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https://kezunlin.me | C++ and Python. Computer Vision and Deep Learning

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原创 python有用代码合集 旋转图像/base64图像编码/json序列化/request爬取网页等

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/77697d8d/,欢迎阅读最新内容!python useful tools and code snippetsGuideflipimport cv2image = cv2.imread("demo.jpg")# Flipped Horizontally 水平翻转h_flip = cv2.flip(image, ...

2019-12-31 17:50:14 1143

原创 C 中自定义类2种自增运算的代码实现和区别

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/caef83a3/,欢迎阅读最新内容!cpp i vs i for user defined classGuidecode#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <vector...

2019-12-31 17:49:12 961

原创 如何使用resty命令行客户端和http rest服务进行交互

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/4f5f98b9/,欢迎阅读最新内容!how to install and use resty command line client for interacting with rest servicesGuideinstallYou have curl, right? Okay. curl -L https:/...

2019-12-30 08:35:45 1449

原创 C 中如何使用CUDA进行高性能大规模矩阵乘法运算?

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/ad5c5bd9/,欢迎阅读最新内容!cublasSgemm for large matrix multiplication on gpu in C GuidePart 1:cpp cuda programming tutorialPart 2: cuda activation kernelsPart 3: cubl...

2019-12-26 15:41:41 647

原创 C 中如何使用CUDA自己实现常用的深度学习激活函数?

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/ee123cac/,欢迎阅读最新内容!how to implement deep learning activation kernels with cuda in c GuidePart 1:cpp cuda programming tutorialPart 2: cuda activation kernelsPar...

2019-12-25 16:16:16 1207

原创 caffe和pytorch如何从文件file和流stream中导入模型?| load model from file and stream for caffe and pytorch

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/5898412/,欢迎阅读最新内容!load model from file and stream for caffe and pytorchGuidecaffeload from fileenum caffe::Phase phase = caffe::Phase::TEST;std::string proto_...

2019-12-23 08:10:02 908

原创 如何在动态链接库dll/so中导出自定义的模板类template class

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/4ec4ae49/,欢迎阅读最新内容!how to implement a template class with c and export in dll/soGuidequestions模板类必须在header中实现,而不能在cpp中实现,否则作为dll调用进行链接的时候回出错。common solut...

2019-12-20 08:14:41 1279

原创 5种智能指针指向数组的方法| 5 methods for c shared_ptr point to an array

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/b82753fc/,欢迎阅读最新内容!5 methods for c shared_ptr point to an arrayGuideshared_ptrPrior to C 17, shared_ptr could not be used to manage dynamically allocated arra...

2019-12-19 12:49:57 1041

原创 nlohmann 最优秀的C 序列化工具库 详细入门教程

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/f3c3eb8/,欢迎阅读最新内容!tutorial to use nlohmann json for serializing data with modern cppGuideinclude#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>// for convenienceusing json...

2019-12-18 09:57:49 1158

原创 C 如何用百行代码实现线程安全的并发队列 | concurrent queue or blocking queue implemented in cpp

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/cabccf5c/,欢迎阅读最新内容!concurrent queue or blocking queue implemented in cppGuideintroductionWhere produce-consumer pattern is present it is often the case that one ...

2019-12-17 08:10:52 952

原创 你的首个golang语言详细入门教程 | your first golang tutorial

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/a0fb7f06/,欢迎阅读最新内容!your first golang tutorialgo tutorialversions:go: 1.13.1install wget https://dl.google.com/go/go1.13.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz sudo t...

2019-12-16 09:06:48 927

原创 如何使用1行代码让你的C 程序控制台输出彩色log信息

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/a201e11b/,欢迎阅读最新内容!colorwheel for colored print and trace for cpp programsGuideinstall sudo wget -O /usr/include/colorwheel.h https://raw.githubusercontent.c...

2019-12-13 08:24:35 833

原创 C 如何使用宏定义来简化代码性能测试 | cpp macro like function to implement a performance profiler

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/65dc693d/,欢迎阅读最新内容!cpp macro like function to implement a performance profilerGuidemacro expansionsname ===> quote as strings "xxx"name, name ===> xxxa ##...

2019-12-12 08:04:07 943

原创 ubuntu上编译和使用easy_profiler对C 程序进行性能分析

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/91b7cf13/,欢迎阅读最新内容!tutorial to compile and use esay profiler with c on ubuntu 16.04Guidecompile git clone https://github.com/yse/easy_profiler.git cd e...

