock.Bind (1000 + Bind(3))
    txtOutPut.Locked = True
    cmdConnect.Enabled = False
    cmdSend.Enabled = False
    cmdSelMsg.Enabled = False
    txtMsg.Enabled = False
    cmdSure.Enabled = False
    canImgCli = True
    game123 = 0

End Sub

Private Sub cobFriendIp_Change()
    cmdConnect.Enabled = False
    ipaddress = cobFriendIp.Text
    If isValidIpAddress(ipaddress) Then
        cmdConnect.Enabled = True
    End If
End Sub

Private Function isValidIpAddress(strIpAddress As String) As Boolean
    Dim reg As New RegExp, i As Integer
    Dim strArr() As String
    reg.IgnoreCase = True
    reg.Global = True
    reg.MultiLine = True
    reg.Pattern = "^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$"
    isValidIpAddress = reg.Test(strIpAddress)
    If isValidIpAddress = True Then
        strArr = Split(strIpAddress, ".")
        For i = 0 To UBound(strArr)
            isValidIpAddress = isValidIpAddress And isValidIpNumber(strArr(i))
        Next i
    End If
End Function

Private Function isValidIpNumber(strNumber As String)
    Dim ipnum As Integer
    ipnum = CInt(strNumber)
    isValidIpNumber = (ipnum < 256)
End Function

Private Sub cobFriendIp_Click()
    If cobFriendIp.Text = "焨墄)" Then
        ipaddress = ""
        cmdConnect.Enabled = True
    ElseIf cobFriendIp.Text = "攏宒)" Then
        ipaddress = ""
        cmdConnect.Enabled = True
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub pageInit()
    If frmReady.i = 0 Then
        imgPath = "\img\img1.jpg"
    ElseIf frmReady.i = 1 Then
        imgPath = "\img\img2.jpg"
    ElseIf frmReady.i = 2 Then
        imgPath = "\img\img3.jpg"
    ElseIf frmReady.i = 3 Then
        imgPath = "\img\img4.jpg"
    End If
    ImgMyPic.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & imgPath)
    labMyName.Caption = frmReady.userName
    myName = frmReady.userName
End Sub

Private Sub imgGame_Click(Index As Integer)
    cmdSure.Enabled = True
    If canImgCli Then
        If Index = 0 Then
            choosed = 1                    'shitou
            choosedImgPath = "\img\shi.jpg"
        ElseIf Index = 1 Then
            choosed = 2                    'jiandao
            choosedImgPath = "\img\jian.jpg"
        ElseIf Index = 2 Then
            choosed = 3                    'bu
            choosedImgPath = "\img\bu.jpg"
        End If
        imgMyChoice.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & choosedImgPath)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdConnect_Click()
    On Error GoTo ipError
        With Winsock
            .RemoteHost = ipaddress
            Dim RemotePort() As String
            RemotePort = Split(ipaddress, ".")
            .RemotePort = (1000 + RemotePort(3))
        End With
        MsgBox "愙懕梫媮偺憲怣偵惉岟偟傑偟偨"
        Winsock.SendData "@InitSend@" & myName & "@" & imgPath
        cmdSend.Enabled = True
        cmdSelMsg.Enabled = True
        txtMsg.Enabled = True
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox ("惓偟偄IP僼僅乕儅僢僩傪擖椡偟偰偔偩偝偄")
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSure_Click()
    cmdSure.Enabled = False

    game123 = game123 + 1
    Winsock.SendData "@GameSend@" & myName & "@" & choosed & "@" & choosedImgPath
    canImgCli = False
End Sub


Private Sub cmdSelMsg_Click()
    txtMsg.Text = cmdSelMsg.Text
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSend_Click()
    If txtMsg.Text <> "" Then
        txtOutPut.Text = txtOutPut.Text & "---巹偼---" & vbCrLf
        txtOutPut.Text = txtOutPut.Text & txtMsg.Text & vbCrLf
         Dim tempstr As String
        Winsock.SendData "@MsgSend@" & myName & "@" & txtMsg.Text
        txtMsg.Text = ""
        cmdSelMsg.Text = ""

        MsgBox "儊僢僙乕僕偼嬻偵偱偒傑偣傫"
    End If
End Sub


Private Sub Winsock_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
    Dim strData        As String
    Dim strDatas()     As String
    Dim strDataTxt     As String
    Dim strDataName    As String
    Dim strDataImgPath As String
    Dim strDataChoPath As String
    Dim strDataFriChoe As String
    Dim strGame        As String
    Winsock.GetData strData

    If InStr(strData, "@InitSend@") Then
       'MsgBox "---------friend picture and name----------"
        MsgBox "偁側偨偺桭払偑棃傑偟偨"
        strDatas = Split(strData, "@")
        strDataName = strDatas(2)
        strDataImgPath = strDatas(3)
        labFriendName.Caption = strDataName
        ImgFriPic.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & strDataImgPath)
    ElseIf InStr(strData, "@GameSend@") Then
        game123 = game123 + 1
        strDatas = Split(strData, "@")
       ' MsgBox "---------shiitou---jiandao---bu----------"
        strDataFriChoe = strDatas(3)
        strDataChoPath = strDatas(4)
        imgFriChoice.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & strDataChoPath)
        If game123 = 2 Then
            strGame = choosed & strDataFriChoe
            Select Case strGame
                Case "11"
                    MsgBox "堷偒暘偗"
                Case "12"
                    MsgBox "偁側偨偺彑偪偱偡"
                Case "13"
                    MsgBox "偁側偨偺晧偗偱偡"
                Case "21"
                    MsgBox "偁側偨偺晧偗偱偡"
                Case "22"
                    MsgBox "堷偒暘偗"
                Case "23"
                    MsgBox "偁側偨偺彑偪偱偡"
                Case "31"
                    MsgBox "偁側偨偺彑偪偱偡"
                Case "32"
                    MsgBox "偁側偨偺晧偗偱偡"
                Case "33"
                    MsgBox "堷偒暘偗"
            End Select
            canImgCli = True
            game123 = 0
        End If
    ElseIf InStr(strData, "@MsgSend@") Then
       ' MsgBox "----------@MsgSend@---------"
        strDatas = Split(strData, "@")
        strDataName = strDatas(2)
        strDataTxt = strDatas(3)
        txtOutPut.Text = txtOutPut.Text & "---" & strDataName & "---" & vbCrLf
        txtOutPut.Text = txtOutPut.Text & strDataTxt & vbCrLf

    End If
End Sub


Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
    Unload Me
End Sub





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