Swift Programming Tutorial for Beginners(Full Tutorial)


视频网址:Swift Programming Tutorial for Beginners (Full Tutorial) - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ulp1Kimblg0&t=11400s


Learn how to code with Swift in one single tutorial! We'll go through all the core concepts of Swift including: Variables and Constants, Data Types, Properties, Functions and Parameters, Classes, IF Statements And a lot more! 🚨 SPECIAL CWC+ OFFER FOR YOUTUBE: https://cwc.to/youtubeoffer 𝗩𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲s𝘁𝗮𝗺𝗽𝘀:

00:00 Variables ​​​​​​15:13 Data Type 22:23 If Statements 38:01 Switch Statements 44:26 Loops (I) 54:48 Loops (II) 01:01:02 Functions (I) 01:10:39 Functions (II) 01:27:16 Classes (I) 01:38:36 Classes (II) 01:50:58 UIKit 01:57:26 Initializers (I) 02:05:41 Optionals 02:20:48 Properties 02:37:44 Initializers (II) 02:44:41 Arrays 02:58:22 Dictionaries 03:09:50 Outro 03:10:14 End of Stream (Nothing to see)

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//Learn Swift On YOUTUBE

import UIKit
// lesson 1: var let print()
//var str:String = "Hello, playgroundasdf"
//var a:Int = 2
//var b:Int = 1
//a = b
//var c:Float = 2.3
//var d:Double = 13.9
//var e:Bool = true

//str = 29 cannnot assign value of type int to type string
//str = String(29)
//var myNumberOfApples = 19
//print(a + b)
//print(a - b)
//print(a * b)
//print(a / b)
//var f = 10
//f = 2
// Lesson2 : data types  15:06

// String: piece of text
// int: Whole numbers positive and negative
// Float: Decimal numbers
// Double: Large decimal numbers
// Bool: True of False

//  lesson3 : IF Statements 22:45
// if condition
// {
//      some code
// }
// else if condition2{
//  some code
// }
// else{
// some code
// }
//let a = 10
//let b = 1
//let c = 3
//if (a < 4 || b < 4) && c != 3 {// and &&; or ||; not equal to  !=
    print("only if a is less than 4")
//    print("branch 1")
//else if a < 8 {
    print("only if a is less than 8")
//    print("branch 2")
//else if a != 10{
//    print("branch 3")
//    print("nothing was true")
// Lesson4: Switch Statements

// switch value to consider{
//      case value1:
//          some code
//      case value2:
//          some code
//      default:
//          some code
//  }

//var someCharacter:Character = "a"
//switch someCharacter {
//    case "a":
//        print("ia an A")
//    case "b", "c"://wrap some cases together
//        print("ia a B or C")
//    default:
//        print("some fallback")

// lesson5: Loops (Part1)-For-in Loop

// For In Loop
// for counter in lower ... upper{
//      some code
// }
//var sum = 0
//for index in 1...5 {
    sum = sum + index
//    sum += index
//print(sum)  //Wrong
//print(index) // Wrong!

// lesson6: Loop (Part2)-while loop 54:48

// while condition{
//      some code
// }

//var counter = -5
//while counter > 0 {
//    print("hello")
//    counter -= 1
            // check and do

// repeat- while LOOP
// repeat {
//      some code
// }while condition
//repeat {
//    print("hello2")
//    counter = counter - 1
//} while counter > 0
            // do and check

//Lesson7: Function(Part 1) 1:01:08
// Basic Funtion Syntax
// func name(){
//      some code

//func addTwoNumbers(){
//    let a = 1
//    let b = 2
//    let c = a + b
//    print(c)

//func addTwoNumbers(){
//    let a = 1
//    let b = 2
//    let c = a + b
//    print(c)
//func substractTwoNumbers(){
//    let a = 1
//    let d = 1
//    let e = a - d
//    print(e)

// Lesson8: Function Part2 1:11:05
// Method/Function: Methods and Functions are two different names for the same thing!!
// learn Retuen values
// func name()->DataType{
//      some code
//      return someValue
// }

//func addTwoNumbers()->Int{
//    let a = 1
//    let b = 2
    let c = a + b
    return c
//    return a+b
//let sum = addTwoNumbers()

// Function Syntax: 1 Parameter
// func name(argumentLabel parameterName:DataType){
//      some code
// }
//func addTwoNumbers(arg para:Int)->Int{
//    let a = para
//    let b = 2
    let c = a + b
    return c
//    return a+b
//let sum = addTwoNumbers(arg: 2)
// Function Syntax: Multiple Parameters
// func name(argl param1:DataType, arg2 param2:DataType){
//      some code
// }

//func addTwoNumbers(arg para:Int, arg2 para2:Int)->Int{
//func addTwoNumbers(number1:Int, number2:Int)->Int{
//func addTwoNumbers(_ number1:Int, _ number2:Int)->Int{
    let a = para
    let b = para2
    let c = a + b
    return c
//    return number1 + number2
let sum = addTwoNumbers(para:2,  para:3)
let sum = addTwoNumbers(number1:2,  number2:3)
//let sum = addTwoNumbers(2,  3)