2019-12-11 08:12:29 1550

原创 使用opencv和numpy实现矩阵相乘和按元素相乘 matrix multiplication vs element-wise multiplication

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/1e37a6/,欢迎阅读最新内容!opencv and numpy matrix multiplication vs element-wise multiplicationGuideopencvMatrix multiplication is where two matrices are multiplied direc...

2019-12-10 08:55:00 1665

原创 flask的模板引擎jinja入门教程 包含一个通过网络实时传输Video视频流的示例

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/1e37a6/,欢迎阅读最新内容!tutorial to use python flask jinja templates and a realtime video demoGuideJinja delimitersThe default Jinja delimiters are configured as follow...

2019-12-09 08:10:33 1181

原创 pymongo和mongoengine安装和使用教程 包含常用命令行和代码示例

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/e88f04e5/,欢迎阅读最新内容!pymongo and mongoengine tutorial on ubuntu 16.04Guideversionmongo 2.6.10mongo gui: robo3t-1.3.1pymongo 3.9.0MongoEngine 0.18.2install ...

2019-12-07 09:22:32 1204

原创 C# 如何添加自定义键盘处理事件 如何配置app.config ? | csharp key press event tutorial and app.config

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/9f24ebb5/,欢迎阅读最新内容!csharp key press event tutorial and app.configGuideMainForm protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData) { ...

2019-12-06 08:15:52 909

原创 keras RAdam优化器使用教程, keras加载模型包含自定义优化器报错 如何解决?

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/c691f02b/,欢迎阅读最新内容!python keras RAdam tutorial and load custom optimizer with CustomObjectScopeRAdamusageimport kerasimport numpy as npfrom keras_radam import ...

2019-12-05 08:22:08 2235 2

原创 keras EfficientNet介绍,在ImageNet任务上涨点明显 | keras efficientnet introduction

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/88fbc049/,欢迎阅读最新内容!keras efficientnet introductionGuideAbout EfficientNet Modelscompared with resnet50, EfficientNet-B4 improves the top-1 accuracy from 76.3% ...

2019-12-04 08:11:23 1611

原创 C# 使用Json.NET对数据进行序列化和反序列化

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/22391aa3/,欢迎阅读最新内容!c# json serialize and deserialize using json.net JsonConvertGuideJson.NETJsonConvert.SerializeObjectJsonConvert.DeserializeObjectinstall...

2019-12-03 11:04:23 1153

原创 keras对图像数据进行增强 | keras data augmentation

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/8db507ff/,欢迎阅读最新内容!keras data augmentationGuidecode# import the necessary packagesfrom keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGeneratorfrom keras.preprocess...

2019-12-02 09:21:37 910

原创 keras使用多GPU并行训练模型 | keras multi gpu training

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/95370db7/,欢迎阅读最新内容!keras multi gpu trainingGuidemultigpumodelimport tensorflow as tffrom keras.applications import Xceptionfrom keras.utils import multi_gpu_mo...

2019-11-30 10:32:31 1125

原创 ubuntu 16.04上源码编译和安装cgal并编写CMakeLists.txt | compile and install cgal on ubuntu 16.04

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/39ab7ed9/,欢迎阅读最新内容!compile and install cgal on ubuntu 16.04Guideversion: 4.13.1install wget https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/releases/download/releases/CGAL...

2019-11-29 14:30:16 1594

原创 linux服务器上配置进行kaggle比赛的深度学习tensorflow keras环境详细教程

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/6b505d27/,欢迎阅读最新内容!full guide tutorial to install and configure deep learning environments on linux serverQuick GuidepreparetoolsMobaXterm (for windows)ssh ...

2019-11-29 08:09:11 1012

原创 windows 10使用vscode进行远程代码开发 | tutorial to use vscode for remote development using ssh on windows

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/c93b6ba6/,欢迎阅读最新内容!tutorial to use vscode for remote development using ssh on windowsGuideserver sudo apt-get install openssh-serverlocalinstall ssh-cli...

2019-11-28 18:44:49 902

原创 Ubuntu 16.04上源码编译和安装pytorch教程,并编写C Demo CMakeLists.txt

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/54e7a3d8/,欢迎阅读最新内容!tutorial to compile and use pytorch on ubuntu 16.04PyTorch for Pythoninstall pytorch from anaconda conda info --envs conda activate py...

