微信小程序列表播放视频 播放当前视频上一个暂停



<!-- <text>pages/classification/classification.wxml</text> -->

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                <!--  蒙层 -->
                <!-- <view class="palyNum">{{ item.video.ppv }}次播放</view> -->
                <!-- <view class="timeLength">{{ filter.filter.returnMTime(item.course.duration) }}</view> -->

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            <view class="btn" bind:tap="eventDraw">生成海报</view>

        <view bindtap="hideModal" class="btn borderCl cancel">取消</view>

<!-- 海報彈框  hidden="{{hideCardModal}}" -->
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<!-- 下拉框弹出 -->
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// pages/classification/classification.js
const app = getApp();
const timeD = require("../../utils/util.js");

     * 页面的初始数据
    data: {
        tabListL: [
            { name: '精选课程1', id: 1 },
            { name: '精选课课程2', id: 2 },
            { name: '精选课程3', id: 3 },
            { name: '精选课课程4', id: 4 },
            { name: '精选课程5', id: 5 },
            { name: '精选课程6', id: 6 },
            { name: '精选7', id: 7 },
            { name: '精选选课选课8', id: 8 },
            { name: '精选9', id: 9 },
            { name: '精选课选课程10', id: 10 },
            { name: '精选课程11', id: 11 },
            { name: '精选课程12', id: 12 },
            { name: '精选课程13', id: 13 },
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        shareImage: '', // 生成海报图片
        hideCardModal: true, // 海報彈框
        name: '李大玄',
        flag: false,
        hasLogin: false,
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     * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
    onLoad: function (options) {
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            var scene = decodeURIComponent(options.scene);
            var courseId = scene.split('&')[0].split('=')[1];
                courseId: courseId
        } else if (options.courseId) {
                courseId: options.courseId
        // this.eventDraw();
        // this.getUserInfo();
            hideDownBox: false

     * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成
    onReady: function () {


     * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
    onShow: function () {


     * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏
    onHide: function () {
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     * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载
    onUnload: function () {


     * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作
    onPullDownRefresh: function () {


     * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数
    onReachBottom: function () {


     * 用户点击右上角分享
    onShareAppMessage: function () {

    switchTab(e) {
            currentTab: e.currentTarget.dataset.index
    // 点击cover播放,其它视频结束
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                    "ppv": 27710,
                    "lecturerInfo": "高级讲师:李鹏"
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                        "duration": 191
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                        "title": "体验一下人间疾苦!雷神健身房遭教练虐待",
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                        "ppv": 27710,
                        "lecturerInfo": "高级讲师:李鹏"
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                        "videoId": "54319f01af444951949611aafc9fa247",
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                        "merchantId": 304133,
                        "ppv": 27710,
                        "lecturerInfo": "高级讲师:李鹏"
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                        "price": 0.0000,
                        "duration": 191
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                        "nick": "阿萨德阿萨德阿萨德阿萨德阿萨德阿萨德",
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                        "title": "体验一下人间疾苦!雷神健身房遭教练虐待",
                        "videoId": "54319f01af444951949611aafc9fa247",
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                        "merchantId": 304133,
                        "ppv": 27710,
                        "lecturerInfo": "高级讲师:李鹏"
    // 小程序 发送给朋友
    onShareAppMessage: function (res) {
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                path: 'pages/index/index?courseId=' + courseId,
                imageUrl: cover, //不设置则默认为当前页面的截图
                success: (res) => {
                    wx.showToast({ title: res, icon: 'success', duration: 2000 })
                fail: (res) => {
                    wx.showToast({ title: res, icon: 'success', duration: 2000 })
    asdasd: function () {
            url: '../qwe/qwe',
    // 显示遮罩层  分享按钮的点击事件
    showModal: function (event) {
        // console.log(app.isAuthorized())
        // console.log(app.isAuthorized())
        if (!app.getLoginStatus() || app.isAuthorized() != 3) { //表示app未登录
        // 获取参数
        this.getWxQrcode(); // 调取接口  获取二维码
        var parameter = event.currentTarget.dataset; // 参数转存
        var that = this;

            hideModal: false,
            courseId: parameter.course_id,
            cover: parameter.cover,
            title: parameter.title,
            lecturerInfo: parameter.lecturerinfo.split(':')[1] + ' ' + parameter.lecturerinfo.split(':')[0]

        var animation = wx.createAnimation({
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            timingFunction: 'ease', //动画的效果 默认值是linear
        this.animation = animation
        setTimeout(function () {
            that.fadeIn(); //调用显示动画
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    // 隐藏遮罩层
    hideModal: function () {
        var that = this;
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            duration: 800, //动画的持续时间 默认800ms   数值越大,动画越慢   数值越小,动画越快
            timingFunction: 'ease', //动画的效果 默认值是linear
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        setTimeout(function () {
                hideModal: true
        }, 720) //先执行下滑动画,再隐藏模块

    fadeIn: function () {
            animationData: this.animation.export() //动画实例的export方法导出动画数据传递给组件的animation属性
    fadeDown: function () {
            animationData: this.animation.export(),
    eventSave() {
            filePath: this.data.shareImage,
            success(res) {
                    title: '保存图片成功',
                    icon: 'success',
                    duration: 2000
            fail: function (res) {
    closeFn() {
            hideCardModal: true,
            shareImage: '',
            painting: {}
    eventGetImage(event) {
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    // 每一个视频点击事件 展示原封面
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            this.setData({ flag: true })
    needLogin() {      //需要登录
            hasLogin: true
    requestErr() {   //接口报402时
        if (!app.getLoginStatus()) { //表示app未登录
        } else {

    visibleToggle(e) {
            hasLogin: e.detail
    // 点击分享按钮 获取小程序二维码
    getWxQrcode() {
        let that = this;
        that.setData({ wxQrcode: '' });
        let data = {
            scene: 'courseId=' + that.data.courseId, // 课程id
            page: 'pages/index/index',
            type: 1,
            isHyaline: true,
        app.apiRequest('/auth/wx/applet/qrcode', data, 'post').then(res => {
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                    wxQrcode: res.data.data
                // wx.showLoading({ title: res.data, duration: 2000 })
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                wx.showLoading({ title: JSON.stringify(res.data.code + ':' + res.data.message), duration: 2000 })
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            // handle error
    // 获取元素高度
    getPaddingTopFn() {
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        wx.createSelectorQuery().selectAll('.classification').boundingClientRect(function (rects) {
                paddingTop: rects[0].height,
    // 点击下拉按钮时
    downLoadMore() {
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                hideDownBox: true
    // 下拉tab栏点击事件
    tipItemBtn(e) {
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        this.data.tabListL.forEach((ele,i) => {
            if (ele.id == e.currentTarget.dataset.id) {
                item = ele;
                this.data.tabListL.splice(i, 1);
                    tabListL: this.data.tabListL
            hideDownBox: false

/* pages/classification/classification.wxss */

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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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/* -------------------------------- */

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/* 未关注 */

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/* 已关注 */

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/* 关注数 */

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/* 点赞数 */

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/* 分享数 */

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button::after {
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.BeforPreviewHand {
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/* 海報 */

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/* ---- 顶部下拉框 -------------------------------------------------- */

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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
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钱包余额 0


