Video fire detection based on Gaussian Mixture Model and multi-color 基于高斯混合模型和多色特征的视频火灾检测 (英文论文翻译)




Video fire detection based on Gaussian Mixture Model and multi-color features

Xian-Feng Han, Jesse S. Jin& Ming-Jie Wang

  • 天津大学,天津300072
  • Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
  • 航天智能控制科学技术国家重点实验室,北京100085
  • National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aerospace Intelligent Control, Beijing 100085, China


本文提出了一种从视频流中检测火灾的新方法。 它充分利用了火的运动特征和颜色信息。 首先,使用基于高斯混合模型的背景减法进行运动检测,以从视频流中提取运动对象。 。 最后,将以上两个步骤的结果结合起来,以确定准确的火灾区域。 通过在不同的火灾录像中使用该方法获得的实验结果表明,该方法具有较好的有效性,适应性和鲁棒性。

This paper proposes a new approach to detect fire from a video stream. It takes full advantage of the motion feature and color information of fire. Firstly, motion detection using Gaussian Mixture Model-based background subtraction is applied to extract moving objects from a video stream. Then, multi-color-based detection combining the RGB, HSI and YUV color space is employed to obtain possible fire regions. Finally, the results of the above two steps are combined to identify the accurate fire areas. The experimental results obtained by applying this method on different fire videos show that the proposed method can achieve better effectiveness, adaptability and robustness.

1 Introduction

早期火灾探测在预防生命和财产安全中起着重要作用[1]。 但是,传统的火灾探测技术[2]使用内置的烟雾和温度传感器。 激活传感器需要很长时间,这可能已经造成人身伤害和损坏。 传感器的检测半径是有限的[3],不能应用于开放或大空间,例如森林[4]。 而且,这些探测器无法给出有关火灾的有价值的信息,例如位置,规模[4,5]和燃烧程度[6]。 此外,常规传感器可能会产生错误(错误警报)[7]。

Early fire detection plays an important role in the prevention of life and property safety [1]. However, conventional fire detection technologies [2] use built-in smoke and temperature sensors. It takes a long time to activate sensors, which may have already caused injuries and damages. The detection radius of sensors is limited [3] and cannot be applied to an open or large space, such as forest [4]. Moreover, these detectors cannot give valuable information about fire such as location, scale [4,5] and burning degree [6]. In addition, the conventional sensors may produce errors (false alarm) [7].

当前,随着数码相机的广泛使用和视频处理技术的进步,视频火灾检测[8,9]显示出更好的灵活性,有效性和可靠性,并提出了解决上述传统传感器引起的问题的方案。 此外,视频火灾探测可以充分利用现有的视频设备。 因此,视频火灾探测越来越引起研究人员的关注。

Currently, with the wide use of digital cameras and advancement of video processing techniques, video fire detection [8,9] shows better flexibility, effectiveness and reliability and presents solutions to the above-mentioned problems caused by traditional sensors. Furthermore, video fire detection can make full use of existing video equipment. Therefore, video fire detection is attracting more and more attention among researchers.

在视频火灾探测方面取得了一些杰出的成就。 Cetin等。 [10]对近年来最先进的视频火灾探测方法进行了全面回顾,其中颜色是许多用于确定类似火灾候选区域的方法中使用的重要特征之一。 在此评论中,常用的色彩空间[11,12]是RGB [5,9,13–17],YUV [8,18],YCbCr [19–22],HIS [6],HSV [23,24]和 这些不同颜色空间的组合[2],YUV / RGB [25],YCbCr / RGB [26],RGB / HSI [2,27,28],RGB / HSV [29]。

Several outstanding achievements have been made in video fire detection. Cetin et al. [10] provided a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art video fire detection methods in recent years, where color being as one of the important features used in many approaches to determine the fire-like candidate regions. Commonly used color spaces [11,12] in this review are RGB [5,9,13–17], YUV [8,18], YCbCr [19–22], HIS [6], HSV [23,24]and the combination of these different color spaces [2], YUV/RGB [25], YCbCr/RGB [26], RGB/HSI [2,27,28], RGB/HSV [29]. Shidik et al. [30] presented a fire detection method using a multi-color features in the RGB, HSV and YCbCr spaces.

通过研究这些方法,我们提出了一种新方法,该方法使用高斯混合模型作为背景扣除方法,并利用RGB,HSI和YUV空间的多色特征来检测火灾。 该方法利用了运动特性和三种颜色空间的优点。 本文其余部分的组织如下: 图2说明了我们提出的方法的详细说明。 实验的结果和讨论出现在Sect中。 3.最后,在本节中有一个结论。 4。

By studying these methods, we propose a new approach, which uses Gaussian Mixture Model as a background subtraction method and employs a multi-color features using the RGB, HSI and YUV spaces to detect fire. This method makes use of the motion character and the advantages of three color spaces. The organization of the remainder of this paper is as follows: Sect. 2 illustrates a detail description of the method we proposed. The result and discussion of the experiment appear in Sect. 3. Finally, there is a conclusion in Sect. 4.