2019-11-28 10:30:52 2118

原创 使用OpenCL提升OpenCV图像处理性能 | speed up opencv image processing with OpenCL

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/59afd8b3/,欢迎阅读最新内容!speed up opencv image processing with OpenCLGuideOpenCL is a framework for writing programs that execute on these heterogenous platforms. The ...

2019-11-27 09:58:32 1129

原创 Ubuntu 16.04上anaconda安装和使用教程,安装jupyter扩展等 | anaconda tutorial on ubuntu 16.04

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/23014ca5/,欢迎阅读最新内容!anaconda tutorial on ubuntu 16.04Guideversions:ubuntu 16.04conda 4.6.14python 3.7.3 (default)python 3.5.6 (env)Install Condadownload An...

2019-11-27 08:07:42 989

原创 ubuntu 16.04 上编译和安装C 机器学习工具包mlpack并编写mlpack-config.cmake

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/1cd6a04d/,欢迎阅读最新内容!tutorial to compile and install mplack on ubuntu 16.04Guidemlpack: a scalable C machine learning librarydependenciesArmadillo >= 6.500....

2019-11-26 08:53:51 925

原创 使用OpenCV和imagezmq通过网络实时传输视频流

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/b8847d9f/,欢迎阅读最新内容!live video streaming over network with opencv and imagezmqGuideimagezmq git clone https://github.com/jeffbass/imagezmq.gitimagezmq has b...

2019-11-26 08:33:32 1525

原创 3个例子详解C 11 中push_back 和 emplace_back差异

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/b83bc460/,欢迎阅读最新内容!cpp11 pushback and emplacebackGuidecase1#include <iostream>#include <vector>class A{public: A (int x_arg) : x (x_arg) { std:...

2019-11-22 08:32:07 899

原创 使用TensorRT对caffe和pytorch onnx模型进行fp32和fp16推理

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/bcdfb73c/,欢迎阅读最新内容!tensorrt fp32 fp16 tutorial with caffe pytorch minist modelSeriesPart 1: install and configure tensorrt 4 on ubuntu 16.04Part 2: tensorrt fp3...

2019-11-20 10:21:48 1920 1

原创 python gui tkinter快速入门教程 | python tkinter tutorial

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/d5c57f56/,欢迎阅读最新内容!python tkinter tutorialGuidemain uimessagebox- showinfo()- showwarning()- showerror()- askquestion()- askokcancel()- askyesno()- askre...

2019-11-19 17:46:41 1033

原创 使用OpenMP加快OpenCV图像处理性能 | speed up opencv image processing with openmp

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/7a6ba82e/,欢迎阅读!speed up opencv image processing with openmpSeriesPart 1: compile opencv on ubuntu 16.04Part 2: compile opencv with CUDA support on windows 10Pa...

2019-11-18 11:00:19 1113

原创 快速遍历OpenCV Mat图像数据的多种方法和性能分析 | opencv mat for loop

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/61d55ab4/,欢迎阅读!opencv mat for loopSeriesPart 1: compile opencv on ubuntu 16.04Part 2: compile opencv with CUDA support on windows 10Part 3: opencv mat for loop...

2019-11-18 10:58:22 1183

原创 windows 10 上源码编译OpenCV并支持CUDA | compile opencv with CUDA support on windows 10

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/6580691f/,欢迎阅读!compile opencv with CUDA support on windows 10SeriesPart 1: compile opencv on ubuntu 16.04Part 2: compile opencv with CUDA support on windows 10...

2019-11-18 10:45:02 819

原创 caffe网络在多线程中无法使用GPU的解决方案 | cpp caffe net run in multiple threads

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/8d877e63/,欢迎阅读!cpp caffe net run in multiple threadsGuideset_modeCaffe fails to use GPU in a new thread ???see here the `Caffe::mode_` variable that controls...

2019-11-18 10:23:18 942

原创 使用boost实现线程池thread pool | boost thread pool example

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/f241bd30/,欢迎阅读!boost thread pool exampleGuideboost thread pool example with cpp codecode example#include <iostream> //std::cout std::endl#include <...

2019-11-18 10:12:54 987

原创 ubuntu 16.04源码编译和配置caffe详细教程 | Install and Configure Caffe on ubuntu 16.04

本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/b90033a9/,欢迎阅读!Install and Configure Caffe on ubuntu 16.04SeriesPart 1: Install and Configure Caffe on windows 10Part 2: Install and Configure Caffe on ubuntu 1...

2019-11-18 10:10:48 1106



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