
1> 打开eclipse的插件安装,Help—>Installations new SoftWare—>add
2> 插件地址为:
3> 最后重启STS即可。


<html xmlns:th="">
Thymeleaf - Eclipse Plugin module A plugin for the Eclipse IDE to add content assist features for the Thymeleaf standard dialect processors and expression utility objects, using the Eclipse Web Tools Platform HTML source editor. Current version: 2.1.2 Released: 4 March 2016 The 2.1.x versions of the Eclipse plugin are for Thymeleaf 2.1. Check out the 2.0-master branch for a version that supports Thymeleaf 2.0. Minimum Requirements Java 6 Thymeleaf 2.1.0 Eclipse Indigo SR2 (3.7.2) w/ Web Tools Platform 3.3.2 (ie: the Java EE Developer bundle) Installation In Eclipse, go to Help >> Install New Software... then either use the update site URL, or download a ZIP archive of the plugin from SourceForge: Update site URL: ZIP file downloads: Features Content Assist Content assist features are only available for dialects which have supplied special dialect metadata files in their JARs. thymeleaf-core, thymeleaf-spring3, thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity3, and thymeleaf-extras-tiles2 projects already have such files. Other dialects, however, are up to the discretion of their developer(s). If you're developing a Thymeleaf dialect and would like to take advantage of content assist for your own dialect, read the section on adding content assist for your dialect. Once those help files are available, you can make content assist available in your HTML files through 1 of 2 ways: 1. Declaring the dialect namespace and prefix in your HTML files This is the easiest method and you may have already done this to keep the XML validator happy: <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns:th=""> 2. Applying the Thymeleaf project nature to your project This method will make content assist available to all of the HTML files in your project, and is ideal for when you've organized your code to have plenty of reusable HTML fragments without a common root element on which to put the XML namespace. To add the Thymeleaf nature to your project: right-click a project >> Thymeleaf >> Add Thymeleaf Nature. Using either method, you should now start getting content assist for any dialect whose namespace is explicitly declared in your HTML files (method 1), or for every dialect in your project's classpath (method 2). This applies to suggestions as you type, autocompletion of what you've entered so far if it matches only one result (both of these can be invoked manually using CTRL+SPACE), and help text when hovering the cursor over a Thymeleaf processor. Adding content assist for your dialect The content assist features are driven by metadata about a dialect, currently done using XML files, conforming to a schema that lives at When content assist is invoked, this plugin will look for XML files in the classpath of the current project whose XML namespace is If such a file is found, it is loaded and the information in it is used to form the content assist data that the Eclipse plugin uses. Dialect developers can take advantage of this by including XML help files as part of their dialect JARs. All you need to do is create an XML file that conforms to the schema above, then bundle that XML file with your JAR. Some notes on where you put that file in the JAR: it cannot go in the default package the directory it goes in must be a valid Java package name These are just short-comings of the current dialect scanning method, which itself is built upon Eclipse's own lookup mechanisms.




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