//Lesson9: Classes(Part 1) 1:27:38

//var blogTitle = "hello playground"
//var blogBody = "Text of the article"
//var blogAuther = "Wenpeng LI"
//var blogTitle2 = "GoodBye, playground"
//var blogBody2 = "Text of the article"
//var blogAuther2 = "Chris Ching"
 Class syntax:
 class name{
//class BlogPost{
//    var title = "" // property is the variable in a class
//    var body = ""
//    var auther = ""
//    var numberOfComments = 0
//    func addComment(){
//        numberOfComments += 1
//    }
//let myPost = BlogPost()// instance of the class; Classes and Objects: A class definition is a like a template or blueprint. When you create an actual tangible instance of the class that instance is a called an "Object"
//myPost.title = "hello playground"
//myPost.auther = "Wenpeng LI"
//myPost.body = "Hello"
//print(myPost.numberOfComment) //Wrong
//let mySecondPost = BlogPost()
//mySecondPost.title = "Goodbye Playground"
//mySecondPost.auther = "John Travolta"
//mySecondPost.body = "Hello bye"

//Lesson10: Classes(Part2)- Inheritance     1:39:02
//class Car{
//    var topSpeed = 200
//    func drive(){
//        print("Driving at \(topSpeed)")
//    }
//class FutureCar{
//    var topSpeed = 250
//    func drive(){
//        print("Driving at \(topSpeed)")
//    }
//    func fly(){
//        print("Flying")
//    }
//let myRide = Car()
//let myNewRide = FutureCar()

//Class Inheritance
//   Car     known as the superclass(or parent class) of FutureCar
//    ^
//    |
//  FutureCar    known as the subclass of Car

//class Car{
//    var topSpeed = 200
//    func drive(){
//        print("Driving at \(topSpeed)")
//    }
//class FutureCar:Car{
//    var topSpeed = 250
//    func drive(){
//        print("Driving at \(topSpeed)")
//    }
//    override func drive() {
//        super.drive()
//        print("and rokets boosting at \(topSpeed+50)")
//    }
//    func fly(){
//        print("Flying")
//    }
//let myRide = Car()
//let myNewRide = FutureCar()

// Lesson 11&12: UIKit                             1:54:55
// Initializers

//class Person{
//    var name = ""
//    var age = 0
//    init(){
//    }
//    init(n:String, a:Int){
//        // Set up your object
//        name = "Alex"
//        age  = 29
//    init(n:String, a:Int){
//        // Set up your object
//        name = n
//        age  = a
//    init(_ n:String, _ a:Int){
//        // Set up your object
//        name = n
//        age  = a
//    init(_ n:String, _ a:Int){
//        // Set up your object
//        self.name = n
//        self.age  = a
//    }
var a = Person(n: "wenpeng", a: 33)
//var a = Person("Wenpeng", 29)
//var b = Person()

// Lesson 13: Optionals             2:05:55

//class Person{
//    var name = ""

//class BlogPost {
//    var title:String?// ? means it could be none of cantain a string  It's a optional!!!
//    var body = "hey"
//    var author:Person? // same to title, it can be a person or none
//    var numberOfComments = 0
//let post = BlogPost()
//print(post.body + " hello!")
//post.title = "yo"

//Optional Binding
//if let actualTitle = post.title{
//    print(actualTitle + " salut")
print(post.title! + " salut")
//if post.title != nil {
//    print(post.title! + " salut")
//if post.title == nil {
//    //optional contains no value
//    print("no title in post")

// Lesson 14: Properties

//class Person{
//    var name = ""
//class BlogPost {
//    // Computed property
//    var fullTitle:String{
//        // Check that title and author are not nil
//        if title != nil && author != nil {
//            return title! + " by " + author!.name
//        }
//        else if title != nil {
//            return title!
//        }
//        else {
//            return "NO Title"
//        }
//    }
//    var title:String?// ? means it could be none of cantain a string  It's a optional!!!
//    var body = "hey"
//    var author:Person? // same to title, it can be a person or none
//    var numberOfComments = 0

//    func addComment(){
//        var myComment = "Some comment"
//        print(body)
//    }
//    func shareArticle(){
//        print()
//    }
//    func addUpCommentCounts() ->Int{
//        //Do some calculations
//        //Arrive at a result
//        numberOfComments = 1
//        return
//    }

//let myPost = BlogPost()
//myPost.title = "Title of Post"
//let myPostTwo = BlogPost()
//myPostTwo.title = "Another Title"

//let author = Person()
//author.name = "wenpeng Li"
//let myPost = BlogPost()
//myPost.author = author
//myPost.title = "Learn Swift for Beginners"

// Lesson15: Initializers(Part 2) 2:38:20

// Lesson16: Array                2:44:47

//var a = "dog"
//var b = "cat"
//var c = "bird"
//a = "my " + a
//var d = ["dog", "cat", "bird"]
//var e = [String]() // an emty declearation for array
//d += ["mouse", "owl"]// += means adding items

//d.remove(at: 0)

//a = "my " + d[0]
//b = "my " + d[1]
//c = "my " + d[2]
//for counter in 0...2 {
//    print("my " + d[counter])
//for item in d {
//    print("My " + item)

//d[0] = "turtle"
//d.count//count the number of d

// Leason 17: Dictionaries

//var carDB = Dictionary<String, String>()
//var carDB2 = [String:String]()

//var arrayExample = [String]() // can be understand as a String array

//var carDB = [String:String]()
Declearing a new Dictionary
//carDB["JSD 238"] = "Blue Ferrari"
//carDB["SID 482"] = "Green Lamborghini"
 Retrieving data
//carDB["JSD 238"] // Optional Type
Update a value for a key
//carDB["JSD 238"]  = "Red Ferrari"
remove a key-value pair
carDB["JSD 238"] = nil
Iterate over it
//for (license, car) in carDB{
//    print("\(car) has a license : \(license)")





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