2 Fire detection

本文提出的方法主要包括两个关键步骤:(1)使用基于高斯混合模型的背景减法进行运动检测; (2)在移动物体上使用多色模型以滤除非射击物体。 每个步骤的详细说明将在以下小节中介绍。

The approach proposed in this paper is mainly composed of two critical steps: (1) motion detection using Gaussian Mixture Model-based background subtraction; (2) a multicolor model is used over moving objects to filter out non-fire objects. The detail description of each step will be presented in the following subsections.

2.1 Motion detection

在许多计算机视觉应用中,从视频中识别运动对象是一项基本而关键的任务[31]。 由于可以自然地将火视作视频中的运动对象,因此可以使用运动角色来确定类似火的区域。

Identifying moving objects from a video is a fundamental and critical task in many computer-vision applications [31]. Because fire can be naturally viewed as a moving object in the video, the motion character can be utilized to determine the fire-like region.


Background subtraction [2,9,15,28,32], being as one of outstanding moving object detection algorithms, has been applied extensively in the video fire detection.

为了滤除视频流中类似文件的背景对象,基于高斯混合模型[33]的背景减法被用作该方法的第一步,以消除背景干扰并检测前景中的运动对象。 GMM将每个像素的值建模为K高斯分布的混合。 在有效性,鲁棒性和适应性方面,GMM算法优于其他背景建模算法。 该公式定义如下。

In order to filter out the file-like background object in video streams, Gaussian Mixture Model [33]-based background subtraction is used as the first step of the proposed method to remove the disturbance of background and detect moving objects in the foreground. The GMM models the values of each pixel as a mixture of K Gaussian distributions. The GMM algorithm outperforms other background modeling algorithms in terms of effectiveness, robustness and adaptability. The formula is defined as follows.

R m o t i o n ( i , j , n ) = g m m ( I ( i , j , n ) ) (1) \tag{1} R_{motion}(i,j,n)=gmm(I(i,j,n)) Rmotion(i,j,n)=gmm(I(i,j,n))(1)

其中I表示视频流中的第n个图像帧。 R是GMM算法的结果,即前景移动区域。 函数gmm()表示高斯混合模型算法的操作。 图1显示了使用GMM对三个不同的火灾视频流进行运动检测的结果。

where I denotes the nth image frame in a video stream. R is the result of the GMM algorithm, namely foreground moving region. Function gmm() indicates the operation of the Gaussian Mixture Model algorithm. Figure 1 shows the results of motion detection using the GMM over three different fire video streams.

图1使用高斯混合模型进行运动检测的结果。 a–c来自三个不同视频流的原始图像。 d–f在前景中检测到的移动对象分别对应于a–c

Fig. 1 Result of motion detection using Gaussian Mixture Model. a–c Original images from three different videos streams. d–f Moving objects detected in foreground corresponding to a–c, respectively

2.2 Multi-color detection

众所周知,颜色是着火的最显着特征,它已被广泛用于区分火与其他物体。 因此,所提出方法的第二步是颜色检测,它结合了RGB,HSI和YUV颜色空间以获得可能的起火区域。

It is well known that color is the most notable feature of fire, which has been widely used for distinguishing the fire from other objects. Therefore, the second step of the proposed approach is color detection, which combines the RGB, HSI and YUV color spaces to obtain the possible fire areas.

2.2.1 RGB

使用RGB的原因是几乎所有可见范围的摄像机都以RGB格式捕获视频[10],并且光谱内容显然与RGB空间相关。根据先前关于火灾检测和火灾图像分析的方法,存在多种颜色的火灾。红色到黄色的颜色范围是消防展览的初始阶段。相应的RGB值定义为 R ≥ G > B R≥G> B RG>B 。此外,由于在火像中R通道占主导地位,因此应给R一个较大的值。这为R增加了另一个条件,即R必须超过阈值 R T R_T RT 。但是,背景光条件可能会对火灾的饱和度产生不利影响,从而导致错误的火灾检测(将非火灾像素视为火灾)。因此,像素的饱和度值也应设置为高于阈值的值,以避免上述影响。基于这些事实,在我们的研究中采用[27,28,34,35]中总结的规则从图像中提取火灾候选对象,并在以下描述中进行介绍:

The reason for using RGB is that almost all visible range cameras capture video in RGB format [10] and the spectral content obviously associates with RGB space. According to previous approaches on fire detection and analysis of fire images, there are various colors of fire. And red-to-yellow color range is the initial stage of the fire exhibition. The corresponding RGB value is defined as R ≥ G > B R ≥ G > B R





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