云服务案例分析 BB平台 Quiz3

问题 1
An IT Architect is ( ).
a. a result seeker
b. a project manager
c. a product expert
d. a lone scientist
问题 2
Which of the followings may NOT be correct?
a. Regulations and governance are means to assuring some acceptable level of quality-of-service
b. Information systems allow separation of production and consumption of services
c. The world is becoming networked, dependent on information and information technology
d. Non Function Requirement is less useful to cloud system design
问题 3
Which one of the following activities is in the lower end of profit chain for IT industry?
a. manufacture a complicate device
b. build up a team to implement a technical consultation assignment
c. broadcast a product news to media
d. send emails to customers for an important product announcement
问题 4
To create a component model by applying patterns for e-Business, which one of the following statements could be incorrect ?
a. Model represents the application object that implements the application data and business logic. b. Back-end system is responsible for the business processes beyond the commerce processes
c. Controller is responsible for formatting the application results and dynamic page construction
d. Database stores information about the commerce application
问题 5
Which one of the following statements may NOT be true?
a. e-Business Solutions present unique challenges such as adapt to rapidly changing technologies and dramatically smaller product cycles.
b. Patterns for e-Business are proven and repeatable architectural constructs that occur across many engagements.
c. Patterns for e-business apply in the later stages of the lifecycle, when business processes are being analyzed and architectural level decisions are being made.
d. Fitting a pre-cut suit is much cheaper than creating one from scratch.
问题 6
Which one of the following statements may NOT be true?
a. Architecting deals almost entirely with measurables using analytic tools derived from mathematics and the hard sciences.
b. The IT Architect may be involved during the construction of a solution as an advocate for the client.
c. A Pattern is a prescriptive technology specification that describes the development, deployment, and operations environment of a class of computer applications.
d. The Operational Model is a representation of a network of computer systems.
问题 7
What may not be the objects of Business Pattern in Patterns for e-business?
a. Identify generalized aspects of business process interactions
b. Provide a non-technical view for not just the IT organization
c. Describe Interactions between the primary Business Actors
d. Describe a specific business process
问题 8
In Patterns for e-business, the Composite pattern means ( ).
a. When a group of Business and Integration patterns have been combined to address a specific set of business process requirements.
b. When the applications need to be accessible via multiple device types, including rich clients, browsers, voice response units, mobile devices, and PDAs.
c. When there is a need to describe the consideration on Performance, Capacity, Scalability, and Availability.
d. When a particular group of Business and Integration patterns become a frequent occurrence.
问题 9
Which one of the following statements may NOT be true?
a. Reuse of architectural knowledge and work products is not an important aspect of design approach.
b. This Systems Management discipline is particularly important in the Web environment as the potential impact of poor performance is that much greater.
c. Architectural Decisions depend on what is being architected, and in what context.
d. Great architects go beyond the role of intermediary to make a visionary combination of technology and purpose that exceeds the expectation of the builder or client.
问题 10
What is not the benefit for Ford to use e-Business Patterns?
a. Save money as multiple development environments cost more money
b. Rapid mapping from business requirements to application and infrastructure designs
c. Standard reusable building blocks selected and aggregated in Patterns grouped by layers
d. IBM won hardware standard for all platforms





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